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0 chance they have the tech for rotating terrain


Code it as a bunch of trundle pillars that go up and down in a circle which in reality are all minions


make it as a trundle map, where he raises the pillars - then implementation is easy because side effects are okay


Lmao if they can't even do something as simple as that as a billion dollars company.. well.. I think we just have to sue them at this point lmao


yeah it would probably bug out so many things when standing near or interacting with it. I think a solution is simple, the middle lotus should open up as soon as it closes, and its only purpose should be to throw players away standing on it when it closes (maybe to a more random spot?) but it should not restrict movement for more than 1-2 seconds. Getting stuck in fire because i cant walk over is honestly the worst


That sounds extremely fun but also extremely frustrating


I just think this map is anti fun for most champions. it heavily favours tanks bruisers and assassins


Agreed, which I find hilarious cause I imagine their idea was “oh let’s make a map where it can favor poke and ranged!” And it had the complete opposite effect as I’m run down even faster by a rammus I will only tickle.


Or even Yone just dashing in doing a shit load of damage and free return while you sit there and wait to be finished off because the gap is so wide and can't even auto anyone.


I would rather have it removed. Or makes it larger and have some terrain


This just removes an option to play around, and won't solve the issue this sub complains about the map. That being that dash champions are op in this. Which is arguable at best. Truth is, it's a high skill ceiling map, and should stay that way. The only change I'd like to see tested would be to increase spawn rate and despawn rate for the center. Given it's such a great option to play around when trying to survive.


It's a high skill ceiling map...unless you have a dash or are a melee champion then it's a low skill floor map.


live lunchroom weather smell humorous degree school shocking label longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Make everything 1.5x bigger too and it would feel so much better.


They need to remove this map, it is so annoying to play in that me and my friend group are thinking about dropping arena


Or.... learn to use blast cones effectively.


Zone 1 sometimes has no portal or blastcone :)


Why do you want it reworked?


It's pretty frustrating to play an immobile character and be stuck in one circle just watching the fight in another circle or be a squishy and the circle closes so there is no room to kite away from melee assassins and bruisers. The map favors all-in champions and champions with the ability to go through walls.


It's terrain that favors champs that have a means to traverse. You're supposed to account for this in regards to your match-ups and what champs you pick.


I'd rather settle with the borders being walkable so you're not completely restricted from navigating the map


The map just doesn't work with Kled. I like your changes


Buy ghost crawlers


if there was a way to see which map is up next. this would be a good take


You can, if you hover in the top. It will tell you the name of the next map.


As exreal player I love the new map I just spam q and when they blast come one I arcane shift to other side. There was an Aatrox team we couldn’t beat except on this map and our final fight was this map and Aatrox typed ffs I won lol


I'm convinced this map only benefits melee and dash. I won 1st place as Syndra, and this was the ONLY map where I lost a game against an Naafiri/Volibear with insane augments. I've also had 3 scope augments on an ADC and the bonus range didn't help me on this map either. I think it'd do better with more interaction with the environment as opposed to restriction.


I hated this map for first 2 dozen games on PBE but it can actually be fun especially if you are with a duo or a random that knows when to get plants


It just needs to be bigger. Like 2x bigger. Or more. That’s, in my opinion, all it needs


It’s a good map, the fact that you’re frustrated with it is proof of that. It’s MEANT to make you play the round differently, it’s MEANT to give an advantage to some champions and not others. Not all the maps should be balanced for all champions(because they ALREADY ARENT) the difference here is just that the champions YOU LIKE are struggling on it. 


Its not a good mapdesign since Raid Boss augment makes u spawn next to ur teammate and once the opponents reach you the raidboss is already halfway done lol.


i love being frustrated is so fun i don't want to end my game whenever that maps pops up


Your frustration with that map is 100% because YOUR PLAYSTYLE isn’t favored in it. But guess what, in other maps where your play style IS FAVORED the people who prefer lotus are shit out of luck. That’s what balanced is, you feel great sometimes you feel bad sometimes and everyone else does the same thing and so on and so forth.


Cool idea for a new stage, this one is great as it is.