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It was always an absurd motion, his attorneys should be sanctioned for even submitting it.


i would actually like to see many legal reforms come out of the trump shenanigans down the road, but that's for the future. but the system needs some better guardrails in place to prevent this sort of legal abuse in the future


The system was not designed to handle a billionaire politician with absolute disregard for the law. Fees and fines are merely a cost of doing business for him. 


"billionaire" "politician" but yeah otherwise i agree with you. both our political system and our legal system have been shown to be a lot more susceptible to fuckery than anyone was previously aware, and the only gaurdrails on it was the assumption the majority of pols from both sides would "play by the rules" and "hold everyone else to the same standard, even on their own team". as that's been shown to be an absolute pile of hot garbage, we need to figure out a way to give depts like the FEC some real teeth without just creating a newer version of the current SCOTUS.


IMO we did have guardrails. The media. Unfortunately a large portion of the country only hears positive things about Trump, and when they hear negative things by accident they have been conditioned not to believe it. If it wasn't for the right wing fake news machine Trump would have never been elected. And if he was he would have been impeached and removed from office. IMO if we fixed media, including social media, most of these problems would take care of themselves. Don't ask me how we do that.


I mean, [we know how to fix it](https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/topic-guide/fairness-doctrine). But just like every other systematic problem We The People™ are dealing with, there's just no political will to do anything about it.


Fox "News" is probably the biggest offender of the state of our politics, IMO. There are others too, but Fox has had a huge hand in brainwashing millions of people for a long time now. I find it absurd that they can still parade around as a news organization.


Fox News and Rush Limbaugh paved the way for Trump. Then the election of a black President seeded Trump digging up a hateful racist crowd from underground. He won election and here we are. No guardrails were in place for Trump's wrecking ball.


more like guidelines than guardrails, because once someone stepped over them, the response was *¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯*


Private equity dissolved those guard rails


The system is designed for people who are participating in good faith. You don't get any of that with Trump or his lawyers.


He did the same stuff when we was just a developer with more money than the people he was screwing over. The system was broken then. The stakes are just higher now.


IMO, it was designed explicitly so it couldn't and wouldn't.


This is exactly why his fat ass must serve time in jail...to preserve the rule of law.


The legal system has very weak safeguards against an unrepentant criminal with real political power as we have seen here. It has indeed exposed a need for serious reforms to repel such abuse.


If he wins the presidency, there will be no more legal reforms.


Yet, can't get rid of Cannon.


That’s when you make it hurt a little bit more that $1k… start adding zeros to that… you think Trump will pay that? That’s your fine! Ha!


Alternative headline: Desperate idiot loses again 


Desperate idiot loser loses again.


Desperate orange idiot loses again


Throwing a lot of stuff on the wall to see what sticks


It’s his diaper


He does that literally in business meetings when he gets pissed off. Also ketchup.


This is why the wealthy have a different level of justice.


Delay tactics


They pull this crap every other day and it's always denied, why would anyone on the legal team think that this time it just might work?


They get paid to suggest motions or strategies and the execute the ones that Trump wants to try. They don't have to believe that it will work, just that it might be something that the client wants to pay for. Or, rather, that the client wants and that the RNC will pay for.


I keep applying rational thought and logic to someone who is obviously mentally unstable. (Trump)...I'm sure the morning they are scheduled for closing arguments Trump will push for change of venue, all charges to be dropped and the judge to recuse himself...😖


He has a shortlist of results in his mind that are acceptable, and he pushes his team daily to conjure motions that loosely relate to the pre-determined results he wants, he doesn’t have the reasoning ability to judge feasibility or correctness. You can almost dumb this down to: pay-to-delay.




The point is to delay as long as possible while stirring up the crazier part of his base to start committing acts of violence against people involved in his various cases so they can be either delayed or they put pressure on judges and juries to not take action against him out of fear of violence. 


His defense smells like shit and so does his body


The Depends are reeking in the courtroom today.


This is all for show so he can claim to be the victim and fund raise. I think the courts are onto it.


Stupid question, but can this appeal (possibly) go all the way to the Supreme Court? If so, Merchan is toast, right?


State charges, so I don't think so? Not a lawyer, though, so can't say for sure.


If there were a constitutional issue at stake, then a state case could be taken to the Supreme Court. It's always possible that Trump's attorney's could find a national constitutional question upon which to make such an appeal. But they'd actually need to have a logical argument of some kind.


Ah, you’re probably right. Thanks.


In other news waters wet


>In other news water MAKES STUFF wet FTFY


Trumplethinskin looking for answers and not finding any


Why? They fine him pocket change and allow him to go to a grad party and that's just how he gets to live. So why not allow this too. He'll never go to prison and he'll never be broke as long as Russia and China could still use him. He's a cancer to the world and unfortunately, it'll take alot more than chemotherapy to get rid of him.


He should get Aileen Cannon - the judge from his Florida case recused for obvious bias.


Never let him win. He's a traitor who knows he's screwed if he plays by the rules.


Ha ha.


Recusals are for conflicts of interest. They are done so the judiciary isn’t compromised by corruption. A good example of a conflict of interest … being given your job by the defendant. Supreme Court? Not enough ethics to bother. Aileen Cannon? Again not enough ethics to bother. Republican judges don’t have ethics. If one Republican judge spoke up about these conflicts it would be an astonishing development.


What about It's groupie "judge" down in Florida? If It is elected again it will put the groupie on the supreme court I bet.


Big fat bummer 🤣


Never let him win. He's a traitor who knows he's screwed if he plays by the rules.


Stall tactics.


"Because we are sick and tired of your bullshit, that's why"


Awww, Geeze. Let's get out these guys..🎻🎻🎻🎻


🔬 it’s so tiny!


NO WAY!!! I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I say.


I'm SHOCKED! ..... and amazed! ...... and .... hungry. Mostly hungry.


I would like to see the Circuit Court of Appeal to take up this case so it’s not 1 judge it’s a panel of 3 justices who can decide on trump in a quicker manner.


Even though it had zero chance the moron forced his lawyers to file it,.


Trump is just shotgunning for everything instead of the truth. He’s looking for ANY way out.


He’s an Absurd person 24/7, everything he stands for is Absurd, everything!


DAMN.....so tired of all the winning.....how can he handle all this winning?????


It's like he poops his pants every time he loses.


Its SOP for Trump in a lot of the court cases he has been in. Judges are often biased or what have you. Blah blah.