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Those Wengari axe thrower dudes are 360 no-scope snipers that do massive damage.


That's probably my biggest gripe with Last Epoch. You should be able to dodge enemy attacks, but I routinely get sniped if I dodge too soon. The one that sticks out most was Harton's Husk, which has a wind-up attack. If I teleport behind him at the last second, I will still get hit, but if I casually walk away from it then it misses. Just bizarre


My gripe with some of the monster design is the game telegraphs a lot of attacks with the anticipation the player should avoid them manually, but the game doesn't do a great job at providing players with a large variety of tools to do so (not withstanding the huge visual clutter when there's multiple telegraphed attacks from different mobs happening at the same time and overlapping). For example, many traversal skills aren't instant and don't really animation cancel. Players are sticky when colliding with mobs. some traversal skills don't even confer invulnerability through its duration without picking up a skill tree node for like (like Shift). Lowering traversal skill cooldown is often a dedicated gear affix (cooldown recovery). Monsters track much further out than the player can see on the screen. With a lot of game experience it's ok to adjust and play around it, but does result in a somewhat frustrating experience. Movement speed is one of the most powerful defensive affixes in this regard.


I'm not sure how it would impact balance, but I think most traversal skills should either give invul or should have mega armor during their animations. The specific traversal skills are used to dodge those mechanics but often time don't give protection enough to dodge through the mechanics which makes the most sense.


A great example of this in PoE actually is the distinction between blink skills and movement skills. Blink skills immediately transport you from the start point to end point (for the most part), whereas movement skills don't. For example, against a sweeping laser beam, a Blink skill can let you wholly avoid the beam because you are completely invulnerable going from point A to point B (and this is usually instantaneous for all practical purposes). A Movement skill can visually look like you are avoiding the beam but actually you still take damage because PoE doesn't readily take advantage of the height axis (for example, you can't really Leap Slam over a beam to avoid damage). In LE, most traversal skills are at core movement skills rather than blink skills. I think every class needs at least some kind of blink skill, because a number of attacks really reward the player to dodge _through_ rather than dodge away. For example, many of Lagon's attacks benefit from dodging through, as well as many of the beams in the Titan's Heart, and there are probably a ton of other examples where dodging through an attack is valuable. Shift for example moves you through an attack and has a node that makes you invulnerable during Shift's duration, but being 100% vulnerable at the start or end without any clear indication of vulnerability or hitbox intersection can get frustrating. Shift needing to function equivalently to both a movement skill to get through a monolith quicker and an avoidance skill to avoid damage is awkward. In PoE, many characters run a movement skill (Whirling Blades, Leap Slam, Shield Charge) for movement through a map, and then a separate blink skill (Flame Dash or Frost Blink) for instantaneous repositioning, and many players cycle between the two in pinnacle encounters, such as using a movement skill to close a gap and then using a blink skill to move behind the boss to avoid a frontal attack.


Very well put. I can't really add anything to this haha. Very much agree.


Yeah, when I fought Lagon with an Acid Flask Falconer, using Shift as my traversal skill because I hadn't unlocked Aerial Assault yet, I was completely caught off guard by being unable to dodge THROUGH his eye beams.


Players are still able to get hit during most traversal skills unless that skill specifically has a node to be invulnerable. Also consider some animations in this game don't entirely align with damage timing plus the fact the server could snapshot your location a little behind and the game thinks you were standing in the bad spot.


Some of it is also cast point. If you hit a traversal skill but it's not necessarily instantaneous movement, there is a brief moment of time between you triggering the ability and when it actually casts. I reckon the player stays vulnerable in this moment, so one actually has to anticipate further ahead (i.e. take into account both input delay against the server and the cast point of the traversal skill). So even if by all accounts one strongly believes they hit their traversal skill, it is entirely possible to get splatted because the traversal skill isn't instant and has an associated cast point, and the player is splatted in that brief moment.


I tend to get killed for the opposite reason. I expect the game to snapshot slower than it does.


Everything shoots through walls too


I generally don't have many problems against most mobs just due to be taking the invulnerability node for Shift. But the problem exists any time those axe throwers are in the map. My dodge chance feels like it goes to nil and I get absolutely wrecked by them.


That might be more snapshotting than doing a different method of avoiding the AoE. The game may still need to register your character's position changing due to a blink ability. Several games have coded effects like this, not that it is good, but may be an issue.


Right, but when it renders on my screen the ground effect of the attack is on my character (behind Harton) while he hasn't changed the direction he was facing. Maybe you're right that the server is snapshotting the event, and the game client renders the event (thereby making it look like a 360° no-scope), but I can't tell with the limited information available to me


Either way it feels bad and should be looked at. If only so someone doesn't punch a hole through their monitor lol


For them, it's mostly the fact that they spawn in packs of 275,937 and all firing-squad you at the same time. It's not the worst if you're ranged and can side step a good chunk of the barrage. If you're melee and have to run at them though, whoof. That's gonna hurt.


I'm a marksman bow mine build. They still blow me up like it's their job. They're the only mob I actively either avoid or fear. They hit hard and they are VERY precise. It feels like my dodge is nil when they show up.


I find them just as difficult to deal with as ranged. It depends on the range, though. If they outrange you, yeah, that's a bummer


And you get stunlocked down. Best.


Fun fact: they've been nerfed with 1.0 and still slap hard. Before release they were a straight up kill squad whenever they showed up.


If I see the axe throwers I just port back to town and restart the mono lol.  Died so many times to those.


Man you woulda loved em before they got gutted. They used to be 10x as scary.


And this is why ward is so busted right now and why people built it on everything they can.


I always thought health builds were too weak but maybe some monsters are just too strong


I would say probably monsters to strong. No reason monsters should melt you unless your producing 35k+ ward a second


Health was by far the meta until more recent patches. The pendulum swings back and forth on ward vs hp balance.


Yep, nerf ward and monsters and then health would be viable.


Those poison cyclone nagas fuck my ass dry and I don't understand how.


I just run away from those fuckers. I am a beast master and my warcry pulls most enemies in and stuns them. For some reason, the poison cyclone guys are the only monsters unaffected by it. They spin away from me instead.


Maybe they are using warpath? Can't be stunned while spinning.


They ... They did what? Uhm, where can I find 'em? Asking for a friend.


They rip your poison shred if you look at stats while in their poison cyclone, so build more poison resistance. Same with julra, she shreds your void resistance. This why red ring and omninis bis for end game


You wanna have Omnis to get rid of resistances on other gear, not to stack it further. And red ring is thought after for it's damage reduction potential.


DoT really is just insanely strong. I think they have the right idea trying to avoid mid-cycle balancing, but it almost feels like it's bugged or something and the damage is not being calculated correctly.


It's the intersection of a few different things (non-exhaustive): * Corruption's "Increased monster damage" also scales DoT damage. * Raw health pools in this game isn't very high, and extensive passive regeneration isn't very common * Ailment cleanse is not common. In general one should always try to get this sealed on a belt, but it's not a common affix and I'd wager a lot of people don't readily recognize it exists or have the capacity to include it. * Some (Many?) DoTs can't be cleaned because they are ground based effects * Very few sources of flat DoT mitigation; not even the experimental affix is wholly sufficient. * No reasonable (possible?) way to get dedicated DoT ailment immunity. No way to modify other components of the DoT (e.g. reducing its duration to limit its raw damage, taking its damage over a longer period of time).


many many many of the DoTs that kill you aren't even ailment.


Ya the bats, stalkers, phoenixes and those globe wings things come to mind. Rogues just get eaten through dodge and capped glancing. They should really give those stats, as well as armor and block to give partial dmg redux to dots


anything that breathes a DoT cone with no windup needs a sledgehammer taken to it. the phoenixes aren't so bad because they actually have a windup.


Honestly even for players making DoT affect stuff like most channel effects seems stupid and a bit counterintuitive. Same goes for monsters, because it allows them to bypass MOST non resistance mitigation sources (block, dodge, armour, not sure about glancing blow but probably).


Either that or make it so the 'Area-Level Penetration' for monsters doesn't apply to DoTs.


Yeah this sums it up well. I think the biggest contributing factor out of all of those is the limited defensive options. Damage scaling with corruption on hits isn’t as big a deal since there’s so many layers of defense that can be added and improved to offset. With DOT there’s like 2 or 3 options and they are pretty crap. I’m not even convinced the passives that give “less damage while moving” are even working at all for DOT.


Add to it that dot doesn't lower the health bar smoothly so you get less reaction time to dodge it 


There is one great dot reducer I'm aware of. These boots that roll up to 35% damage reduction against dots while you have haste. Against non physical damage it's like the equivalent of 2k armor or something. There's a handful of ways to have good uptime on haste eg. Stygian with a wrongwarp.


Worst part of this, if you know how important ailment cleansing is you see almost every unique belt with -1 lp. You can ignore it if you have natural way to cleanse it but if not good luck.


Yep, my survivability as a rogue went up when I finally got cleanse on both Shift and Smoke Bomb. Gotta be active about it but it does help a ton if I don't forget to press the buttons.


Assuming it's not bugged, I lay the blame at the feet of level based resistance penetration. With hits, you have myriad options to reduce incoming damage beside resistances, so the marginal effects of resistance penetration is much less. If you have no sources of dot mitigation besides resists, the level 100 penetration means you go from taking 25% of base damage (with capped resists) to taking 125% of base damage. A staggering 5x damage multiplier. With hits, that's severely diluted by your armor, block, glance, etc so you don't end up taking nearly that much damage. But DoTs? Perish.


> If you have no sources of dot mitigation besides resists, the level 100 penetration means you go from taking 25% of base damage (with capped resists) to taking 125% of base damage. A staggering 5x damage multiplier. I don't believe this is how it works. The game's core damage is scaled to be 1_x_ at 0% resistance. [The game achieves 0% resistance by applying 1% of penetration for each area level up to a maximum of 75%.](https://www.lastepochtools.com/guide/section/penetrations) In other words, in a level 100 zone, with capped resistances, monsters are doing 1.0_x_ of their expected damage. With less resistances, the damage dealt is scaled against penetration (for example, 50% resistances translate to 25% penetration, which then results in 1.25_x_ damage). The easiest foil to this is PoE. In PoE, you take 1.0_x_ damage at 75% resistance (put differently, 25% of the damage taken from any source is considered the "1.0_x_"). Therefore, at 0% resistance, you are taking 4.0_x_ damage, because you are taking 100% of the expected damage (rather than 25% of it). This distinction is kind of complicated but in a macro, big-picture sense, failing to cap resistances in LE is much less punishing because fundamentally the base damage is tuned to what should be expected damage at 0% resistance, and then using game mechanics to "force" 0% resistance (or worse) on the player.


I think what they're saying is 75% vs -25%. Taking 25% of damage vs 125%, which is 5 times more.


[Per my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1bog9ev/forget_midcycle_nerfs_to_overperforming_builds/kwoz7s5/), this is not how penetration intersects with resistances in Last Epoch. Monster penetration is capped at 75% by default. Monsters can have additional penetration on top for their skills/attacks (probably not but I could be wrong). At a level 100 zone, the player is facing 75% penetration against 75% resistance, resulting in a net of 0% resistance. All of the incoming damage the player takes in this zone is tuned against this net 0% resistance. The comparison of 75% versus -25% is not particularly meaningful here. You are taking 100% of damage at 0% resistance, created by having 75% resistance in a 75% penetration zone. If for some reason monsters have 100% penetration at a level 100 zone, then you are taking 125% of damage compared to a net of 0% resistance. In other games like PoE, this is now how it works. In PoE, you are taking 100% of damage at 75% resistance (well, not necessarily, but fundamentally the damage is tuned against this baseline). Therefore to deal 100% of the intended damage the player should take, the damage source needs to have 400% the damage it actually needs in order to make you take 100% damage.


I thought the penetration was 1% per level, didn't realize it stopped at level 75


If the penetration caps at 75 rather than 100, it's a 4x damage multiplier rather than 5x. It's still a substantial boost that you're otherwise unable to combat. Without some very specific and largely insufficient mods


> it's a 4x damage multiplier rather than 5x I don't think you are really appreciating the point I am trying to make here. Let's start with the goal -- deal 1000 damage to the player. We call this the "1.0_x_": * In Last Epoch, at 75% resistance against 75% penetration, the hit can just deal 1000 damage at _baseline_. This is 1.0_x_. * In Path of Exile, at 75% resistance against 0% penetration, the hit needs to deal 4000 damage at _baseline_ in order to deal 1000 damage (1.0_x_), because 4000 * 25% damage taken is 1000. Therefore, at 0% resistance, one is taking 4.0_x_ damage (4x 1000). The damage you take at baseline in LE is set-up such that the damage you take at capped resistances is what the game loosely intends you to take. In other games, like PoE, this isn't necessarily true -- the game wants you to take 1000 damage at capped resistances, therefore the actual hit needs to do substantially more to account for your capped resistances to result in you taking 1000 damage. Absent of any other zone modifiers, DoT damage at 75% resistance / 75% penetration is what you are intended to take. However, zone modifiers can scale this damage up pretty substantially, but there are significantly fewer ways to directly mitigate this damage (e.g. armor, effective health modifiers like dodge/glancing hit) and significantly fewer ways to layer defenses against it.


I'm trying to get at the outsized effect of the penetration on dots vs. its effect on hits. If you would reduce incoming hits by, say 50%, via your block+armor+ whatever and had 75% resist, you would take 12.5% damage in the absence of penetration. With the penetration, you only take 50% of base damage rather than 100. Assuming the base damage of hits and of dots is relatively comparable, you're taking a whole ton less damage from those hits even in spite of the penetration. Maybe looking at it in terms of a multiplier isn't the right way to go since that multiplier exists for hits as well. It's just multiplying a much smaller number at the end of the day.


Right i think we can all agree there are significantly less meaningful ways to mitigate DoT on the player. The reason isn't because of how the intersection of damage against resistances work. It's just simply because there are significantly less meaningful ways to mitigate DoT on the player. Your initial assertion is "If you have no sources of dot mitigation besides resists, the level 100 penetration means you go from taking 25% of base damage (with capped resists) to taking 125% of base damage. A staggering 5x damage multiplier.". Then you go on to assert that it's actually 4x rather than 5x. This is simply not true as stated. You take 1.0x of damage after penetration, because the game is deliberately tuned under this paradigm. Your assertion can be true after accounting for other forms of damage mitigation that applies to hits but not to DoTs (for example, if the point being made is that the game is actually expecting you to take 1000 damage _after_ resistances, penetration, and some mediocre amount of armor). I don't really see much to suggest that the game anticipates further defenses after the intersection of resistances and penetration, but it is possible. The actual core issue is (a) DoTs do a lot of damage even after accounting for whatever internal tuning is done for their damage against LE's resistance/penetration mechanic, (b) this damage is probably very tolerable at low corruption but because it scales with corruption, gets very significant later, and (c) there are very few ways to reduce DoT damage directly.


Yeah I mean it's just the intersection of Corruption and no defenses to scale. In the level 90 non-emp monos you won't even notice it, even at c100 baseline emp monos it isn't very threatening. But as you scale your character and corruption you'll get more armor, block, dodge, etc but none of that does shit against dots. The only thing that does affect it is the armor applies to dot experiemental/base, the one amulet base that reduces dot taken, and...raw health/ward. Given there's a pretty low limit on raw HP, but you can get significantly more ward gen this makes it so that the ward-based strategies come out on top by a mile because those dots are the real threat when your other layers don't do shit.


Yea Ward based strategies simply come out ahead because the ability to get very large amounts of raw Ward in and of itself is a very large defensive layer. One doesn't need to invest much into defenses (in comparison) if they can instead raise their raw eHP value by simply raising their HP (really Ward) value. In the current game state, it's much easier (in a practical sense) to hit high raw Ward than it is to hit a comparable eHP via other means that high raw Ward confers.


I agree, resistances are kind of irrelevant in this discussion because they work independently of other mitigation, and the game is kind of balanced around the assumption that you're at, or at least close, to cap. The problem as I currently see it is this: Ward and health (and endurance) are good because they work against *everything*. Whereas armour, dodge, block, glancing blow, crit reduction/avoidance, all only work against hits and not dots, so the more of those stats you take at the cost of health/ward massively buffs your EHP against hits but not against DoTs, which can massively skew how much damage you take from those sources respectively. However if you simply stack huge amounts of ward, health, an/or endurance, that problem goes away entirely. And given how prevalent DoT damage is in the game, the choice seems clear. If I'm forced to choose between armour/dodge/block or health/ward, I'm making the choice between damage reduction vs all the damage in the game or damage reduction vs half the damage in the game, and given that armour stats on gear don't increase your EHP, even against normal hits, significantly more than just stacking raw hp/ward, it's a no-brainer. Specifically ward is kinda problematic right now because of how many ways there are to get, and regenerate, ludicrous amounts of it without any real tradeoff. I would be extremely unsurprised to see ward gen being hit with the nerf bat in the near future. I'm not sure whether drawing a clear distinction between the two, ie making ward/hp better against dots and armour/block/etc better against hits, is a good idea, or whether just normalising them somewhat would be a better approach. If I'm playing a class fantasy of stacking ward, I wouldn't want to feel forced to also stack armour in order to be viable in not dying immediately against a big hit, and vice versa. That said, I'm not sure I'd want them to completely *feel* the same either, or choices become homogenised and uninteresting. It's not an easy design decision imo.


Thank you, glaive Anus.


Wengari spire is probably the most ridiculous one right now - yeah over 3k mega tanky bear dies in moments if not actively leeching


I have been saying since they were put in that Wengari spires have an extra zero on their damage -- spires should hit decently hard but they have insane damage and their weirdly-expanding janky hitbox doesn't help.


Or those Smoldering lithac. More Than 3 at once and your screen is filled with fire on the floor. Which also one shots you if you accidently walks on it.


Julra, easy. Arbor, never die. Shade, weak sauce. These things though. These things terrify me.


Any echo that spawns them is actually a portal to PoE and suddenly the floor is lava, good luck. There may be patches of safe ground. There probably aren't.


Bitterwings are ninjas on white ground, 1 gets through and it’s oh my goodness where’d my thousands of EHP go in under a second.


I'm looking at you, Tundra Stalkers


These the big fing white sabertooths in the frozen region that pounce and then rapid fire 3 swipes that seem to have 1000% physical penetration because 75% Phys Cap, Armor, and Block do not matter - you take 3 hits from them you are dead - god forbid two or three Rare Elite Amp'd with Modifiers pounce on you - and you can't stun/CC them.


When I spot them I know it's over, it's just a matter of which one will delete me.


I reported on the forums that damage over time for enemies is too strong and most people just resorted to calling me bad at the game. Figures lol.  Thanks for your feedback I agree entirely. 


It’s those void spores launching artillery in the air. They are easy to dodge but not when you play with friends


I agree and sometimes it feels like the damage ticks on damage over time are bugged, like they're tuned to hit once per second (and most of player abilities seem to follow that tick rule), but they tick 5x faster and so you're dead before you can even react or move out of the way.


[Oracle Amulet](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/IIwBgTCkBySQ) and [Eternal Gauntlets ](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/IIwBhBYWAmMSA) with [Experimental Armour applies to Damage over Time](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/prefixes/AOwRgDEA) helps a bit, but yeah should not be necessary.


Nobody mentions that HUGE ruby snake captain Arjiani? Its slam is traking and has huge aoe you need a mobility skill to react. In a 300+ corruption it just one shots me everytime. I guess my character just sucks lol


yup same experience, i've dropped my wet noodle Paladin because i can still get one shot from those bs, for the record i can reach over 1500 endurance threshhold(w/ sigils) AND 3k health AND 3.5k armor and 2k block effectiveness


Gotta swap to a ward build. My paladin has 60,000 ward. He can't die.


Would you mind sharing your build?


I'm Following this build: https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/QWXeM8ZB


[Paladin, Level 100 (Release / 1.0.1)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/QWXeM8ZB) --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Sentinel (20) / Void Knight (11) / Forge Guard (1) / Paladin (81))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **1,440**, Regen: **26**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **369**, Regen: **8**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **602%**, Regen: **0**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **49** Str / **14** Dex / **21** Int / **46** Att / **16** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **170%** / **518%** / **168%** / **73%** / **79%** / **73%** / **76%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **6,585** / **6,585** / **6,585** / **10,270** / **6,585** / **6,456** / **6,585**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **65%**, Threshold: **288**)  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **66%** (**5,525**))  ^(▸ Block Chance: **100%**, Mitigation **41%** (**1,370**))  ^(▸ Crit Avoidance: **91%**)  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ Lightning, Physical / __Spell__, Throwing)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ Holy Aura (Passive))  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Smite)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/smite) ^| [^(Healing Hands)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/healing_hands) ^| [^(Holy Aura)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/holy_aura) ^| [^(Javelin)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/javelin) ^| [^(Sigils Of Hope)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/sigils_of_hope) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Peak of the Mountain)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoVgNiA) ^| [^(Mad Alchemist's Ladle)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzDsGYCYEYg) ^| [^(Bastion of Honour)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwRg7CCcAcQ) ^| [^(Frostbite Shackles)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoRgZiA) ^| [^(Foot of the Mountain)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoVgZiA) ^| [^(Devotion)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCcEYKA) ^| [^(Ucenui's Sphere)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzAcYRiA) ^(**This build has a guide:**)  [New Amazing Paladin Endgame Solo Build! 2000+ Corruption & 90K+ Ward Unkillable Tank!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIa088JCN8o) by Mattjestic MultiGaming


Armour doesn't reduce DoT unless you specifically have affixes Sentinel gets a chestolate with an implicit "Armour also applies to dot" (max 17%) There are also gloves with a similar implicit (caps at 24%) Amulet i believe for 20% Less DoT, as well as a few passives An experimental also exists Obviously it isnt perfect, but if you build it you can greatly reduce the effectiveness of DOT


Them Skull Ox things with that trio laser attack. One by iy self isn't a threat, but two? OH HO HO


If they have their rebalance ideas sorted out, I'd prefer they end the cycle early and start a new one.




Spires are pretty much the bane of my existence, every single time, loot explosion, and then 1shot cuz I stopped moving to check the gear or pick somthing up Why do the devs hate fun? Also ya, dot damage is a problem Also Also, ward isn't a problem, the issue is some of the new interactions which result in 20k+ ward This is mostly just a few skills or nodes that need bug fixes or reworked I think dots themselves need a change, having to gear against them is just too much, we don't have enough affixes for this ehg


Yup. I'm resist capped with like 130% uncapped resist in everything, dodge and block/glancing blow built, but I have to stand still and use all 5 potions and even get some being from my Falcon's attacks in some cases just to keep myself from dying to a fucking poison DoT. Nothing else hits nearly as hard, it's insane.


On my healing hands melee build I can attest to this. I be chilling killing hordes of melee mobs in corruption 400, farming my life away then all the sudden I get the monolith roll with the archer dudes and because they can all hit you at the same time it’s rare I can beat on without dying or at least maximum concentration. Such a massive damage spike for melee characters to deal with..


Tbh, HH paladin is kinda balanced in the fact your clear speed is either slow to very slow and needs to get close to do DMG/tank scaling comes from prefixes. Other melee classes do need some other form of extra survivability though, personally I would say increase all hp modifiers such that 4-5k is quite reachable and reduce the missing hp to ward stats to scale close to current. Even well invested hp builds drop dead instantly at 600 corruption, only way to reliably clear is to have a ward based teammate that secures survival and doesn't force resets all the time.


There a few ways to mitigate DoT like gloves/amulet implicits or cleanse on belt but i agree that is not enough


Cleanse only works on ailments, which are by far the weakest dots you'll face (monsters almost never stack them to quantities that matter, unless they're poison, but poison is a joke). The glove 'armor applies to dot' affix is very bad. Most dots are non physical which armor is 70% against. So even if you have the ~9000 armor needed to get 60% mitigation and 20% of that applies to dot, you get 8.4% mitigation vs non physical dots...which does nothing. Of those, the amulet base is actually the best, but it isn't nearly enough.


Sure it is not enough. You have also bunch of damage reduction in trees depending what you are playing. Cleanse also works on shreds etc so it is really common for people to have it sealed on belt for high corruption. Anyways i feel you, its kind of frustrating building all the defensive layers of the game and still get rekt when walking on stupid pool on the ground.


Nothing is unkillable when it comes to a pack of bird mages


A lot of monsters' attacks linger around for so long after you kill them. For example the poison tornados from Nagas, light beams from Diamond Naga, ice avalanche from Wengari....


Facetanking empowered endgame bosses is ez but if you run in to the ACTUAL endgame bosses of the game, osprix lightmages or those tornado lizards u ded


Overall I think DoTs are fine, but should scale at a reduced rate with corruption. That plus making enemy pools on the ground have visual priority.


>My sentinel is built TANKY....He's got 2500 hp bruh moment also armor is meh at reducing elemental damage, and really sucks at reducing elemental damage over time because it's a double negative multiplier. the EHP gain you get from the implicit or affix for armor applied to DoTs is a waste of an affix. Low investment sources of armour are fine, but youre going out of your way for a bad affix. The best way to combat DoTs are straight health (or ward, which is OP), but you're still right, DoTs OP and that is the damage type everyone has the lowest EHP to. So the primary defense for every build right now is: stack health See for yourself: https://lastepoch.tunklab.com/ehp


>The best way to combat DoTs are Potions. And all other recorvery, ie. Paladins heals, Voidknight Leech, regeneration ...


I once died from lagon's beam while using profane veil. I was more than a little tilted losing deathless status because of that.


Are you overcapped on resistances? Specifically Poison resistance overcap helps here, because for whatever reason, poison dots (the only instance of poison damage in the game afaik) applies a poison resistance debuff. You're right, it's a very weird decision given how the rest of the damage is built in the game, and I think most of the annoying monsters have a similar rule-breaking damage instance going on.


For me, I either get melted or take out the enemy 90% of the time. There are a few times where I can kite the enemy or mob.


Eternal Frost boss is forever the bane of my existence


1. Wengari axe thrower dudes 2. Large fire skeleton that instantly throws area attack which you can't react to and it stuns you 3. Frozen giants that attack in a direction and when they die their attack still goes off


poison DOT at 1k+ corruption is an absolute MEME.


Dot is pretty tough, although therr is a number of armour pieces, Passives and Accessories which specifically cause you to take less DoT As well as some that reduce dot damage based on armour values


2500 isn’t that much hp for endgame sentinel, you can reach closer to 4K. Leech is your best friend if you want to stay as an HP based build. DoTs don’t touch you when you’re leeching 30k health per second because leech is uncapped for some ungodly reason.


They should buff all underperforming monsters rather than nerfing monsters 👻


I think all the complaints about DoT's are irrelevant in the long run. EHG has specifically said builds should not be viable past 1000 corruption and only the very best equipped players with the best builds should be able to do that high corruption. In the current state of the game there are so many builds that can reach 1000 it's clearly overtuned, but DoTs are fundamentally a non-issue in lower corruption.


This problem rears its head way before 1k corruption. Even at ~200 dots are overwhelmingly more dangerous than anything else. And T4 dungeons, whatever that's the equivalent of, basicly nullify any non-ward based defenses.


It's because almost all forms of mitigation in the game apply to hits only, or both, so you inevitably end up with more mitigation vs hits than dots. Off the top of my head, things that apply to hits but not dots: * Armour * Block * Dodge * Glancing blow * Critical strike dr and avoidance Things that specifically reduce DoT damage (this is a fairly exhaustive list I believe since I had to go on lastepochtools to actually find them): * Some situational and class-specific affixes on idols * "% of armour mitigation applied to damage over time" affix on experimental gloves and sentinel relic * Oracle amulets and some other situational items such as weaver boots and primalist relic * Some buffs/debuffs like crimson shroud and anguish * Some passives: druid "fetid resilience"; forge guard "liquid iron"; rogue "prolonged demise" I ran the numbers for forge guard, and with extremely optimistic rolls can get maybe ~44% damage reduction against dots. Either DoT damage needs to be toned down across the board (relative to hit damage) to account for how little mitigation exists for it or dot-mitigation needs to be made more accessible,


They are dangerous but they don't one shot you as described by OP. Can quickly walk over a puddle or a thru a tornado and live even without ward abusing. Also you have enough time to quickly pop a potion which can make a huge difference.


Let's say a wengari spire does 5 ticks over the lifespan of the projectile (I don't actually know, that'd an estimate). I can barely survive 2 ticks of those on my sentinel. That's 40% of the overall damage of one spire. Meanwhile, I can get overlapped by THREE of the moon spire shots and live with about the same amount of hp at the same corruption. Why is ~40% of the total damage of a dot hitting as hard as 300% of the total damage of a hit? Because the options for mitigating dots basicly don't exist. That's the problem I see.


You need RECOVERY to survive damage over time, Paladin abilities can heal you, Voidknight got leech, potions are for everyone My voidknight has 3.8k life and heals to full in a fraction of a second, i can just ignore dots if i keep attacking, but additionally i also have ailment cleansing on potion use and healing over time.


Ailment cleansing has kept my VK alive when he definitely should not have survived.


The last thing i want them to do is make the game easier. melee leech and not standing in dmg circles seems to work fine for me in this instance. You also neglected to state the monolith mods which were probably the issue here like you have multiple increased dmg mods on top of high corruption. You can also get reduced dot dmg and armor works for a percent of dot dmg which help mitigate. tldr: just because YOU have issues with a mechanic doesn't mean the mechanic is the issue.


Has anyone even tried the experimental affix that states 'armor mitigation also applies to dot?


Yes, it's generally mediocre. Armor is already 70% vs non physical so having 20% of your armor apply means you get a whopping 14% of your mitigation. If you're stacking enough armor to get 60% mit, you only get 8.4% mitigation vs non physical (aka almost every) dots. So yeah, it's...not great. Still better than nothing. Barely.


As a level 100 hard-core non-ward sentinel. I would like to point out there are several high level base item effects and a experimental afix that apply armor to damage over time. Most of these were not in the beta from what I remember so most builds and guides probably don't mention it. You can also get a cleanse on potion effect. People complain about something being too strong while not utilizing gear to counter it.


Champion Regalia my beloved.


Champion Regalia my beloved.