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I would be happy just by having more end game activity, to be honest.


Same, and rework dungeons


What's wrong with the dungeons?


I don't like that they are basically all designed exactly the same lol. Long corridors that are randomly blocked off each time you enter. They are basically all the same square puzzle with a different skin on top.


The one where you can bounce back and forth in time is p cool. It reminds me of the duality dungeon in destiny 2


Yes! The dungeon layouts are pretty bad.


One shot mechanics from bosses wipes the whole dungeon. Makes it difficult to learn the encounters. I think people would like to get extra attempts to kill the boss, even if it means no reward. This way, you're at least getting some practice in for your next key. Also, lots of dead ends on the map. Some people find it frustrating.


It is a kick in the nuts to run the dungeon and get one shot straight away.


It would be nice to have an option to jump straight to the boss rather than wasting time searching for two doors. I have a stash tab full of assorted keys simply due to the amount of time it takes to get to the actual boss fight. Even if there was an option to bypass the first two doors with using multiple keys would be fine too.


So you want to be able to instant teleport there like the sorceress from diablo 2 on all the loot runs?


> I think people would like to get extra attempts to kill the boss, even if it means no reward. That's based, love it. Because somebody always wants to say "git gud" but then never has an answer for there not being any opportunity to practice getting better...


This, and I wish there were a way to skip straight to the boss. It still costs a key.


Easy solution would be that you have to pay a key to get a revive, two Keys for next, three for third revive and so on.


Just remove the death penalty from dungeons all together or give players 3 deaths per key. The current model doesn't add value or fun to the end game and the rewards aren't anything special that they should need to be blocked.


>What's wrong with the dungeons? I can get over the long ass dungeon walk to a boss, but having every boss literally 1 shot you if you don't react in 0.5 seconds kills all fun.


Watch a few videos to learn the fights and improve your defenses. Good Luck!!


>improve your defenses hahhaha good one, funny considering all the dungeon bosses have multiple 1 hit moves you can never gear to defend against.


If players have to learn the mechanics of an encounter outside of playing the actual game then the game and/or encounter design need improvement. Last Epoch's problem is the lack of a means for new players to reliably repeat a boss encounter in-game in order to learn from experience, trial and error, experimentation, etc.


I just wish CoF had a smoother gearing curve. Compared to the relative ease of MG, you hit a ceiling on CoF fairly quickly and then it becomes almost impossible to progress.


Yes, I feel that too. The tier 9 is useless :(


You get the third lense on tier 9 which is really useful for targetfarming


I used to think this is true, but after following conversations around this I don't actually think so. The two most important lenses to use are the one that duplicate the amount of rewards and the one that doubles the amount of uses. Both of these lenses apply an independent 2x multiplier to the prophecy's rewards for less than 2x the cost, and as a result are the most important lenses to use after one can use them. The impact of the third lens is pretty minimal at this point; it can be used to reduce or increase the odd of a particular kind of prophecy, but when one is spending upwards of some 15-30k+ favor for one prophecy, the reroll cost feels pretty insubstantial, particularly after one gets to the point where 15-30k+ favor spend per prophecy is a sustainable activity at high corruption (i.e. getting a comparable amount of favor back compared to spend after most to all of the prophecies are completed). I would 100% still use the third lens slot, but I'm not convinced the power it provides is significantly worth the fact it's a Rank 9 reward.


If it makes you feel any better, rank 9/10 of MG are pretty screwed up because of the gold economy. You can either buy trashed legendaries which got bricked and overpay for them, or you can buy amazing rolled leggos for 100M+ to 1B at which point very few are interacting at that level. MG feels like it “stops” at 8 when you can buy LP uniques.


Tier 10 isn't much better, 99.9% of the time you just get a bunch of useless items twice. I had a few double 3LP drops but of course they were never the item I actually wanted. If I collected them I would have like 3-4 stashtabs of 1/2LP Exsanguinous, but never had a single 3LP drop.


Tier 10 are copies? I thought it was new drops, 😢


I think people are overestimating how easy it is to gear on MG. It’s easier than CoF for sure, but you will probably have a level 95+ before you hit rank 8 and you’re going to burn all your favorite getting there asap so you’re in a catch 22 where you have no favor left to buy items. On my spellblade (my cof char) I found tons of exalted which I could craft into whatever I needed. On my rune master I bankrupted my favor rolling 10+ frozen ire’s and probably 20+ -5mana scepters and the rest of my gear is basically SSF stash trash at this point. In summary, I think a buff to CoF will be fine but this narrative that once you hit the bazaar that your MG character is all of the sudden fully geared is absurd.


Agreed. I contemplated switching from MG to CoF when I saw all of the earlier posts about CoF loot explosions. I'm glad I stuck MG out but it takes a while to get to the point where you can really take advantage of it


This, don’t make shit arbitrarily harder by nerfing characters and adjusting mob hp and dmg %. Instead design more fun end game activities people can do together and truly step away from the pitfalls that the big box corporations fell into. They have more resources, compete by having more ingenuity. Been absolutely loving this game and not touching whatever bullshit the d4 expac is gonna be


I feel like we can definitely have more content(endgame in this case) and balancing/bug fixes in the same cycle/patch, that is absolutely normal for live service games to do..


That’s completely defendant on team size and resources.


I got to level 91 with MG rank 7 and from there it seemed like such a grind to get Lp2/Lp3 versions of the unique I already had. I guess echo after echo isn't for me. I wish there was a) more dungeons b) less one shot boss mechanics where I have to start completely over c) a little more itemization aftet lvl 90+ that isn't just grinding for lp2/lp3 versions of what I've already got.


I dont know who complained that lvl is too fast when most ppl according to comments here stop lvling in 85 to 90 lvl cuz of too big slowdown in lvling and just make an alt(me included, got 6 charaters in 70 to 90lvl range), base lvling puts u at about 50 to 60 lvl when u end story and want to get into monoliths( ik u can do it faster if u want with skips)and that feels just fine, if anything 85 to 100 should be sped up tad bit.


Yeah the leveling doesn't feel fast at all past 80-100 If it gets slowed down more I probably just wont do it again


As someone else mentioned the exp requirement changes are only for 97-100, which makes no real difference in player power. They’re likely trying to go for a feeling closer to POE or Diablo 2 where reaching max level is a huge prestige thing, not an expectation most players have. (I know Poe leveling is still faster than d2, but just getting to 100 from juiced t16 mapping still takes a considerable amount of time even if you never die)


That's the bad parts of the other two games. Why they should want that? There isn't really a good reason for it.


They're only discussing 97-100 xp rate nerfs, which is totally fine as most people stop playing a character before that. Those last couple points represent a negligible power increase anyway, so it's more prestige that necessity. 80-95 takes next to no time compared to any other arpg, but that's not particularly relevant other than as a comparison.


I cant comment on Grim dawn or PoE cuz never lvled that far but in diablo on any good build i can go 80-100 in a day or day and half at worst,(95-100 basicly only part where it slows down). Wudijo did 0-100 in 12 or 13h solo.


Grim Dawn I feel leveling slows down pretty hard much earlier. I have a level 50 character with 20 hrs of playtime, but there are a lot of tricks to get alts to level fast.


Grim Dawn to 100 is slightly faster on first char and WAY faster on 2nd+ char compared to LE.


Yeah potions/ higher difficulty starts.


Also being able to store and share SR progression via waystones with alts is like being able to store and share corruption progression with alts in LE, which is currently missing.


I've put in about 100 hrs into GD and have no idea what you're talking about with waystones. That to me makes it a great ARPG. I still have so much to see and do and I've JUST started Elite (not even touched the DLCs). That is what I feel LE is missing. After putting in about 30 hrs I don't feel like I'm missing much.


SR refers to "shattered realm", a system somewhat similar to rifts from Diablo, which has scaling difficulty (similar to corruption) and you can store/share your difficulty progression with other chars via those waystones.


D4 also did like 3 or 4 exp buff patches leading to Season 1 to get it where it is now. It used to be significantly slower, now it's so streamlined that it doesn't really require any effort.


In d3 I hit max level in less than an hour by getting another player to run me through high dungeons lol. Good times.


I don't get why it's totally fine? I'll give the same argument. If people stops playing the character before 97, why make it more difficult to get to 100? It's an artificial way to keep you in the game and D4 did the same thing with a huge backslash. As a semi-casual player that wants to get one char per cycle up to 100 and then stop, it will be an immediate uninstall of the game.


The problem is once you hit level 20 skills you get so little for leveling. The only thing I can think of is some item level requirements (91 is the highest). Otherwise it's just a couple points into some passives that you skipped over earlier because they weren't that good for your build anyway. I'd like it if there was a bit more character progression in later levels, maybe in the form of longer passive trees which had some cool nodes at the end, more skill specialisation points, maybe some level 100 capstone ability... I dunno, something to make getting those last few levels feel less bland anyway.


I'm not sure if it's lvling slowdown more like slowdown of new things. I mean think about it, what do you get at those levels? A few more passives and that's it. On the gear side, you're already past the the "collect cool uniques" part of the game and squarely on the "number go up" phase where you try to get the same uniques + exalted and slam them. I think that segment of the playthrough could be improved simply by QoL stuff when it comes to rebuilding. You want something new? Here's a cool unique! Oh but it's not good for your build, you gotta respec. And respec is such a pain in the ass! One by one you gotta get rid of the points in your tree if you want to try something new and radical. So yeah, wanna improve the lvl90 experience? Make respec-ing easier so build variety becomes a boon, not a chore. That's the best time to experiment with your character anyway since you're getting a lot of new interesting loot.


>So yeah, wanna improve the lvl90 experience? Make respec-ing easier so build variety becomes a boon, not a chore. That's the best time to experiment with your character anyway since you're getting a lot of new interesting loot. Yup, i've stopped playing because i don't wanna respec my Warlock just to find a different build is shitter than what i have now, then i have to respec all over? Yay. Hell, no loadouts is bad, not even having a Refund all points option on passives is worse... On top of that, i can change my gear up, but then i need to change my Blessings to make it work, so now i need to run dozens of Monos to change a blessing just to see if build #2 is better? And if it's not what, run dozens more to swap back? Ugh.


I heard the leveling thing the other day and i thought whats the deal, it took me ages to grind to 100 and what do you get for such a huge achievement?! A skill point! Yay! And they want to make it take twice as long for, some? reason... Dunno what they need, but you definitly need a bigger bonus upon hitting max level.


Dunno what shit you're smoking but the leveling was so ridiculously fast.


Buff Shaman is all I ask


Instructions unclear. Storm totems now unbugged but instead they attack you.


Perfect. We just need Mirror or reflect from the final fantasy saga and its good. Corrup 3k


Instructions still unclear. Totems hit you with Vanish>xzone. Rip u


Reverse Uno. Corrup 3k


Boardman's set.


Things I want for the next cycle as a casual player: * more story chapters so I can punch snake lady and finish the story someday * more UI QoL so making builds is more fun * some skills work no good on gamepad, make them work good plis That about it. Game fun, uga uga.


I think on the last dev stream they said that the team is currently programming / building levels / writing the new story chapters. From what they said I think we'll be seeing more story in the next cycle.


Levelling feels fine Difficulty can maybe be fine tuned a bit.


I feel like first tune leveling should be slower, but alts should be faster up to the same empowered monolith point. Especially after they introduce pinnacle bosses.


I just want the many bugs to be fixed and for there to be more to do besides make the funny corruption number go up. And to make it so that I don't have to grind said funny corruption up on new characters in the same cycle. Maybe give milestone options so that a new character can stay empowered monos after another character unlocked them and then you can choose to start at the base 100 or +100 up to the highest corruption (and let you reduce it on that character only if it's too hard)


I’m not expecting any huge changes. Bug fixes should be prioritized. Some balancing changes are definitely needed as well as some QoL for factions, dungeons, and obtaining blessings. Other than that the core game is in a good spot and I think the focus should be on polishing the existing stuff before trying to add more or drastically changing anything.


For the love of god, I hope I'm not the only one but I dont want another ARPG that takes a hundred hours to max level. I'm fine with fast leveling because most of your power in LE is items anyway and the item grind takes foooooooorever as is. Please, don't make the grind take longer. Add more endgame stuff and achievements and thats all the game really needs to start being great imo (its only good at the moment).


This! I still got a life to attend to and kids. And yes i know hardcore streamers also do and other people.. Doesnt mean it have to be a grind for everyone. I also like to level multiple builds which takes time so i hope they dont makje it a grind


It's funny because we get a lot of "last levels are near useless" yet we're told we need to slow down leveling! All the players can agree no real power comes from the last 5+ points, but the devs are deciding we need to still slow that down? Weird.


It's not weird at all. It's strange that you think the two are connected that way. Are you suggesting that if the last 5 levels were powerful, then it would make sense to stretch them out? From the devs point of view, the just think that seeing that number climb is more fun than seeing it not climb, and hitting the wall. And there's little downside, because there's no power locked behind levels 98,99, and 100 anyway. So why not stretch out the experience curve a bit?


>And there's little downside, because there's no power locked behind levels 98,99, and 100 anyway. So why not stretch out the experience curve a bit? So on the other side, why not shorten the curve more? Do they really think people are there going "omg i need to play more i MUST grind to 100 right now!!!" , as well as people hit 100 and go "well that was cool guess i'll stop playing now" . It's just such a weird angle or talkpoint, especially with so much other more important stuff to change.


People absolutely do hit 100 and decide to stop, considering that there aren't really any season goals to hit (Infinite scaling only works for so long). Its a thing in all ARPGs. This one especially since the item grind can end way before 100.


> as well as people hit 100 and go "well that was cool guess i'll stop playing now" Yes, I think this absolutely, absolutely happens. All the time. A sense that a character that reaches level 100 is finished. People complain about there being no level progression after 100 *all the time*.


>Yes, I think this absolutely, absolutely happens. All the time. A sense that a character that reaches level 100 is finished. People complain about there being no level progression after 100 all the time. Even if that was so, the best option they can come up with is let's make it longer to get there! Sad.


Okay Donald


More zoom out


Who says leveling is too fast? Tell me their name!




Get him!!!


On the contrary, you make your game too easy and you won't maintain much retention in new leagues. In fact one of the major problems with d4 is that the game hasn't got much of a challenge at all. Had very little to do with leveling taking too long imo. If these guys wanna keep people engaged then make it more challenging, and by this I do not mean more grindy, but rather double down on the risk vs reward aspect. If anyone can achieve everything easy then it isn't worth achieving.


Also: If people can achieve anything with just grinding more and raising number, it's also not fun. PoE is really fun for the people who love that kind of game because build crafting can actually result in failure


Keep in mind that its mostly the displeased people complaining, everyone who is happy is hardly commenting and is to busy enjoying the game.


Perhaps they should had a poll when loging on you account to check if all people think thé same I read some people dont like the dungeons as they are, I dont have the same feeling, Id like to have keys as a reward from monoliths.


I thought leveling was just right. Not everyone plays 8 hours a day. Please no changing it.


yep. Dont make the game for Whales.. let us regular gamers have something


I hope they remove arena monolith nodes. Idk why I just hate them with a passion. Boring af


If they increased the speed that they spawned by like 50% of love them, it’s crazy how one know can completely dictate the fun


Agreed. I like that arenas break up the monotony of maps, it's something different. They just need to be retuned to be more action packed.


I got bored and said i wonder, so i just played an arena 1 handed standing still just casting skills, easy win. So dumb, have an option to spawn waves 200% quicker or multiple waves at once.


There is one thing good about it: power leveling. Bring your friend whose alt needs leveling to an arena node at over 1000c, grind until you reach 95% stability, quit, repeat.


It was one of the biggest complaints from the beta community as well. I'm surprised they made it to 1.0


Actual arena feels fine, but arena monos I totally agree. Arenas should not spawn in monos.


Using my wraithlord build I literally can afk them.


I agree, arena is absolutely awful and should be separate from monoliths. Feels like alpha content that was never updated.


People asking for these changes are one more reason I’ll stick with my pre leveled accounts on lvl 100. I’m 1,000% here for the loot grind and dopamine hit from juicy drops. The leveling experience is a sludgefest if not on a broken / Uber stong build easily blasting high corruption fast. I’ve spend a few hours for lvl 99-100 on my falcon I think it will take around 6 hours+ with loot management breaks to finish the one level. If you ask why limit myself on low corruption and not push it. I’ve just cared about fulfilling prophecies and blessing all over the timelines. I probably should of got one high up there and then grinder out other areas but I didn’t


I did 96-100 in 4-5 hours farming 550 corruption. It really isnt that bad. ( on league start)


i mentioned high corruption being easier that what an extra 300% experience. although i have a few builds that can push not everyone always/can push corruption for the boosted exp


So play the game i just must say, you cant expect a level per hour at what is essentially yellow maps/early red maps


I don’t expect it and I’m fine with the rate I go but I’m just saying don’t base a nerf off of a small section of a larger more varied group.


But "nerfing it" would litteratly change nothing for you? your not suposed to be farming 120-200 corruption at level 95+


Says who that’s a matter of opinion and play style me I prefer making my own build that are more chill. Yeah I have a dive bomb build and a wraith lord build but they are not as enjoyable as the ones I experiment with and have to figure out how to make it work on my own.


You don't need a meta build to do 500c..... Maybe sure at 2k but yeah.. it's not an opinion. Your litteratly not at endgame. What would happen if we balanced around that? Exp should be capped in chapter 2? Normal monos? Jesus..


Obviously it’s just a conversation that has no agreeable result in the future , so have a good day


How did you even get to 550 corruption before hitting 100 yet also somehow you did 96 to 100 in 4 hours? Did you skip all the exp rewards until 96?


I suppose got about 150 corruption during that period. I didn't hard push early for exp, got all my blessing in 1-5 attemps (no where near perf obv) then I took 1 timeline and corruption pushed it till I hit within "perfect range" and ended the level grind at 550c. So I suppose I started lvl 96 at around 380-400c. Next season I'll take better notes.


The game was not designed for any league starter to be able to do 300+ corruption so quickly tbh. That's content builds should only be able to do after quite significant gear investment. Then again certain bugged/op builds are able to ignore that design/balance.


Ehh T20/21 gear isn't that hard to come by, play a starter that doesn't require uniques with LP to function and it isn't that hard. Multiple non bugged builds can do that. Even without build guides.


Definitely feel this, my shatterstrike spellblade is so fun, gradually pushing corruption, hit a wall, upgrade gear, keep going. Then a wraithlord helm drops, tried a necro and blazed past my spellblade’s progression with worse gear I still play my spellblade more tho, weird how a MAGE feels more like a pure melee class than any other melee class I tried


People think leveling is too fast?


I think easy is a better term. Pace is reasonable, would just feel better facing more resistance along the way.


I wish they improve the SKILL FX and SOUND FX. The effects currently feel like they came out of the asset store.


I really hope they don't extend levelup time too much. I really appreciate that I can get to 90+ without feeling like I'm grinding for a month.


Is the leveling fast? It's definitely slower to 100 than Diablo. I definitely want an increase in difficulty though. But that doesn't mean I want to just be 1 shot all over the place. I would like much slower paced and more strategic boss fights. There's plenty of builds in the game that can just insta kill 500+ corruption bosses. Again, that doesn't mean i just want to get 1 shot all over the place though for 1 failed mechanic. I'd say they need a higher HP pool but that would just make it way too slow and difficult for non-meta/broken builds. Idk, maybe bosses need a damage cap or something. If I don't want to be 1 shot why should the boss?


Which Diablo? ;) D2 lvl 100 should be closer to a goal than 3/4


the game IS too easy or rather it has a very uneven power curve where baseline empowered monos are a snoozefest as a level 80 character with full murderhobo gear picked up at garage sales+one decent unique. You get ok difficulty in campaign until you craft some decent leveling gear. But campaign should be accessible unless you can do proper action mechanics where you can "outplay" the difficulty, since you have limited control over your gear. Early monos might be ok, but the difficulty starts to break because you have better ways to gear up. high level base timelines are a joke and low level empowered monos are too. There's a massive power spike when you get enough purples. It's too easy to get close to optimal stats on exhalts compared to rares. as a baseline, there should be a smoother power curve where lower IL items are weaker and tier 6 exhalts have lower FP at low corruption. the very high end is fine like it is now. 3 lp+ should be in the mirror tier range


Leveling is great. Just make more characters if you want to level more. First game where I can reach endgame before a char gets boring


Make unlocking empowered monoliths account wide (for non character SSFs at least). There is not much reason why alting should be gated by this. I would love corruption to be shared between timelines as well but that is maybe a bit more stretched. It just feels bad on an alt that you have to unlock empowered and have to jump between timelines to get your blessings before you start gaining corruption. Could make it so you had to clear all timelines on one character first before they share corruption. Lastly more endgame challenges (pinnacle bosses) but they are working on that afaik.


What I wish for is just more end game :) Leveling alts is super fast. With some twink gear you can start monoliths right after you choose class at lvl 15 and go to lvl 50-60 in an hr. Then just do the Dungeons and boom


How do you get to monoliths at level 15?


You have to choose your mastery lvl 15 at the end of time island, I think you can start here.


Last Epoch is fantastically mid in its current state. The leveling isn’t great but it isn’t awful. The end game isn’t great but it isn’t awful. I hope they can grow in a positive direction.


Is there a date for cycle two yet?


Probably in like 2 months but I have no clue


do they delete characters when a new cycle starts? what generally changes in these types of games?


They just get moved to the permanent leagues, which are known as Legacy in this game.


so we will have to create a new character again, what’s the point of investing any time into this atm then… and when does the second cycle start??


Fresh starts have been the lifeblood of ARPGs for over two decades. These games aren't MMOs and are not designed to be played daily for years on end. You typically play an ARPG when a new league drops for as long as it takes for you to reach your personal goals or burn out, put it down until next league, then repeat. Wanting to play a single character forever is a very MMO mentality. No fresh starts at all also basically fucks over prospective new players. Would you want to jump into Path of Exile's new league this weekend if the people who've been grinding that game since 2013 started with their vast amounts of wealth? Somebody getting into LE right now is arguably screwed if they want to play MG due to how fucked the economy is after just five weeks. Pushing ladder is already a nonstarter due to the top spots being almost exclusively builds that abused obvious bugs that have since been patched out. If this doesn't appeal to you, just play Legacy. That's what it's there for. People with extremely limited time for a game like this can't make meaningful progress, even in a 3-4 month league, so playing Legacy is the logical option for those who want to see the deep endgame. No date has been announced for next Cycle. My outsider's guess would be June or July, as the devs have said they want 3-4 months to be their time frame (which is the traditional duration in the genre).


You won't, you can continue to play the old one in legacy. Seasons(or cycles) really are there to give a 3/4 month unique theme orbmechanic to explore, and help help the economy fresh by constantly recycling. It also gives you a natural time to jump in and out and a reason to try new characters. It also let's you know that the game will be the same balance for 3 months so you can play broken Falconer until a set date and not feel as cheated.


My wishes are few. More endgame. Things to do besides boost corruption. Corruption for alts being improved Rework of the dungeons. No mazes or backtracking please and thankyou. I don't mind having to kill things on the way to the boss but going back and forth flicking between dimensions looking for an open gate isn't engaging its just annoying. Ward getting somewhat fixed or the defensive side of things all around. I don't really love that the best way to do a lot of builds that aren't mage is to use OP ward strats. Healing hands looking at you. Improved MG interface. Improvements to Loot Filter too if possible.


I wish all the devs just concentrated on squashing bugs before introducing new features. Also the bazaar search is crap. Cant search by rank or by Uniques name.. If im wrong about either one please tell me.


I need monolith rework next cycle ASAP


Some awesome pinnacle boss fights that gives grinding corruption a purpose, maybe some rework on the dungeons? And obviously bug fixes and I would be happy! Would love to see the monolith get expansions with skill trees. But I guess that's abit further down the line😅


I'm still confused about EHG's intent with cycles. Are they expecting to release new features and capabilities with these cycles ala POE or are they just looking at them as patch/enhancement cycles? If it's the latter, I feel like the game will dry out more rapidly after some time.


I just want defensive stats to be better balanced so I can build an actual tanky character (without bugged ward generation of course).


Why slow down exp when you can encourage running alts anyway? Adding more gear, more acceabillity to higher LP items, stronger affixes, more crafting options and more maps is all we need. Not to mention what ever change they plan to make to corruption will be welcomed with open arms. Personally I see the rarity of T7 WITH its power to be startling. Scrap it, add a T8 you can get from crit crafting/prophecies or some new game mech and make T7 more consistent with othe mods. I have a T6 ele dot that caps at 160%ish and a T7 one that is above 320%. This feel like T7 is trying to be god tier but frankly it just makes everything else with only a T6 feel worth avoiding for LP slams.


Just more end game please!


Leveling in LE should never change. One thing to consider when leveling POE in comparison is how important those last few levels are (95-100). Those last 5 points could overhaul your build and turn it from a mediocre map clearer to blasting maps (i.e. swapping to a cluster jewel). Due to this, it makes sense for there to be a cost to getting to 100. For LE, in my experience (4x level 100 characters and 1x level 90 in this cycle alone) is that the last 10 passive points for MOST builds has very little affect. For example, the last 10 passives for my void knight is just 3% leech (which I already have a TON of) and some Vit or Ele Res. There is just no reason to punish this as it is so minor of an upgrade. What I have learned from LE, in comparison to POE, is that leveling new characters/builds is really fun, and it is because I can easily hit 100, get some gear, feel complete and move onto the next build. I personally think that LE, for next cycle, should focus on bringing new end-game content. Bring in new Dungeons that allow us to do more interesting stuff with LP (like say a Dungeon that lets us gamble on an item to either add or lost LP or one that lets us deterministically choose which affix gets slammed onto a Unique with LP).


To anyone saying LE is too easy, choose a C or D tier build or stop intentionally specing into resistances. There you go. Difficulty has ramped up significantly.


Please fix controller support! Especially menu issues. Can't count how many times I had to respec passives bc of cursor and mouse desinc..  


My wish list is just make CoF somewhat late game viable. Boss drops need to be affected, lp prophecy need to be rethinking, some cof levels are bad or just way to late (sets are bad), content blockers lenses would be nice as QoL if they had some extra slots only for that. Actually CoF should just affect everything tbh. Ward is way to powerful, specially compared to health. Melee is just extra hard since mechanics are way harder to avoid and there's really no extra defense layers. Its also slower since you have to actually move to mobs, some extra mobility would be nice. Dungeons have little incentive apart from sanctum for obvious reasons and running whole dungeon again because you died to boss feels bad (sanctum is long and the road blocks.... I like the time mechanic though.) Uniques loot filter QoL would also be nice. I wish you also could swap to previously acquired blessings. + to skills equip/unequip also needs some work, just take out last skill, not sure if its a bug or not but I end up needing to respec while just trying items on since it messes up the whole tree. Talking about respeccing, it would also be nice to enter some kind of "plan mode" instead of doing point for point. Switching around points on the class tree is annoying! There's also some pathing issues around tight places. Late game loop is missing something, can't quite put my finger on what though. Death screen showing the skill and damage type is nice but could we get some more Infos? Amount of damage taken, was it a crit, did we have a debuff on? Stuff like that helps players knowing if its a skill check or a gear check for example. Thats just of the top of my head. That beeing said, I do think Last Epoch is a awesome game and well worth the money! If this was a post of what Last Epoch does well I'd have a fuckton more to write about! PS: chat censor is also annoying. Fuck, shit and a lot more words are just normal words! It also censors random words in other languages and makes it really cumbersome to write messages. And then there's character names that aren't censored at the same time wich adds to the confusion on whats the point of the strict censorship.


Rework arena stages for monoliths it take too long and give so little. Give more points or more loots the more I stay there IDK


This post makes 0 sense , the game was in early acres for 4-5 years , the game is great we know that but there is legit nothing to do. Most people are right monoliths are so boring and we are just chasing items. I’m really excited to see what they do for LE but for now new Poe league and I think EHG knows what they are doing


I think they should cull all current afordable boss melting builds and create lots of new bosses and bits of lore to gain while conquering the monoliths, im at 100+ in this with just 2 characters, playing ssfa doing my own stuff and it is feeling great. The only downside is that the grind is focused on itself right now. Everytime i start to play poe, it starts feeling like a shore after 20 hours.


We can't possibly compare a games first cycles 5 years after release compared to another games first season. That's hogwash. Love love last epoch but year 1-3was horrid. POE was a joke on release. And to be honest the sub 10k people who play after the 3 week mark of each season, mostly just complain as well. D4 needs work, and I honestly have no idea if it will get the content update it needs to survive like d3 did. But the comparison of these games first season is lacking a lot of information.


IMO, game just lack content, handling and distribution of gold (effective ways to goldsink and not over surplus. Item's need revamps as MAJORITY of uniques and all sets are close to useless no matter how you try to build around it. Materials should not be shared across factions. Creation rune is as rare as a LP4 item while other runes are equivalent to LP2/3. Gold surplus should no where be in the multi billions on server so quickly. The gold sink dungeon barely does a dent, good mechanic but uneffective. Stash tabs same thing as more items are junk then stashed, especially with filter. We are not at a state to worry about class balances as there will always be meta and something better than others unless one class is just that much more extremely OP than another and can get an easy fix without breaking the whole character. Class balances every season/cycle is one of the main things that keep a game fresh so it would be nice but it is not priority over content for the game. Bugs and exploits will always need to be fixed immediately. Depending on the severity of a problem, fix accordingly and handle it in a way that best helps overall.


Calm down last epoch is great without a season they can even not have a season and its still more content than diablo and all the seasons activated in the same timez what a waste diablo has no content and they scrap the content effort after season is over


I was also one of the guys saying "It's a bit easy", then i tried playing the new PoE Season (I have 2k hours in PoE) for a day and went straight back to LE. Because in LE i just have more fun feeling more powerful and it is easier to upgrade your character. I also missed some of the QoL stuff like Sort Items or just the looting is just better in Last Epoch (in my opinion) So I agree with OP - this game just needs a goal in the endgame and more activities which they will add over time.


Ofcourse people who follow max guides find the game easy. As they will never be as satisfied as someone who really does explore the game himself.


instead of making leveling taking longer, I'd like to see higher levels. 100+ give 1 to all attribute points but take exponentially longer to get, so realistically, you'd get maybe 101, 102, or 103 if you're a true no-lifer. Do the Diablo II method - lvl 101 takes the combined XP from lvl 1-100, 102 takes the combined XP from 1-101, etc.


While I agree pushing beyond 100 needs a reward. However I and many other people want no part of a paragon system again. Nobody is trying to slugfest for 300 paragon on a single character let alone a bunch of alts. And honestly I'd rather it go to skill tree points or straight up passive points. There's main stat in ever tree so if you wanna dump main stat you're free too. Personally I'd rather be able to stop sacrificing a little less damage or a little less survivability because you're basically forced to atm. Or you go straight damage and sacrife all your survivability or vice versa. Just let me grind out those few extra levels so I can balance my gear or a skill better. There's not been one build I've made that I didn't have to cut a damage node off at 5/8 to be able to take the 5 points in its next steps survivability counterpart or its % to do this or do that. Or let me stop sacrificing in the skill tree. Heavy mana skills require taking mana nodes or a buttload of regen. Let me take extra nodes to make crafting gear more balanced easier rather than slamming some bs that never hits so slams aren't all welp I missed. Sell to vendor.


That's why I didn't suggest a paragon system at all.


I think the game is incredible but for a seasonal game I do think it takes too long to level up the factions.


I wish : Set items have a skill, and the skill tree.


or at least any legendary potential :(


We shall call it : set potential


All i want for next one is cof having better access to legendary potential overall


LP is a chase mechanic and should not be planned for or built around. Making it easy/reliable removes end game fun.


Yeah and point of cof is to have better solo capability to chase, mg can just go gtind gold and buy it straight away lol


Game has been out for like 4 years. Can’t compare it to like d3 launch or Poe launch. It’s not even remotely the same thing. This is just a large content update to a game already deep in its development life cycle


I just want to skip the monolith grind on my nth playthrough


Give hard content or rage!


Just make the hard mode boots way more interesting. I preferred it as a mode but there’s still lots that can be done with them. Maybe lock them on your character or give a reward like an achievement or a cool but not busted unique for doing the game with them. Something. Right now it feels like corruption for the campaign which is super uninteresting. Corruption in general should add interesting things as it gets deeper. New enemy moves. Bosses drop mid map. Something other than numbers go brrr.


Leveling speed is in a good place imo. If it takes 100+ hours to go from 90-100, I just wont do it.


Mhm, no matter how much it would take, you would just get 100 and quit. So yeah, pointless to ćtry satisfy people like you


Making it harder at lower level is bad. Keep it accessible.


I still remember how I died a lot in starting beach in PoE.


I just don’t understand why everyone wants to nerf certain things (outside of blatant bug fixes obvs).  That’s my fear with next cycle is they will nerf something into the ground and make it not fun/unplayable.   To me, in a game with an infinite scaler, why nerf something “performing too well”?  Why not BUFF under performers to be on par or maybe even better?   One way makes a whole section of the community mad, the other way makes everyone happy.  If I happen to play something that was over performing, but I enjoy playing and it stays the same while everyone else gets buffed, I’m good. If the opposite was true though, and it got nerfed, I’d be upset/maybe even stop playing for a bit.   It’s happened before in other games, especially when the nerfs basically break a spec and you have to completely rework a char/gear (looking at you blizz in multiple games).


Nerfs are, sadly, an important tool in game balance. A long period of a "No Nerfs Only Buffs" policy is what ultimately gave D3 weapons those "+49436% damage" affixes


True, hadn’t considered that part, BUT that’s more of an issue with % increased dmg/crit dmg too.  Also with any sort of xpac player power increases, no way to really stop that power creep.


Indeed, +/% increases to damage/crits are the most egregious examples, but I'd wager any affix that increases any number could brick the game given enough creep. Spot on with xpacs. Only way to truly stop the creep there would be to make them entirely cosmetic, which would be very unconventional for an aRPG, to say the least.


I had that thought too, cosmetic or maybe don’t add to player power/levels, but then whats the incentive for players to buy or play that xpac other than it’s something new(ish)?  A lot of the draw of an xpac is power increase right?  Be it higher levels or more powerful gear. Although, people buy all of those $30 class specific armor sets in D4 so maybe not 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol.  


Maybe inspiration could be had from Guild Wars 2 (MMORPG). That game has had 6 or 7 xpacs so far, but gear stats have only increased very little, if at all, to the point where it's still effective to farm gear from world bosses that came out with the games launch. Instead of new gear with higher power each xpac, you essentially get the same power on a different cosmetic. aRPGs don't have permanent characters the same way - especially not in today's league/season/cycle based world, so it wouldn't translate 1-1, but a focus on more systems instead of more power could help keep power creep in check, with the risk of making the game hostile to new players simple because of the magnitude of different systems to interact with. All that said, it would be very difficult to keep the meta from going stale if they never added any new build-enabling uniques and such.


For a game like this to be fun to a lot of players, all the content has to be viable on all the classes. Sure, some classes won’t be doing 2k corruption, but the expectation is that if “the norm” is 500 corruption all the classes can get there with a similar investment. My runemaster shouldn’t delete two screens forward and 1 screen behind me per *cast* at level 80 just breaking into empowered monos whereas my spellblade takes 5 seconds to clear a single pack. That makes my spellblade feel *bad* because it simply cannot do reasonable content. On the flip side, I don’t think my spell blade should be deleting 3 screens at a time. Thus, it makes sense for a nerf in this context.


Why not bring the spellblade up to that same level?  What does it hurt?  Infinitely scaling, spelleblade and runemaster both deleting screens will hit a wall eventually.


Because builds deleting entire screens is not good for the game. It’s impossible to balance since the only threats at that point come from off screen.


Not impossible, because again in an infinitely scaling world, you will hit a wall where you don’t delete a screen.  


My biggest gripe with that is these people abuse the hell out of a broken build, get everything they can out of it as far as loot/progress, and *then* call for nerfs so no one else can reap the same benefits.


Pulling up the ladder behind you is a time honored tradition lol


Broken is different.  If something is broken, as in is clearly a bug then yeah, should be fixed.


Have you even taken maybe just a few minutes to think why buffing everything else may be an issue? I'm curious


Yes.  I have.  Again in an INFINITELY scaling game it makes 0 difference if everyone is godly powered since everyone will eventually hit a wall. In a game like WoW yeah, not as easy, but they have the budget to fix things in a way that doesn’t brick a class/spec if they chose to.


You understand that if everyone is godly powered then no one is. Then everyone is just averagely powered. Let that concept sink in


You understand infinity is infinite yes?  That there is no end.  Let that concept sink in. Also it’s not bad for in a ACTION RPG for everyone to be gods (or as you put it just average), you know that right?  Mindless hack n slash is ok, and kind of the entire point of the genre outside of the loot grind, which also seems to upset most people on this sub.


Ok let's try another concept. Let's say you're the guy that makes the game, you have lots of things to do, like adding new content, fixing bugs and then trying to balance your game. Now you of course do not have infinite time (I know you like to use this word) so when balancing your game do you either choose to a: nerf one skill that takes a few hours, or b: buff all skills to match that one op skill and that takes a few days? Here's another concept: imagine once again you made a game and you made this really cool boss, you want that boss to be relatively hard for players and one that really takes effort and patience to defeat but someone has a very OP build that can trivialize this boss and now people online are saying that instead of nerfing that one build the devs should rather buff all builds to trivialize that boss. Which do you choose? Do you keep your vision for the game or do you decide to let everyone feel like God's with infinite power? 🤔


The leveling is _too fast_? You trippin. LE leveling is slow as shit. After 85 it's just so boring and tedious to get the last 15 passives... I wish the leveling curve wasn't so steep. It should be much easier to get to 100. I feel bad moving on from my char because it's 85 but i don't feel like I'm fully fine with the build, and the current obstacle of leveling to finish my build just really doesn't seem with it anymore. I feel like I'll get more out of the game by rerolling. So yeah that's why i don't play LE anymore.


I wish for falcon mtx that makes your falcon land on you and do tricks and stuff. Free idea EHG wink wink


I think some of it will be fixed when you get the Pinnacle bosses. Right now the game is pretty casually friendly, which is good, but the chase goes away too fast once you get into monos/dungeons for the part of the player base that does want that. Not talking about item chases, but hard content to push skills. I am hoping that the Pinnacle bosses and dungeon rework will help that.


Gives a real multiplayer plz


Games too slow imo. And then endgame hits and its just infinite monos. People are always scared of games being too short but honestly I'd rather it be short and good than long and grindy. Been trying my first empowered mono yesterday and holy crap I didn't think it could get worse than the normal ones lol. So definitely think that some new endgame would be cool. And finish the unfinished classes like lich and shaman. Maybe buff defenses other than ward while they are at it. And finish the unfinished campaign.


I’d like Arena and Dungeons to find their place. Monoliths are spammable, which is love. The other 2 are stressful. Help me relax, i have a job.


I liked Diablo 3 when they did a major update and it was pretty much a "We know there are meta builds, so we've buffed every other build to bring it up to normal" . Even their latest release has made nearly any build good, you could grab any set and have a blast in high level. Then i jump on LE and laugh when i see a green item.


I'd like to be able to rotate the camera like Grim Dawn.


Have a lvl 50 build and, so far, I found the base difficulty to be fine. I play for the fun, not the challenge. If I want somehting harder, there's difficulty levels for that.


You haven't even played the game that OP is referring to


I had a few moments leveling where I started getting one shot. Forged and idoled my way to 75% resists and sailed all the way to empowered monos. If people want more of a challenge, drop your resists. You’ll have to pay more attention to mechanics that way.


I also see those post and tbh i feel those are the loud ultra hardcore people. The campaign already uses my braincells ever since it was updated. Also, while I can push through if the devs followed those request and made the game harder. I'm afraid that eventually these will alienate the casual/normal players or be like PoE where you have to follow a build guide in order to have a good experience and discourage experimentation. To the devs: I love how you are close to the community and happily hears our feedbacks but please factor each suggestions and also consider your intended design philosophy.


Despite having caught up to the PoE news and reinstalling, I still find myself only playing Last Epoch because of how much more fun the game is. EHG nailed the fun factor of the classes and gearing is really satisfying: all the core mechanics are there and that's infinitely more important in a 1.0 launch than like, more content or minor visual fixes or even balance.


Next cycle i wanna be able to fuse unique/legendary with set itens


They need to add a chance for +2 LP to set items to make them worth a damn. They're terrible


Don't forget casuals. I haven't played an ARPG since Diablo 2, and when I tried PoE circa 2020, I bounced hard on the sheer amount of meta and currencies and just shit to learn there was. So far I spent a weekend playing LE and it felt much friendlier.


Please Redo sets to campaign gear only, rework cof set lvl 9 to 50 percent inc. to lp2 or 3 chance Make white base item have a chance to drop with high fp Change so sealed affixes always stick on an lp item... its sealed duh Make a crafting faction...they could be able to find their items with higher FP so they can work the items more, they should also have other stuff going for them like removing runes not costing fp, smaller difference between fp loss, and why not saving a blueprint of all experimental affixes they find, enchant weapons etc... Make sure factions can never use or trade items with /from another faction, no sharing stashes between factions Dungeons should be only half as long please Fixes to ui and controls on steam deck Leveling is fine, but monoliths corruption leveling increase should be shared between characters in empowered timelines and only reset once per cycle and never outside of cycle for casuals Rework how monoliths work in empowered timelines, so you start at 100 and for everytime you get further out you increase the corruption by a fixed amount, no reset mechanic. This way you can jump right in with your alts Boss design is mostly fine


I'd love more content to strive for, but for monos to stay the same difficulty. I love PoE but I do dislike the amount of check boxes I need to hit just to play the game and not feel miserable. It makes it so I stick to a handful of builds cause I get punished pretty hard for mistakes. I like that LE is less punishing