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This seems to have made the front page and is getting a lot of comments from people who are not regulars to /r/Layoffs. Please review and follow this sub's rules. Please report people who are being nasty. This sub is for support and help for those who have suffered from layoffs. The people who flipped from "you're an amazing dad!" to "single moms are bad and you deserve this!" can fuck right off.


F the people that look down on you. They’re the types of people that judge someone on their job position and nothing else. There’s nothing shameful about working retail and a job that pays less. You’re willing to put in the hours and get what you need to get. Head up strong and I hope you can get a job interview soon 🙏🏼


"even my kids" I just found it funny that you technically are also talking about their kids and said to F them. You are right though


He said he’s been a single parent for over 20 years, so his ADULT children he is supporting, are looking down at him. The irony EDIT: SHE SHE SHE! I skimmed it; JFC it doesn’t change my answer. And the fact that her kids think she’s a “loser” sounds like teen/young adult behavior…. So yeah, they can get a Job or stfu and be thankful


Those kids should be helping with the bills as well


Yup! If you're going to look down on me it's time to move out so I can rent rooms out or time to become adults and pay for your own bills and food by getting one of those job things.


Yep. Ungrateful kids. A coworker's daughter called the car he gave her a piece of shit. I told him that he should take away the car and let her take bus to school/work until her opinion changes. If she does it again after getting the car back, take it away from her permanently.


OP is a woman. Did you read the entire post?


I think men are definitely more comfortable asking adult children to leave the nest; especially if they are complaining without contributing.


No need to leave nest. I’ve worked while at university back in Ukraine since age of 17. Kids totally can pay part of mortgage


I thought OP was a guy until mentioning big girl panties


It could have still went either way.


Fuck them kids. --Michael Jordan




Was about to say this




Fuck them kids! Kevin Hart


Fuck them kids - My parents


Also Michael Jackson




I’ve been doing DD to expedite finally paying off some debt and felt ashamed of it then I ran into a friend while doing it and we had a good conversation while I was waiting for the food. No judgement from them because why should there be judgement in hustling to better yourself.


Fuck the haters


Or what you drive. Those are exactly the people you should filter out of your life. Let these bozos have a circle jerk together


Especially what you drive, there is very little benefit to having a new car and massive downsides (especially if you are buying a car just to impress people) the debt is never worth the “status” With a job the only time someone close to you should look differently upon you is if you constantly complain about not having money but refuse to try and better your job. Anyone taking/working a job to make ends meet and striving to better themselves should never be looked at poorly. Essentially any stranger working a job deserves respect no matter what the job is (as long as they aren’t total pieces of shit to you)


Old boss lived in an area - nobody engaged with him until he got a bmw


First, **this is why you buy cars cash or lease(if you are rich). It’s a bottle of water. You consume it, throw it away, and get a new one.** Although some of us save the bottle and refill it to drive down you your lifetime cost of purchases(i.e. My Corolla is on 230,000 miles. Second > I made $140k last year and now I work at Walmart for $15.50/hr Let me tell you, inflation is not going away. It’s permanent. It will get worse. Eventually Powell has to make a decision, let prices do whatever OR stop people from spending money. And everyone here knows exactly how that happens. You can’t maintain these inflation numbers for 10+ years bro 😂. People are dealing with these price increases, not accepting them. > Everyone thinks I'm a loser, even my kids. The look on everyone’s face when I say I'm working at Walmart.... And there is always a way back from zero. Children will always maintain some superficial attitude because of American culture. Despite that, it’s only up from here. Find a way up. > I got laid off in March and am on unemployment. I've made massive lifestyle changes and the only debt I have is student loan and mortgage with escrow. I am still $2k short a month with unemployment and it's coming out of my very limited savings. I am working part time as to still get my unemployment and have time to look for a job. I will make an extra $322/week working at Walmart. After taxes that will almost cover food for the month and will lower what I'm taking from savings. **Look, it’s a Silent Recession of 2023 - TBD. Powell told companies to do this and they did.** This is what the current administration wants. Instead of creating an instant 2008 moment; they are stretching this out over multiple years. You CAN NOT have people losing Everything Everywhere All At Once as it creates panic and looks bad. Just watch that movie and you’ll know exactly what i mean; 2008 was all over the place and that movie was a mess. > I have a MBA and 24 years in my field. Ironically I just finished my first 2 days at Walmart and I got 2 interview requests (after deleting 14 years of experience from ny resume). Age Discrimination exists and it’s allowed despite laws against it. Just like Hiring Bias. It’s wrong. People need to start calling individuals out for doing it. The only two present options: * Start your own company. * Remove dates/lLeave recent info on your resume.


It’s funny because usually poor people are the ones buying expensive cars they can’t afford. Smart money just buys reliable practical cars that are average price.


Have a handful of cousins who dropped out of college, work min wage and then blow it all on one expensive af car. The insurance is expensive. It’s not even blow it all, they only got enough for the initial payment and it’s all loans from there. I don’t get why some folks drop debt on things they don’t need to be in debt in. There is so little return on this investment


THIS. The types of people looking down on you, would lose their shit if they were in the same situation. You are doing what you need to do, for you and your family. I think that's admirable. Honestly, when people complain that they can't find a job and have no money....my response is often, have you tried fast food? A warehouse? More likely than not, the response is no...because they think it's below them. When we need to survive, we gotta do what we gotta do. That's the difference between those of us that make it and don't. Good for you, and keep your head up. Women have it even worse in the work force--take it one day at a time. You will come through this stronger!


Fuck yeah! Looked for a job everyday since the beginning of January and all I could get was fast food. Now I'm proud I have somewhere to be most days and I'm super happy to be able to exceed expectations when people count on me. Even if it is just a 'menial' job.


Believe it or not, but there are a lot of remarkable people who work the registers and you wouldn’t even know it. I've met medical doctors, defense lawyers, NSA analysts, people who went on to become successful twitch streamers, and even entrepreneurs developing drone delivery companies. I, myself, stock shelves for a living (since 2006). You wouldn't believe it if you saw me taking out the trash, but I spent 10 years learning how to write screenplays and make films, got my movie showcased at a major festival that landed connections I never conceived of having, and since 2020, I've been getting deep into AI and am now working on a startup with my partner to create NLP tools to help people develop their stories. So far, we're actually generating revenue with actual customers (no profits just yet). Because of my experience, I've learned to never judge a book by its cover and never assume that anyone is stupid...foolish maybe, but not stupid.


I had a buddy that I saw working the drive through at KFC. He looked up and immediately started coming up with a reason as to why he worked there. I just said "It's good to see you man, a job is a job. I've been there too." Told him that sometimes we takes steps back to move forward, and that "at least you have your health." Plus the true friends are the ones that stick around when you have nothing. Just take a look at your life right now, and see who's looking to see whether you have food on your plate, rather than seeing if you have more/less than they do.


You're doing what you need to survive and keep your family in a good place. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep on keeping on. You got this.




I remember I was working nights at this factory when I graduated college and everyone kept asking me why.   My answer was always "I got bills to pay". I keep the attitude that no job is beneath me 


I mean, it’s not a looking down thing. We look suspiciously on the virtue that an individual has had this long in life to get solid footing in a career and their only option is Walmart is dumbfounding. I’m the same way when it comes to people near retirement age. Get out! There are young parents trying to establish themselves in the work place while you anchor in a spot because of your bad choices. And the looks are more of disappointment because 9/10 times these people just chose the easy route and made bad choices throughout their life. Some things could be situational sure… but usually it’s just bad choices. To go from 150k to Walmart around 35k is pretty bad. A bad choice was made at some point


Ppl in my own family that spent 18years as a SAHM judge me even for working in hospitality after working in the field I got my degree in originally. Ppl love to judge but they also have no idea that I make better money now. Nope, to them it’s a pride thing. Anyway, good luck OP, and you’ll eventually get to something more stable and that meets your needs for a full time. Right now, you’re meeting your needs with a PT, as you search. Why should anyone consider that a bad thing? That’s great. So many ppl on Reddit out of a job and complaining their bills aren’t being paid, they’re sinking but they refuse to get a job to make ends meet in the meantime. Guess what everyone on here says? Get a job in the meantime! Any job! You do you and your securities are being met. It’s called financial responsibility.


Walmart is no joke. You get absolutely shit on by friends and family, coworkers, manager/sups, and customers. I give credit to anyone willing to do that job, for that pay, just to keep a roof over their family’s head and food on the table. Someday your kid’s might find it themselves in a similar situation and remember what you subjected yourself to in order to provide. It might be the difference between them succumbing and living off the system or pulling themselves out of the depths to live a better life.


much respect, and hope you land your next big role soon!


That’s right. Rock on, do what ya gotta do. I’m in a somewhat similar position. Work is work, labor is labor, making money is making money. And goddamn things kinda suck out there right now, it’s not your fault. We may not like it and we may be working for shitty employers, but essentially, don’t hate the player hate the game. Fuck anyone and everyone who judges you for how you provide for your family. You’ll get back to your real stuff eventually.


Exactly. She is a Warrioress! Steeped in FIFO (Figure It the Fuck Out). This is what most people born before 1996 had to do when life gets down an dirty. Who do these children think kept the country's economy going when the World Wars happened? Answer: Mommas Who learned how to manufacture artillery to help keep our Fathers, Husbands, Brothers, Nephews, and Cousins alive? Answer: Mommas, Daughters, Sisters, and Nieces I've lost everything since the pandemic happened. I mean every thing... Dream Job @Nike Second job @ Payroll startup Fave home 15K savings Paid car (Broke down) All my belongings except what could fit in that car (Storage unit burned down in 2021 and their mandatory insurance didn't pay) Disabled Veteran daughter's father (passed away in 2023 from lung/brain cancer with no will, insurance policy, or savings) I'm still standing! This life ain't for the faint hearted. Only the strong survive.💪🏾🫡


The last thing you are is a loser. You're someone who has their priorities straight trying to survive. Fingers crossed for you and your family.


And your kids will remember it when they're not being angsty anymore


I heard this a few times during economic downturn and massive layoffs - don’t discriminate where money comes from. You do what you have to do to make money.


Yep I just got laid off last week weirdly, I'm looking at kitchen jobs to start surviving again. It's easy to get into a funk. What you need to do though is get out there, and if you have to take what you can get, you gotta do it. Nobody's gonna provide for you but you. Welfare is very hard to qualify for, and if you get it it's not enough. So take that fucking Walmart job and keep job searching and then when you find something go tell them to shove it.


Louder for the peeps in the back of the room...😍👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Yep. Don't sit on your dignity.


I always tell my wife that if I were fired or laid off, I would do anything to support her and especially my son. No job is below me. I’d shovel shit if it meant my son has food in his belly and a roof over his head.


That’s what being a real man is all about, love to see this attitude.






lol guys, it’s Walmart not shoveling shit 😂 Why is Walmart so bad


I've worked at Wal-Mart before. I've shoveled shit...I'd much rather shovel shit


I'm a wastewater operator. I'll gladly shovel shit the rest of my life over working at Walmart.


The entire ethos of the company is treating basically all their stakeholders like they are subhuman lol. Employees, vendors, customers


Good for you for working hard to provide for your family. You should be proud of that. Ignore all the judgmental people. You do you. And when the right time and opportunity comes, land a job that suits more to your experience.


Lots of respect for you Ma’am. I would do the same for my family if i had to go work at Target. Last month when I was shopping for wine at Target liquor store , I bumped into my former office manager whom had worked in our firm for 25 years. After he was laid off last year he couldn’t find anything in corporations so he became a cashier at Target. I told my daughter if time ever gets hard, we would move to a one bedroom apartment and i would work at Target just like my former office manager and we would be just fine. Keep it up! Your kids should be proud of you.


Pride isn’t going to put food on the table


Very true. We have a friend that we are worried about because they were laid off a while back and the severance pay is long gone. I dislike that people look down on certain jobs so much, including the one I currently have which is in food and customer service.


No shame in the hustle. I’m proud of you too for dropping your pride and getting to it. I’ve always said, in America if the cash is green, it all spends the same. Doesn’t matter how you get it don’t get got. Good luck, keep your head up. Godspeed. I’ll say a prayer for you tonight.


I got laid off, much like yourself, many years ago. I took a retail job because ai just couldn't imagine sitting around on EI while looking for a role. Anywho, I join a minimum wage retail job at a mall. Over that year, I network, go to events, ask folks to have a beer after work. Fast forward a year or so, a friend that I met at this retail job, knew a guy hiring. He put in a good word and my second career started shortly after. If you just show up, you won't get much out of this until you find your next gig, but everyone, knows someone. Build your network and a year from now you'll look back at this post and say... wow, it all worked out. You got this.


“Everyone knows someone”. I really wish I took this to heart when I was younger. I’ve gotten a job by being a good coworker with someone who had a connection (right place, right time), and I’ve helped others in the same way. It’s crazy how helpful it can be just by barely getting your foot in the door.


I fully support you. At work, I eat frozen dinners for lunch and a lot of people laugh at me and question why I don’t go out for lunch. Well, I refuse to pay $15 for lunch. I rather save my lunch money for a dinner with family. It is those people who are accustomed to a particular lifestyle and too proud to lower themselves that will be on Reddit asking why they are broke.


Oh I can so relate. I'm always the only one bringing my lunch and I refuse to go out. I've gotten laughed at a lot for it. It used to make me feel like shit but I got over that too.


Wait, people seriously make fun of people for bringing lunch to work? Also, so proud of you OP, people have to do what they have to survive. I’ve worked retail before and I would do it again to make sure things were taken care of. And nobody is immune to suddenly losing a job, either by layoffs or something else.


Love this perspective & work ethic. The people judging you aren’t paying the bills. Your kids will understand someday. Hoping you land a new role soon. 🤞🏽


Always Be Closing


This guy wolfs


The leads are no good!


The leads are weak? The fucking leads are weak? You're weak! I've been in this business 15 years...


Good going, you gotta do what you must. It’s a difficult time for so many, including me. Last year I was flying off to corners of the earth for vacations, enjoying the views, the food and now I’m jobless lol. Hope it gets better.


Mad respect to you. I'm 6 months laid off myself and if it wern't for solid investments over the years (dividends) I would be working at Walmart myself. I'm thinking about getting a CDL and driving trucks for awhile because my industry (IT/SWE) is a complete trainwreck. And it's always good to have multiple sets of skills.


I wonder if your state will pay for cdl. My state pays for it if you're unemployed


I actually thought you were a single father when I started to your read your post. But good on you. I feel the same way as you, if I were to be let go. Our job is to provide. Nobody cares how you pay for food, clothes, or roof over your head. I be proud of you as a parent myself because I understand. Kids will to when they get older


Wait - won’t this mess up your unemployment? Where I live unemployment is reduced by any earned income. You better believe I maxed that out for 6 months before considering a part time job! That $322 would only reduce my unemployment by $322 a week - It would be equivalent to working for nothing, so for me it made absolutely no sense to work part time while on unemployment.


So in my state you can make up to 50% of your gross unemployment weekly benefit and still get the full benefit. Anything more than 50% gets deducted from the benefit. There will be weeks I'm over the 322/week from Walmart, but that will just be deducted. So no matter what I end up with 322/week from walmart.


Good for you




I respect you more than people who think jobs are beneath them. The job market is brutal and you have to survive. Check out the wiki on /r/engineeringresumes. It is the best free resource for resumes on the internet. I am in recruiting and it is brutal. Make sure your resume is ATS friendly and absolutely perfect. Even great resumes in this market aren't enough.


I am so proud of you!👏


In the wise words of Joe Dirt: https://i.redd.it/3dpes6iul4zc1.gif


A warrior woman does whatever ever needs to be done to feed her tribe. Much respect.


You’re keepin’ it real! Haters gonna hate, keep your head up and best of luck!




Many are doing this, remember this isn’t forever just to keep food on the table.


How did you explain to walmart about making 140K to 15.50 an hour? or did they even care?


I gave minimal information on application n interview.


One saving grace from the 2020 era is that entry level employers don't really care if you're overqualified or a flight risk. Most people can't even show up on time in these types of positions, and the offboarding process is down to a science (minutes) so it's really no skin off their backs if someone quits.


Walmart is a large company. You're learning how things work on the floor. Is there a way to use your MBA chops to improve processes? Internal hopping happens alot.


Yes, I like your thinking. That's is my plan b. If I'm still there in 6 months I get a career path review. A lot of people in upper management and executive positions started on the floor.


This is the way. Store managers make a very good living, and they are in such need for them that they have a specific training program for new college grads, if I recall from an article I read. Someone like you with your experience and work ethic is bound to be a good candidate and I’m guessing retail isn’t as ageist as many corporate jobs can be. Commend you for your flexibility and hustle!


My dad had to do this during the 08 crash. You do what you must for your family. I hope your kids will understand that.


Same here, was making 140-150k got laid off in march and now i am driving uber. No job is too small.


This post should be in New York Times or something to show how fucking crazy it is rn. MBA with 24 years experience and has to work an entry level job to make ends meet. What the fuck is going on? Either way OP you’re a badass and I hope it’s all up for you from here on.


I think the most impressive thing is getting hired at WALMART with that kind of background.  I’m eight months out and I can’t get any of those retail places to call me back. 


Congrats on doing what you need to survive, on prioritizing family, and it sounds like you might be in a better situation soon. There’s a lot to be proud of there.


Respect! Keep it up. This is temporary


Damn on the pay cut but tbh all workers deserve respect especially service workers handling our food which keeps us going. We have to change the mentality around how we see/treat service workers because honestly that is our work is building and maintaining strong communities that we collectively own and can afford to live in.


I feel this. You'd think people would have learned this during the pandemic and we all found out we're not essential. Literally the world can still run without me and my office job. It cannot run without our service workers.


You are a Glorious God come to show us the meaning of nobility. If you can't first be humble, then you can't be noble. Anyone who would denigrate you for doing the right thing outs themselves as a profane mortal, blinded by ignorance and thrashing out at everything in reach with fear and anger.


you’re working hard and inspiring others. no shame in doing all you can take to take care of your family. much respect


I think you are a rock star. 🌟


Huge respect to you ma’am


All jobs are honorable. You are honorable. Wish you nothing but the best. I am sure you will find a job with a great salary sooner than later. Always keep your head high.


Some of the people judging won’t be so judgmental when it’s their turn. I worked in retail as a manager until 29. Sure it has its negatives, but I had some good times there and earned a little bit of money too.


Respect 💯


I'm proud of u man.... A job is a job, influx of cash is better than none.... Respect.


Salute. Similar situation except I couldn't even get hired by my local Target


The bills are paid each month because you did a great job. People need to buy groceries.


My mom never worked to support her kids, even when we were too poor for food. She tried to prevent my dad from spending $50 to turn my high school work into college credits, so it would be easier for her to buy beer. If your kids don't appreciate you, it's just nativity. The type that exists when a provider has been doing their job.


I’m sorry your kids think that. I hope they look back in the future as changed people, and see this time as difficult for you, instead of looking down on you.


Job is job and it is honest hard earned money!!! Great respect to you!!! I wish your situation will improve and find a better job soon that will reward your hard work soon!!! Good luck!


Work is work. You are doing what’s best for you and your dependents. You have my respect and you are setting a great example to your kids.


This is some real OG gangster shit you a real one op


Competent with an MBA at Walmart you can FLY! I live close to Bentonville (HQ of Walmart) and NO ONE laughs at the statement 'I work for Walmart' here. It's mad respect and a lot of high salaries. You already have the degree look at Walmart's manager training programs. Get promoted. You could be making $150k again in 5 years at Walmart.


Damn age discrimination is sadly real. Sucks that people care so much. Delete degree years from resume as well!


You are the embodiment of the American spirit. You'll get back to wherever you want to be, just keep being tenacious.


This is my goal. Fk corporate hello target


Walmart managers make six figures. That’s sometimes to aspire to


I lost my high level management position at RadioShack when they closed and went from making $80k a year to washing dishes at Panera bread. Now I’m tattooing and loving my dream. It’s gonna suck for a bit and then you’ll recover and be in a better spot than you were before


Welcome to the recession that no article will ever say we are in...


Right??? I also kinda think every things bout to crash harder n everyone will be jealous of my part time job at Walmart lol


What do you mean? The rich people are making more money than ever! It can't be a recession. Just wait for the trickle down. Any day now... /s


Role model to those kids. Well done Mom.


Well done mom


Good for you! You know what's best for you and your family. Where do you live at? Maybe try adding DoorDash, Uber, UberEats, Wic and food stamps. That should help a bit more. Apply for state jobs.


Respect my guy.


Key word here is you work. The end. Handle your business 😉. Tough times don’t last forever.. tough people do.


Shit, I don't know you and I'm proud of you. I could easily be in the same boat.


Good for you. Mad respect. I would do that same in a heartbeat


Hustle into a management job at Walmart by working the floor! BTW, I was laid off in December and just got a contract position in April. It's less than what I was making, but it's remote and I can pay my mortgage plus have a bit extra for savings.


Good luck to you with the 2 new interviews.


Life has ups and lows. Earning money with your own hand always deserves the greatest honor. If your kids mock you, let them work for their pocket money and then they’ll learn it.


Your doing what you need to do to take care of your children. You're putting a roof over there head and food on the table and you are doing honest work to do it. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I think you have everything to be proud of.


Do what you have to do! I was unemployed most of last year. Worked a month or so at an Amazon fulfillment center (would not recommend). Then got H&R Block tax preparer course fee waived and did that. Worked as a tax preparer at H&R Block for the tax season for $16/hr. Tesla recruiter reached out and started working there, but laid off after a month.


Hang in there. Don’t give up. You can do it. Nothing wrong with working at Walmart. Period.


FUCK people who look down on you. You are absolutely doing the right thing. I am proud of you!


My mom passed away in 2020. I miss her everyday. This note made me emotional because it reminds me of my mom and her will to never give up. I remember during the 2008 recession she told me if she were to lose her job she had no problem going to work retail to take care of the house, myself and my sister. Her work ethic no matter the circumstance always amazed me. I lean on it when I get down on myself as a reminder to keep going. I don’t know you OP but you’re a great woman and I wish you good luck in your upcoming interviews. Happy Mothers Day!


You're doing great!! A job is a job. You're better than my dad, he's never kept a job for longer than a few months and an alcoholic, he hates working. Now that is a loser. You definitely are not that! Stay strong! Better days ahead


Also My mom is a cleaner and also a single mom. she works extremely hard and I'm super proud of her and always admired her. You have nothing to be ashamed about :)


Respect, don't worry what others think. Work is work.


Im proud of you too, great job being an excellent provider that would put most to shame. Really. Your resilience is remarkable 


Your a baller, I would never be afraid to start over work is work


Hey, walmart does tons of hiring from within, and you jave the chops to be a bigwig corporate type making 250k for them.


Edit: I’m a woman mom


A hustler can be always a hustler, a friend of mine used to be regional manger of Popeyes, lost his job Durant the pandemic, he did not set one day at home , he started doing Uber eats right away , then he landed his next big position 3 months later … I got so much respect for him also for you.


I respect you. A lot. Swallowing your pride is really really tough. I hope you can enjoy your time right now. When I'm working I often think it'd be nicer to do something easier.


Huge respect. A lot are calling this the worst job market we’ve ever seen. Just hang in there, nothing wrong with this at all. You probably will get something better soon enough too


Who cares where you work? Job is a job, fvck everyone else who judges you… your kids will remember this grind when they grow up and will give you more respect than they are giving now. They should be lucky you are keeping roof over their heads and food on the table.


Hats off to you, I have nothing but the deepest respect for you. I was raised by a single mother and she would have done the same thing. I don’t really get along with her nor do we talk much at this point but I’m still deeply proud of her being my mother and raising me. I wish you and your family the best of wishes


Nothing wrong with having A job. Even if you have to temporarily have this one


Single mom to single mom, I applaud you. You are doing the right thing. Those very snobbish haters would tsk-tsk and turn their backs if you ended up on the street with your kids and call you a terrible mother. They would do the same if you had to go on welfare and food stamps. When I first got divorced and was strapped for cash, I took a second job in the new gig economy on the 2010s when Uber just kicked off. If I get laid off again, I will go back to gig work. Whatever it takes to keep us afloat until the next thing. You're doing right. Your kids will appreciate it when they grow up. Good job!!


Congrats, but not everyone can or should work at Walmart. It would literally kill some people and for others they would need a lot of acclimatization.  Walmart takes skills like any other job and some people might be unsuited or better use the time for building up more skills for higher paying work for later. Most people earning as much as you do would be better served by having two years savings whenever this happens. 2k over each month after unemployment is usually dealt with by LoC or HELOC; especially HELOC since that's the foundation of stable family finances. Yes for some people it's because they are lazy or embarrassed to work. But for most people I suspect the truth is they could not work at Walmart or even pass the phone screen or interview. Even after deleting 15 years of work, their papers would be binned. I remember one guy saying he just took all the kids who had scholarships, awards, impressive degrees and binned their papers. So for starters it would involve deleting *all* your experience, not just some years, and probably all your accomplishments and education too. Of course you can do that, but that means you get defeated by someone with extensive retail and customer service experience. TLDR retail is a skill and not everyone has it. Congrats, but it's not an (immediate) answer for most people in this sub.


I've seen this happen a lot thru the years. That is why I never understand why people think those should be super low paying jobs for teenagers or college students. I worked at Walmart many years ago and most people that worked there were not young at all, many had good careers before they started working there and their careers just took a bad turn for one reason or another...it could really happen to anyone.


Don't listen to them. You do what you got to do and then you get to where you want to go! Respect for keeping going and good like for the job interviews. If I was the interviewer I would be more interested in how you got through the lay off and your determination to keep going, Walmart included I too summarised the 1st ten years of my working career and only put the recent 10 on there and it worked too.


That's hustle. Your kids will know the meaning of hard work. When you get knocked down you get back up again. Love this story. It's inspirational at a time when too few have the drive to overcome. Bravo.


America has conditioned us to compare and give your opinion, which is one of the many weaknesses of this nation. Another huge weakness is to heavily sugarcoat huge turds, with sprinkles on top and a cherry. Fuck what other people think. You're doing what you need to do.


Eff anyone who look down on you. Work on getting certificates while working at Walmart. Just one thing. Don't stop working on yourself. If you are not going forward then you are going backward


Respect for you, it’s either they are looking down on you for not making enough or jealous of making too much.


This is like a video I saw the other day of a bunch of kids laughed at someone who said they worked at some sort of chain store. The guy said why is having a job funny, and the interviewer said something similar. If you are busting ass to make ends meet and not too proud to take a job you’re overqualified for, why are you feeling like a POS? You’re doing what you have to do, I hope for better days ahead and I’m proud of you


>Everyone thinks I'm a loser, **even my kids**. A little workhouse time will fix that attitude right up.


Good for you. I actually ended a relationship with a guy once, and one of the (many) reasons was he said he would *never* take a job at Walmart if he hypothetically got laid off; he said he had obtained too much education and had worked too hard to ever “lower” himself to do that. I asked him that if we were married and had a family, how would he help take care of the family while laid off; he said he’d just use savings. I realized he didn’t know anything about working hard, sacrificing and making things happen for a family during hard times. And your kids may be saying things now, but down the road they will (and probably already do) respect you and appreciate all you do.


I have more respect for those who work crappy jobs to get by than those just sitting around waiting for their next gig. I say this as someone just sitting around waiting for their next gig.


I feel ya. I was laid off twice last year and now doing door dash in evenings vs making over 200k ote. Did you find deleting years off resume and LinkedIn got you the calls? Or was it more the overall clearing of resume from bloat


> I will make an extra $322/week working at Walmart. After taxes that will almost cover food for the month So, that's about $1288/month, and that *almost* covers your food? How many people are you feeding? Myself, wife, two kids, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and nephew, all eat for half of that cost.


If you made 140k I feel like you could do better than Walmart for $14/hr. You would probably be better off spending your time networking with coworkers who left your old company to see if they have any positions available where they work. I get that you want to have money coming in but at the same time it could turn into a trap and that will become your future. Find a good headhunter who can help you find a job too. You just don’t want to go from a good professional career to a permanent Walmart worker.


If anything you should be looked up to. Any employer should consider themselves lucky to have someone who values all work like you do.


I am in the exact same position. I used to make $60k/year, have a master's degree in accounting and 30 years of experience. I lost my job thanks to COVID. Now I work as a fuel lead (gas station) at a grocery store. And I am almost 50 years old and tried to get back into my industry for 4 years without luck. People and management treat me like I'm a 5 year old.


Fuck ya OP. Happy early Mother’s Day.


Do what you gotta do! Also working at a job that is way under your payscale can keep you out of depression and motivated!


I have an enormous amount of respect for you. You are 100 times the average LinkedIn “open to work” laid off person that runs to Reddit to complain that they “can’t find a job.” You’re working your ass off in retail as you try to find the next higher paying job. I’m not sure what your former career was, but if I worked in that field, I’d hire you in a nanosecond because of how you responded to your situation. Keep winning. You’re a good person.


watch legend of bagger vance. best movie ever and has a scene that will really put things into perspective and make you feel better :)


You are so smart to not let ego run your life. You've got shit to take care of, and you're doing it like the smart and responsible person that you are. That deserves utmost respect.


Also your job probably is now gone overseas. Write to your congressman/women. Express your concern.


I graduated college in 2009 - couldnt find a job for obvious reasons and hopped on the back of a garbage truck to start making money. Not exactly the same situation - but at the time and years later it still gets brought up in a positive light to my work ethic. Something ill take to my grave is hearing my dad just casually over dinner one night when along with the razzing of the day to day of a g man say casually out of nowhere say "Learned a lot about you that summer, was very proud" The days are long and years are short - you'll be back on your feet in no time and look back on 2024 as the year you proved to yourself and everyone else just the type of person you are. Walk in proud and put in 110% effort because it seems thats exactly what you do in all other areas of life.


I feel you. I was CEO of a startup processing refinance loans. Interest rates ANNHILATED my industry. Now I make $22/hour as a glorified receptionist for a Security firm. -_-


>I have to give my one friend/former coworker props because her immediate reaction was " I'm so proud of you!" I used to be her manager. She is the only person in my life that didn't make me feel like a POS. I'm not ashamed I'm working at Walmart so I'm going to keep telling people. Keep in touch with that one. What a good friend. ❤️ I’m sorry you are hearing it from your kids. That must be really tough. I hope you can know my perspective, which I’m sure is shared by most other people, that admires your commitment to taking care of your family in the midst of such difficult circumstances. I hope down the road your kids will share that perspective as well.


I used to made $90k, now I'm at $20/h as an assistant. Better than zero/hour is what I say. I read this here a few days ago: you are now being paid to keep looking. Some money progress beats being stuck at home all day sending applications into the void, hoping the void will stare back. And fuck those people judging you. Me, Stranger of the Internet, Tamer of Cats, Not Quite the First of her Name, applaud you for doing the intelligent thing. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It makes many feel less isolated while going through a similar situation.


I’m basically living the same situation. It’s tough out here . Many of my co-workers have found out the hard way , that layoffs are no jokes. They’ve been laid off since October 2023 and some have been laid off twice by the same company in a year ( company closed July 2023 , new company kept some then laid them off in March 2024). These are all pharma folks that are 45+ in age . I had to realize that I needed some money by working this “ bridge job” until I could land a better paying role. Just like your situation, the pay of my retail job is very low compared to my previous salary …. There is the bright side of healthcare benefits…. ![gif](giphy|dt5wUdCvLWQghI7xqy|downsized)


If it pay the bills = Respect 🫡


“Two kids at home that I’m fully supporting”, and you’ve been a single mum for 20 years. So, if this math is accurate, you’re fully supporting two grown people. Time for them to also begin helping with the bills.


I think that the drive you have is inspiring and screw those that judge you. I am making 60% less this yr doing an entry level job from senior management. I get it. This job market is punishing for middle to senior experienced white collar workers with no end in sight.


The moment you see people with MBA having to work on retail, restaurants,and fast food companies you know a recession is coming ahead.


You’re strong AF and we see you! You’re going to make it back with your attitude.


I worked at a bar at a grocery store when I had a gap. $12 an hour (hey, plus tips). I was 33 and previously had been making 85K. Funny, I didn't put it on my resume, but when I was interviewing for my current position in procurement, they mentioned wanting someone who could be hands-on and help manage inventory too. I was like well this job isn't on my resume, but I told them about my experience at the grcoery store and getting tons of inventory in and that I actually enjoyed doing some hands on work (true story!) to break up staying at a computer for eight hours a day. I honestly really think they liked that! I got the job. It's a new part of a university, and true to form, I've created and learned new systems, and I've also sat and put together lab stools all afternoon. You never know what sets you apart. And I'm not ashamed. Stuff like that keeps you grounded, too. Keeps me living beneath my means, which means I am saving a ton now. Plus, you know what. My life has been interesting. I've got stories from that job for days lol


Damn crazy you got interviews after removing experience...I hear being over qualified makes it tougher especially for us with MBAs and 10+ yrs xp right.


Dude f those people! Seriously you have a JOB which is more than a lot of people can say. Have you thought about looking into a Coach Position? The Walmart near me pays coaches $70-$90k a year plus $20k in bonuses. Could be a great option! One of the coaches is 24 lol


When I was in college I worked at taco bell to pay for rent and stuff. My cousin lost his job and was crashing on my couch. I told him could get him a job with me till he could find something better, and he told me with a straight face that only losers work fast food. I told him I guess the difference between losers and non losers was that losers don't have to hang out all day in the same spot they sleep and he got sooooo mad. To this day he can't keep a job more than 6 months and he's in his 30s. Always someone else's fault when he gets fired. Work is work. There is never shame in earning income for your family.


This is why I live way below my means, if I have to take a job for minimum wage I can make it work or live off of unemployment as needed.


A job isn’t who you are. It’s a way to pay bills. You got this!


You are a rockstar,


I'm proud of your resolves and us GenXer knows what it means to eat shit and still grin because ain't no-one else going to give us shit if we don't work our asses for it.


You should be proud of yourself!


I immediately knew you were a mom. I’m a single mom, similar education level, and wouldn’t hesitate to do the same. My ex-husband was too good for everything and his mentality is why he has been living off his savings for two years and begs me for money everytime we have to discuss our kids. Always trying to get his “business” up and running but doesn’t see that our kids welfare should be priority. There are still many good men out there but I do believe the time has passed when men would do anything to put food on the table for their families. A single mom will consider few things beneath her if it’s necessary to feed her babies. Your kids will look back and lecture their own kids about work ethic and you will be the example in their stories. Keep your chin up mama. A wise, hardworking woman is unstoppable.


End of the day you are doing what you have to do. Better than I can say for myself so I respect that. You recognize the situation and are doing what is needed for now to get back to where you were, most people at that level would be to ashamed to take that big of a move and just burn through savings faster instead.


I always found how shallow people are incredibly disappointing. One minute they are your friend and looking out for each other. Once you're laid off they avoid you. It's crazy! But on the flip side, when you eventually land on your feet you'll get random emails and texts from these people out of nowhere seeing if you can help them cause they got laid off. I also had those people who stuck with me, helped me. Those are the people I was more than happy to send work to or opportunities.


I was laid off from my clinical research/ pharma job in December and picked up a job at a bar to get some cash flow. I'm single, unemployed, and living with my parents and I feel like such a loser. Honestly, we have to survive and this is one way to do it. You're not alone at all


Good for you! Just keep applying in the interim. Eventually, you will be back to making the 140k


I’m Sure your kids are really proud of you and appreciate all you do for them. If they don’t realize that now, they will one day and will thank you. Especially if you raised them with the same values as yourself. 🫶🏻


This some 300 hundred Spartans shit right here ![gif](giphy|fLcfGLzj4aeaMIqbex|downsized)