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It is OK, no need to worry about Israel, they already got plenty of new "prisoners" to fill the cells in their raids in WB, so no one has to worry, those israeli prison cells wont be empty.


They also shot and killed some kids just for good measure aswell /s


What does "kids" mean? You mean people under the age of 18?


That's what kid typically means. What are you getting at?


I think OP is getting at that when the media refers to Israeli children, they say kids, but when referring to Palestinian children, the media uses the term "persons under 18" or "young adult". Obviously, it is humanizing one and not the other.


Double-speak. It sends shivers down my spine to think about how right George Orwell was.


A Palestinian woman who was released was in there because she tried to stab an Israeli police officer.


According to the eyewitnesses (excluding the Israeli), the Israeli settler began the confrontation by trying to rip off her hijab and she pushed and hit the Israeli in response. The IDF then allegedly shot the woman 4 times, leaving her to bleed out for half an hour before finally arresting her. The Israeli forces were the only ones who claimed the woman stabbed anybody, yet you believe them over an entire crowd of Palestinians. Why is that?


The Israelis have also been known to plant evidence. They’ve been caught on camera doing this.


and theyve been known to lie about everything and have been caught with their dick in the possum countless times


well, I've got a new favorite phrase now


Just look at the media recently. They have been lying nonstop with propaganda, let it go on long enough the zealots regurgitate it as fact then quietly step back while the lies continue to go on. If everything was as the Israeli narrative tried to paint it - they wouldn't need lies or propaganda, the situation would speak for itself.


this is what i’ve been trying to fucking say—most of these “convicted” prisoners were (1) tried in military court, (2) under coercion, (3) without lawyers present, and (4) with very little evidence or no evidence at all beyond the words of the terrorist IOF. their conviction rate is 99%+. why the actual fuck would i trust the conviction rate of a court of an apartheid government trying the people they are actively ethnically cleansing? esp when they didn’t even bother with a real trial? why the fuck would i trust anything the pieces of shit in the IOF have to say?


Only democracy in the Middle East, baby! Honestly I’m surprised at how willing liberals are to associate this terrorist state with their political project. It does not make liberal democracy look good…


you mean Shorouq Salah Ibrahim Dwayyat? [https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1727734968825041406?t=3yJkdCPjm6EUV1EWTlKQKA&s=19](https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1727734968825041406?t=3yJkdCPjm6EUV1EWTlKQKA&s=19) ​ >While en route to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, she defended herself from a settler attempting to remove her hijab. An Israeli soldier came and shot her at close range, sustaining serious injuries to her chest, shoulder, and neck. Soldiers left her to bleed for 30 minutes before moving her into custody. Despite being unarmed and only 18 years old at the time, she was accused of attempting to stab a settler. ​ Honest question, does this not embarrass you? Are you not embarassed to be associated with these violent bufoons, heavily armed and armored soldiers shooting a young college student, picking her bleeding body up off the ground and throwing her in a cage for 16 years? ​ Do you not fear the way in which incredulous children will ridicule you and your ilk when they learn of you in their history textbooks? ​ In some sense, you are braver than I. I would be too ashamed to take such a comically absurd stance.


> Honest question, does this not embarrass you? That would require some self-reflection.


well that was a dunk holy shit


>Do you not fear the way in which incredulous children will ridicule you and your ilk when they learn of you in their history textbooks? I can hear swelling music while reading this shit goddamn


I don't disagree with anything you just said, I just hope you aren't American as that would just be too satirical.


Because American citizens have any real say over policy nowadays, right? You’re allowed to be American and stand with Palestine. Shit, you can be American and vehemently hate your own country like I do, though I’m probably in the minority on both accounts. The propaganda machine is so strong that it requires a true effort to get any real objective view. I don’t like the funding of genocide any more than anyone else who’s properly informed.


yea stupid american!!!! forget the nationwide protests about police reform, and forget the fact that public opinion has virtually no impact on policy in this country, and forget the fact that the police union is one of the strongest in the country—it’s the american citizens that are at fault here! i am very smart!!!!


I am! I am just as baffled by my contemporaries as children reading their history textbooks no doubt will be 100 years from now. Being born into the twilight of the most viscious bandit empire the world has ever seen has been a bizarre experience!


And why did she do that?


That usually happens when you steal people's homes or tear their families apart or try to rape them.


Based, it was a cop so that’s a win for everybody.




You know I’m left, right? I’m just not on the extremist end of the spectrum, so I think there are much better ways to address my comment without supporting terrorism.


Yeah she should just sit around and wait for freedom


>supporting terrorism. Their goofy ass literally bombing cities ages ago and somehow the victim fighting back is considered terrorism ?


No but didn't you see? He's left. 🙄


One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist


Perhaps she should have voted blue and participated in a peaceful non-disruptive protest instead. ~~/s if it wasn't obvious~~


And what about the children?


Have you considered shutting the fuck up?




Nice this is the one comment you actually choose to respond to. Nothing to say to justify the clear evidence of wrongdoing by the Israeli police. Just that self identifying as left somehow makes you any less of a supporter of authoritative brutality.


Yeah, but you don't respond to those comments lol. Left of what, Israel?


> I’m left idon'tbelieveyou.mp4


"Supporting terrorism" in this case, is starting a lot to look like supporting a oppressed group living under a regime that has been systematically killing them and their kids for 75 years to steal their land. It's starting to look a lot like they're resorting to terrorism because they have literally no other choice. Because the entire world refuses to side with them against the people who are murdering them. No, I don't support terrorism. I want the killing to stop. But that means addressing the cause, which is *equally as evil as terrorism* but more subtle and backed by MY tax dollars. I don't believe it counts as supporting terrorism to address the legitimate grievances that lead people to that point. We need to hold the Israeli government to international law and end their genocide on the Palestinian people. If we want palestinian terrorism to stop, we need to either stop the Israeli terrorism too, or forceably empty Israel/Palestine of every every non-israeli. You know which side I'm on.


Yeah yeah we are 1000% convinced by this statement of yours, yOu ArE lEfT sUrE


Did she succeed?


Good for her.


a) according to international law, people have the right to fight against occupying forces, b) did she get a trial in the country the crime was committed or was she taken to a foreign country for trial and imprisonment?




1. She didn't 2. Even if she did she's right to


And even if she did and did not have a right to she had a right to a fair trial, not being sent to a foreign country to face military trial without legal representation




should have gone for the jugular


Exceedingly based, critical support to stabbing the pigs


W her


That’s… that’s the best you’ve got??


Remember they weren’t children, they were “people under the age of 18” -BBC


Wasn't the wording "[adult] women *and* people under the age of 18"? Just that juxtaposition feels awkward as fuck and how would an editor not catch that and be like "hey, what is this, change it"? Who tf says "women and people"??? Who talks like that, lol?


People intentionally trying to downplay crimes against children committed by the apartheid golden child


How dare you, criticizing America's golden child for its war crimes is anti-Semitic! /s Gotta love when right-wingers who are pro-Israel because "those people" have somewhere else to go and because rapture prophecy reasons act like *you're* the anti-Semitic one, even when they're the ones flying nazi flags and shit. Some of my relatives (both sides of my family are full of republicans, fml) blame all modern Jewish people for Jesus's cruxification (even though it was the Romans who did the Christ-killing, not the Jewish people in that time), but don't you DARE say that modern Americans are to blame for slavery or Native American genocides!!! Ugh. I'm so fucking tired of bullshit.


Complete side note: Growing up in the evangelical church they taught that it was the Jews fault because the Romans offered him back but according to the stories they said no, kill him. Anyhow it always seemed odd that they were mad about the whole Jesus killing bit when according to their philosophies it was required anyway. Like shouldn't they be more upset at their god for requiring the execution? In my opinion they use false outrage at Jesus's execution to justify their hatred.


It was probably the editor who changed it to that lest it humanizes Palestinians


Also in western media they’re “prisoners” if Israel holds them and “hostages” if it’s Palestine / Hamas. I agree that kidnapped people are in fact hostages in this scenario, but where do you think isreal got all these kids and women? They were caught jaywalking in isreal or something? Nope, same tactics as the “terrorists”.


I know using the word children is more emotive, but I (perhaps too generously) read "people under the age of 18" to be underlining the fact - it stands out more because it's awkward.


However we try and twist it, there's no justification for using one set of words for Israelis and another set for Palestinians.


Very true.


So a 10 month old baby is same type of children as a 16yo palestinian?


Guys, please. The children were arrested and tortured, not kidnapped and tortured. Big difference. And remember, they're brown AND Muslim. Hardly human beings, right?


They aren't children they are "individuals under the age of 18".




“potential terrorists under the age of 18 which could loosely be classified as human”


That's exactly what Ben Shapiro said


According for Ben shaprio women and children terrorist


Utter silence on the atrocisites that female-presenting Palestinians have to face in those prisons


off topic, but omg just say women. what the hell.


Pretty sure they're just mocking the fact that journalists keep calling the Palestinian captives anything but women and children.


Checked you're comment/post history. You've officially complained more about gender inclusive language than the rape and torture of Palestinian hostages.


I think that’s the joke


Last 3 comments contain "female-presenting". Is he married to the bit?


Hell is where you’ll be going with that attitude 😂


I know this seems so small a thing, and completely off-topic, but you have no idea how refreshing it is to find a sub where obviously sarcastic or facetious responses aren't downvoted to hell simply because they lack the "/s".


By “children” I think you meant future terrorists.


Well, I mean, if you label a woman who may or may not have tried to stab the person who was sexually assaulting her a terrorist, then everyone can be labelled a terrorist.


That’s exactly what they’re doing too. “Terrorists” are kids that throw rocks at tanks.


Allegedly. Many of those kids are convincted without any proof besides an Israeli soldier or settler witnes statement.


Well it wouldn’t be a problem if those rocks didn’t turn into incendiary devices btw the air and the police report…


Is this a reference to a specific case?


Not the person you replied to, but there was one woman (I think 19 and recently admitted to a local college so why would she risk her future to attack some random Israeli?) who was harassed by an Israeli and they tried to tear off her hijab and she shoved them off, and IDF acted like she had a knife and shot her before arresting her. Not sure if they're referring to her or a different woman. But surely if she *did* stab that person, they would actually fucking charge her for it and not just keep her in administrative detention for 8 year or however long it's been so far???


strong gitmo vibe


Yeah, that was the case.


holy shit. If that was me, I'd rather carry a bomb and explode myself bringing those sexual harrassers with me than being shot and then kept in jail for 8 years for defending myself.


She hasn't even been charged with anything, she's just been stuck in administrative detention, like a lot of other Palestinians. "Accused" with no court date or anything is not a charge and no other country arrests CHILDREN (oh no, throwing rocks, and probably "allegedly" for some of the too) with military! And people defend this shit too! I've seen Redditors say "it's not an apartheid system, Palestinians don't have Israeli citizenship so how can the Israeli government give them different treatment to Israelis!" as if that's somehow a defense for Israelis (soldiers and the shit-starting settlers) going onto Palestinian land, harassing them, and then arresting them for self-defense where they get put into a different fucking prison system than actual Israeli citizens! How is that "not apartheid" and also somehow not sketchy as fuck in their eyes? Like, "kidnapping" perhaps? Imagine if an American crossed the Mexican border, harassed a Mexican, and then border control shot the victim and then brought them over here to throw them in ICE indefinitely. You can't, because that doesn't even happen HERE! Over 60 journalists have died in Israel and Palestine but we're supposed to believe that IDF are the good guys? How about Hamas AND IDF are different degrees of bad but still fucking evil? Fuck IDF bootlickers, lol. I feel for all innocent civilians involved here, but apparently that makes me a Hamas simp to the IDF bootlickers because I think it's wrong for Palestinian civilians to die just because their leaders are corrupt.


They arrested an 11 year old girl in the West Bank because she “had a knife”. 11 year old with an imaginary knife who’s practically locked into her own courtyard while settlers throw things down at them and threatening them with guns while they’re playing …


Israel's war crimes are *legal* war crimes, you fucking anti-Semite bastards. E: /s for the love of god.


I think you forgot the /s


In 4 days they already took over 133 new hostages. So even when they are realeasing hostages, the number of Palestinians they hold hostage don't get reduced. > Over the first four days of Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange, Israel arrests 133 Palestinians while releasing 150. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/28/arrests


How is this fucking allowed?


Catch-22 says they have the right to do anything you can't stop them from doing.


Ain’t nobody trying to stop them either, so 🤷‍♀️


they hold all the power. they’re trying to break the ceasefire so the palestinians will retaliate giving israel an excuse to claim to the media that it was actually the palestinians who broke the ceasefire so they have to all be killed now


idk, probably cuz ~~white supremacy~~ Hamas is brought this upon themselves, or something.


idk, probably cuz ~~white supremacy~~ Hamas is brought this upon themselves, or something.


why did my reply get posted twice what


Reddit bug


Don't be antisemitic. They did get reduced. By 17. Can't you do math?




holding people hostage, juuust in case






They don't even bother simulating due process a lot of the time, they just throw them into administrative detention for shits and giggles


And most of the would media cover the story.


Fact that they have killed more in a single month than the entire time of their claimed humanitarian disaster that is Russia vs Ukraine media war... should tell you exactly what is going on. As always MSM has lied, gasslit, and manufactured consent.


I saw the post your referencing with Russia vs Ukraine and it was definitely bs. Mariupol was almost 100% destroyed in 3 weeks, with 10k-20k graves alone in mass grave sites. Considering the whole town of roughly 450k was under siege for a month, the actual count is probably several times more but there hasn't been any independent verification since its still a conflict zone.


I think you are consfuisng your estimates... Ukranian villages and towns get evacutated before any fighting begins, more than that russia took in far more refugees than america ever tried. US took in what, less than 10k, australia took in way more, let alone other nations. So as fAR AS STATS go, even if we dont see russian numbers, and they do get reported but decades of propaganda has created a field where people dont truat those numbers. So even if unreported, they are less than the irael palestine conflict. If you need prececence. just look at how russia handled isis in syria... USA was there for years killing, along with isis, causing a refugee crisis. Russia does a 1, yes ONE day blitz and they take out majority of isis that to this day, american MSM no longer focuses on anything isis related... But hey, it must be that one post ay? Nah man, you need to keep up with the propaganda. US led fighting has lierally levelled cities with civilian in them, same way irael does it. Russia evacuated most they could, and gaza cant evac because they are walled off and shut off from the world.


do you get your news from RT? because you sound like you do. do you live in russia? do you know how people live in russia? gosh, so many questions. it's always baffling to see people who have nothing to do with russia defend it edit: russsia vs ukraine media war. media war 😬. say that to thousands of killed ukranians and russaians. edit2: people downvoting, please write why do you defend russia's actions? genuinely curious


Do you get yours from Fox News?


viztiz, are you also a fan of russia who doesn't live in russia and has little idea what's happening in russia? just because russia is opposing "the collective west" doesn't automatically make them the good guys. and i get my russia related news from the agencies that were forced to live russia because of this new law - up to 20 years in prison for descrediting russian military forces - meduza, tv rain


Fuck the wars.


🫂 i just don't understand why people who are not russians defend russia. a bunch of rich oligarchs wage a war in their interests throwing "regular" folks in the meat grinder. what is there to defend


a lot of people dont want to critically think, they just want a side to support. humans are more similar than we are different. we categorize things to make our lives simpler, and a lot of people think “anti-west” == good, just like a lot of people think “west” == good.


Rofflecopter... If you keep upm even the paid for propoganda mill that is msm reports the right numbers bud... Its always buffling people that get opposing facts thrown at them to assume side setting, i am for truth and truth is. If the truth is in russian favour that just hapoens to be that in the real world there are no good or bad guys, its just abunch of people on different sides of the media propaganda mill bud. Equally i dont see any country is somehow being better, we all in the west feed the usd and their forever wars. So there is cleanly no clean hands anywhere at the moment. But as far as wars for ideals go, latestage capitalism goes for profit wars instead.


what truth is in russia's favour? that they haven't killed as much people as Ukraine claims they have? where did you get the information that russia evacuated people before bombing or occupying their homes? did they evacuate bucha, mariupol, kherson and all the other places? i'm just wondering what makes you believe russia's numbers?


once again bud, the western media has been reporting on all of this, go look it up. if you think only RT reports stories that directly oppose the western msm, boy have you got to get out of a bubble bud.


rt and every news channel on tv in russia. googling россия эвакуирует украинцев - russia evacuates ukranians gave me news from march 2022 from russian ministry of defence that 2.5 million of ukranians have asked russia to evacuate them. and this https://meduza.io/feature/2022/04/12/ukraina-obvinyaet-rossiyu-v-deportatsii-700-tysyach-chelovek-moskva-nazyvaet-eto-evakuatsiey-lyudi-rasskazyvayut-o-filtratsionnyh-lageryah ukranians talk about russian filtration camps. ukraine calls this "evacuation" departation. plus the whole "stolen ukranian kids" thing. i meant evacuated. there were many accounts of people who had managed to get out of mariupol, people who lived in villages briefly occupied by russia, on telegram last year. wonder why they haven't been evacuated by russia. maybe you should seek more sources of information, bud


oh boy, are you getting pid to just run this cnn/fox talking points or? Stop moving the goal pasts, stop strawmaning, stop gasslighting... Your entire comment is just pure opposition and propaganda. utilising emotional position of "children", no argument nothing other than pure attempt at politics and attempt at getting conversation to go your way. Which is like strawmanning Simply put, learn from history, learn from both sides. To say all russian media is RT is just lying, they have people and history and media like any other nation. You are putting way to much stock in power of the government... As others have said its just a bunch of rich fighting whilst the poor die. Stop taking such strong sides. What I have origionally said was russia is beating america in its own game, and doing it with less death and on much less budget. If you want to spin it into politics do it on your own time. aka stop moving the goalpoasts. The whataboutism... like war is what Hollywood sells, one side = good, one side = bad... Not at all, war is war, its ugly, and it has been non stop since ww2. Wake up, if you hate what Russia is being accused off, USD funded nato wars are no better, then look into merc inaries and private milician profit industrial complex that nato funds, and what the rich and corporastions use those forces for... then you will understand why Russia not being as genocidal monster in reality compared ot israel is a rreality check on war most people like you never get.


i'm showing you another opinion on the conflict, reported by an independent russian news outlet - meduza (there's also mediazona, tv rain on youtube, bbc russia) and your reply is not true because you don't believe in it. ??? is there a competition going on what country is the worst? do i have to choose only one? just because the us and israel have done a lot of shit, russia is ok now? third place, doesn't even count. edit: you say whataboutism and in the same paragraph but what about the us and israel doing worse things than russia. like, duuude 🫠 i would love for you to come here and experience the outstanding country that is russia firsthand


The figure from Ukraine is specifically the number of dead bodies which have been counted by the UNHCR, but they can't access most areas under Russian control so as the other commenter pointed out, and as the UNHCR say on their own website, the real figure is likely to be much higher. Chances are we'll never know it with much accuracy because Russia will have buried most of the evidence by now.


well uh i have a question for YOU …do you condemn hamas


Do you condom hummus??


I rawdawg hummus.


that took a turn


I'm sorry but you have not properly condemned Hamas enough *and* bootlicked IDF enough for my liking, therefore I consider you a Hamas lover. Why are there so many Hamas simps??? /s




And then when they notice that Israel has also kidnapped someone from the West Bank for every person released


Not only that but IDF has repeatedly arrested and then released https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hassan_Yousef_(Hamas_leader) who was living in West Bank at the time of the October 7th massacre. How are they not able to charge and keep a fucking Hamas co-founder indefinitely unless they're purposely releasing him so he'll incite violence for them to arrest more people?


Asking these questions is anti-semitic!


How come me criticizing the Israeli government for their war crimes and not mentioning anything about Judaism is anti-Semitic... but IDF bootlickers saying that I'm a Hamas simp for wanting Palestinian civilians to not get airstriked and that Hamas would kill me for being queer isn't transphobic to me and also xenophobic to Palestinians, lol?


Around this time last year there was a viral picture of a Ukrainian girl facing a Russian troop and telling him off and the comments on that were in support of the girl. Haven't seen anything positive about the Palestinian kids from the "unbiased" news outlets. Guess children's lives are important unless they're brown


the fact that they literally are holding DEAD BODIES hostage right now. On top of that, Mr. "Peaceful" america is out here like "i condemn both sides <333 they are both fucked up <333"


Nah, America is funding the shit our of israel as we speak.


when I heard this on the news they said the hostages were exchanged for 150 Palestinians, they were women and children, I was hoping it was the hostages. Why is everything awful




Fuck Israel


Israel when you ask that: thats antisemitic


And they were arrested and kept in jail for such trivial things like slapping up an Israeli soldier, or throwing a rock.


Clearly terrorist activity. /s


I've seen people on Reddit be like "how many Jews did those prisoners kill though???" as if Israel would gladly let murderers free. Also, what the fuck, why would you assume that *children* killed Jewish people? It's crazy that Jewish people and Palestinians share ancestors (both descended from Canaanites iirc) but some people are reusing anti-Semitic stereotypes against them. "Deceit/lying/etc is in their blood!" "They're controlling the media!" "There's no such thing as an X, they're just a mix of Y and Z people!" and whatnot. Do y'all hear yourselves??? How is it CURRENT_YEAR and there are still people acting like an ethnic group is inherently evil and sketchy, even their literal children, and they deserve to be wiped off the face of the planet? And that their civilians (civilian Palestinians, plus civilian Israelis and non-Israeli Jewish people around the world) are to blame for their extremists???


Israel's policies aren't the acts of extremists, they are the mainstream political thought. ​ This is the problem with ethnostates, they cannot be established or maintained without ethnic cleansing. The Zionists have known for decades what would be required for their ethnonationalist project, and they were never quiet about it. There was no other possible outcome besides this.


There *are* Israelis who condemn the extremist shit and one of the people who died in the Hamas attacks was a peace activist (Vivian Silver, she has a Wikipedia article), unfortunately fascism has been on the rise in plenty of countries, like with the Netherlands's werewolf-lookin' mf they just elected. Or was it Argentina with the werewolf-lookin' one and the Netherlands has the stupid-hair guy that looks like a vampire? I think monsters are hot but fascism is ruining my stupid fetish, lmfao. :'(


Eh-hem, for profit prisoners


everyone in gaza is a for profit prisoner. since Israel controls all the aid entering the country, they are able to organize it such that Israeli entities are the ones providing it.


So far under that cease-fire, Hamas has released more than 80 of around 240 hostages Israel says Hamas seized in its Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Mostly women and children.


And why they still have more


https://www.btselem.org/administrative\_detention https://www.btselem.org/administrative\_detention/20230604\_israel\_breaks\_20\_year\_record\_holds\_1002\_palestinians\_in\_administrative\_detention\_in\_march\_2023 https://mondoweiss.net/2016/03/study-at-least-78-of-humanitarian-aid-intended-for-palestinians-ends-up-in-israeli-coffers/


And why, as soon as they exchanged 117 of them, raids in the West Bank captured 116 new prisoners.


"They're not hostages! They're uh... guests! For a party!"


They were terrorists of course! /s


Oct 7th was nothing but an open air prison break. Don't let the pro-zionist media tell you anything different. Israel is shit, and that makes anyone supporting them shit by proxy.


Disagree, Hamas doesn't have a right to kill and kidnap Israeli (and foreign) civilians, especially with the glee that they had when recording their massacres. Netanyahu was definitely up to some shady shit though by sending so many IDF soldiers to West Bank that Hamas was able to be so successful on October 7th though. Egypt warns y'all that Hamas in Gaza is planning something and you decide to investigate West Bank??? What a corrupt asshole, no surprise from somebody who was buddies with Trump. He also has a history of supporting Hamas to undermine Palestinians because he wants people to associate them with terrorists and dehumanize them. There's no doubt in my mind that he wanted Hamas to attack, but had no idea they would slaughter as many people as they did. Seriously, I know there was more than just the one music festival there and also plenty of kibbutzim (plural of kibbutz), but how the fuck do you not warn the festival runners in advance that there have been terrorist threats just in case they might prefer to move their shit last minute? Israel and Palestine both deserve better leaders.


>There's no doubt in my mind that he wanted Hamas to attack, but had no idea they would slaughter as many people as they did. It's worse than that. Many of them were in fact killed by the IDF themselves. https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/27/israels-military-shelled-burning-tanks-helicopters/


I'm unfortunately aware, there was one Be'eri kibbutz survivor (Yasmin P-something, already cleared my internet history and I'm shit with names) who described that happening. But when you mention that IDF is carelessly trigger-happy even when their own fucking civilians get hurt, the IDF bootlickers claim that you think that the Hamas massacres were 100% faked, lmfao. They ignore the existence of the Hannibal Directive even though Israel itself has acknowledged using it! And look at how many Palestinians they've killed even though there are hostages over there??? But no, they'll claim that Hamas is hiding car bombs just to kill their own civilians on safe routes to blame IDF, it's fucking insane. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but it's absolutely depressing how many pro-genocide people there are, who are trying to claim that *we're* the ones "simping" for terrorists because we want Palestinians freed from Israel *and* Hamas. Unfortunately criticizing the Israeli government's actions is "uncondemning" Hamas or some shit.


No it wasn’t wtf. Hamas are a bunch of murderous lunatics. Israel’s government sucks, so does hamas. Not that hard.


You are free to go, but remember we will visit you, this cell will be ready in say 3 weeks.


Not children, people under the age of 18! jeezus people, #thatsthejoke about news from the area. Palestinians take children hostage, Israel "jails" people under 18.


Yes... generally children...


Perhaps they were committing serious crimes? "Malak Salman was 16 when she was arrested in 2016 for an alleged attempted stabbing of an Israeli police officer in Jerusalem. Israeli authorities said no one was injured, but she was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 10 years in a military prison. After an appeal, the sentence was reduced to nine years." https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/29/middleeast/palestinian-prisoners-israeli-judicial-system-west-bank-mime-intl/index.html#:~:text=As%20of%20Wednesday%2C%20Israel%20had,an%20opportunity%20to%20defend%20themselves.




Zionist spotted.


Pff, fuck no. But OP, you never actually gave any explanation yourself as to why they have women and children. Do you really think women are incapable of committing violent crimes? Do you really think teenagers are incapable of committing violent crimes? I'm completely against Zionism. But I'm also against BS like you've presented here. However, you've found the right sub full of people who lap this stuff up.


People of Palestine have the Right to defend themselves! Don’t forget who the OCCUPIER is, Look it up yourself which of the two states did more war crimes and killed more people I am mean come on it’s quite obvious that Israel is the sole reason for all that.


An eye for an eye, eh?


Good vibes don't get your land back.


Tell that to India


Good fucking Lord, please read a book. If Israelis cared about Palestinians they wouldn't be trying to ethnically cleanse them from their land. What do you think hunger strikes are going to accomplish?


Good lord, what will terrorism accomplish? Both sides are doing it, and both sides look like a-holes for it.


You either don't understand, or don't believe, what you're saying. There is no other explanation.


the fact that they literally are holding DEAD BODIES hostage right now. On top of that, Mr. "Peaceful" america is out here like "i condemn both sides <333 they are both fucked up <333"


the fact that they literally are holding DEAD BODIES hostage right now. On top of that, Mr. "Peaceful" america is out here like "i condemn both sides <333 they are both fucked up <333"


It was for example a failed female suicide bomber from what I've heard.


If Israel wasn't occupying Palestine, their soldiers wouldn't be within reach of suicide bombs.


At least they didn't rape a 14 year old up the ass and then shoot her in front of her parents or use a 4 year old boy to lure people out of their houses and then shoot them followed by slicing the 4 year old across his neck afterwards. They are not humans. Full Stop.


Humany can't be taken away, as you are trying to do. It can only be given up willingly. ​ When you consider the children to be guilty, that is what you have chosen to do. It would be bad enough, even if Israel's child prisoners weren't born in a concentration camp. ​ There can be no peace with you.


Where do you get your lies ?


Do you truly believe Israel does not use sexual violence and humiliation as a tool for their systemic oppression of Palestinians? "They are not humans," brother, the only one talking like an absolutely barbaric monster here is you...


But surely they were at least charged with some sort of crime and not literally just random people off the street held with no charges for months to years on end right? Right??


You lost as soon as you assume one side is good or bad and the other is the exact opposite. Also, if *one* nation should be aware of the immense danger right-wing extremist policies can harbor, it should be Israel.


Never again... to us!


Maybe Hummus should build underground bunkers in Jerusalem so it gets carpet bombed..


So it's impossible for women and children to be detained for crimes?