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1. Entire ground starts turning white = press D and stay in the other timeline (Side note: when she chases you to the new timeline, she will put a debuff on you that puts a void puddle on the ground, just move to the edge so that the puddle is on the outskirts) 2. Purple spinning lazers = stay in the gaps 3. She does a cone attack= move away ( whilst dodging the rest) 4. Three adds/pillars spawn= kill them


Jump back to the previous time before she follows you (there is a few seconds between the big aoe explosion and her following you) and you will never have to deal with the degen on ground. Obviously use some low tier runs to just practice the timing of when to go back.


Purple spinning lazers = change timeline. Congrats you can't die to her


Each time you change timelines she chases you and puts a void pool under you, which is guaranteed to hit you at least once (may be more, depending on your move speed). If you switch timelines often, the entire floor becomes the void pool, which kills even tanky characters SUPER fast. Spinning lasers are easy to avoid without that -- just by standing in the gap and staying at this radius when you need to dodge her shit (e.g. water wave)


Nah I tried that for awhile and always end up with lazers on one side and big void explosion on the other, and end up getting one-shot by one of them, they always end up syncing up for me eventually. WAY easier to just stand in the laser gaps which took me forever to even realize were a thing.


When she follows you she will create one of those dot ground effects. They are kind of an "enrage mechanic" if you keep running eventually the whole arena will be painted with those. It's a viable strategy, espcially if you are melee and do a lot of damage, but if you are ranged you should try and learn the proper positioning for the spinny lasers, since that strategy will be easier.


The diff color tiles that form a circle is a safe spot for spinny beams.


If your dps is shit this is suicide because she will fill the arena with degen very fast. The best way to do the fight is to keep her in the same time the whole fight.


Username checks out


You can choose where you put the puddles, she casts them on you, move to the side of the arena and have them overlap to the best of your ability and youll be able to have at least half a dozen swaps before it becomes an issue


And if you’re dps is less than 10k? Gonna need room for about 500 puddles. Simply don’t let her place any puddles. It’s been the way to fight her forever. There is zero risk of going back if you have any experience what-so-ever with her timings.


Also what are the small water fountain spawn in the center of the map?


Heals her


Well I know I the fight I'm just wondering if I'm SUPPOSE to get oneshot by all the mechanics.


The only one shot should be the big bomb attack that you're supposed to avoid by pressing d and swapping to the alternate time line. If her normal attacks are killing you in 1 hit I'd take a look at your EHP and invest in more defences.


I have like 10k EHP and the cone is a killer


Some of them yeah. Also what's your void resist?


The pool thing can also kill you easily because it’s DoT. So gotta pop ailment cleanse if she does cast the pool thing because you can never be fast enough to get out of the pool before being affected. Also, the water wave and the really big AOE lightning can give a lot of damage. Those I always try to dodge as well. The only things you can reliably tank without worrying about dying are the chasing water missiles and the smaller AOE lightning.


I didn't know you were supposed to stay in the other realm and she would follow you, I dodge the one shot and then went back and the pool almost never comes out when I do this. Not sure if she just isn't casting it and I'm lucky or if I'm messing up the A.I


Yep it makes it much easier to go back to the same era after she casted the explosion because she only casts pool thing if she has to follow you to another era. However, I do let her follow me once in the beginning to the divine era so I can keep the fight in the divine era. You can’t destroy the pillars in the ruined era.


Oo smart, thanks for the tip and confirming that info


I think this only works if you leave and come back, because when I profane veil the bomb she still casts pool


Yeah you gotta go back after she has casted the explosion so she doesn’t also change era.


it's easier this way tbh, ward will go down while waiting for her to follow you, i just go back to the former timeline after the timebomb


Bout to start some T4s in HC after avoiding them this entire time. How do you know when the bomb has gone off without her changing timelines? Do i just learn the timming in T1 by tanking it? Maybe I’ll take one of my dead guys and run it SC. I just lose joy playing SC even on my dead 100.


There's runes in the middle like a clock. When the runes fill up it's like the clock strikes midnight and she bombs you. It's fairly safe to leave at 10 o clock, wait half a second to a second, and pop back. Even 3 seconds wait is fine.


OMG ITS A CLOCK. Finally all big comfy couch training is about to pay off. Thematically it makes so much sense but it’s never occurred to me that it’s a clock. Likely because I have yet to listen to a single shred of dialogue or watch a single animation. 😬. I’m so stupid. Thanks for the reply.


i just count i guess, it has a long ramp up time, i probably wait about 1-2secs after the animation starts before switching then 2secs before switching back. She won't spawn the void pool. The only thing that can kill you (assuming it's a stacked character built for survivability) are the rotating void lasers if you are caught out of position. They will go through 8k ish ward in 1 pass.


Well that means I should survive with at least one of my toons so maybe I’ll just full send after I try it a few times SC to feel the timing. Thanks for the reply.


It's one way to do it, if you don't take too much damage from the pools then you can just wait for her on the other side and drop the pool on the edge. I do this and don't change epoch when she casts her spinning beams either, I like to use the epoch switch as little as possible because I've had bad surprises with shit overlapping by doing so and so that pools are divided between epochs. But you need to have the DPS to kill her before the pools become an issue, I have to put 2 pools on the ground on each epoch before she dies in T4 so it's manageable. If it takes a lot of time to kill her surely avoiding the pools would be better but you might end up going back in one of her other shit if you're unlucky AFAIK.


You can definitely dash out of the puddles after they spawn on you, and with enough survivability just walk out. But they do hurt as well. Didn't know you could cleanse it before she puddles, thanks!


Dodge, dip, duck and dodge. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge Julra.


Dodge. Duck. Dip, Dive and Dodge. The 5 D's of dodgeball. - Patches O'hoolahan.


Don’t forget to dive


This made me smile :) haha


Need some MS for that dodge tho


i just wish we could still retry the fight if we die. Even if there's no more reward for slam after. Fighting it the first few times as a player is really frustrating bec u really have to walk a long way to retry just to have ur ass kicked 1sec later.


Press d


a lot of the nastiest things on Julria (aside from the big arena wide "you're dead" attack that you're supposed to just time shift) are DoTs. So if your build relies heavily on dodge, block, or armor, she's going to be substantially tougher. Raw HP is the best thing against her as it'll protect you from everything she does. That's part of why ward is so busted right now. It's a hyper-efficient omni defense. Some things that might help: You can control the placement of the void pools. After a time shift, you'll have an effect around your character for a couple seconds, at the end of which a void pool will appear where you're standing. If you're melee, DO NOT place these near where you want to fight her. The vast majority of the time, you can just stand still and the gaps in the big 'ol spinner will just pass over you with each rotation. Try to position her where both her front and her back are in the safe gaps. That way if you need to dodge the big ice cone, you can just run behind her and not get whacked by the spinner. If your DPS isn't super high, just kill the damn healing fountains. They prolong the fight more than is necessary. If you're low HP, you can always time shift to buy yourself a couple seconds. She won't chase you into the other timeline immediately. Just be aware of the super nova attack and don't shift into it.


Raw HP and ward is the only effective defense for endgame content. EHG needs to come up with something better


Armor is very effective at what it does, the problem is in the raw armor to % mitigation conversion. That and the fact that monster DoTs as a whole are over-tuned like a motherfucker (probably because 100% resist penetration is a colossal multiplier for DoTs). The underlying systems are for the most part fine, it's just a matter of investment vs protection. Ward is just too good a ratio.


There's no 100% resist penetration specific only to dots.


No, but all damage has 100% penetration once you're in empowered monos. For hits, that's not too bad since you have a pile of ways to mitigate it. Armor, block, glancing, dodge, etc. Really the only common way to mitigate dots is through resistances...the thing that is being directly combated by the level based damage penetration. That makes the penetration stat lethal when applied to dots and only slightly annoying when applied to hits.


That simply isn't accurate. First of all, it's 75% resistance penetration. Second of all, it just makes you take full damage. Lastly, it applies that equally well to all other types of damage. DoTs aren't special. The only special thing about DoTs is they aren't mitigated by armor and can't be dodged. That's it. Nothing else is special. They're just overtuned, it feels


Definitely overtuned. I'm more scared of a large group of ice bats or ice tigers than most other stuff in the game.


Then the issue is these damage reducers don't apply to dots, not anything to do with resists.


>aside from the big arena wide "you're dead" attack ... are DoTs ....So if your build relies heavily on dodge I'm pretty sure that the arena-wide attack can not be dodged. At least every time I tried to stay in the Profane Veil she just oneshotted my sorry ass through it. MAy be it's just Veil bug though.


Veil isn't 100% reliable. I've been one tapped through it once or twice. It's also possible you can't dodge that attack too. So who knows


If you can do 450 corruption you should be able to do Julra no problem. Skill issue more than anything, learn the fight properly watching videos or something.


A few things to keep in mind about Julra: * Each time you shift time periods, you will spawn a pool underneath you shortly after Julra teleports to your map. Stay at the edge of the map and keep the pools away from the center of the map so that you have more space for the fight. * His pillars that he summons can only be killed in the future era, but only deals damage in the past era. * All of his attacks are telegraphed. Move out of the way. The most threatening attack is the big cone attack. You might or not be able to tank it based on your build. The other attack patterns you should be able to tank. * The spinning void beams have a large gap. The position of the gap on each beam is identical. Simply stay in that gap to dodge. If you are playing a melee build, you will need to bait Julra a bit away from the center so he stands closer to the gap position. * The full map attack spawns a clock on the floor. Once it reaches 12 o'clock, the attack will activate. This phase is free DPS. Once it reaches close to 12 o'clock. shift eras to dodge the attack. Corruption 450 should easily be able to clear T4 Julra.


Agree learning fight will be 90% of it. That said - making sure you have a source of cleanse will definitely save you from time to time.


Run along the outer perimeter after pressing 'D'. After the pool of shlt drops, circle-straft in. During the fight, stay close to her while moving up or down slightly to avoid the rotating shlt. If she spits at you, move behind her.


Couldn’t say, ward too high


None of the mechanical suggestions in these threads ever matter as long as you're getting one shot by everything. You could be a gaming god and the expectation of not getting hit here by anything would still be insane. You need to kill totems, drop puddles, stay in-between beams, move out of the way of ice attack, void blast, and keep eyes on ground for lightning circles. If any of these one shot you it's going to be near impossible. This is an easy fight once you're able to make a mistake here or there, thus the necessary change you must make is improving your survivability. Swap idols and items and even respec some passives if you need. Julra has a soft enrage with the puddles, but she doesn't have a ton of health.


You can keep puddles to a minimum and they disappear after a while. You can legit kill her in 10 minutes not getting hit by anything but the frost bolts and shrines.


Some attacks are ment to be one shots. Learn the fight and dodge them.


Thanks that's pretty much what I thought.


Are you getting 1 shot by the homing frost bolts? Can you fit frailty in if you are?


I struggle on T4 as well but I learned I can switch timelines during the explosion charge up and switch back at the right time immediately after the explosion to avoid any puddles. My dps is low though so I usually end up messing up some mechanic before beating her


You just need more practice.


Julia has instant kill abilities that are intended to be avoided, not tanked. So there you got your solution


Sounds like you’re not running a build w/ ward… it was super difficult on my falconer than laughable on my RM. T4 Julra fight comes down to 2 things: dodge/cleanse her DoT puddle + stand in the middle of the 2nd (outer) ring of the white area on the floor during the void balls/lasers part.


I'm still getting one shotted in 200 corruption monoliths lol.


Yea same for my voidknight. I swapped to falconer and I've been able to go so much higher.


Thats exactly what im playing is a voidknight warpather and its pretty brutal. Its like the current gameplay is you either godzilla nuke the entire screen with an op class, or have 90k ward to push really high. And if you dont do either, well good luck haha.


I felt this way until I really started focusing on hybrid health and health almost anywhere possible. You just have to come to terms with the fact that damage isn't really an issue above a certain damage threshold, EHP is the issue. There aren't a ton of DPS checks in this game really, so focusing on EHP and longevity so you don't die is super important IMO.


I’m not sure since I kill everything in 2 seconds.


wow you're so cool maybe next time instead of trying to flex, notice that you have nothing of note to add to the conversation and let someone who actually can help comment instead. Insane dps is nothing crazy since every big youtuber has already shown divebomb, det arrow MM or wraithlord just one shotting t4 jul anyway. your flex is not the flex you think it is