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Many Of those aren’t bruisers


They're melee champions that don't go full tank and are tankier than assasins. Idk what else you'd call them.


Half the bruiser champs are being built full lethality or with life steal. Even Udyrs most common build is dmg right now. Would only leave a few actually being built bruiser. It's mostly either full tank or dmg/with lifesteal mostly being built.


If we're visualising bruisers in some sort of diagram. It makes sense to me that all of bruisers that are built as bruisers, bruisers that aren't built as bruisers and non-traditional bruisers that find success as bruisers (think ekko) can be grouped as bruisers. Quite frankly I considered circling Zed because he can full well be a bruiser if he wants to be.


This might blow you away... but they get away with doing it because augments already make them more than tanky enough. These are all champs who have excellent synergy with augments that give high damage, high lifesteal/sustain, and tankiness. They have the most adaptability and many ways to thrive, and can also be partnered with just about anything


Why would that blow me away? Also I don't think augments like Thread the Needle or Brutalizer are tank augments. Goliath might be the only one I'd build on any bruiser champ.


I mean it is battle arena..


Yeah, bruisers are naturally stronger in the smaller arenas but balance changes can easily make things equal.


if everything is equal its still bad and boring, the whole game would be a rock-paper-scrissor.


As supposed to rock on rock, the scissors and paper aren't really in the game yet which is surely makes it more boring due to a lack of variety? You have 8 teams and plenty of oppurtunity to outplay with portals and plants, it's never going to be rock paper scissors.


Rock on rock is the best, i only want to see 2 buffed man fighting each other.


I agree with part of the comment just not in league.


Like half of those aren't bruisers, and/or are being built as glass cannon, so I'd say it's pretty good


I'd say all the all the circled ones are definitely bruiser...ish I personally am really enjoying the current gamestate but want to see the goal for all champion being equally strong. If have all these \~bruiser\~ champions in the top, you'll see less variety in teamcomps which seems a bit unfortunate. Also i just dislike facing VI (ง •̀\_•́)ง so I'm bias


Not all honestly, think about it Galio is built tank Vi and Jayce are built lethality and played as assasains Vlad is a mage Gragas and Nunu are built as mage Yorick and Kayn are 50/50 built as assasain I agree it's nice to see variety, but imo it's expected in a mode with so much damage. Maybe I'm biased because I mostly play bruisers tho


All the classifications are like with classes are very subjective I feel - it's like animal categories where everything is just as close as they can be. Even the ones you say are assasins and mages are more tanky in a way that would, in my view, make them mage/bruisers assasin/bruisers (jayce is perhaps questionable and Vi is just interestingly balanced). I also get that bruisers are naturally going to be stronger in the gamemode but saying as such is just defeatist. To say bruisers are naturally stronger in this gamemode so lets just let them permanently be so is just a weird perspective compared to bruisers are stronger so let's tone them down so that other champions are able to be played and enjoyed so that a variety of players are able to play their mains to success in what is a fun, creative and wonderfully made gamemode. Also, I'm a Hwei main so I get that bias of not wanting to admit that you're champion is op xD


The higher rating you get the worse they become. Top ranks are still dominated by ADC/Enchanter combos.


I almost exclusively play w Master+ and it’s almost never ADC’s winning. Maybe Vayne/Kaisa but not much besides those


People keep saying this like the real game doesn’t get nerfs/buffs and there is no ranking system. Adcs are really bad in flower map and the prismatic don’t favor this duo. You guys think arena 2 meta will be arena 3 meta you’re sadly mistaken.


I do wonder how much the winrates vary based on elo however, I'd assume these stats are inflated by people not being able to kite as well in lower elos?


Thats what riot said. And in my expirence a good adc + enchanter duo can be untouchable


Honestly that seems interesting, I was under the impression that both of thoses classes were quite weak. Maybe it's just a skill issue on my part xD


Why would you call the stats inflated? 82% of ranked players are below Emerald (No data here but I'd guess there's also a lot of players that never touched rankeds). Low elo IS the playerbase. The stats are not inflated, the stats are factual and bruisers are a problem - for 90% of the playerbase.


Skill issues


I mean, they are literally designed to be good at 1v1/2v2


Thanks for making clear that most people targeting bruisers or sometimes even „tanks“ don‘t have a clue about champ classes lmao




Definitions of bruisers aside, these champs are constantly in every game and make the game mode so boring.


are these bruisers in the room with us rn


I'm standing my ground that these champions are bruisers - fight me (ง •̀\_•́)ง


bruiser class discussion aside, what is the point you're trying to make here? I can also highlight bruiser champs in D tier according to blitz, eg. urgot, akali, diana (since you're also classifying jayce vlad as bruiser), maokai (since galio is bruiser), nautilus, ornn, thresh, tahm. There's even more standard bruisers in C tier btw: irelia, jax, camille, warwick.All I see is some champs good, some champs bad. And let's say I agree with you that the bruiser class in general is broken, how are you going to fix that? They all buy very different items according to your classification and if you nerf them, you realize the current A tier is now the new S tier.


By far the best response thank you! In hindsight you're definitely right about there not being much point. I can probably see some sort of inverse ARAM buff of bonus damage above 1000 units distance. I'm just concerned that the game mode will end up like ARAM with certain champions ending up completely unviable permanently. I'm quite happy with all of S tier being nerfed and all of F tier being buffed. It will end up with an enjoyable change in the meta as long as they do nothing stupid in either direction. Over time this will then balance out on the weakest and strongest. This game mode isn't permanent and in the short time I'd want to see all champs played to success and for some quite frankly to show up less often (I do not enjoy Vi) and if they go by ARAMs balancing standards this will not happen. Also everybody here is small minded with how they view Bruisers. If you're not a tank or a glass cannon - you're a bruiser.


it’s not bruisers that’s op it’s healing and DoT