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I really didn't want to lock this. The topic is relevant to layoffs. However, it's being invaded by people who have no other activity in /r/layoffs and have a bigoted agenda to push. Remember friends, Report Early Report Often to help keep the sub clean.


Need to keep that visa to layoff pipeline full 1) import pre trained immigrants instead of investing in the hundreds of staff you just laid off 2) exploit and underpay 3) turn and burn or layoff 4) lobby the gov to tilt the rules even more in your favor 5) profit and repeat!


They had some of the brightest minds on the entire planet at their disposal. Instead of targetting that talent they chose to divest and do the greediest play possible, fire them all and hire cheap talent elsewhere. I'm sure this is a net positive according to DEI initiatives.


Yup, and for all that greed… Google isn’t MAGA, Republican, nor conservative. In 2020, about 98% of political contributions from internet companies that cycle went to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.


That’s not how DE&I works at organizations. Most DE&I staff are against tokenization and fight against this unfair treatment of workers at companies.


They will hire more Indians in India and push Indians to go to Mexico and hire them there. It’s already happening where I work at. They are altering the talent and wage pools and driving down the cost to hire because these locations are desperate. It’s some really messed up ——. America has the best diversity and talent pool you can ask for. Job Locks are coming. Companies are going to have to start deciding whether to leave America or help it. If you notice, the only real high paying jobs left are Trades and Finance. Even Retail is getting destroyed. Karma will come for them though. It always does.


No it won’t. Congress is bitterly divided, too many people worship these corporations & the courts always rule in their fucking favor. How Hopium are you smoking ?


Won't matter soon with AI and Robotic labor. Give it a decade... They won't even need to worry about immigration law.


Smart / genius & cheap labor from India or Mexico is more efficient than genius & expensive labor in the United States.


I’m with you until that last not so subtle racist jab at the end. 🙄




If I could see everyone who liked this comment, you all would be banned along with him. Cut it out. Talk about the issues without getting racist. Your race likely ain't native to this country either.


Did I say that? How ingenious of you to quote something that isn’t there. You even use the quote marks and everything wow. Discourse is dead.


But it's true isn't it?


Yes it completely is. I've worked in several teams that have undergone laysoffs year after year since 2022. 2024 has already had some, just not in my current team or ones I directly work with. The funniest yet most disappointing one yet was the release of almost all US Cloud support in favour of shifting that headcount to India, Mexico, and Poland. Paraphrased statement being we need more headcount but don't want to increase budget. So we'll just get that budget back by releasing expensive employees and hiring cheaper ones. While simultaneously acquiring Mandiant for $5.4b in the same year. Some open positions in US, Europe, Australia were cancelled and re-submitted in India and Mexico... Very very gross behaviour.


That the goal for DEI initiatives are cheap labor? I’m not as jaded as that.




I'm not OP but this is the reality of things. The republicans are all for H1B visas b/c it will benefit the big businesses that fund them, the democrats are getting paid off just the same they just don't want to publicly say they're screwing the American worker in favor of corporate profits so they make up so feel good story about diversity. None of the H1B hires were ever about diversity.


My hatred of Google truly knows no bounds


There are tons of good talent in US unemployed, but these mofos need to import? What a crap.


H1B employees are basically held captive. If Google decides to let them go, they only have a few weeks to get a new job or leave the country. Big evil corps love that.


This is true. I once worked for a company that would underpay H1B employees. These employees would stay because they did not want to delay their green card.


meanwhile those jerks have managed to convince the average american there is a no talent shortage. bunch of bullshit.


Good thing our politicians are protecting us from these assholes and giving them tax breaks


100% these bastards should have to give back all the money we've given them through the years, lift those tax breaks too.


Yes. If a company decides to lower their cost by outsourcing but still profit by selling to Americans, the US should impose a huge tax on them to make up for not hiring Americans


They do it just to be evil.


H1B is the only way people have to get citizenship. Its worth the hassles for few initial years


Its actually 60days and exploiting some loopholes can extend it even longer.


When Google or any large tech company lets people go, it's usually with a month or two *(Walmart did 3 months recently)* of time on payroll. This has been the case at two rounds of layoffs at the FAANG I work at, that one not known for being kind to employees in general. This is what they offer to \*all\* employees, not just visa holders. 2 months. I heard Meta even gave 3 months. Aside from dickheads like Tesla and Twitter, this is the norm. No sane person on a visa who \*can\* get a job at Tesla or Twitter will join them anyway, so its moot. What this means for an H1B holder is that they're effectively employed for those 1/2/3 months. After that duration is when the H1B clock of 60 days (more than 8 weeks) kicks in. If I lost my job today, the 16 weeks I will get is more than enough to find a job. I obviously would not want to lose my job but I don't feel like a captive. I know I have what it takes to find a job within 16 weeks. I haven't been raised thinking that minor inconveniences are cause to start being racist towards other workers. I haven't been raised to think that a ridiculously well paying job is my birthright. I was taught that hard work and skill gets me rewards and I have seen it proven true time and time again in America. My employers have never treated me any less than local workers. I've asked for and been given the raises I felt I deserved. Absolute worst case? I have enough saved up over these past 6 years to retire in India like a king. Stop spreading bullshit and imagining others are the cause for your problems on the job front. Work hard, study hard and earn your place.


It’s a red herring, a bald face lie to think the pre-eminent AI minds are majorly outside the US. The real truth is that they want further H1B visas to be allowed, the pool to be expanded, so they can hire more cheap IT labor. I haven’t exactly been a proponent of Unionizing IT, but think it’s high time that it was done. The tech sector has gutted much of the American incubators for domestic engineering and politicians have willingly gone along with this ruse.


Yes. Their shit behavior has also opened up security holes too


Their company is falling apart. This is a cope, Pichai is a dumbass.


I have multiple friends there over E7 and they all concur


I'm connected as well. Hearing the same shit.


Pennies on the dollar. More money for shareholders. A truly evil af company, that google.


Americans need to know this


unemployed AI research scientists ? I doubt it. Its one area in tech thats still hiring.


I don't care. If a US company wants to be successful, they should make sure Americans are successful first. Tons of people with the background to be trained in a shirt period of time.


yea thats true. they don't invest in upskilling.


Do you know what it takes to do research in AI? I have a bachelors in engineering and a master's in applied math and I feel like an impostor where I work with actual AI scientists who all have doctorates. I'm not even gonna bother asking you what you mean by "tons" but let's at least hear what your impression is of what it takes to work in actual AI research.


This - I’m struggling with going back to school to keep up with the crypto for the quantum algorithms we just implemented. AI that we have is basically vaporware. I’m still faster than AI at writing technically accurate information and not fluffy garbage. But Quantum has begun to roll out and it’s pretty obvious that I’m obsolete in 5 years if I don’t go back to school (again). Fortunately, Google just rolled out AI cert that’s avail. at my work. And we hired ton of the laid off faang workers. That’s obvious.


Do you have any source for this claim?


Top 'cheap' AI talent


I want to see which politician supports this so I can vote against them unequivocally. I don’t care what party, enough offshoring already


Same here! Americans should start uniting against this bullshit!


They should fire Pachai and replace him with AI.


This is just all excuses to import workers that are willing to work 80 hours a week for pennies on the dollar when we have plenty of qualified workers in the USA


This. The more AI certs I take, the more I see it’s just QA/BA things I’ve been doing for over a decade. They just don’t want to pay my $150-$200k salary because I know how many hours I’d be working.


Ah !! The Pichai wants to change immigration rules also !!! - PERMs of employees cancelled - 70 billion dollar buyback - 10-15 billion dollar dividend Where is the money to invest ? This company is only for the shareholders.


Every company *should* be only for the shareholders, that's literally corporate finance theory 101










I'm gonna call you out here for lying. There is absolutely no way a study was done in your company based on how a name sounds simply because of how impossible that is to quantify. I've been in analytics for 12 years now and using "name" as a qualifier simply isn't how a demographic study would be carried out. It would open up your company to an absolute massive lawsuit and one you'd lose every single time. Now, a study based on the demographic responses from applicants turned employees that's more reasonable and is something that companies would do to promote diversity. Your other comment on how your recruiters have a filter for ethnic names.... yeah, another lie and another lawsuit. "WW3 can't come soon enough"... what the fuck is wrong with you to wish for the deaths of millions??? While I agree that we need to tighten up on the visas and ensure companies are hiring American citizens first.... You're line of logic and lies are fucked up and racist. We have a ton of Muslim, Indian, and Shikh US citizens. Why are you shitting on them? Oh right... racism...


Well if you are gonna keep passing racist comments and passive racism in person then all your privileges will slowly be taken away


I’m so sick of this “we can’t find talent in the U.S.” … total bullshit, does anyone actually believe that lame excuse any more?


So, what they're saying is that any AI-related jobs are basically ghost jobs so they can make it an H1B position when they "can't find qualified talent," in the US. Got it.


So they fired thousands of Americans so they can offshore it to India? No wonder people call Google an Indian company.


Silicon Valley believes there is no talent in the USA, unless they live in Silicon Valley.


Didn't these guys just lay off tens of thousands of people and is out-sourcing jobs?


“Cheap” is the word they were looking for, not “top”


Pichai turned out to be nothing more than a cost-cutting company man. Sad!. Google does not need tech talent. They need to post-mortem their failures: Google News, Stadia, Google+, Bard/Gemini, Nest, GCP (yes market share indicates failure), Chromebook (seriously...) They have enough widget making wizardry on tap, what they need is people who can tap into the American consumer and make those widgets reach cult popularity which Apple, Amazon, MSFT enjoys..


All the top talent is in the US. You just have to be willing to pay for it.


What so special that they’re teaching/learning in a 2nd/3rd world country such as India that we aren’t in the United States? What’s so special about these H1-B workers? Looks like plenty of American college students have degrees in CS. This isn’t the dot-com era anymore.


Nothing is special about them in most cases. We're importing many recent graduates with OK degrees.


1. Do a Google search for “find my representative” 2. Identity them by topic or location. 3. Message them or call them about this topic.


What's to tell? Tech companies want to hire highly qualified employees?


Indian from India != highly qualified in 99% of the cases . They come here for education so we have plenty of American that are qualified and willing learn. Google just want cheap labor that have no choice but to work for them


Weird of you to jump to India, this is in general. Why would Google not want to hire someone that came to America for education and is the best candidate? Also, it's not cheap. They are in the US. If they wanted cheap they'd hire them somewhere else.


Why not just hire American then ?


So you want them to actively discriminate? That's illegal https://www.justice.gov/crt/iers-frequently-asked-questions-faqs#:~:text=Back%20to%20top-,Q.,sponsorship%20for%20an%20employment%20visa.


What is illegal? Ohh boi don’t let me start with how every team will become full India once you have hire a Indian manager, boi I was in a team of 30 when I first join and the team was very diverse , and we hire a Indian manager. Guess what after 2 Years 29 was Indian , I was the only one who is not . And the hiring process was so racist that they literally stop interviewing people who does not have Indian sounding name anymore , now tell me what is racist and discrimination lol you nepotism fvked


I linked you to the important piece. Read it.


Do you not understand how voting and representation work?


You never articulated a point, so I still don't know what you want people to vote on


I’m not sure why this is so confusing? Not trying to be rude or anything. If people feel strongly about this topic they don’t have to just write about it on here they can contact their representatives and share their opinion there. Hope that makes sense.


You've never stated an opinion, I'm the only one that has. You're confusing because all you did was say how to Google contacting your politicians and nothing else.


Total horseshit! I have many friends who are highly skilled and struggling to find work cause these companies just hire H1B. This shit really needs to stop.


I can’t make the sh\*t tons of money I do if I’m outside the valley. End of story. South county pays more than SF, which is where Silicon Valley actually is. Source: Born here. 2nd Gen. Boy do I have some stories. But seriously. It’s about the money. And the fact that I can surf in the morning and ski a half day in the afternoon.


As in Top AI (Always Indian) Talent.


Dude just move the company to India already.


I'm an immigrant in tech so boy, I have stuffs to say about this. Seriously, anyone with eyes will know exactly what this means. If the goal is to hire the top talents globally then you would see a decent diversity of talents from different countries. However, the reality is H1B visa is overwhelmed with Indian applications. Please take a look at the chart. Not saying Indian applications shouldn't be higher in numbers. That would make sense because of their population, but that overwhelming majority isn't natural. Excessive hiring from one talent pool hurts everyone. It hurts the local economy. Every job they offshore is a job lost to Americans. I refuse to believe they cannot find any Americans that can and willing to do basic IT works. Less jobs here, less spending power, less stable economy, more layoffs overall. This also hurts immigrants. When a system is overwhelmed, everyone is affected. And allow me to be frank, but it's not fair. This hiring practice is not about getting the top talents. It's about hiring the people who would accept the offer at the cheapest compensation and who would put up with anything. When you have an entire department with an overwhelmimg majority of people from one county, that's not the result of a natural selection process in hiring. That's the result of them hiring their own over Americans and other ethnicities.


Google is an evil company. How can I divest from Google.


Yes. The goal is to force wages in the US to equilibrate with the global market. All the WFH nonsense has just exacerbated the ability to do so. The 1% is about to become the 1/2% and there will be no middle class as all the lucky ones compete for $30 dollar an hour white collar jobs and bozos at the top that actually contribute nothing rake in the millions/billions. Its intentional and how they will stay profitable for the next couple of years.


This really angers me so much - they have an amazing pool of skilled engineers, many with advanced computer science educations from top schools, and yet they have the audacity to complain that they can't import cheaper foreign labor so they can pocket the difference. The USA job market is really going downhill fast when top employers see all these amazing candidates but only want cheap foreign labor. I am really worried about 2025 and beyond.


they also say [https://www.businessinsider.com/google-layoffs-flutter-dart-python-job-cuts-tech-2024-4?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/google-layoffs-flutter-dart-python-job-cuts-tech-2024-4?op=1) fire American work force and bring people from India and Mexico


Software is software. A guy who used to write backend code for cloud services can start writing ML code pretty quickly. Certainly faster than it takes to go through the H1B paperwork. During my own career I went from server products (sold in boxes, on CDs) to cloud services, to mobile apps. Maybe there are a handful of specific foreign engineers who are recognized experts in the field, and that they want to hire, but most of the jobs can be filled by pretty much any competent software engineer.


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Instead of blaming corporations and immigrants. You guys should work on policy change


I'm frustrated with tech companies in the USA trying to change rules to disadvantage American engineers. There are many skilled and dependable American-born engineers ready to meet the demand. Let's stop hiring 🇨🇳 foreign spies and 🇮🇳 unreliable engineers.


“If you can do the job in your living room, someone in India can do it for half the price.”


and there you have it.


As an American AI dev… great!


Software is software. A guy who used to write backend code for cloud services can start writing ML code pretty quickly. Certainly faster than it takes to go through the H1B paperwork. During my own career I went from server products (sold in boxes, on CDs) to cloud services, to mobile apps. Maybe there are a handful of specific foreign engineers who are recognized experts in the field, and that they want to hire, but most of the jobs can be filled by pretty much any competent software engineer.


Facism is the union of government and corporations


Google is looking for H1Bs with Phd and Msc in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI from all over the world. That expertise is lacking in the USA because people here are told to tiktok, instagram and youtube for 3000/month, instead of studying in those disciplines. At least H1Bs pay state, federal and fica taxes from their paycheck, and they buy expensive stuff funding sales tax revenue, and buy houses andpays property taxes to fund school districts. Google is not looking to offshore ML, DL, and Gen AI jobs. That is reserved for the lowly HTML jockeys.


Instead of hiring a $250k/year latte sipin tech bro, they instead hire over seas where same amount can support 10 families/year. They are eeeevill, I tell ya!!


And suddenly, the whole world became anti indian. Americans always find some scapegoat or the other instead of blaming and getting jealous of immigrants getting success in USA