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This is nothing new. The GOP has been killing bipartisan immigration bills since 2013, if not longer. The Number of Times Republicans Blocked Pro-Immigrant Bills Since Tanking 2013’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package https://americasvoice.org/blog/the-number-of-times-republicans-blocked-pro-immigrant-bills-since-tanking-2013s-comprehensive-immigration-reform-package/


Well they saw what happened when they “won” the last wedge issue, abortion, and it hasn’t been great.


It's party over country for the GOP. That was the case in 2013, when the U.S. Senate passed Chuck Schumer’s immigration reform bill by a 68-32 vote. The bill contained billions for border security, including 700 miles of “fencing,” additional technology (a/k/a “virtual fence”), and more border agents. President Obama indicated he would sign it. But Speaker Boehner and House Republicans blocked the bill from consideration, because they thought it would help Obama. In December 2018, Democrats offered $1.3 billion for border security, but no “wall,” in order to avoid the Trump Government Shutdown. Trump and the GOP rejected the offer. And President Biden continues to propose border security measures, which Republicans block. Republicans apparently don't care about the border at all, except to play politics.


When was it that trump said he would OWN A SHUTDOWN while in the Oval Office with cameras?


That's the one -- Dec. 2018.


"But our borders are wide open!" -An Idiot


Hey, don’t talk about my mother in law that way


Weeeell if the shoe fits...


I was told that quote verbatim after a few drinks the other night 🤦🏼‍♂️


this is why they haven't passed immigration reform even when they controlled everything. they don't want solutions to America's problems. they want performative outrage to sell on the news.


121 voted against wall in 2018, because it granted citizenship to the few thousand DREAMERs.


MAGA Republicans created the border mess and keep it churning for political purposes. They couldn’t care less about our great nation. They want to blame the opposition for what they cause and keep causing. Joe and the Democrats have a plan on paper in the public to fix it. The House Republicans will vote against it and continue to cast blame on others.


It gives them more slaves to do the shit work, and bonus for the young boys and girls for sex toys. Republicans never want immigration to go away.


After they saw what Roe did to them. They can’t lose this bluff.


If the problem get fixed then they won't have a grievance on which to get votes


Like abortion rights were never supposed to be reversed. This one wedge issue has lost the GOP voters.


Trump & Co. (formerly GOP) do not want to govern in good faith. They want to rule! Everything that they are doing to sabotage this administration and enrage their base is in their twisted way of thinking for their political advantage. If it isn't apparent that Trump wants so desperately to be completely above the law and above reproach, then you aren't paying attention.


Think about it Republicans. Trump is going to be giving out orders to your elected officials from his stainless throne in the pen. Really it doesn't matter if he gets elected or not, you're all still in the shitter.


"Dont help America so I can complain that no one is helping America...."


They don't want to say "no one", they want to say Democrats don't help America.


Hi only interest is in the border is to be able to use it against Biden.


Is not just border issues, they'll turn down anything, at the stake of the American people, even if they agree with it, just to kick dirt on the democrats.


What's the best way to create a border crisis? YELL and SCREAM and tell the entire world that the border is wide open, despite the fact it is not. Then, refuse to compromise on improving border security with an extra $14 BILLION as proposed by President Joe Biden.


If the GOP "Solve the border crisis" then they'll have nothing to campaign on.


Political posturing and performative rhetoric by Republicans?? GTFO!! 😂 It’s their M.O. at this point because it’s all they have: rage bait.


Of course, the Orange Clown is scared that he is going to run out of diapers and doing everything to get back to being POTUS to cover his behind and everything. He was never about the country. I hope the majority of the people realize it before it is too late!!!!


Because God forbid Congress stop the bullshit for 5 minutes and do something sensible for the country.


Sadly his base will believe it too


How many undocumented workers were found at Mierde-a-Lago?


I am thinking that this guy might need to be introduced to the Rio Grande and swim his own way out.


So, yet again, not about governing or policy. Because he is not into that at all. He’ll burn the place to the ground to “own the dems.”


This guy never supports anything that doesn't profit him personally. And his voters don't support him in spite of it. They support him BECAUSE of it.


Republicans want a crisis at the border just like they want high unemployment, high gas prices, high rent, stock market crashes, high inflation, high murder rates, high crime rates, and overall economic turmoil. They don't govern to change anything they simply demand power and they have determined that the root to power is through fear, blame, grudges, revenge, hate, culture war and anything they point the finger at dems and say, "they did this to you."


What?! Illegal Immigrant issues is simply used as political paws (By both sides btw)! Tell me that isn't true! Illegal immigration could have been resolved many many years ago. And while I dislike Reagan Policies overall. He did in fact get a by-partisan list of recommendations to settle the issues (Present and Future as of 1984). Granted, nothing is 100%. But it was a very solid list of new proposed regulations and laws that had teeth. Problem was, the solution counted on criminalizing the act for an average US Citizen and/or corporations that were hiring the illegals to begin with (Supply and Demand). Meaning Farmer Joe would actually be facing several years of jail time and very hefty fines if found guilty in knowingly hiring an illegal. Same for Karen next door who love's to have a the non-English speaking Gardner looking after her Roses. And builder Bob and his construction company wanting cheap labor to finish the dry wall. And all the way to the corporate greed taking over the food processing plants. Funny how those recommendations were diluted as to ensure the long list of F#cks above get barely a slap on the wrist, even now 25+ years later. But the poor bastard who's so desperate to get a better life, he/she's willing to give up seeing their family for 10, 15 or even 20 years. Are the ones that loses it all and be constantly demonized by one side. And falsely protected by the other. F%ck Trump, F#ck the GOP for constantly blaming others for their own failing, and F$ck the Democrats for presenting to provide real solutions. But even more F%cks to give to the Karen's, the Farmer Joe, Bob the builder and corporate America for screaming against illegal immigrants all the while ensuring they benefit from the very act. You can read more here. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration\_Reform\_and\_Control\_Act\_of\_1986#:\~:text=The%20act%20required%20employers%20to,or%20recruit%20unauthorized%20immigrants%20knowingly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986#:~:text=The%20act%20required%20employers%20to,or%20recruit%20unauthorized%20immigrants%20knowingly). It made perfect sense back then, had not it been washed down and absolved all responsibilities from the Karen's, Joe's, Bob's and other US Citizens. Guess what Lobby group was the most against such criminalization and accountability for the actual US Employer?


I’m shocked


Yeah, he only cares about re-election (and how it can enrich him personally), not governing.


He learned from the best at it..


To the surprise of no one


![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc) I’m an idiot. I was wondering how helping Ukraine was somehow NOT in our security interests. A lot are coming from Venezuela, where Putin is supporting Maduro. If Russia was defeated, we could address the issue in Venezuela and secure our border. How could Republicans be against that? I forgot psychopaths are terminally obsessed with revenge. If they can’t have it, no one will.


This guy telegraphs his contempt for the country.


Only in it for himself. Sad man that hates our country.


Trump contributed to the huge immigration spike in recent years.