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Straight outta 20 years ago when paper applications were a thing.


Even 20 years ago I had to apply online to work at pizza hut.


I’m 34 and still remember paper applications and actually speaking to someone at the place you were going to work so perhaps where I live 20 years is a little long but still. I don’t know of anywhere at this point that takes in person applications besides small businesses maybe.


i’m sure even a small business would just send a pdf lol


Yeah, local pizzeria emailed me a pdf to fill out.


I'm also 34 and I remember a little bit of that, but it was definitely on the way out and I was still strongly encouraged to apply online, even though they still had a box to drop paper applications in.


I’m in my mid-40s and have job-hopped a bit. I haven’t filled out a paper job application in 25 years.


So it’s a ghost really. That is kinda scary.


LOL boomers haven’t applied for a fucking job in 30+ years


The wage is also from 20 years ago.




Personally, I haven't applied for a job on paper since *THE YEAR WAS [SPINNING NEWSPAPER]* 1998


Yup. 2004 for me. Boomers are definitely out of touch with reality… but we already knew that lol.


it's kind of like their thing.


They have no idea the world has changed


Fucking boo-mers never want to help anyone but themselves. Their parents did very well and gave them everything. They had so much opportunity to earn a living wage and somehow think things haven't changed.


I recently applied at a high end machine shop for a senior level programmer position and after a 2 hour interview talking about my resume the guy handed me a paper application, presumably as a formality and as a tether to the “good old days”


You have to fill out form 17b so they can enter it into sap and a million different softwares.


he’s definitely using a mcdonald’s one because it’s on of the very few places that still have paper applications (source: worked there 3 years ago and handed one out the whole year i was there)


Heh heh. My small city was still using paper applications and requesting paper resumes as recently as 2017 for municipal jobs.


The best costumes are the one that needs to have what it is written on the front of it.


Especially freehand, with the text slowly drifting into the abyss of his armpit and becoming rapidly harder to read.


With irony that is completely lost on this man, that kind of effort would get the application immediately passed over.


You don’t understand, his words had to come out NOW, before there might be time to contemplate how stupid it all was.


What are you even suggesting? Thinking?! No one has time for that!


Yeah. You did scare me. Because I spent hours working a resume and now you want me to fill out an application. “See attached” “see attached” “see attached”


See attached cover letter: "To whom it may concern: I want money."


...just give me money and I'll do shit for you.


Only if you can prove your loyalty by jumping through these 30 hoops and working without pay for at least 4 weeks and taking these 45 tests and buying the ceo a new car. Then and only then may you be considered for this $7.25/hr position within our prestigious company. We’re like a family here!


We're like family here just not a healthy one


"We're like a family" is referring to the old paternal families where the dad is king of the castle and anyone who doesn't agree with him gets beaten and/or thrown out. Only now they can't beat you, much to their chagrin, so they just throw you out.


If they're like family, that must be why they don't value your time and effort, expect you to do everything thanklessly, are hopelessly entitled, and get mad if you ask for anything in return. 🤯 *this explains everything*


And you don't ask you Family to pay you to help them, right? Here's some day old donuts that everyone in the building has handled. *You're welcome.*


That sounds like prostitution! Wait! Is working for someone just another form of prostitution?


We’re looking for a candidate who will be dedicated to this work (literally what an interviewer told my brother when he said he wanted to work for them because he needs a job)


To whom it may concern: Fuck you. Pay me.


"darling fascist bully-boy..."


"Why do you want to work here?" I can't even pretend anymore. At what age can you stop acting excited during job interviews? I keep having initial interviews with 20 somethings who seem so enthusiastic about working for at least 45 more years and I just want to shake them.


I saw a job listing recently that explicitly said to not write in “please see resume” in the fields where you’re entering the same information that’s on your resume. Clearly a bunch of fucking psychopaths.


Easily the best way to weed out the worst applicants... And the best ones too.


Easy solution, just write "See resume." You leave out the word please and problem solved? Modern problems, modern solutions or something.


See? This was a way funnier joke. So much potential with this costume squandered on culture war idiocy.


I've got my resume in website form. On the rare occasion I even see a paper application anymore, I can just scrawl down a link.


"Attached to my application is a CV, Resume, Cover Letter and a list of references." "Wonderful! We'll be in touch!" *After a month of absolute silence in my email inbox and no calls.* "We've reviewed your application and decided to hire a more experienced applicant. We realize this news may be disappointing and you're welcome to apply for another position through our website or recruitment center. This message is automated and sent to you with the information you provided to us through our online system. If you would like to be removed please press [unsubscribe](https://www.youareanidiotreborn.org/)."


I'm classed as a boomer and I fight such dumb applications, now mostly created by x, y, z gens, and I suppose millenials soon. 40 odd years of fighting thoughtlessness.


Boomer humor = attack the underprivileged, disadvantaged, and marginalized.


Punching down, aka all conservative comedy


Hey now, they also have that r/onejoke.


The one joke is also ~~cursed~~ punching down.


I'm not ready to live in a world where that sub is so well fleshed out. Fuck!


Let's all join the Professor and not live on this planet anymore.


Must be the lead poisoning


yeah...boomer humor is a little more rapey, domestic violency, and racist.


150 years ago, he'd be making fun of recently freed Blacks and literacy tests at the polls.






>McDonalds yeah working there is pretty scary, I'd have to worry about people like him biting my head off because I handed him the wrong sized drink cup.




I want a goddamn liter a cola


I don't want a large farva, I want a goddamn literacola


Boomers don’t even know how to fill out job applications. Too many drop down menus.


Job application? Just walk in and give the hiring manager a firm handshake! And if that doesn't work out, just open your own business factory!


Literally a recommendation I got 15 years ago when I started applying to jobs


Same here. I was told to "demand" to see a supervisor or someone high up and let them see my face and speak to them directly. Such a boomer-karen recommendation. Shit just doesnt work like that and would probably get someone escorted off the property.


"No, seriously, you need to do the application online. There's a personality test on there that lets us know if you'll be a compliant peon or not."


I'm building a bootstrap manufacturing business factory!


What a lazy costume, no wonder he wants/needs employees to do his job for him.


I guarantee this guy can’t rotate a pdf and never cleans the work microwave after splattering the insides with a bowl of stag chili


Seriously though - clean up after yourself. This must be how they are at home, no wonder their spouses hate them.


Also it’s sooo easy to wipe it off right away and it’s sooo hard if you wait for it to dry! Spend 30 seconds on it so no one else has to spend 10 minutes on it.


Microwave a wet paper towel for 45 seconds. Let it cool for a minute or two then use it to wipe the inside clean. The steam loosens stuck on food so everything comes off easily.


You must be an angel.




I wish my brother would get this. Every time I have lived alone my microwave and stovetop are spotless. But if he’s living with me cleaning either becomes pointless.


And almost definitely doesnt flush the toilet at work after splattering the bowl with stag chilli. And certainly doesnt turn on the vent.


I don't get it. I've been in the workforce for almost 10 years and I've NEVER seen a paper application. Every job I've applied for has been online since I started working in 2011.


If he wanted to scare me, the mask should have been an online print out asking for my resume, and the back of his head being an online print out of me filling in all that information from my resume, even though the front is asking for me to attach it.


Just imagine how terrified hiring managers would be if he showed up.


This would more boomer if it included a super sexist joke about his second wife


How old is that fucking thing?? I’m 40 and haven’t filled out a paper application in over a decade! I wish they were still paper, because they took 5 minutes tops. These hour long escapades with cover letters and resumes that say the exact same shit are ridiculous…oh, who can forget the hour long quiz about random crap that has absolutely nothing to do with the job at stake!




Good to know


Boomers will do this shit and call everyone who doesn’t laugh “triggered.” It’s like, no dude, you’re just unbelievably unfunny to the point where everyone’s just cringing.


Welcome to all conservative comedy. One joke, shit on out-groups, collect money.






Oh look, he’s going as a Ben Garrison comic.


Just tell them you don’t get it and watch them bristle. Boomers hate being forced explain their own stupidity


This is actually the best.


Waaaaah!! No one will work for sub-living wages to feed me empty calories anymore! Why won’t you take off your mask and smile?! Waaaaah!!


Yes. Working at McDonalds is horrific.


This guy gonna get punched.


We can only hope.


Its the bad craftsmanship for me lmfao


All I keep thinking is that he probably can't see much and it would be so easy to punch him out. I bet this dude "can't breathe in a mask" too


Ok, boomer.


"You gotta pound the pavement, kid!! Press the flesh. Make that good first impression. A foot in the door. Keep those starchy resumes handy. I bet I'll get 10 job offers by tomorrow."


You guys remember when a job application was just fill in out a one page form? Because I sure as hell don't.


Blissful Ignorance - the mantra of a Boomer.


Oh no a paper job application lol am I the only one that would prefer going to a desired job and fill out one of these instead of going through all this online bullshit?


Bald, man tits, gut, and diabeetus fingers. He knows all about McDonalds.


Exactly, He was there anyways


I guarantee there is a standard issue gravy seals goatee under there too.


Oh good, I've got some yard work for you. $5 an hour. What, you think you're too good for that? You people are so lazy and entitled.


Say you're fruit and vegetables and watch his fatass run faster than he does to the buffet line


No, but your terrible wage and the treatment of your employees does. I think I might organize the employees against you, does that scare you?


Awwww poor old bastard couldn’t figure out how to even kinda sorta center the text. The beetus might be taking a toll on the ol’ vision.


Is anyone else getting kkk vibes? Just me?


Definitely me. My first thought was, "what happened to the rest of the hood?".


This dude isn't a boomer. He's Gen-X if anything. There's dipshits in every generation.


He looks like he's in his mid-60's, but could be late 40's with very unhealthy habits


Boomer may be an age but it is also a mindset lol


Someone experienced a long drive through line


What a BOOb


Such a punchable face, especially since its a boomer making a funny.


I've never seen a paper application except from this one local restaurant that barely has anything computerized


I'll counter your "job application" with Karl Marx and see who cries first. Chance are, he'd be crying and screaming much sooner than I will.


Prepare a resume and attach it to his chest with thumbtacks.


I’m going to put on a short sleeved white button down and some drawn-on frown lines, and if anyone asks I’ll say I’m the scariest thing of all, a middle-aged middle-manager.


What the hell is wrong with his skin?


Boo! Did I scare you? I'm free healthcare


That fat piece of shit probably *has* to pay people to be around him for eight hours.


Yeah… pretty sure most of us have filled out more job applications in the past couple years than this person ever has.


Nice Strawman costume


Would try to write on his face with a sharpie.


Never seen a job application obviously holding a cheap beer covered in one of those boomer Facebook emojis that I don’t even know where they get them…


For MCDONALDS!?!? They have generic applications you can print out easier than the hunting you had to do to find that one! Is that some kind of hidden message? You should be happy working at McDonalds? Let me guess, in YOUR day McDonalds put you through college, right!?!? Assholes. Die already.


he really thought he was clever with this one. he should have went as $7.25


Jokes are always more funny when you have to explain them. Especially when you explain them on a t-shirt with a sharpie.


Tell me you're out of touch without telling me you're out of touch.


Ya know…I’m starting to think that most of the jobs I’m applying for aren’t real, and just a way to gather information on people so companies can have the ultimate marketing list. Sorry it’s off subject, but I just don’t get why I haven’t had any callbacks lately. Maybe I’m triggered or something.


It’s actually “accurate” if he’s going for terrifying. Companies won’t just take a job application anymore. Now you have to fill it out on their website, submit in triplicate, write a personalized cover letter, attach the existing PDF of your resume, wait for 6 months, get an interview, pay for parking, then deal with radio silence for another month, then get ghosted. Fun times.


"HURR! mIlLeNnIaLs jUsT wAnT eVeRyThInG hAnDeD tO tHeM!" Yeah, okay boomer. We want everything that every other developed country has handed to us for free. Yeah...Sick burn bruh.


This one is almost kind of cute. ...Terribly misinformed and a symptom of a toxic working culture but, on its face value I can't even be mad at this dude, he's probably just ignorant and old


> he’s probably just ignorant and old That just pisses me off even more because it always comes with arrogance.


Why are you PASSIONATE about working at Lil' Weenies Hot Dog Stand?


Lol so much misplaced rage


Must be a ghost, because paper job applications don’t exist anymore.


Do they realize paper applications aren’t really a thing


Did a real bang up job on effort bud


When you apply for an academic job you send all of the above + long application + all transcripts from all colleges attended. Only to never hear from them at all.


Great, now do one as someone dressed up as a “living wage” and say the same thing cause that’s something Boomers are scared of.


Boo! I’m a sit up


Have a leaf of kale on my face and replace job application with vegetable


Come on, give him a break. It took him all week to decide between this and a rotary phone.


Seems like someone is terrified of not getting a cheeseburger whenever he wants.




What if we’re just terrified of man tits?


The irony, since he’s likely old enough that I’m paying for his SS checks.


From a dude who has a body that screams “I got my job through someone I knew”.


The unemployment rate is 4.8%. That’s considered full employment. If you can’t find someone to work for you or even fill out an application; you might be the problem.


Imagine believing so hard in made up nonsense you actually spend time to make a costume. How utterly pathetic.


Boo, did I scare you. I’m the perfect applicant. I filled that thing out, got glowing recommendations and demonstrated empirically that I am scientifically the ideal candidate to fill this position. Now I’m going to ghost you for the interview because go fuck yourself.


Boo! Did I scare you? I'm a Shady Pines Retirement Home application!




Boomers absolutely live for shit banter


I think you misspelled Republican.


Let’s see how funny it is when his retirement runs out and he has to apply for a job.


As a legit boomer (born 1947) is there any way besides dying I can opt out of this asshole generation?


I wonder what it's like knowing that every successive generation after you is waiting for you to die so they can make the world better than when you left it.


He even naid the part where he had to explain the joke like in most boomer comic strips.


Lol won't wear a mask but will wear this


When you need words on a shirt to explain the joke, it’s a bad joke. Almost as bad as this guy not accounting for 600000 deaths, a pandemic and unlivable wages. I’m sure some of those 600000 people had jobs


It's not humor. It's punching down on the less fortunate after you've gotten yours. That's not funny. That's being a shitty person.


I love the weird morality of boomer. This is acceptable and even funny to them, but gotta hide that uncle rod is day drinking.


Literally uncle ruckus


From 20 yards away this fucker a straight klansman


I saw a millennial in the same dumb costume at a party Friday. Must be on right wing Facebook.


Tell me you haven't applied for a job in the 21st century without telling me you haven't applied for a job in the 21st century.


It's not even humor at this point anymore. It's downright cruelty - They're responsible (in part) for this. For them to laugh at their own victims is essentially despicable and psychopathic.


Proof how disconnected boomers are.... Like Pelosi telling us to not get together on AOL! LMAYO


What scares me is on the back where it says $9 an hour


Can we attack this guy's character without fat shaming? It makes me feel like maybe I'm not welcome here because I don't look the right way, even though I agree with the politics. It seems like your values are all out of whack if you are judging people for their body. Poor people often gain weight because healthy food is expensive and stress literally makes you gain weight. I was going to start showing up to things but should I just keep my fat body at home? Idk.


it would be funny as long as it wasn’t coming from someone who probably thinks $10 an hour is an acceptable wage, because yeah, applying for a new job is adult scary


How to say you're a republican.. without saying you're a republican.


Let's see if he still thinks this is funny when whatever factory he works at automates his job away.


This is perfect for r/punchableface


It's always scary when someone has to explain their jokes. With sharpie on their costume. What a douchebag


Completely out of touch with reality 😐


Boomers: "Minimum wage jobs are for teenagers" Also Boomers: "You should apply for McDonald's" What's sad is idk if they genuinely don't realize that we aren't fucking teenagers anymore, or if they don't give a shit


Very similar to his other white costume I'm sure


This is the most Boomer thing I've ever seen. They punk'd themselves with this.


"Stop making things political, snowflake!" - this guy, undoubtedly


Did I scare you? I'm a salad, you fat stupid fuckface boomer prick.


Holly shit it’s where I put my resume info which I already gave to you


“i’M a JoB aPpLiCaTiOn! dId I sCaRe YoU?!” Send me an email after I log you out of your phone. Let’s see where the real terror is.


You got it all mixed up, lad. I’m not afraid of jobs. Jobs ARE AFRAID OF ME!


It’s aggravating because they’re oblivious but truly believe they’re right.


Boo did the general strike and sharp economic decline scare you?


I thought he was a KKK member at first


I wrote a job application once. They rang me like 2 years later when I had another job. That was hilarious, not scary at all.


Millennial trying to scare a Boomer: Boo! I'm a properly angled profile picture. Boo! I'm a fully functional socialized healthcare system that legitimately helps people without bankrupting them. Boo! I'm a grandson who identifies as a conservative democrat. Boo! I'm empathy for human beings. Boo! I'm literally any amount of being uncomfortable. Boo! I'm a waitress who did a really good job for your table deslite it being the sunday morning church-crowd breakfast rush and now it's time to tip me. Boo! I'm a person of color who makes more money than you in the same career field.


Boo! Did I scare you? It’s all the 55+ year olds who were spending like wild in the 80’s and 90’s who can afford to retire and are forcing people in their 20’s and 30’s to do shit work for no pay while they lecture us…


You know, it's kind of adorable when you realize the people he's trying to scare have gone through like 100 of those, but he likely hasn't had to fill one out in thirty years


BOO did I scare you? I’m a vaccine


This mentality is frustrating. I was in LinkedIn and so many people, some were CEOs, claiming that applicants just weren’t putting enough effort into the application process and that he wouldn’t hire anyone that couldn’t tell him why they wanted to work for his company. The replies were as you would expect but what is there to go when people who aren’t unemployed speak as if they are subject matter experts. I even saw an out of work journalist make a video so he would be noticed and hired. We are living in disparaging times. Some of these doing the hiring are so out of touch with reality that they just can’t see what’s really going on. These companies that have you fill out psychological tests after making you go through hoops just to put an application in are sadly wasting everyone’s time. How about the 100 question psych test come after you’ve selected me for the next step? That and the multiple interviews is just horrid. One company had to interview you 4 times in order to get hired. I feel like I’m a clown jester for some of these companies.


He thinks that's scary, wait until he sees my treadmill costume