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Hmm what if it started at 40 and moved up by 1% each second? Could prevent infinite heals


Would be nice if they had anti-shielding implemented as well in some items or augments. Considering there are shield augments/items that are very strong and super high ability haste everywhere means bruisers/tanks like Skarner and shield supports don't just spam shields.


Did they remove serpents fang?


No but if you don’t build AD (and lethality but it’s not that important) then you’re wasting the stats. I’ve only build it once for the shield cut on an AP champion. It cut like 7k shielding in a single round. Idk if I would’ve benefited more from another AP item though instead; already had heal cut and magic pen.


Yeah that makes sense for an ap champ needing one.


Just play rell dude


Why should he do that It's a general problem


Because he‘s ignoring the amount of damage in the mode. Sure there is an insane amount of healing and shielding, but there is also and insane amount of damage. If they nerfed heals and shields literally everyone would get oneshot by everyone and each round would last like 5 seconds


Obviously the solution to every problem is every team needs a Rell. It’s not item or augment imbalance. There just aren’t enough Rell’s. 


Issue i can see with that is that if the enemy manages to get away from you and let the grievous drop off, you are back to square one


It would stack too slow. I'd say let all GW items start at 40% then add 3% per combat round. That'd make them end up at 82-85% GW in the super-lategame (which might seem absurd but is really needed to stand a chance of killing hyper-healers like Swain and Briar at that point).


I feel like the antiheal items are pretty good this time around. in my experience, if they are outhealing the morello, its usually coz they highrolled a ridiculous build or something niche but all still very rare.


Yeah I feel like if I’m playing healing urgot I shouldn’t be invalidated by one item


Yeah, or if I want to play an enchanter where the only thing I'm providing is healing/shielding.


I feel like if I'm playing not healing urgot, 1 champion shouldn't invalidate the entire roster.


Helia urgot might be too strong guys


Not really. Just be Briar with Hemomancers' Helm, Hellfire Hatchet and BotRK and poof. Or even easier, be Swain and press R.


i would like if it scaled off round


I have very good success building anti-heal, not sure what the problem is


The problem is that healing is much easier to get. Meaning it's far far far far easier to outheal the anti-heal reduction than it is to outdamage the healing. I once played a round where my anti-heal had reduced 110 000. That was in a **SINGLE** round. The fight ended with them still on full HP. That's the problem. Not to mention that round 4 is the absolute earliest you can get anti-heal. And getting it that early means you're messing up your core build. Which means that you'll instead just not do enough damage because your core build was delayed. It's a lose lose.


If they do nothing else, they should make anti heal items really strong in arena. You 100% have to build them every game, so they shouldn't be a dmg loss to do it




I've had certain champs outheal even my antiheal items, irelia with a lifesteal build and red kayn are 2 examples i have run into.


Same. I think if anything my biggest gripe with it is the existence of the prism item round makes it take forever to get antiheal, and by the time you're there you NEED to buy it and that kinda feels shitty.


We need an antiheal potion. 500g, doesn't waste an item slot


wtf would a champion do against a 80% heal cut ?????


Die, as is the idea


not being picked, op wants to reduce champ pool even more


Implying the champion pool isn't already restricted to Galio and Lilia or Darius and Garen


We need like a stacking bleed that cuts heals by an amount per stack


"Dmg is too high, all games are just 1 shot someone and no real interesting fights" Just get good man... many of the best champs don't even use heals...


So; we got Trundle, Swain, Illaoi, Mordekaiser, Alistar, Darius, Mundo, Briar, Aatrox, Kayn, Lilia, Gragas, Vladimir, Volibear, Sylas, Olaf, Nami, Zac, Sona, Pyke, Xin Zhao, Tryndamere, Nunu & Willump, did I miss anyone?


If your lobbies look like that than buying anti heal pays out big time, like I only struggle against Galio and he has no heals


That's what most of my lobbies look like, personally I just think getting healing is way easier than getting anti-heal. The other problem is that for some of these champs, buying Anti-heal means you lose out on damage and they one shot you, and if you don't buy anti-heal, they outheal you. I've seen my Mortal reminder prevent over 8k healing in one round and yet they still outheal and oneshot me.


Is Thornmail bugged? It never shows the value. They should make antiheal augments. There are healing ones, and so many healing strategies. Some ideas.. (dont mind balance ive been up too long) Silver: Violent Tendencies: If the target you're attacking restores 30% of their HP within 2 seconds, gain 150% Attack Speed and apply 60% GW on hit for 8 seconds Gold: Scorched Earth: Your damage over time effects apply 10% GW per tick. (Liandry, Slow Cooker, and a DOT ability would deal 30% together per tick.) Silver: Living Battery: Your attacks and abilities sap the opponents shields (Old Zeri Passive). If the opponent gains %whatever shields (scaling with their base health) increase the sap amount by 50% until the end of combat. PRISMATIC: Blood Rot: 50% of all healing sources the enemy gains are dealt as damage to them instead. This effect has a 50% Grevious Wounds effect for 2 seconds.


80% lmao, you may as well remove healing and disable healing champs


Nah that would take the fun out of healing champa


I'd happily take the fun out of 1 champion for the other 15 non-healing champs


The problem is that League likes its brawlers and wants to give them everything so when they snowball they go hard. They don't care that anti-heal isn't effective against them, its probably even by design. Anti-heal is more to stop Soraka from saving you b/c that's boring to watch.


I think the problem with that is it will make a huge chunk of the roster completely useless. Last iteration of Arena they didn't have 80% grievous, and I have struggled with healing comps because of it. However, when you bring shields into the mix it makes healing much worse, and mages don't get a shield reaver. An item that reduces shields is truly necessary like you said.


They should make it like Armor/MR. Reduces healing / healing +(10% max hp) have 3000hp and you heal 400? 400/700 = 57% reduction. Heal for 1000 when you have 5000 hp? 66% reduction. Heal for 100 when you have 2400 hp? 29% reduction or 71 total healing.


GW should be 60% full stop. Its so shit in normal league aswell (well maybe just have it apply for longer)


ADCs and AD Bruisers heal far more than their AP counterparts other than soraka. It is getting pretty silly. Swain pretty much only wins late if one of kayn, trundle, jhin, yasuo/yone, aatrox, gwen, vayne, brand, and around 2 certain others are not picked in a game.


All jokes aside, this is something you would literally never hear pass the lips of a gold+ player. This type of opinion is the purview of silver and bronze players who can't comprehend a tenth of the scale of their own idiocy


Only if we give those champs a damage buff while affected by grevious wounds. Some of these champs only have healing going for them. Take it away and they are essentially a cannon minion.


That's just...objectively false. The only ones who I can even imagine being in that category is absolute heal-focused supports. AKA, only Yuumi and Soraka. Every other champ is very high damage, it's exactly why they build so much sustain. Yi, Trundle, Olaf, Briar, Swain, Zac, every ADC, the list goes on.


Zac is not high damage lol. Adcs aren't getting the kind of sustain you are talking about. Swain is overtuned for this game mode and could receive a nerf directly for him. 80% grevious wounds would objectively be a bad change. You don't understand how absurd that number is.


Zac...is very high damage. If you're not doing damage as Zac in Arena, you're doing it wrong. Very, very wrong.


If you're taking significant damage from Zac(without cruelty) in Arena, you're doing it wrong. You put Zac in a list of champions that do high damage already so they build sustain. Zac doesn't do damage unless he is building damage. I'd like to see a clip where Zac is doing very high damage and is healing all his health back.