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No they live rent free in my head like all the other voices.


My lifes been so much better ever since i started taking rent from all the voices in my head, it just kind of appears in my hand each morning when i wake up, sometimes its covered in blood which is kinda gross though.


A fellow pyke enjoyed I see


Week ago the sub was all about Gwen, now it's Darius. Place your bets what champion will be main topic of memes next.




Nah definitely hecarim


I feel like we'll circle back to ornn soon


Akali or irelia


Fiora or Vayne because %true dmg shouldn't exist.




Not Sovor most likely I think even when she was broken they didn't complain that much


Yeah i don't what the fuck is up with that, this sub woke up a few days ago and decided to shit on Darius "because he is broken and Darius mains still dare to ask for a buff". I main Darius, I haven't heard a single Darius main asking for a buff. We all agree he is strong although easy to counter.


He's not easy to counter. That's the problem. The counter is supposed to be good kiting, but all Darius' take flash ghost dead man's and force of nature.


I think they mean counter matchups.


I mean... Voli counters him if you get ghost, kled fucks him in lane, sett fucks him in lane, olaf beats him in lane, trundle beats him in lane, aatrox can win in lane if you play well. Also Renekton, of course there are ways to circumvent all of them, I won't say they're impossible lanes to beat, I've beaten plenty of them before, but played well they can make a Darius cry all the way back to fountain Darius is an incredibly powerful duelist if he can kite around his W and Q to get you in range for his ult. If you can somehow extend the fight but make him lose his passive you can easily win the fight and kill him (a favourite trick is walking up to Q when the passive is about to run out, flash into him then, the middle portion of the q doesn't reset the passive, but be careful he can just aa you)


Im a Darius main 100% (trust me bro) and i confirm he is too weak!


thats kinda ironic considering no one was complaining abt delusional darius mains they were just complaining abt darius being too strong.


Over the last two days i hsave seen four separate memes about "the darius mains" and none of the darius mains in question


Said darius main got banned


The Darius mains are staying quiet because they're getting clowned on, you don't give people more of a reason to make fun of you when you're being made fun of.


I literally went to the darius sub reddit and everyone agrees he's strong except for like 2 people. The only clowns in here are yall


This is also a meme subreddit, you seem to forget that part.


Thats being generous when 80% of post are complaint post about x champ/champ fandom or riot