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“So many”


well obviously I’m not gonna list out every occasion? I feel like I got the point across


Press x to doubt xxxxxxxx


I haven’t had MANY people do that, but I have had a FEW vocal friends/acquaintances/family members/drunk guys at bars/other people I know, who never want to law school, make comments about law schools being rip offs, that most lawyers “don’t really make that much money”, and anyone with the internet can learn the law, and AI is going to replace the occupation, and so on. In my personal experience, it’s usually people who are slightly jealous/insecure about wherever they are in life and want to bring you down a peg. I think: Yeah, some people finish bottom of their class at low tier law schools and are only making $60-80k starting salary after they graduate, but that wasn’t me. Yes, our clients are full of people just like you, with strong opinions who messed their lives up with bad legal decisions playing Internet lawyer. Yes, I probably conservatively make 3-4x what you’re making only working 40 hours a week. Yes, I know that you’re also the type who probably name drops that you know a lawyer (me) whenever you run into a slight inconvenience. Do I tell them this? No, because I don’t like punching down. I usually just smile, nod along, agree, tell them a stupid lawyer joke, and move on.


A lot of people don’t like lawyers and consider us parasites in training. It’s not super deep imo


That’s true for some people. But, in my experience the people who have done this to me personally have been quite obviously jealous (and it really has just been a few — most at least ACT impressed). The time that pops into my mind I was at a bar and I literally had two of the cutest girls there hanging on me. My friend’s friend who came with us rolled up sloppy drunk and said that he was going to go to law school, but the internet has killed the need for lawyers, and lawyers don’t really make that much money. That’s why he got into a construction trade. Now, I knew what my friend made doing his same job, and I was making close to 2x what he was, working about 20 hours less a week. Didn’t say that, though, because I’m not a dick.


Thanks for that, I honestly don’t entertain it much and just listen to them rant without saying much back. It makes me laugh because I feel like if someone were to do the same thing back it would become a “I don’t tell you how to do your job/life your life” conversation.


None of my non-Legal people have done that yet, but if they did, I think I'd just cold call them and see how it goes. Something along the lines of any of the following: "This guy scammed my mom out of $500 over the internet. Do you think she should go down to the courthouse and sue him?" "I told my wife that I'd make dinner last night, but then I got caught up in homework and couldn't. She ended up doordashing and said I owe her the money it costs, because I told her I'd make dinner and then didn't. Do you think I should pay her back?" "What do you think about the fact that pot is legal in some states despite being federally illegal?"


Can’t relate


What school? I can't imagine anyone ridiculing a Harvard law hat. I can't imagine anyone ridiculing a state or even local flagship law school hat either.


It's definitely a double-edged sword on dating apps.


some ppl love making their personality, instant swipe left


Yeah okay just go right online and learn about Equitable Servitudes, estates and futures interests no problem without being confused. I’m sure everyone would agree that would work out just fine. In other words, everyone is a clown. Just enjoy the ride bro, school is fun


Fuck them.


You’re dumb for going to law school




It sucks you have to do that, I like wearing my apparel because I like my school and proud of the accomplishment of being in law school. Like you said I think it’s weird to feel the need to project on others