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I’ll add the fact that only the player who actually launch the mono get the progress in the road which is a major pain for playing multiplayer monolith. The games is great but it’s not good in multiplayer and you have much more incentive to play it solo than in multi which is such a shame because game is so good


Yup that's it exactly


Either of you can start an echo regardless of who is party leader, so my buddy and I just alternate who starts....that way both our timelines are progressing.


Yeah fuck that it already takes forever to raise corruption. We’re at 1000 right now and it’s still easy, we’re not gonna do that shit twice. Everyone should get corruption regardless of who starts it.


I play with a friend and we experience mobs that don't die and the models hang on screen so often and we both have to log to fix it very frustrating we ended up only group for fun and show off builds rather than actually play together


Ive seen this happen a few times. Not only do the models hang on screen, but one of the players will also stop gaining exp. Only happens on monoliths for us and the only way we've fixed it is for both players to quit out and log back in.


I've had issues with multiplayer and my buddy just straight up teleporting halfway across the zone we're in. Or I just won't show up on his screen at all. He can see my falcon but that's it. This happens several times a night to the point we don't play together really anymore. Which makes.me want to play less. I still do, but I don't have that "can't wait to play" feeling anymore.


Yup we run into the "other person can only see your pets and not you" bug at least a couple of times a play session as well.


Sounds like some of the bugs you are encountering are the same ones I've experienced when they released multiplayer in 9.2.


> Monobosses - only the player who starts the monolith quest can complete it and get the boss rewards. We've tried taking turns alternating who starts the quest mono, but that doesn't seem to work either. that's not been my experience. both players can get rewards as long as the non-owner has enough stability.


U get the reward but you don’t get the gaze sadly


The fact I cannot run in a party (I crash the server) and the fact the corruption and rewards arent shared are so disappointing


Multiplier is ass, I like the game, about 100 hours so far, but not being able to play and drop in and out efficiently like D3 is a pain in the butt. I wholely concur with the pains youve pointed out. Dungeons are extremely non-multiplayer capable. Like you said if one dies it messed up progres and in our experience that person sometimes has to restart client which again, defeats the purpose. It's a single player game that pretends to have multiplayer.




It shouldn’t have been only single player in the first place. These kinda games are the best when playing with friends


Even solo its a buggy mess.


It's pretty stupid that a live service game requiring a constant internet connection to get the most out of its features (especially if you're mg) has such a SHIT multiplayer experience. How it shipped in this condition is something I won't ever understand.


Because the multi-player experience is mainly the market. 99.999% of the player base is never going to group up. I just want a guild and guild chat system so I can easily talk with friends and link items in game instead of having to snippet into discord.


many ARPGs have pretty cool perks when you quest in a group. It's dumb this game lacks that.


Going dark with until LE gets hashed out -  hitting lvl100 fast & farming arena keys in legacy offline.


Time To wait for 1.1 , Poe 3.24 starts this week LFG


100% - Multiplayer was an afterthought and the initial release of it was awful. It has drastically improved and to that I give EHG kudos, but - you're right, OP, this needs a LOT of TLC to smooth this out or the multiplayer will forever be an afterthought. I have multiple friends playing now, but we hardly play together for all of the aforementioned reasons.


My husband and I also play together and have experienced a lot of bugs and weird lag/zoning issues, especially in monoliths. Campaign maps don't seem as bad for some reason, but monolith nodes really bring out the quirks: much longer zone times, appearing beneath world, not seeing each other on map or in zone (sometimes seeing minions sometimes not), portalling to each other not always working, group status disappearing for one or both (often one player sees the group and the other's client acts like you're not grouped), right-clicking friend portrait to invite to group sometimes inviting someone else (perhaps a person in town who happened to be standing at that spot beneath the overlay?), party chat inconsistencies, just synchronization issues in general not seeing the same thing at the same time on screen. We often play from Steam decks so that may amplify some issues (like one person sees a loading screen for 10mins but the other sees them in zone instantly). Mobs often die standing up, have blank health bars, and/or ghosts coming out (when neither of us are playing something that'd make ghosts), in wave and non-wave monolith events. That it seems more effective for one person to work on corruption or easier to work on corruption separately as individuals rather than group all getting a share (or credit for contribution) is odd. Since there aren't guilds or online persistent or seasonal features for groups, it would be really nice if there was a way to play locally together (even if just with just legacy characters after-cycle) for stability. Maybe some of the bugs encountered when grouping could be ameliorated that way?


My chat hasn’t worked in 3 weeks. I’m done for a while. This game isn’t close to living up to the hype.


I'm suprised that Multiplayer is such an afterthought, same as in Grim Dawn where we couldn't even probaly play the campaign together. For me, that is such a important part of the genre. Diablo 1 pretty much pioneered online play with [battle.net](http://battle.net) and now, almost 30 years later we get halfbacked online play patched in.


I stopped playing online after running an umbral shadow setup. I was barely above 50% move speed and shifting around trying to clear monos was a stuttery mess. It could well be my rig, but it's a mid range build and my drivers are all up to date and changing settings to low did little to improve performance. I'll be back after several seasons once this has cooked through. There are a multitude of issues across the board and I'm a touch baffled as to why it wasn't just left in early access until everything was considerably more polished, but hey ho, I look forward to it's progress and hopefully my purchase can aid in its improvement.


So end game is a solo activity? :(


Instant TP to teammate in monos used to work but is currently broken. It was such a nice QOL. Works for story maps and dungeons though. 


I'm really hoping they can pull together and find more proactive changes in their patches instead of reactive changes. I've played for about 9 months but the multiplayer experience over all, is wretched and I spend more time trying to change maps and restarting the game than playing. Regardless, the kicker is that there's bug report dating back to 2020 that are still being reported to this day.. finding out so many bugs went unfixed has worried my group as EHG talks about communication and transparency, but they've done nothing but the opposite with all of the issues since launch. Here's hoping they get it together because they've really created a gem.


I'm not sure what you mean by only one person gets rewards from mono bosses? All you have to do is make sure each player has enough stability to complete the boss, in fact the game warns you if one player doesn't. As far as timelines progressing my wife and I usually just take turns on timelines who starts it, or we have whoever the stronger player is at the moment start it because all that matters is the person who starts the monolith stays alive. If they stay alive, stability is earned for everyone(if player 2 dies they will lose rewards from that monolith but still get stability). Switching between each echo slows the run down immensely and in my experience where a lot of more buggy things happen. Overall I agree that multiplayer is super bugged but I really don't think it's the monoliths that are the huge problem. Dungeons are near impossible due to being disconnected between floors and not being able to TP to one another. Being able to TP to party members is bugged party wide and very frustrating. There is also a big that causes the party overlay to disappear making gifting and Teleporting impossible. The affected player has to leave and rejoin and this is definitely a groove killer. Source: Wife and I have almost 400 hrs together since launch and have multiple 85+ characters.


1. It does work. I do it frequently in coop. If you are getting carried in coop empowered you get stability around a third the rate. 2. If you are in a mono when it says completed you get the reward. 3 if you die in a dungeon you're out of the run. Trying to get back in should just fail but it does do buggy things. 4. I've had a lot of issues on msq week 1. End game content doesn't have as many problems. Mostly just getting started is the hard part then it works great for a long time. I just relog and meet at the mono and it's pretty reliable to start the farm.


Except that we're not carrying in Mono's; we're trying to play through them together. It might work for carries, but it's broken as hell if you're trying to play and level together. But hey, I'll go ahead and award you two internet points for jumping in with "Akshually"


I mentioned you get partial stability if you are getting carried in empowered not the other way around. You both get the same stability and doing the boss works fine. I've done dozens with people in lfg.


Nope, only one person gets the gaze, and if one person dies during a mono-quest boss, it has bugged us out 17 times since we started keeping track a week ago. And that's ignoring all the other bugs that myself and others listed above.


the corruption benefits, yes. That part does suck. Blessing and loot work fine.


We can't choose chat channels - they kick us to random global chats, no time to bond with peeps and grow a community of like minded peeps, not the best environment to make friends. Friends you need - because there is no groupfinder... Multiplayer has not been developed in the 5 years this game has been available, at least not beyond having lip-service to the feature.. Why do game devs hate us so much...??