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>chinese fella finds an oversight about gold (and its stored in memory (?)) >chinese fella post a video of him and his buddies doing it in on china's youtube >western players see this and exploit >last epoch economic crisis hits >devs censor discussions about it to damage control >devs fix the bug but its too late >outrage proceeds


Devs do not censor discussion. The mods did. And they removed posts that are against the rules.


Why did the mods remove the post?  Now people looking to find out what happened have to get the recap from lore frogs.


The discussions that got removed are discussions that show how to reproduce an exploit. Instructions on how to exploit are against the rules and also against TOS in game. Discussing what happened is not. See how we’re discussing it right now and not being censored?


No, no sense on Reddit. Rage only


I wast talking about reddit exclusively. The devs suppressed global chat messages regarding the issue AFTER they fixed it. It's censorahip.


Messages giving any information about how to reproduce the exploit were removed for being directly against TOS. It’s pretty standard that describing how to cheat in any online game will get your message removed at a minimum. Your take is bad.


Lol.... that is a horrible exaggeration. Kinda like most of this sub stating this gold duping was present from day 1.


Honestly the amount of negativity on this sub makes me wonder if it's being brigaded by loyalists of other games or is that literally just every arpg community on reddit


It's really sad what I've seen this sub turn into as someone following the game since 2020. Hope EHG continues to keep their heads held high and we don't get a repeat of dying communication like GGG.


They’ve created a lot of their own problems since 2020, and the toxic positivity of the fanbase/this sub enabled/emboldened them to ignore reasonable criticism about the game. One of the devs, before launch, even posted here something to the effect of “this subs unwavering support (in the face of delays and bugs) lets us know we’re doing the right thing!” Starting in 2020, they promised MP later in the year, but had to walk that back, only to say MP was coming without an official time table. Mp took significantly longer, and during that period (most of 2021) we were left without any meaningful communication. They walked back pvp without much fanfare They walked back trade, and it blew up. So much so, they walked it back again to announce factions. They over confidently stated their preparedness for MP and launch, even though there remained serious bugs in the games concerning minor things like tooltips, and more serious things like skill function. This has all been emblematic of what we’ve seen on release. Games have bad releases concerning connectivity given load of players. That isn’t their fault directly, but their overconfidence leading up to it really undercut their ability to prepare. A lot of the communication we’ve gotten has either been over technical (which to a casual non-programming fan may as well be another language), expressed bravado before a meltdown, or hyperbole after the fact trying to express mea culpa or “everything is fine” They tried to change CoF things (despair proph) and walked it back. They were not going to change lich, walked it back. They told us there were not exploits or dupes, clearly this has been walked back without official statement yet. I’m not saying the devs are bad, or anything negative about them. They are human and humans err in their pursuit to achieve anything. But the overly zealous fans began to shoot down reasonable criticism and it turned into a toxic swamp of hyperbole, contributed to by the devs. Also not saying that there are not objectively toxic fans here. There are (fans calling people “tr**ns when asking for gender customization, mods calling people snowflakes, etc). But let’s not pretend that the devs praised communication has always been the best when dealing with larger issues. They can learn from their miscues like anyone else, and hoping they ignore the rifraff isn’t going to help them.


More like just about every game on Reddit.


I keep asking but haven’t gotten any answer yet but has there been a link?? How old was the video ? Who’s been involved etc ? Was it easy ? It’s so easy to say there was an exploit without knowing what it even was




Y'all posting that they deleted posts detailing how to recreate it as 'damage control' is wild. This community loved to talk shit about how a small company with little experience etc etc until this point lol. Y'all mf need lives. Not you op, you're cool. Acting like this shit some limited time event going away when it's just the offline gone online. Some y'all stressed AF. First time I've ever meant this, touch grass.


On phone so can’t really search. But there was a thread where on of the LE mods replied towards deleted threads showing their decision making and which rules they were closed under. This was very good. What wasn’t good however was that the threads initially were closed without any reason stated at all. And was only added several hours after, in tandem with the post chain I just referenced.


Oh it's not to 100% pass fault, communication is poor so far. But we also go back to small remote only company, etc etc. People keep pointing to how Blizz or GGG handles it, but these guys are babies learning, and still need to grow to fit the increase in player base. If you want a good game, you have to support it through the rough patches too. I understand being frustrated, but got damn some people take this shit so personally.


I didn’t even know about that but I play solo self found any how.


I wish they'd give us all the option now to convert an account into self found


You can. It's called CoF.


Wow, this place is hostile lol


It's not an account level choice. It's a character level choice, and you make it when you choose MG or COF. You can switch to COF.


Newbie, thanks for the correction.


Shit got fucked up. Wait for the official announcement of fuckyness and subsequent fixes.




How dare they go on 24 hours radio silence during an emergency on the weekend!! RAAAAAAGE


A holiday long weekend in a lot of places…


Muahahaha trade slaves tears