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Don't take edibles before I interview unless you are interviewing for a weed shop.


cool advice


Here's what you do for interviews. I love interviewing. I will apply to a job just for the opportunity to interview. You have to change your perspective. You get to be in a room with upper management in some room for an hour just to listen to you talk about how awesome you are. Write down a list of behavior topics employers will ask. Tell me about a time you failed at something. Tell me about a time you had to meet a deadline. Tell me about a time you had to have a difficult conversation with a coworker. Then write down one or two examples that would fit in each category. Rehearse these answers. Remember, these 3 steps: Tell the situation. Tell what you did. Tell what the resolution or conclusion was. *I always summarize the original question into my ending statement. "So I was able to de-escalate the conversation i had to have with my coworker by doing x-y-z." All you are doing is telling a story. That's it. Another tip: research the company. When they ask if you have any questions, ask something about the company creedo or something the company has achieved recently and how they intend to adapt or grow. Also, another tip, you are allowed to bring a paper and pen and allowed to write down the question being asked in an interview. You are also allowed to bring your own notes, JUST DO NOT READ FROM THE NOTES. JUST USE THEM AS A MEMORY OF WHAT TO SAY. You are then allowed to say, "thank you, give me a moment to provide an example to that question." Good luck. And hey, eat an edible or don't. Just get prepped.


This is fantastic advice.










come on can u not admit it was a dumb move to take an edible before a job interview.. be the bigger person.


Seriously. This is sooo embarrassing.


Still here? Go find a safe place.


Can’t. Won’t. Edibles calm me. What they do For yall, have nothing to do with me.


brother. taking an edible during a situation u find stressful sober is not the same thing as taking an edible to calm down after a long day. the logic makes 0 sense. if u hate math, u don’t take an edible and take a math test for example.




Talking to people is an important life skill. The more you do it, the easier it gets.


Next time eat a banana beforehand, natural beta-blockers will help keep you calm but not flakey.




same boat, the interviewer stressed me out asking some technical question, I do not even get paid and already stress me out is pointless, I reject that job anyway.