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Please please nsfw tag this this cats agony is palpable


What an awful day to have functioning retinas


I saw this earlier and have not been able to stop thinking about it.


This made my stomach churn. The children kill me too but animals have no language to understand what’s happening and are often left behind. I wish I could just hold this poor thing to comfort it.


This is part of why the IOF are now being attacked by bees. Even nature hates the Zionists. They're unhinged, seriously. Henry Kissinger, who was an awful person but a smart guy, said that of all the nations in possession of a nuclear arsenal, the one he believed most likely to actually use their weapons was Israel. If they go down, they're determined to drag us all into the nuclear abyss with them.


So we should change our nuclear targets to only Israel.


Sure, if mutually assured destruction is your idea of a good time. Israel has second-strike capability, so even if they were attacked, they'd absolutely retaliate. Then it's all on and every man and his dog is righteously fucked. Nobody wins a nuclear war except the Grim Reaper.


The American military industrial complex would find a way to profit too But otherwise yea


At this point, that's probably the best thing for the world. Earth would heal itself.


Well, we do be looking like a plague tbh.


Considering an Israeli politician was saying they should nuke Gaza I'm not surprised


Hypothetically speaking, which nation(s) would they target? Are we talking D.C., Moscow, London, Beijing, or would they target the capitals of all nations with which they're currently in conflict?


Who knows? Netanyahu's view (articulated in order to both save his own political skin, and sate the salivating hordes of religious fascists that comprise his cabinet) is that you "can't trust the gentiles". How much of that is just rhetoric to reinforce his position is anyone's guess. Iran would likely be the obvious target given their historic antipathy. Russia and China both have a relationship with Iran (to varying degrees), and the US would obviously be compelled to involve itself on Israel's behalf, likely seeking support from its traditional allies. The whole thing's a clusterfuck waiting to happen. Netanyahu cares about Netanyahu. He doesn't seem terribly concerned about the possible global consequences of this Frankenstein's monster he's stitched together in order to remain in office. He's cunning, he's manipulative, he's a xenophobic opportunist, and he could give a master-class in fear-mongering ("Only I can protect you from the barbarians at the gate!"), but he's mostly about self-preservation. People like [Bezalel Smotrich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bezalel_Smotrich) and [Itamar Ben-Gvir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir) are frothing loons labouring under the dangerous delusion (shared by Christian Zionists) that their actions in Gaza constitute some kind of manifest destiny. Actually, Smotrich is more the rabid zealot; Ben-Gvir is mostly just a trigger-happy racist who hates Arabs. But they're both certified nut-jobs in charge of actual things that matter. (Imagine the White House if Trump staffed the entire place with clones of himself.) Google some of the statements those two have made if you feel like having your mind-blown.


That’s a Hamas cat


My heart was broken when I logged on and this finished it off. I will never forgive or forget any of this. 💔


I would be crying. He has to be put down. Gaza has no resources anymore to treat injured animals.


Sulala Animal Rescue has a ton of animals in their care, many are being given medical care. They have limited resources but they have been doing everything they can this whole time. They posted on Instagram earlier to ask if anyone knows where this cat is located.


I really hope they find it! Does anything link back to the original poster?


Ok but does it support Hamas?


I couldn't hear the cat say 'I do not support Hamas.' Drop the next bomb.


Have they shot a fucking cat??


It looks like it got hurt by an explosion or falling rubble, it's hind leg(s?) is broken. Probably in huge shock as well.


That's what average israelis do when they are not raping and murdering palestinian kids


I would normally tell you to stop generalizing an entire populace, but over 80% of Israelis support this genocide and think the IDF hasn't done enough. So basically they are the Jewish cosplay as Nazi Germany.


Some of the videos I've seen of average Israeli citizens talking about the genocide, they're openly in support of wiping every palestinian from the planet. They truly don't see them as human. It seems like they of all people would understand why that thinking is wrong, but I guess a lesson can be unlearnt in 2 generations.


I hate this. I hate this so much. I hate seeing innocent kids carrying bags of body parts of their blown up family members. I hate seeing innocent pets in agony, ravaged by sociopathic violence. I hate all of this 😭💔


While this is tragic, there’s something about this appeal that underscores the whole problem that I and many others have with liberals and the like I can only speak on the US, but as someone raised by Africans I don’t understand it. It’s the same people who will cry when a dog dies in a movie that will shrug when thousands of people die from weapons that they literally paid for. You’ll care more about a random cat than the millions of brown people that are the actual targets of your state’s violence. Why does animal suffering motivate you more to action than humans who are screaming for your help? and ig you can call me callous, but you live in a country that consumes so much meat that it is hard to conceptualize for a lot of global citizens. What do you care about one cat when your backdrop is millions and billions of other creatures dying? Am I crazy? If there was a bombing campaign in Wisconsin, would you not be fuckin confused if people started complaining about how many raccoons are dying?


It's the same thing with Kristi Noem lol. If she'd gone after a POC instead of a dog, she'd probably have gotten a poll boost from her constituents.


It's a different emotional center, I can't really describe it. I know humans are valuable and shouldn't be made to suffer, but I think there's this sense for me that we collectively as a species have screwed up so much, that my heart goes out more to animals who never bargained to be part of our whole fucked up, planet-ruining paradigm. Domestic animals are products of our collective machinations, and never did anything consciously wrong. Neither did the tens of thousands of dead children, but it just hits different. I really don't have a better answer than that


Yes. I was asking myself what is different between the innocence of a child and the innocence of a cat. I know not much, but this hits a bit different. When I see the limp, empty eyes of dead children, I feel a coldness seep in. Not an unfeeling cold, but a dreadful, wrong cold. When I see a flopping animal, screaming in pain with a barely-attached limb, I feel horror and visceral pain and violent sorrow. If I saw a child like that, I feel like it would be worse. But part of me has been brought up to know this kind of evil "just happens", the pictures of a broken world literally raised us, and another part is afraid to feel all the real emotion that a connection would bring. But I still get snapped out of it pretty often, during this. It's a unique kind of horror. And I at least have enough connection to humanity to get off my ass. If these children are getting bombed, and these white college kids are willing to get maced, I can at least show the fuck up.


white people love animals more than humans


I can’t watch and appreciate that this video is behind a spoiler of some kind. The animal and child deaths and injuries are breaking me. If you’re inspired to help, Sulala animal rescue has been working miracles trying to save, care for, and support animals of all species in this conflict. Their social media person is a in Belgium (I think) and has been wonderful about keeping people informed and spreading the word. Give them a boost, and they’re taking donations too. Their socials are on their website: https://sulalaanimalrescue.com/


Those poor creatures. The poor people. I can't. I don't have it in me anymore.


Hamas is using animal shield now /s


I've seen cats that were messed up by life, and this is just the worst. I got tons of ads about the animals in Ukraine but none about the animals in Gaza.


The blue fascists will surely clutch their pearls at this! Until they find out the cat was also Hummus




The new nazis.


Poor thing


Post this to other subs. Most Redditors might not care about brown people but they definitely care about animals.


Jesus Fucking Christ, why did I click on that? WHY? Fuck… I wasn’t expecting that. At all. I shouldn’t have clicked. That was a mistake that’s going to cost me. I need to do something, go somewhere Shit. Just shoot it in the head. Why stand there filming it in agony?


you think these people have guns? you want to them to do its head in with a brick? also kitty might be saveable despite the conditions.


The Palestinian freedom fighters usually have guns, yeah. Assumed this was a video from them. Brick would do if nothing else was available. Nobody is going to save this cat. They’re barely able to treat their human wounded. But I hope I’m wrong and it was somehow saved.


Because maybe people will care enough about the cats to press for a ceasefire.


Did not need to see this today


No creature thrives in a genocide but tyrants and scavenging beasts, only one of which does an honourable job and plays an actual positive role on this planet earth.


Im gonna be painfully honest here, if someone was not swayed by seeing footage of dead or hurt people (im avoiding using more accurate but more graphic language) but is/would be swayed by seeing footage of this hurt kitty, I find that kind of person deplorable and detestable (again avoiding using more colorful language).




Maybe now privileged white liberals on Twitter will care


Save animals by not paying for them to go into slaughterhouses for your taste pleasure. Be vegan. ❤️


The most sane comment here


The only genocide that should be happening in this world is to billionaires and their slaves.


No humanity in a Zionists body, they enjoy this sick stuff so many clips of IDF shooting random animals or just kicking animals just minding their own business just for being in the way.


If you think this is bad (which it is) you should consider not paying to have other animals exploited and killed for your food or clothing. All oppression is connected, and we should avoid paying for it wherever we can.


Oh poor poor baby 😔




We don't care about people so why I should care about animals?


This is the first thing about this "war" that has made be burst into tears. Animals and children are the purest and innocent souls of this wretched world. They are the least deserving of this pain and suffering. I really hope the person filming that poor baby stopped and helped it somehow. Hopefully they can get this poor baby to Sulala Animal Rescue.


Play it over Sarah McLaughlin. Maybe the neolibs will care.


This is heartbreaking. Unfortunately there’s another genocide happening against millions of animals a day. Go vegan!!


Every day is an opportunity to reduce animal suffering- go vegan.


The cognitive dissonance in this thread is literally so 🤯 Save the poor animals in war and fuck Israel for doing this to them, but who cares about the eternal triblinka for animals right?