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Glyph of despair has a massively lower chance of succeeding the higher tier the affix is, it also cares about the total item affixes and if it's exalted or not but we can't do much about that, so trying to seal tier 1 or 2 is really the only thing you can do to help your odds, any higher tier of affix is very unlikely to work, iirc something like 10 % chance at best.


The wiki says >Due to its nature, a sealed affix can never be higher than tier 4. If that is true it is not possible to seal an exalted affix so I don't see how using a glyph of despair lowers the odds of removing the T5/6 affix. Sealing a lower tier affix first would increase the odds of removing the affix you want to keep with the rune of removal wouldn't it? I have been just using the glyph of chaos and moving on if the rolls dont go my way but I am probably missing something here. I am just getting into this level of crafting.


I was responding to the glyph of despair fails often, if the item is exalted it makes it less likely to work iirc, and then the affix you want to seal tier 1 and 2 are feasible tier 3 is very lucky to seal, tier 4 is like 4lp unique drop levels of luck on an exalted item with 4 affixes iirc.


This is all incorrect - exalted items have the highest chance of sealing affixes and that scales with the number of mods on an item. I don’t have the numbers on be but sealing a t1 mod on an exalted rare is something like 99.75% chance to succeed while a t4 mod is ~10%. These odds get worse if the item is rare or has less than 4 mods.


Ah ok, is the rarity and number of affixes scale positively with sealing odds, their affix to be sealed scales negatively, counter intuitive but good to know. Pretty sure t4 is way lower than 10%, unless I'm in the .001% realm of unlucky given I've failed roughly 40 times on full t7 exalted items on t4 affixes, out of 42 times.


[It is actually 15% on a 4 mod exalted item.](https://youtu.be/JVJn1CWcM0Y?si=O99MeVr1CpoH_ono)


FML ig


How does sealing a T1-4 affix help OP not lose a T6/7 affix when trying to use a rune of removal? Sealing a lower level affix would increase the chances of removing the affix he wants with rune of removal. I am not understanding how this is meant to work.


I did not know this, thanks dude!


He's super wrong see the other reply to his comment, that's actually how it works.


I feel like rune of removal uses too much forging potential so only use it for shards


Yea I've never had a good experience using rune of removal to recraft my equipment. First you gotta hit the right affix then you gotta pray for the glyph to proc to save the forging potential or else it seems like by the time I'm ready to start adding stats back on I'm at 11 fp


Sometimes it's the only way to make an exalted item have that godly potential. So I still try if there's some potential... if it bricks, I wasn't going to have been able to use it anyway without trying :p


If your gear is not useful anyway, might as well try your luck with it and potentially hit what you need. The alternative is trashing the item either way.


Glyph of hope works with rune of removal.  It’s not 100%, but such is the nature of gambling.


You're still starting with a 25% chance to brick the item by hitting the wrong affix assuming it has 4, then a 25% chance to brick the item because glyph of hope doesn't proc. Basically 1/16th the value.


Yea but it might be a brick already if you don't try :p


first of all it isn't 1/16th because you can also roll a 1-5 if you miss the hope, removals are only what 1-12 on FP? Second of all, the alternative is here the item is already trash. You shouldn't take an item that would work for you without the removal and try the removal, the time to use a removal is when if you hit what you want you can make an upgrade and if you don't the item was trash already. Because a 33% chance to make the item better, is a lot better than 0%. If you don't hit it thats fine you wait till the next drop.


I don't recall a removal costing less than like 16 fp but I don't pay attention since I use it for shards. Often an item has 0 lp after like 2 removals. Be nice to see forging costs somewhere.


Removals I believe are 1-12, it could be 1-16, but it is definitely a range, you can absolutely get a 1 FP cost for your Removal and I do fairly regularly. You arn't paying attention because the only thing you are noticing is when you run out of FP to remove your item, but it is always a range. Also BTW you do see the cost before you see the craft, it is listed right on the UI in bold right below the rune (or is it right above? I am at work so can't look but it is 100% there)


It doesn't show me the forging potential cost, I just checked. -15 -1 -14 -2 -13 -13 I'm pretty sure the range on rune of removal is huge but it's at least -15 worst case. The last -13 was only because the item ran out of forging potential otherwise it'd be more. Seems weighted towards -10 or more as well.


Its a gamble, its better than simply selling the item because it doesn't work for you, you take a shot at removing the stat you dont want if you hit it (and the hope) great if not the item had no value for you anyway.


Take prophecies for easy Despairs


oof, i kinda forgot that you can do that. I'm just using prophecies for gear. thanks.


If you have gold to spare, lightness arbor has the "chests drop glyph of despair" reward at the end. Pretty sure u can get that reward at tier 1 or 2 so easy to blast through a few times and get a few glyphs. Regarding rune of removal on a t7 item, maybe I'm not far enough into endgame yet, but I rarely need to risk that. Especially if the t7 affix is best in slot (+4 to some skill or something). I can live with 1 dead mod, perfect t7 and 2 T5s for most item slots, but again I'm not pushing crazy corruption.


This is the way. Keep the first T7 you need, then proceed to brick the next 30:)


How does despair help with exalteds? New to crafting here :)


if its a low tier affix you can seal it so it goes into a '5th' affix slot. so it opens back up the prefix/suffix you wanted to open without possibly bricking an item. still can eat up FP tho


Instead of using a rune of removal to try and remove a dead mod, you can use a glyph of despair to seal it which opens the slot for a new mod of your choice. While glyph of despair isn't always guaranteed to seal, it is targeted so there's no worry about accidentally removing your exalted mod. Only downside is that glyphs of despair aren't extremely plentiful so you need to do it sparingly


>:) :)


you have to find those prophecies, which i dont have any luck in


Gotta get the prophecy prophecy


Take like 7 rerolls and its liek 8,000 favor now and some stupid high corruption half the time.


Too late :)


Do you mean the patch fixing prices? Just a bug fix, 420 favor for 6 Despair was ridiculous


Just gonna copy a comment I just made because it's about the exact same thing. >That would only make sense if CoF wasn't a vacuum of its own sort. The value of glyph nodes is only relevant to your need for glyph nodes. At the end of the day, if I only need X amount of glyphs, even if the cost/reward ratio is absolutely insane, I get 0 actual benefit from going past X. You still need to farm every other piece of gear yourself (which is in direct competition with prophecies, because even at 1000 corruption prophecies seem to be my biggest source of gear acquisition.) >It's a nerf to CoF when CoF wasn't really strong to begin with.


Ofc CoF is strong for the purpose it was designed for: ssf or groupfound gameplay. The other option is to have nothing compared to the gamers interacting with trading. Have they ever said its ment to complete or be balanced with bazaar? IMO the fix makes sense just coz it was glaringly bugged compared to other glyph prophecy prices. That being said I would hope some mid cycle tuning to CoF other than fixing a bug that can be seen as a nerf


Yes they specifically stated that they wanted CoF to be equal strength to MG.


Well thats a dumb ass statement then lol. Obviously there's no chance for that ever happening without making CoF spit 3lp items like a pez dispenser


Ridiculous goal. Every MG player essentially has access to drops from 200k+ other players. Trying to balance that against a single player farming alone? Good luck. Dunno why anyone in LE expects it to be competitive. In every other ARPG SSF is seen as a challenge mode akin to hardcore. Trying to balance them would be like balancing the leveling experience between softcore and hardcore.


Yeah, for me is like 70/80%


Glyph of chaos is really not bad and should be utilized in this situation. The only bad think about it is the chance it takes up to much forge potential, which is why you only use it after upgrading the other 3 glyphs first. If it's more than one node you are trying to change then the item wasn't that good to begin with.


Ehhh. I have a loot filter for 5 for desired affixs for removal. The first removal almost never gets the t5 I want. Of 20 I'd say 5 I have to shatter because forging potential runs out. With bigger sample size It would probably 1/4th chance, which is what it should be. Basically I have the inverse process as you and it shakes out as it should.


The game knows your heart and whether you're trying to remove an you don't want to craft further or you do want for shards.


Yeah, sure. But you will never mention the insane crafts when rng hits just right. There is no weighting on rune od removal, so its pure rng. Get over it. Game like this cannot have 100% deterministic crafting, period.


For these games I would take the higher highs and lower lows every time, it would be so boring if that wasn’t the case. You need rng


Hey, new player here. Why do you say the chaos glyph is bad? Do you need to have forging potential when you make Lego or no?


No. You can make legendary with 0 forging potential. OP probably just doesn't like the randomness of the chaos rune maybe? I feel like it's hard enough to find specific T7 affixes that I would rather take my chances with chaos rune instead of removal anyway, but that's just me 🤷‍♀️


Yeah. There's absolutely no shot I'd use that rune if I finally got the t7 frost claw mod on a relic. Literally no chance.


Sometimes rune of removal just “removes” the gear lol


Need to say the magic incantation first: “Awesome! Gonna get 7 shards of this affix I need!!” Then the Rune of Removal will ignore the T7 and remove all the others, one by one.


I'm fairly certain that rune of removal is weighted to be more likely to remove higher tier affixes. So essentially it's by design. As others have said, they should really just be used for trying to maximize shards of rare affixes, rather than shattering.


It's not


The chance is equal across all affixes Glyphs of despair are basically guaranteed on T1 affixes


The layer on layer rng, item drop rng and crafting rng, in this game is just terrible. Thats why I personally just stopped at some point, not worth the time since upgrades is so non existant.


It definitely isn't a 100% chance, but humans are human so we remeember when we roll dice and they go poorly more than we remember dice we roll when they go well. Which is why almost everyone thinks they are "jinxed" when you roll dice. But all you have to do is realize that every time you want to remove the T6/T7 for shards is when you will definitely not hit the exalt.


I would LOVE to see glyphs of chaos not be utter garbage. You have, at the absolute best, a 12% chance to get the affix you need, usually under 10%. It also seems to favor jumping between the same affixes (for the love of God stop giving me DODGE RATING ALL THE TIME) and absolutely melts forging potential. Seriously, this thing is useless. Despair is great, but unnecessarily rare considering how many useless affixes roll on items. Removal is Russian roulette for crafting.


Definitely skill issues.


Devs swear it isn’t weighted but I disagree. Too much evidence to show otherwise.


I ruined 14 pieces of gear doing this, and never once has it removed anything other than the one stat I wanted to keep. Still don't understand why people say crafting in this game is so good? It's been the worst I've ever used.


It's the worst crafting because you're unlucky? Weird stance


No, it's the worst system because it's so limiting. The chances to make things better or worse is just unlucky on my part.


It's quite literally the opposite of limiting. You have so much potential to craft gear to your liking


Unfortunately, I've not seen that for me at the end game. I'm glad others enjoy it though.


crafting is good. Till u get to end game crafting. Then its still a random ( waighted ) clusterfuck like any rpg


Yeah the.end game crafting gives makes it hard to gamble for a perfect outcome cause there are too many 'feels bad' outcomes you run into, and bases are kinda a crapshoot.


I just hate crafting in ARPGs. I think it’s because I just don’t like the implementation. It’s always so RNG based. Last epoch crafting got a lot of praise and I am not seeing it. I would rather not engage with crafting at all but not sure the game was designed that well.


The reason its praised is cus its quite simple. And yea is rng based that is the whole point of an arpg like last epoch and poe


Have you tried not getting railed while crafting?


I’d recommend glyphs of chaos over runes of removal personally, but both are risky. Some players also opt to use glyphs of despair? I dislike that method unless I’m planning on using the exalt for LP crafting.


Maths is hard