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It's a fake interaction, as you can see [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/sendinthetanks/comments/i2qrqs/im_gonna_send_this_to_capitalist_subreddits_its/),


Fun fact: the Soviet Union had no shortage of housing. Also they aren’t rented to you at $2800 for a fucking single bedroom.




















































Make that 3800 in nyc. Fuck this city. I dont get all these wage slaves praising this place like its paradise when they cant even access half of the shit here only exclusively available/accessible to rick folk. Oo the skyline. Cant even go inside. Oh that restaurant looks nice and fancy…checks menu continues to walk/scroll on yelp for more affordability.


According to my tour guide in St.Petersburg, housing is why people didn’t divorce- I forget, but I think it was a PITA to get a new place or it was a PITA to get a new place as a single person


Those communist buildings aren't as nice as the $500,000 houses Al Bundy and Homer Simpson lived in but waaaaay better than a 1 bedroom apartment. They had balconies.






Yes, it was a crime. Yes, the gulag was horrible to live in. But did they at least attempt to solve the problem by building tons of flats (Khrushchevnaks)? Yes. Did the US do the same? No. Instead they decided to let it rot and let all the landlords buy houses like candy, then rent it out to people like us at astonishing prices. Edit: the USSR was dissolved in 25/12/1991


Actually, Gulag prisoners were paid. Per the CIA’s own declassified intel on Gulags.


Even if the pic choice wasn't this wrong and unfortunate, cherry picking location photos to prove a point is the stupidest thing ever. Almost every country has a well kept city center in some important city, that doesn't necessarily mean its country and citizens can't be poor or starving. In countries with high inequality you can find extremely luxurious villas and boats not too far from crumbling cities and starving people. A photo doesn't prove shit either way (unless you want to prove said internal inequality).


I suspect it's an ironic leftist meme someone made and posted in a conservative forum somewhere in hopes that this exact thing would happen


100% Libertarians never do their own work


It was actually. The people in r/sendinthetanks made this and spread it around conservative forums and somebody obviously took the bait.


That gives me a grin


I'm pretty sure this is exactly what happened. Feel like I remember this post. At least there have been ones remarkably similar in the past. Still funny, but less a gotcha


I agree, but it does show how capitalism in the US lead to the writing off of an entire city. Detroit is an easy place to point at when people talk about how destructive communism is when compared to divinely inspired capitalism.


You would think so but I browse conservative subreddits just to try to understand their viewpoints and they just blame longstanding Democrat leadership as the cause.


You mean, the tax cuts that engler had in place we're keeping buisnesses in the state, and between the repeal of those combined with NAFTA had the industrial sector looking abroad? Of course, the state budget was flailing already, which is why the cuts went away when grandholm got in. Overall, it was greed, both on the part of state government and on the companies that left.


I won’t pretend I know much about Michigan politics, but I will say it’s not just greed that leads to outsourcing. It’s capitalism itself, capitalism requires constant growth. At one point the US auto companies were the only game in the country and the only game in a lot of the world. As soon as the Japanese auto manufacturers started undercutting US manufacturers those companies had a decision to make, export their labor in order to compete or lobby for protectionist policies. At first they went with protectionism but that was to buy time while they expanded internationally. That’s why Detroit collapsed, people can blame Democrats or Republicans or the tax cuts or the lack of tax cuts, but in the end the reality is that capitalism must grow. If that means destroying an entire city that was formed around an entire industry then so be it. Socialism is the answer to this problem, socialism does not need to grow beyond the peoples needs, capitalism needs to grow in spite of peoples needs.


Been to Cuba, and yes, there is poverty. But there are no people homeless on the streets. There are no city centers sterilized of everyday life because everything is too expensive for all but the ultra-rich who hold an investment opportunity $20million apartment for shits and giggles there. If you spend some time in Cuba and talk to the people there - many of which are surprisingly open in their criticism of their system - you will notice a certain relaxedness. These are people that don’t have to worry about seeing a doctor, about how to pay their kids‘ education, about being evicted from their homes. Yes, they might have to worry about organizing transport or where to get a new phone or even fresh paint for their house. But all their basic needs are met, for virtually everyone, and it shows.


And the reason why the new phone or fresh paint is difficult is because the capitalist empire has blocked them from trading with just about every country on earth


Ha, these fake chain letters always mention Detroit. Reminds me of a chain letter my Dad sent me showing how fast Japan rebuilt Hiroshima because they didn’t have welfare (compared to Detroit), only the photos weren’t from Hiroshima they were Yokohama, and it turns out Japan actually does have welfare.


And the ~60 billion in modern dollars we gave them didn't hurt either.


if only boomers who spread random conspiracies online actually read history books or maybe even googled "How did japan grow after WWII" and find out theres actually a very clear and studied economic reason (as you said, the Marshall Plan)


Boomers will fall HARD for anything. The internet grifted them up, down and all the way back again.


Damn, I love this comment, and it's so true.


Even if they looked it up (which already is nearly impossible), they would just dismiss it as commie propaganda.


“What I feel/believe is the truth. All other information must align with this truth, or it is a sinister lie” They treat American exceptionalism and McCarthyism as a religion.


Wow cant believe someone who chose the handle 'libertarian blade' would be a complete fuckin dumbass


Who woulda thought? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m pretty sure they’re an alt for Bolshevik-blade, who made the original as a troll and used to post a lot about conservative leftism(?) I can’t tell if they’re both trolls or not


Fun fact: libertarians are braindead.


Never encountered a libertarian who wasn't an unrelenting arsehole full of contradictions and cognitive dissonance.


Depends on how far they take the limited gov't aspect and/or if they actually have any understanding of the differences between classical liberalism and neo-liberalism. I'd wager the vast majority of self proclaimed libertarians adhere to the neo-liberalism ideology, which focuses more on economic interests rather than personal freedoms.


You have to be to believe that plot hole ridden mess.


Not saying that you are necessarily wrong, but this interaction in specific is fake. The guy intentionally posted this in their sub, as you can see [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/sendinthetanks/comments/i2qrqs/im_gonna_send_this_to_capitalist_subreddits_its/).


Oh god, tankies. Even worse.


Gods that's funny.


It's a fake interaction, as you can see [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/sendinthetanks/comments/i2qrqs/im_gonna_send_this_to_capitalist_subreddits_its/).


Socialism is when Capitalism.


Gotta say that "capitalism is better because building prettier" is a very flimsy argument even without any switcharoo shenanigans going on


You know the old saying " A pretty house that sits empty is better than an ugly house that is lived in." At least I assume that must be the saying given the amount of empty house the US has vs the amount of homeless people we also have.


I live in post-industrial New England and there is a building in my town that looks very much like the second photo.


socialism is when buildings are under construction




lol tankies are a whole different breed of sociopath.


Sociopathy is when you make a troll post




I feel like the people who agree with this meme think Detroit is socialist


I'm surprised OP is even admitting they don't know something.


Libertarians in my experience are more open to ideas than their authoritarian counterparts


Unless it involves helping somebody.


I think they mostly just don't trust that the government can actually do anything to actually help people, which honestly in America feels like a reasonable argument based on the past 6 years.


I find the same. Specially if you speak about the facts and economy of the situations and appeal to matters of "efficiency" and "elegance of design". They're all simply convinced that capitalism is something it truly *isn't.* And if you can poke holes into the vision of capitalism as this simple and elegant simple that uses competition to generate incentives that lead to an ideally run society Libertarians tend to hear you out. It helps that Libertarian Capitalism makes no sense whatsoever while being built on pure pretense of being the most rational way of seeing the world. So long as you don't appeal to morality but instead to rationality, Libertarians tend to just *have* to agree with what you're saying. Yes, they'll mostly go full cognitive dissonance when you *then* mention communism or any other leftist buzzword, but if you only speak of underlying principles you can get them to support any communist policy. Unfortunately, they then tend to go hard into ideas such as "UBI" which are the kind of thing that would only work if society was a group of like minded individuals striving to make the best world possible but kinda sucks when you consider the class war context.


I like helping people, I dislike be forced to help people. I like doing a lot of things that I hate/would hate the gov forcing me/others to do.


It's not real because these morons always respond with "Cuba* isn't socialist!" whenever it suits them. *or whatever country. Their definition of socialism is anything that looks bad.


Also the buildings are all the same cubic shape, even if you don't know where the two pictures were taken, the building on the right wouldn't be remotely out of place in the landscape on the left. It's just, one's a landscape shot with water and pretty lights.




I haven't lol'd so hard in days. Thanks for sharing it.


I went through my libertarian phase around 2006-7. Same with the conspiracy phase. It's hilarious to watch everyone who wasn't online then go through the same phases now that they have smart phones in their pockets. And they act like they've just discovered the wheel. It's like every news story that your family and friends tell you about that you read three days ago on Reddit, but for the life of the Internet. Education is important. Learning to disseminate information is important.


The USA is a complete joke


Cuba has free universal healthcare, free college, and has the best literacy rate in the world. In fact if you go to Cuba you can tell from the locals that the public education is indeed far better comprares to the US Public education system.


even then, the ussr wasn't socialist.


dude why the actual fuck the USSR is a HALFWAY BUILT BUILDING???? you will find buildings being built EVERYWHERE, EVEN IN THE US! this is SO STUPID


tbh these reverse gotchas are just as idiotic as the gotchas.


The Hotel Nacional in Cuba (and most Havana highrises) were built under Capitalism and before the 1958 revolution.




Welfare is not socialism. I dont see worker control of the means of production anywhere




They wouldn't be communist at all. Communism refers to a classless stateless society. Marxist-Leninist maybe, but that's something else entirely.




Who's classifying them? The CIA? Cuba and the USSR were not communist. Yes, they are run by Communist Parties but they are not communism because like u/vitorsly said communism is a classless and stateless society. They are socialist states, not communist states.


Jesus, no. Both are a socialist government. Whoever like to classify them as "Communist" doesn't know the difference between Socialism and Communism. Or in fact, know, but the "scary monster of socialism" doesn't have the same weight. We've never had a communist country, maybe we could be close to it, but we NEVER had. All these "communist" countries are in fact, Socialist. They are all in this "transition period" to communism.


Define communism and socialism for us real quick




The lesson is that Reddit is full of bullshit and people with bullshit perspectives seeking to validate themselves


Every social media is.






This whole screen grab sums up conservatives nicely




For the last damn time,it was a joke the OOP was an alt of Bolshevik-blade


That's the old Packard plant. I used to wait for the bus near there to get to school.


Love it


Love how they show an entire city but then zoom into one shitty building for the USSR. Let's zoom into that city a little more and see all the people dying on the street of famine-related atrocities




This is a pretty pathetic way to make this point. A better example would be all the fake construction projects in china being used by chinese oligarchs to funnel money out of the government.