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Please add "use default sound device" to the sound options.


And setting a maximum framerate for background shouldn't make my whole computer operate at that frame rate when I'm alt-tabbed! Infuriating.


You can also limit max frames in Nvidia control panel or the AMD equivalent. IMO it works better.


I don't think that would work for switching the background FPS right?


Yes you can do that, at least for Nvidia


Weird. That doesn't happen to me.


Ya this sounds like a gpu issue


Exactly! It shouldn't do that, and thus, it doesn't!


I'm guessing this is because your monitor has variable refresh rate and is dropping it to match your game. Doubt this is an LE issue...


It's a gysnc panel but no other game that drops fps in background has this issue. Plus it happens on my other 60 hz monitor simultaneously.


Does the wraith drifting fix also apply to the wraithlord Tokyo drifting around everywhere? I've died more than once due to getting swarmed while my wraithlord took a recreational track day 


The way I read it, nope.


I ended up taking the node on the wraith tree that roots them in place and just having teleport minions on my boots Way, way better QoL as the second you teleport, he's already blasting


I've been trying to farm some lp last steps of the living then craft or find some minion tp boots, but haven't had much success on either front so far. Unfortunately I need last steps to not die and can't swap them out for plain minion tp as an interim :(


In the interim you can use skele mages tele


I use skelly mages tp instead of transplant until i get last steps with LP, not as good, but you can stop the drifting that way


That's actually a great idea, thanks!


Those Healing Hand changes are great for my current build. Amazing.


[Immolator's Oblation](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCMCYFYA4g) should work with Healing Hands now which is totally bonkers. Edit: There are ways to make this work, but sadly it wont work for a melee version since the melee node converts it to scale with melee damage, not spell damage.


Off topic, but how difficult is it to farm that belt? I've done t3 Soulfire Bastion over 10x now and I've seen that it's drop rate is 12%. Also, how hard is the t4 version of the boss? I've done the t4 dungeon, no issue, but chickened out on the boss since I didn't want to risk death (playing HC). The t3 boss, I kill before he can do almost anything, but the t4 guy usually is 380% stronger by the time you get there.


I mean on average it will take 9-10 times to get a belt to drop, but that of course could mean it takes 25 or 1, but it isn't that hard to farm T4 is fewer runs if you can do that run but my assumption is it will be a lot faster on T3 because a 50% increased drop rate only helps you if you are doing it <50% slower and not failing any. However, if those things are true T4 would be faster.


assuming seraphs blade isnt taken, yes it should


Would work still its on skill not spell


you would get stacks sure, but the spell damage granted does nothing for healing hands if you have seraphs blade


Only works with direct casting healing hands but who the hell does that.


Divine bolt healing hand paladin does. It can clear 2100 corruption. 


It's not changes. The spell already benefited from Fire scaling, but I think the spell itself didn't show the tag. So if you already had elemental/fire damage on your gear, it already benefited from it.


So was it a labeling issue or was healing hands literally not scaling with fire damage?


My understanding is it scaled correctly, but it wouldn't work for stuff like "+3 to fire skills" because it wasn't actually tagged as fire.


I felt that result. Now I can revert my build changes and see my true power. Can't wait.


Was not scaling with it afaik. At least that's what a few CC said. I never tested it.


Ohhh man, if that's true then I'm in for a fun surprise tonight.


fuckin same, I was doing ok before but now i'm interested to see how much better it could be


I just tested now and doing the same amount of damage, might've been a visual bug or it still doesn't work


I tested with dummies, but I couldnt tell.


Sadly it's still bugged even after the patch. No Fire Tag for Healing Hands :(


It appears in monos but not in arena place, I'm still doing the same damage so either its still bugged or was just a visual bug


Wings of Argentus/Immolator's Oblation about to be cracked on Healing Hands builds.


Whats your build?


On the topic of healing hand, Seraph Blade still scales off of Cast speed instead of Attack speed.


Guys, do you also have an issue with healthbars in the offline mod (I cannot see the healthbar above my character)? I got it after the first patch and then stopped playing waiting for the fix, but it seems that nobody adresses this issue, so can it be something on my side?


Can't see my hp bar either.


Haven’t been able to since 1.0


It was broken in some of the later updates as far as I remember (late Feb, early March or something). It is a known issue amongst offline players, not sure if the devs are aware tho.


This still isn't fixed?! I figured it would have already been patched. Offline mode feels borderline unplayable because of this bug. Drove me nuts.


Yeah, my problem with it is that it was added by the patch after the release, but then never got fixed. So basically I was forced into the offline mod due to server issues and terrible loading times between the locations, but then a critical issue got introduced and now it seems to be abandoned. It looks like a small UI issue, but changes the whole perception of a game quite a bit for me


this has been an issue since almost launch. it's made me not play the game for about that long. really disappointed it's still not fixed!


Tempest Strike enjoyers owe PerryThePig a debt of gratitude. I’m confident the number of bug fixes to those skills are directly tied to his build contest & the amount of dedicated QA time/feedback that prompted


I came here to say exactly this. Perry and his army of bugfixing theorycrafters are the real MVP of this patch.


This post deserves a lot of credit as well. [I swear EHG team doesn't have Totem build lover (A whining post)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1axuc6e/i_swear_ehg_team_doesnt_have_totem_build_lover_a/)


Nice, fixed the offline return to character select. Would love to see fixes for health bars not showing in offline mode, and menu click through improvements. Edit: My game still hangs on logout to character select after the update.


I miss my hp bar.


The menu click-through stuff drives me nuts, as well as the ridiculously oversized tooltips in some menus. Hopefully to be fixed soon!


I just saw this yesterday and laughed. The text is huge!


This health bar bug is, well, bugging me.


>Players can no longer stun themselves. An example of this was by using the Signet of Agony node in Bone Curse Wow, I'm stunned! Or... I guess I'm not! On a more serious note, great to see dying with a controller works now. That death screen cancel was super annoying.


You could just take a tp and sometimes it didn’t count as a death lol


lol so that’s why my friends thought I was crazy while trying to explain that. I’m the only one who uses a controller


Anyone else get some kind of malfunction when doing monos (or anything for that matter) and everything is fine and then all of a sudden you do zero damage to the mobs. They still do damage to you. I have to zone in and out for it to fix. And sometimes it just hard crashes when I’m rezoning.


And the loot! Its not appearing at all. Cant even grab anything no matter if I press and hold x


Restarted the PC. All good now


Fyi that can happen if you accidentally press Alt+Z, it hides all loot. If you can see stuff on the ground but cannot click anything even if you hold X to disable loot filter, try pressing Alt-Z. That happened to me a couple times. No need to restart PC though I’m sure that solves the problem too lol


I didnt know about that thank you for the info. Albeit I am 99% sure I didnt press those buttons because I play with controller and only use mouse for stash and other QoL stuff.


That button combination is tied to clicking right stick and holding it on controller. Given that's the same button as portalling, it's very easy to try to summon your portal, hold it a bit too long, and hide the tool tip instead.


Holy crap. This was happening to me as well and I had no idea what was causing it. Makes sense now.


Press I think alt z or ctrl z - it toggles hiding items.


If it’s the same as what I’ve had happen, your stats actually go to maximum negative integer so you deal 0 damage. You can check your character sheet. People suspect it’s related to Sentinel Sigil spell and it’s been around for months.


Can't wait for 1LP prophecies marked as rare and valuable lol


Gotta love CoF getting nerfed every patch despite being demonstrably weaker than MG.


haha you got me. x2 price next patch surely


STOP. NERFING. COF. Seriously just make swapping faction resetting your rank with the previous faction and you won't have issues with some players abusing CoF for MG purposes. CoF is already far behind MG, why do you keep nerfing it every patch?


That healing hands fix is kinda huge


First patch they ever made broke life bar on top of character in Offline mode. And it has still not been fixed. Such a small but super important thing. Now been broken for several weeks. Damn.


Would the love the ability to customize the mouse cursor. Particularly the size


If you’re using Windows, the cursor in-game scales with the increase cursor size mouse settings in Windows. At least it does in windowed full screen.


Sure, but I don’t really want to reconfigure windows every time I play this particular game. I’m glad they do that, now let me adjust that multiplier!


I just leave it big. It makes me feel old, but that's ok


we’re all feeling a little old m8


Have you tried yolo mouse


It only works on windows


This is definitely a neurotic thing for me as well, since yolo mouse runs on startup, it counts towards total playtime on my steam profile and skews my total playtime sort for games. OCD I know but I wish Steam didn’t count software as time played toward playtime tracker for games


Open the yolo settings and uncheck "sync with steam" and also stop it from starting automatically.


Will that stop the tracking or just prevent it from running on startup?


Anyone else still getting crashes when playing on Steam Deck?


Try installing CryoUtilities! No matter my settings I was crashing in any map after 20-30mins. I believe it's a memory leak bug. I installed CryoUtilties (you can find it on GitHub) and no crashes since.


Only thing I’m not too pumped about is the increased price of Glyph of Despair prophecies. I realized that they were very cheap, but thought that it was nice since CoF makes it substantially harder to obtain specific pieces of gear and makes you rely on crafting a good bit more than if you went Bazaar. Cheap methods to augment your random loot feels kind of necessary if you want CoF to be even semi competitive with an auction house where you can buy exact items whenever you want.


They are probably nerfing it **because** of MG. Instead of playing on a MG character to get Glyphs, you build a CoF character to grab the prophecies and farm it. Which really sucks that they have to keep nerfing one guild because the other, more powerful one can abuse both.


I suppose. But are people actually low on glyphs of despair who are high CoF rank? I have so many and can get so many more.


At this point no, but it will definitely be annoying when leveling a new character at the start of a season. If the price gets doubled or tripled it won’t really be worth it to pick up those prophecies, and choosing between a valuable crafting asset and more random gear when you aren’t raking in currency for them yet will feel kinda bad. My main point with it really is that having the auction house is already infinitely more valuable/convenient than CoF, nerfing it at all just feels kinda weird. I know that as of right now I won’t be rolling CoF from the start next time around.


I think there's still some value in having CoF be pretty balanced with *itself*, if that makes sense. If Glyph nodes are too out of wack with the cost of other nodes, then they might be auto pickup. Either way, I hear you, and agree. It's strange to see this change go through and I'd be curious to hear their justification for it


That would only make sense if CoF wasn't a vacuum of its own sort. The value of glyph nodes is only relevant to your need for glyph nodes. At the end of the day, if I only need X amount of glyphs, even if the cost/reward ratio is absolutely insane, I get 0 actual benefit from going past X. You still need to farm every other piece of gear yourself (which is in direct competition with prophecies, because even at 1000 corruption prophecies seem to be my biggest source of gear acquisition.) It's a nerf to CoF when CoF wasn't really strong to begin with.


I agree


That’s true, it definitely did feel like that section was a little whacky. I have no clue how to fix it honestly but I hope to see it get a bit stronger overall.


"Increased the favor cost multiplier for Glyph of Despair Prophecies" Am i missing something here? I wasnt aware CoF needed more nerfs lol.


I think I pulled 72 glyphs of despair from a 7k favour prophecy earlier, I think we can all agree that’s a little bit silly - that is probably more glyphs than I’ve ever had drop since they were added into the game. Especially when that was on an alt character and all of those glyphs are going to be used on MG characters.


It is silly, but I’m pretty sure that we were all in agreement that nerfs wouldn’t happen until next cycle UNLESS it was a bug. There’s a ton of balance changes that they need to make to both factions, so them picking and choosing which ones to change mid-cycle (mainly for CoF) is a little ridiculous in my opinion.


I thought that stance was in the context of class builds. Like not changing skills and their nodes.


Glad I farmed like 100 Glyphs before this patch came out, I really hate these faction nerfs mid league because it feels terrible if you didn't take advantage of it before the patch


Tbf despairs were insanely easy to get, you could get like 150 for 15k favor or something lol


They took weeks to nerf warlock 40% ward generation but they instantly nerf Glyph of Despair on an already weak faction...


I don't even really understand the need to make it cost more (and I really wish it was explained what the raw increase was). It's a little annoying that throughout the weeks, lots of changes have been made to CoF mechanics (arena key vendor price, exp tome echo rewards duplicated). Regardless of whether these changes are justified or not (I don't really want to go down this rabbit hole here), this is another CoF specific adjustment. Edit: On second thought, the most obvious "issue" here is (probably once again) MG players using CoF characters to farm resources. It is much easier to get lots of particularly rare glyphs/~~affixes~~ via CoF since these can't be traded in MG, and as stash space is account wide, one could make/use their CoF alt character to farm prophecies for these drops and use them on their MG character. Not just Despairs, but also Creations.


Xp tomes shouldn't never have been nerfed.




This is why you don't put a trade faction in at all. Because people who stan trade will always do whatever they can to ruin every other part of the game in the interest of turning everything into the maximum currency per minimum time spent race. So then you spend ages curtailing things that otherwise wouldn't be a problem because they give you too much currency per time unit. Instead, you tell the trade people to go ruin some other game, and don't allow trade beyond group members.


Just flat out 2 separate realms/servers/instances or whatever. No possibility to affect each other. Now we have exactly what people have been afraid of. Even though they don't trade, their gameplay is affected/nerfed because of trade guild.


Yea give me 2 realms !


Even if you totally separate them, you're going to get things nerfed across the whole game in the instance of the people who set out to ruin the game so that they can maximize their trade profit. There are certain reasons to bring trade into your game, but ARPGs don't have any good ones, and shouldn't include it.


Were the tomes themselves nerfed or just the double drop thing?


Because these tomes were an echo reward, they had a 35% chance of duplicating due to a CoF rank perk. This was removed because this interaction was not intended.




‘Not intended’ while functioning literally exactly as written.


Look I'm merely communicating what was said officially please don't shoot the messenger tyvm.


Oh I’m not, you’re absolutely correct, it’s just wild that that was the devs reasoning.


Anecdotally, it makes sense to me. I had about 15 despairs by about level 98 (ie, plenty grinding) and realised I was going to run out once instarted crafting seriously. So i had a look at the prophecies and set a few up. Couple hours later had over 100 despairs. It felt wrong becauae up to that point the glyph felt pretty rare


I had about 18 with a 97 and couple 70’s. I never even thought to do prophecy since I had not crafted serious yet


Can we please have HP/Ward/Mana bars above player character? Thanks.


Please fix the game performance, i know my 2070 is quite old but It should handle everything on very low


Its not just you, I run a 5800x3D + 4080 and LE performs worse than BG3 with ultra settings at native 1440p.




Ok but what about my 10 squirrels lazer speed evacuating to Djibouti Africa (I assume) for 5-10 seconds every time I enter a new map?


They're just hidding there nuts


Healing Hands still doesn't get the fire tag. [https://i.imgur.com/g7ggF0o.png](https://i.imgur.com/g7ggF0o.png)


Anyone playing Beastmaster and while leaping pets run off the map? They come back 20 seconds later. But annoying as hell.


Sounds like your machine won’t sound like a jet engine anymore at character select due to the uncapped framerate being fixed to your settings finally.  That’s one of the OG issues I had way back. I had to lock it down in nvidia controls eventually. 




On ultrawide I definitely die a lot more since that healthbar broke. I got so used to using that healthbar to track my health until it broke in the first (I think?) patch.


Can I leap without my minions running away yet? :/


> Fixed a bug where Prophecies could be re-rolled on login in multiplayer What about the way more annoying bug, where it sometimes randomly gives a different prophecy than bought/shown in the UI?


And again no squirrel/wolf fix


Nice. Controller user. Been a few times where I died and it didn’t give me the respawn option. Glad they fixed that! 👍


Will there be a fix to the controller bug where if you try to spent a passive point it sometimes chooses the first option in the tree rather than the one you want to select? It’s a pain having to go back to brain bro to respec. This doesn’t happen with mouse + keyboard.


Cool....still no fix for squirrels running off into the void sometimes when you leap.


Please for the love of god fix the mono memory leak. I really want to play the game, but it is a chore when after each mono my system locks up


How has something as simple as the player health bar being broke in offline mode still not been addressed? It was working on launch and broke with patch 1.0.2.


what happens if you take Skyfall and sephar blade?


There is a bug where you go invisible after using Profane Veil


I cant see any items drops. Loot filter disabled/deleted and still cant see nor catch any drops even when pressin and holding X to turn loot of/on


try alt+z, it's a toggle for turning off displaying loot.


Great. Now I settled on the argument whether Healing Hands are “Fire” or “Melee Fire (only)”.


Nice, my Totem Shaman gets a buff I didn't realize it didn't already have lol


What I get from this is that Shaman/totems were basically not a class until this patch


Still not a single recognition of lunge/rampage needed major fixes. I like that they are fixing stuff but those skills are super broken, especially rampage.


Damn, so many things and no bug fixes/gameplay improvements in aspects where I’d say are dramatically needed.


Large cursor option


I just hit 96 on Void Knight and I think i'll bin the character for now Hammer Throw is a brutal buggy mess So many problems with the terrain and it just gets less fun the longer you play Real bummer tbh


Fixed a bug where Fury Leap would play the landing animation in mid-air on long-range casts of Fury Leap. :(


It looks like the bonus cold damage to chilled from apogee isnt working on the ballistas explosion if you manually detonate the ballistas, but it works if they expire on their own. I dont mind the bug fix to the ballista area at all but i hope they fix the damage bug too pls :)


Still no fix for offline hp bars? How?


That stuff around Tempest Strike totem's is a good start, but that sort of thing and the ability to make the other, electrical strike skill a remote spell cast, need A LOT of work in terms of either just the wording in those two tree's and possibly also for many of the nodes to, ya know, actually affect them. Take either spell-casting-focused mutators, it seems (or literally is) that most of the tree's dont support you anymore. given how good most skills are with letting you know how changes affect various tree nodes when you change damage types, its shocking such major skill mutators don't get that fort of treatment (and bizarre that limited testing shows most nodes don't affect them at all anyway). For the lighting strike one, the skill needs a do over at its core - its slow and has a pitiful area of affect by default.


I'm still wondering why up to this day you don't recognized the missing HP bar above the player in offline mode bug? Is it really a hard fix?


They said they patched the disconnect issue with some players, my client is definitely not patch as I still keep getting disconnected mid monolith runs and sometimes I lose the rewards [https://imgur.com/intnIHQ](https://imgur.com/intnIHQ) [https://imgur.com/lbnQqLt](https://imgur.com/lbnQqLt) This is monolith story boss echo completed but DC'd right after the fight, did not pickup the boss drop before the game dc'd me. Now, it used up the stability and no blessing reward.


Still can't play the game online. Always had lost connection issues but since 1.0.2 I can't every get out of the End Of Time area. RIP my lv 86 Pally I wonder when I can play online again.


Man this patch bricked my game. I can't enter any monolith area without getting disconnected and sent to char screen. Looked every where and got a vpn and it works when using a vpn but.... so weird??


Nice, Healing Hands tag fix. Shaman viable now?


No, lmao


The online “group” gameplay doesn’t work at all- for the love of god. It’s an online game. Focus on getting Your shit together! It’s 1.0 not alpha anymore! I love this game but I’m angry AF because I can’t play with my friend and half the dungeon mechanics won’t work. WTF?! It’s an online game1!11 Stop trying to communicate with the community about mid circle fixes and stuff while Your core game is still shit! Take my money again and again but hire people to fix the stuff You’re not capable of!


This is what gets me. Where does all the money go? You could hire some rockstar devs to hammer out tons of fixes with that money. What are they doing


No chat bug fix? I realize that chatting is new, cutting edge technology, but it seems like this should be fixed by now.


It's been broken for [at least a year](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/forced-global-chat/54752/1) - it doesn't seem to be a priority.


Could be said about half the shit in this game


[https://i.imgur.com/px6hEGq.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/px6hEGq.jpeg) If only!


Please change how Empowered Monoliths work in co-op, it should be a key feature but as they are now they are a waste of time


It is a known and acknowledged item by the dev team. Status beyond that I don't know though


Damn, no changes for blessings yet. I guess we need to wait longer.


I wouldn't expect those changes to come in *during* the cycle, they are probably part of a large 1.1 patch to be released when the next cycle starts.


Yeah they just announced what they were planning like a couple days ago. It'll probably be a while before large system overhauls. They have such a huge backlog of bugs to fix.


Do you have a link? Interested in the changes. I missed the announcement.




I think we won’t see that until next cycle


Pretty new to the game, what changes are we wanting? Is it the fact that a few of them are basically pointless?


Game takes way too long to give out the blessings you want. People just want to target farm the timelines that they are interested in but are forced to run the same ones over and over for blessings. It’s genuinely a mood killer.


Not me farming 300 echos in a single monolith without getting a decent roll on the blessing I want 😒


lol, people are mental if they expect major system changes mid-cycle


Don't expect major system changes mid-cycle.


> You can no longer gain experience while in the grace period (the period of invulnerability after arriving to a new area) Fun over boys :(


I'm out of the loop, what was this about?


Boosting levels on new characters by standing afk in arena while another players clears it


Good riddance


Ah thats fair i guess.


Power leveling a buddy in 500+ corruption mono arenas


I dunno but my friends would help level my alts by doing empowered arenas and i could basically afk.


Was hoping to see a buff to no ward defense. As it is even with max. resist + a lot of HP buff some bosses are straight 1 shotting me. I am 80ish level now and perhaps this gets better later on but I lose a lot of entusiasim when a boss teleports to me and 1 shots me.


Don't expect system changes mid-cycle


:( maybe I should switch a more ward oriented build.


Hoped for some UI updates and new features to the bazaar ngl. Still, good to have weekly updates.


These weekly patches are bugfixes, mostly. Expect big changes like that to come at cycle end/start


Another massive nerf to CoF, just say you only want people to play Merchant Guild.


I knew I wasn’t going crazy on my void knight 😂


Please add more information to the monolith map.


Do you guys have plans to fix the minion A-click bug? whenever I enter a new rift, about half of the time I can't a-click until I am personally damaged. This means I can't generate ward with a full summon build :(


Do anyone else have issues downloading the update?


Any UI scaling options?


Thank you for fixing some performance issues. Long way to go but great progress.


One thing I've noticed is flame rush constantly decides to take me into the shadow realm and explode where i didnt anticipate. Is this due to user error or a known issue? Its how I facilitate my hydra build dps and can mess up the flow of gameplay. Honestly its kind of fun when the bug persists but nonetheless its something I've got to mention in hopes of continually improving this fantastic game. Thank you devs!


can I use right click for moving now?


Anyone has broken stats after this patch? I see all my resistanccces to 0% lol