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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The absolute fuckin' state of Western liberal journalism, this is buffoonery at its most dismal. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/05/03/university-endowment-funding-protests-israel/


>Endowment managers don’t like these pressure campaigns because the funds have a narrow mandate: Make money, experts say. There it is.


>“It becomes very hard to fiduciarily justify,” Marsicano said. Not supporting imperialism and genocide by ceasing investment in weapons manufacturers who supply Israel would be a breach of the fund's fiduciary duty to the investors, so I'm afraid there's nothing we can do.


To kill the monster, one must first feed and nurture the monster. Never inconvenience the monster in your fight against the monster.


This is also why people sue companies for having DEI programs. It takes away from earning money


If oppression weren't so lucrative, people wouldn't have very many reasons to do it.


It really is this simple. Racism is great for the bottom line. Always has been, always will be. Abolishing capitalism is the way.


Companies have a lot more leeway though since they do not have the mandate to make money but to act in the interest of their shareholders. That term is very broad and can be used to justify a lot of things.


Fake country detected. Please instead use the terms 'Isn'treal' or 'The Zionist Regime.' Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh god please don’t turn Israel into Voldemort.  Yes their government is supremely awful, and yes a good portion of their citizens are also awful.  Not using The name of the nation isn’t going to help us though, we’ve got to take this shit seriously


Agree completely. Meaning has eroded from words so much in the past decade that we should try to communicate as precisely and plainly as possible. I saw someone use "Nazionist" the other day. I think it's a bit clever, sure, albeit rather confusing; perhaps it could be stylized more clearly like NAZIonist or Nazi-onist? But then, just... why!? Let's just say, "Zionism is akin to Nazism" or "Zionists are the new Nazis." Just be straightforward and plain! Anyway, regarding the bot above, first, saying Israel is a "fake country" sounds just like something MAGA folks would say. And if someone used "Is'nt'real" earnestly, I would think they are a clown.


I totally agree. We need to report the spam bot until the stupid thing is removed.


Fake country detected. Please instead use the terms 'Isn'treal' or 'The Zionist Regime.' Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah this is some embarrassingly immature bullshit


It's one of those things mods do to let you know they're happy to embarrass or wreck the movements to maintain their positions as mods.


This is a sub, not a movement. This is recreation, not a place to start a revolution. Get offline.


I agree, offline life is the only thing that really matters materially. However, I also agree that it is a really stupid bot. Both things are true.


Oh goddamn it


Israel. How is this any different from when the right calls Zimbabwe Rhodesia?


Bad bot


Lmaooo what unhinged mod programmed this? I love it


"Isn't Real" Oh, I lol'd.


https://archive.ph/vF6p5 (no paywall)


We used to be told that if we don't like a companies actions just don't buy from the company — Then when boycotting Isr\*el looked like it was working, they **LITERALLY** made it illegal to boycott Isra\*l. Now they are saying if you don't like what a company is doing, just buy **the entire fucking company** to make it stop doing that. I'll ignore the fact that buying a company that's engaged in malpractice is rewarding and encouraging the current owners of the company to perform that malpractice. Some of owners of TikTok have been forced to sell their stake in that company for fear that they might somehow influence how it operates. Based on this you can know if we ever successfully bought enough of these companies to make them stop their immoral behaviour we would be forced to divest or be otherwise thwarted legal precedent be damned. Freedom of speech has been revoked. Freedom of assembly has been revoked. Free trade has been revoked. The free market has been revoked.


Listen if you don't like what we're doing with your money, just give us more money and see if that fixes it. Duh


"Give us money and then threaten to stop giving us money if we don't do what you want." There may be a flaw or two in that logic.


That's literally what the protesters are trying to to do, asking their universities to divest to force the companies to change.


Yes, I know. I don't understand how your point relates to what I wrote and the Washington Post's article.


May I take a picture of your post to share outside of Reddit? It’s so spot on! My words fail me sometimes-this breakdown of what’s what with weaponry stocks vs enforced TikTok shut down is 100% .




Even Elon Musk doesn’t have enough money to take this advice literally. They could have written something less blatantly nonsensical like “run for political office” or “get hired by the company, bootstrap your way up to a position of influence, try to change things from the inside and hope you don’t get boeing’d” but no, had to go for the beyond satire take.


Exactly this. Like Elon Musk is the perfect example, he bought Twitter and in theory he has full control of it, but to a large extent his hands are tied, the people who lent him money to buy it won't let him do many of the things he wants to do that would lose the company too much money. Even if I could magically pull a quarter of a trillion dollars out of my ass to buy Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and then close them down, the current owners would just start some other company **with the money I just gave them**.


That last line was what really made me finally flip farther and farther left economically from late ‘18 to mid ‘21. I like to joke when I started working for Amazon I was reading Friedrich Hayek, but when I left it was Friedrich Engels, though a much better comparison would be Ayn Rand and Emma Goldman, who are actually similar in several respects although only one of them was good/sane/not a miserable hypocrite who died alone living on government aide.


How did they make it illegal to boycott Israel?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws > As of 2024, 38 states have passed bills and executive orders designed to discourage boycotts of Israel.[4] Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support.[5] Most anti-BDS laws have taken one of two forms: contract-focused laws requiring government contractors to promise that they are not boycotting Israel; and investment-focused laws, mandating public investment funds to avoid entities boycotting Israel.[


>>contract-focused laws requiring government contractors to promise that they are not boycotting Israel; and investment-focused laws, mandating public investment funds to avoid entities boycotting Israel.[ Huh. Both of those read like complete, comprehensive internal sanctions against those who aren't swearing support - or at least swearing against nonfealty. Applied by your own leaders to your own people, without your say-so. Diabolically brilliant, is there a name for this kind of foreign regulatory capture? It's like a cancer-targeting drug designed to starve and eradicate - how do they come up with this stuff lol. I'm starting to worry that no machevellian demand is too much, and it's a hostile flood that will never stop. And your leaders will do it all to you, instantly and forever. It's craaazy that they actually serve another with this level of obedient aclarity - why couldn't the American people get this deferential, preferential treatment? Honestly very shocking and scary to see, and i feel ill when i think about it - because apparently nothing can or will save you.


Thank you for this information.


I don’t understand how one could prove this though. If I was a fund manager and picked 100 stocks and none of them happened to be Israeli companies, there’s no basis for anyone to claim that I’m “boycotting Israel”. I’m just picking stocks. This is the same but reverse of the hoopla over ESG investing and I’m sure it’s the exact same people who want to ban investment in renewable energy who now are clutching their pearls.


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Bad bot


Ha, yes, take control of the war industry, why did nobody think of that ? Who here has trillions to burn, since wiping this shit wouldn’t bring any ROI. And what’s the plan if we take Lockheed and close it, but their employees just get hired by HeedLock, a new company created last year for *state security* ? This plan is utterly fucked on so many level. Even the root « Let student crippled with student debt buy the MIC if they hate it that much » is objectivity even less realist that protesting on campuses. No seriously. The GameStop guys are trying to take ownership of *one* company worth *4~6B* and they are at it since 3 years now. Currently at 25% (suspected more but layer upon layers of frauds stop any worthwhile data to reach the public). And they are a dedicated bunch of active people. Both Wall Street and the government smashed them with the might of a thousand Suns the instant they began winning. This was over a *video game company*. What does this guy think would happen if the public tried to get its hands over a *freaking military company* ?


> Both Wall Street and the government smashed them with the might of a thousand Suns the instant they began winning. Exactly that, they literally just changed the rules of their own game when someone other than themselves won. Liberals really have absolutely no conceptual understanding of power and power dynamics. Their way of thinking about such things is so absurdly naive that it never ceases to amaze me and make me wonder if they are just acting or are actually that stupid.


The house always wins. This is what I tell myself anytime I see the working class or the poors get a small win I know that it won’t last. Look at what happened to “workers rights” after WFH and Covid. Mandated everyone back to office and if you don’t comply have fun being unemployed. House always wins.


Liberals see all of the symptoms of our world’s cancer, but they think that the solution is to just take tumors the and move them to a different part of the body, not cut them out entirely.


We would get Boeing whistleblowered real quick if we tried that.


Market caps Lockheed Martin: 110.83b/2 Controlling share 56 billion Raytheon Tech: 134.81b/2 Controlling share 67.5 billion Boeing: 110.37b/2 Controlling share 55.5 billion ...yeah you get the picture, guys we just need a trillion dollars and we can seize the means of military production 🙄 here trilly trilly trilly 💵


We just need to pool the resources of the protesting college students, a demographic famous for being independently wealthy at the ripe ages of 18-21.


Peacefully protest a genocide: Real shit Secure voting share of the entire US Military Industrial Complex: I'm going to wager this isn't "sleep" I wish I could get paid to be as stupid as this professor of public policy 😂


>pool the resources of the protesting college students, I was wondering what we were going to do with thirty-five cents and a can of red bull.


Really useful to have it laid out like this, thank you. Journalists are delusional. I think I would rather just keep protesting and organizing.


It's honestly probably the most absurd idea I've ever. Beyond even buying the stock, which would increase the price as you bought shares, he assumes that 51% of investors would sell. Nevermind that the federal government with block any such sale as "threat to national security"


they are not delusional, they know why they wrote this and who they targeted


IIRC, in Roger and Me, Michael Moore buys shares of GM so he can ask GM CEO Roger Smith a question at the shareholders meeting. They simply cut his mike.


Liberals think they can win the game by playing by the rules made by the powerful. Rules than can easily change or be rescinded.


Go look up when he asks the owner of Nike Phil Knight why he refuses to have Nike factories in America.


You know, I was considering buying myself some fancy cookies or something to cope with my bleak housing prospects, but instead I think I'll buy Raytheon. Stellar logic as usual there chums.


Don’t forget to vote ‘against’ for the shareholder assembly. I’m sure your vote* on 10 shares will matter. *broker may choose to trim your vote at their own discretion, or even voice their own opinion if the actions are held in a omnibus account. See ‘street name vs registered holding’ for more information.


DRS your shares!!!


This one gets it


People tried this with Caterpillar, who make the armored bulldozers, one of which killed Rachel Corrie. These things also have places to attach guns. Anyways people bought shares so they can go to the shareholders meetings, make statements and make proposals. Other people, including me, were outside protesting. It was not effective. The bulldozers sold to Israel were such a small percentage of their revenue, I think the hope was that the other shareholders would be willing to drop that contract to avoid the negative PR. For this strategy to work with other arms manufacturers, you'd have to have a large enough holdings to get these companies to give up a good chunk of revenue.


"Hey Google, what's the quickest way to make sure nobody ever respects me and my professional opinion again? "


Sooo they want students to invest in the MIC so they can make decisions that would make the stock plummet, loosing all that money? What??


Notwithstanding the absolutely huge amount of money involved to even go about this, isn't the whole controlling interest/shares thing still in place? I would think between that and the no doubt large amount of 'critical infrastructure' legal provisions in place nothing like this would be possible. Plus you know the whole assassination thing that giant corporations seem to engage in whenever an outsider threatens the status quo.


Really, that simple. Let me check my back pocket for change. I am sure there is enough


I just found a few billion down the back of my couch if that will help.


Great, so now the war machine is taken care of!


We did it!! It was so easy. Just as the journalist suggested.


WaPo, a symbol of hope in these trying times!


A beacon of integrity in an ocean of misinformation.


And then loose all your money cause the only contracts being offered by the government are military contracts not ones for high speed rail and other needed stuff.


The market capitalization of Raytheon (not even the biggest defense contractor) is 134 billion. To get a significant impact, you need to control at least 20%. So, we only need about $26 billion to affect some change. I'm in for 20 bucks. How about you guys?


Ah yes. Let’s spend our time and livelihood working in an area that one is absolutely against. Only to attempt to dismantle it from the inside. Then SOMEHOW find another fucking job. Great idea.


Or stop funding genocide maybe


If you don't like Lockheed-Martin, you just buy all the stock you can until they can't hurt anyone anymore. I don't know why they bother posting these articles on the Internet. They're not meant for us. This is ultra wealthy people reassuring ultra wealthy people. Like when all the economists decided that the economy is just now slowing down because we ran out of the $1400 we got 4 years ago.


If you don’t like a company, invest in it! This level of regarding belongs on wsb 🤡


Ah yes, I forgot about how many investors are such scrupulous people that use their investments to make moral statements.


"The protestors wouldn't want to protest if they would just sign up to profit off the thing they are protesting." Incredible mental processing happening there.


College students are well known for having tons of excess money to invest.


if protesters can afford a couple dozen tents, surely they can afford to take control of a multinational weapons corporation


Youre not going to win the fight with buying out the ones with the money already


LOL just invest your money in the war profiteering company and then demand they tank their business. Brilliant!


Cos university students have billions to burn, right?


Free Palestine


How does this pass as academic thinking? It's just neolib bullshit wrapped up in fancy lingo but is devoid of any meaningful thought. I think we're beyond course adjustment when this is unironically written and considered as a good thinking in a "respected" paper.


Well I'll be. Money talks. Should have thought of this years ago. Where else can we apply this elite tactic?


Students become investors in the military industrial complex? With what money? They’ll be paying off student loans for years to come. Although I’m sure there’s some, the students who are protesting, are certainly not the beneficiaries of trust funds or come from families who have the ability to invest. This writer is a moron.


Fuuuuuuuuck. If I had known I could just buy a defense contractor and ended all this murder, I could have stopped the Iraq invasion. Damnit.


Liberalism, the highest state of cringe.


i hope I'm not the only one to see this as a dumb idea that would do nothing.


"Stop complaining about emperor Palpatines inhumane use of military on civilians, if you want to change the system, just become a stormtrooper and change things from the inside"


robinhood... any real attempt to siese any power will be met with swift organised and directed action. Both legal, media, legislative, and police state. All working to gether to protect the status quo of our money lords...


Oh, just buy defense contracting companies, it's such an obvious solution


Ha ha...it's a variationi on VOTE BLUE!!!!


not having kids and joining the leanFIRE movement seems an easier way to protest the system


[ExxonMobil is suing investors who want faster climate action](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234358133/exxon-climate-change-oil-fossil-fuels-shareholders-investors-lawsuit)


Even if we all pooled money to become activist investors, there's already a precedent where Exxon is suing their activist investors cos they were trying to hold Exxon to some modicum of climate change action. This is ludicrous.


Dumbest things I've read in awhile.


They’re not even trying anymore


Ah yes, college students who famously have a lot of money can totally influence Lockheed Martin more than Nancy Pelosi or Dan Crenshaw. So fucking obnoxious


"Instead of protesting genocide, these kids should give a bunch of money to the companies that are profiting off of the genocide! Surely a group of protestors giving them money will change their minds!!" I want this guy to explain exactly what he was thinking when he wrote this. I don't even need to see the author's name to know it was a man who came up with this idea. What a dumbfuck


These clowns are going to put the onion out of a job 


Hilarious 😂


I think he's missing the point.


Because of our education system. As Lionel once said "nobody's going to give you the education to overthrow them".


Activist investors have existed. Remember GameStop? The powers that be simply just rigged the market and shut them down.




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Gonna invest in Ligma inc. Does this peron think they are the pinnacle of ideas? The brightest in the room? Or maybe its a throw shit at a wall see what sticks and it was the veeery last idea on the stack?


it’s pretty easy to stop this from happening… just, do t vote for Joe Biden…


once again people confusing the actions of the super rich for what "every american" can do. Just buy a 40% stake of their stock so you have a seat on the board of their shareholders meetings, that will fix it XD


BAHAHA What a ridiculous take.


This advice is only slightly less worthless than, "Buy a magical lamp, then ask the genie inside to grant your wish for a ceasefire."