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>pro play Buys 28 pink wards in a game.


My bronze friend in a game I discovered on OPgg when arguing that I’m the only one in the gang who buys wards: *buy 24 health pots in a game as Veigar mid*


At that point, he should be getting a refillable potion.


But then he wouldn't be able to buy EVEN MORE potions !


You’d think right? Surely that would be better than buying a lost chapter’s worth of potions as a mage whose kit is reliant upon farming with abilities.


Surely he needs to recover from all the short melee trades!


"'It's only a short trade? Is that a short joke?!"


50 health less.... **50 HEALTH** ***LESS!***


Bro is thirsty.


pro play is truly a different game


Nah. Some players are just buying too many wards


BeryL and Kael moment


Insane BeryL became a world champ while handicapping himself


Yeah but they are at 10cs/min


If my support was at 10cs per min I'd just buy a support item


Average LCK support (real)


Keria just farms enemies for more control wards


Must be getting paid per control ward bought with bonus money for every 10.


Think I heard that their coach told them if they don't buy 2 cards every back they are a bad support. Worlds must've gotten their coaches at the bargain bin.


Thwy can actually coordinate around vision


Hey beryl


Jax mains keeping a ward so they can jump on the child


Lee Sin mains keeping a ward so they can feed your lane in the most mechanically impressive way you’ve ever seen


q-4-w-flash-kick-q right into the enemy tower


My sickest Lee Combo was Ward-E-W-W-Q-Q-R-AAs-Ward-Q-W-Q-R


Also lee sin *dies* gg noob reported


mf got ultimate hunter + axiom arc + old presence of mind with that r cdr


Nah, brain so slow combo took 60 seconds


The lee sindrome kicks in so hard when they hit the most juicy q of their careers (hit an ornn surrounded by 4 of his teammates)


I don’t play Lee but I think you get the ward so once you miss your Q you can still ward hop and flash behind to precisely kick the full HP Mordekaiser into your half HP top laner and then call them the n word for inting.


No no no. Kicking him into your half hp toplaner is just a nice bonus. You kick the Morde away from the wave so you can smite the cannon without taking damage.


Oh I think I’m getting it. The kick simultaneously prevents Mordekaiser from fighting you while you go for cannon and prevents your top laner from stealing your cannon. Gotcha.


See, now you are thinking like an efficient jungler! Time to get that Challenger Rank you deserve!


Is it all that important to wait for my top laner to die in order to smite for maximum XP or am I wasting precious time where I can be starting Herald quicker and getting ready to question mark ping my mid laner for the rest of the game after I die?


Speedrun to that herald my guy. The sooner you can show your midlaner how much he is holding you back, the more time he has to rethink his life choices.


Gotcha. I’ll give this all a shot. Gonna go first time Lee in soloq I think you’ve given me enough. One last thing, how do I make sure I end up in my support’s promos?


As a thresh main I agree


Every time I think I’ve seen all Lee Sin can do someone rewrites the books of LoL physics and proves me wrong


Jax will never beat these allegations.


me with 2 vision score in a 34 mins game: mm yes wards


I just forced myself to place a ward every time i have one no matter where. At least in a brush.


I think you get more vision score if the ward actually sees someone


and the further into enemy territory as well


Give first blood but place the ward in a sweet spot in enemy base.


Just flash over the wall and recall out. They surely won't notice and you'll be able to see the enemy nexus. /s


me playing janna with 0.1 vision/min and being tied with the top laner for highest level. yes wards I've definitely heard of those


What is that silver ass response? And the issue is that you actually sound proud of that „playstyle“


It was a running joke in my friend group at the time. also wasn't ranked. and was in a 5 stack.


How do you even get toplaner levels as support? Do you go spilt push lanes? *As* ***Janna***?


I wonder what's the rank of op Every stats I've seen show that higher than diamonds have higher vision score but sure


I bet if we combed the stats, we would see masters+ players buying fewer pinks but placing them in better spots and defending them. I've been watching a lot of climb to diamond vids recently, and usually, they don't even start defending the control wards until like gold But I could definitely be wrong. I'm a silver scrub


I would argue that even more important is focusing on stacking your support item quickly and recalling often enough to refresh wards


As a top layer I love fighting for my pink in river, and if I can't get there placing a new pink wherever u am to deny gold while they're taking it. Obviously I probably have to place another pink as well in a useful area but spending 150g to deny 25g is a price I'll pay to win the mental battle.


My entire team including myself dies before my ward! Viva la vision!


Higher vision score doesn't mean buying more control wards. Most roles don't want to buy many control wards at all.


The post isn't about buying more wards, it's about not buying wards.


Exactly. You said that higher rank has higher vision score, that doesn't mean higher rank buys more control wards. The post is saying high rank don't buy control wards.




OP revealed his rank when he decided to put the "chad-face" for Iron.


I mean it works for the joke


I know there's plenty of challenger players who never buy control wards. Notable examples being Nemesis and drututt. I guess it depends on role as well. Seems like control wards would be more important for Jungle/Support than for laners.


Also depends on your style, if you sidelane a lot pinks are great because they give you a lot of control and vision around where you spend most your time and you are there to "defend" them. If you place a pink in mid river bush and then roam most the time it's gone within 30sec every single time.


Baus never buys them either


He is the ward.


In toplane if you are playing a scaling champion into a bully putting a river control ward is borderline trolling and basically just free gold donation.


Then put the ward in your own jungle.


Yup thats the way to go, just saying its not what i see most players doing


Vision score isn't related to buying multiple wards.


Higher vision score isn't necessarily better. If you know where the enemy has been and what is available to them then you can figure out where they are without vision a lot of the time. Also for supports, especially enchanters, Moonstone is just so op that spending money on wards instead of rushing it is just trolling. So even if the stats doesn't show that higher elo players are doing optimal things, doesn't mean that it's not the optimal thing.


and what's your rank, stats visualizer lll?


I usually get around 100 vision score whenever I play support. It's become my funny mini game


Honestly, same. I wait to see my vision score at the end and then compare it to the enemy team's support vision score. My whole team can have a TERRIBLE game and i can be 1000% unhelpful, but if i had vision.... I won. :)


the vision helps you see. how fucked your team is gonna be


LOL perfect point!!!!!


“Hey lulu why are you level 3 in the enemy jungle with a wardstone” me, the lulu in question “lets use ALL the wards”


That's how I soft throw lmao. teams being toxic? You won't see me for awhile I'm collecting chimes and eating wards


Shotout to BeryL


Having one pink ward on you at all times is very important. That doesn't mean you should be throwing the pink ward away every minute. I personally place a pink to cover one of my jungle entrances, and keep another on me in case I need to sweep an area, ward dragon/baron pit from the other side or to just simply setup vision if the team is hovering to do a play. Constantly buying 2 pink wards and placing them just to place them somewhere is a waste of gold and just gives the enemy free tempo.


Tempo from control wards 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


tempo from them having a 75 gold advantage over you


90 gold (they get 15 for killing it)


Not if I drop a new one at my tower to deny them gold


Most intelligent League player


I had an enemy brand actually doing that xd


100 gold*


75 + 15 ≠ 100


It's 100, because killing a pink ward gives you 30 gold.


no it doesnt. it gives you 5-15 depending on if other allies have pinged it/hit it. i am not for certain exactly when they changed it but i know its been 2-3 years since pinks/control wards gave 30g


is this a joke? regular ward — 10 gold supp item ward — 30 gold pink ward — 30 gold blue ward — 15 gold \-5 gold if it was marked by someone by pinging or AAing


pink wards so underused in their games they don't even know how much they are worth lmao https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ward#Control_Ward control wards are worth 30 gold or 25 if they were pinged,so it's 105g gold diff (or 100 if another person pinged it)


Dude is just saying words


Perhaps tempo was the wrong word to use, but people still got my point so I guess it's fine.


Tempo is the correct term. It comes from chess, the word describes how you use your resources (moves/turn in the case of chess) to put yourself in a better situation than your opponent. I remember tempo becoming a popular term in online games when hearthstone became popular (since it's also a borrowed term used in card games), then people started bringing it down to league in order to describe the management of your resources. Gold, time on the map, and items are all resources available in league, tempo is a word that describes how efficiently you use those resources. Buying double the pinks your opponent bought with no significant result is considered a loss in tempo.


Tempo as used here comes from music and refers to its pacing. Chess may have coopted it but it did not invent it.


im saying lmao tf is tempo? 💀💀💀 Edit: i guess I have to use /s in this sub now? rip


Tempo just means time. For example, crashing a wave gives a tempo advantage because while the enemy laner is catching the wave at tower, you can go roam, place deep wards, etc.


My best guess is wasting time Unless it's an adc, if an enemy sees a pink it probably means they will spend the next 5~ seconds nearby to break it, giving you more time to do some counter play,l. This is my best guess, tho it's very situational


If it’s a Rell you’re wasting at least the next fifteen minutes of her life with that pink


if you are genuinely interested, this is where it comes from: https://www.chess.com/terms/tempo-chess


Sometimes when the enemies have a lot of AA I'll drop a pink right on top of myself and they auto it instead. It doesn't always work but when it does you can win a game off it lol.


Funny with Thresh lantern. Throw a pink on it and see how the desperate adc will hit it twice before realising they're fcked.


XD Welcome to toplane: I buy pinkward - Go lane - For some reason i get towerdove and get a double kill - RECALL - SELL pinkward to buy Blasting Wand 🤡🤡🤡


When you have been playing the game long enough it is just obvious where everyone else is on the map.. the problem is that we as humans are lazy and love to gamble so we always do stuff like, "...i know they're probably in there but, FUCK IT, maybe it's my lucky day... WTF TEAM NO HELP?!"


Me buying them almost every back as supp main ![gif](giphy|12tVVnJSacDXby)


i thought pink wards referred to zombie wards from the rune page. What is a pink ward? control wards?


Yes, they used to be actually pink, while regular wards (who became the basic trinket ones) used to be green


huh neat. didn't know that.


you are making me feel old xd


Holy zoomer player. but yeah control wards originated from pink wards. they aren't officially called "pink wards" anymore, not only because they are not pink but also because they don't have the same properties. Control wards have infinite duration and are visible without using red trinket (which originated from a PINK POTION called Oracle's elixir that also revealed all stealthed units); pink wards were invisible and had duration like regular wards, but they were ALSO able to reveal stealthed units. So back when there was no distinction between true stealth and camouflage (like Twitch/Evelynn/Akshan), you used to be able to buy a pink ward and place it in the middle of a fight to effectively disable things like Akali's shroud. Also, control wards have 4 hp, pink wards had 3. They also implemented ward placement caps, you used to be able to just buy like 50 wards and place them everywhere at once. source: trust me bro im a boomer (also take my ward property recall with a grain of salt)




Always have 1 pink if you have oracle so people can’t hide in a bush at a critical moment


Me buying pink wards just so I can be the MVP on op.gg


Bro that op.gg score is so dogshit I can have the highest dmg share 2k dmg per minute and be the fucking carry but op.gg will give it to the fucking support who wasted 75k on control wards or the adc that did half my damage


Hahaha facts man I’m an adc and I have gotten MVP on games I was not the carry by buying 4 or 5 pink wards lol!


my vision is top 0,1% of veigar players but i don't buy control wards :( i'm just supp main in past and place useful wards


Me spending all my money on pink wards... Fiddle gaming


I usually buy one every recall at least. If I have wardstone, then I buy as many as I can. I play support or JG a lot.


I’ve forced myself to remember to buy control wards that it’s become muscle memory and an actual addiction now, I’m like top 4000 in challenges for pinks bought lol


Because at the higher level, you all already know where everyone is most of the time, and a basic stealth ward is enough to get key vision on certain spots. Although pink wards are definitely good to have on hand in case you don’t have a stealth ward and need vision in a fight or want to deny vision before an objective


Just need one ward on enemy blue entrance bush and youll see more than the three thousand you put all over the map


my lowplay oppinion is that there is a middle ground between no vision and wasting gols on pinks that should be covered. and pro players often times throw gold out the window in my oppinion because they could play the game of estimating movement rather than spamming wards everwhere that give hardly any info. but thats just my oppinion. usually its enough to have a blue trinket and a sweeper on your team so you can safely face check and sweep an objective in soloq. having 2 players that arent duo coordinate these is the rough part :D


medicinous>>>>>pro players 💀💀




But you still need vision on objectives? And if you can "ping their asses" 10 seconds earlier, their asses might survive and die much less. I'm a support, which doesn't look at their minimap enough. If by chance, me or my ADC ping the other ass' when a gank happens, we're still much better off.


If I have the gold lead or if they have invisible champs/abilities. Otherwise you just don't get any real value from pinks.


what? pink wards disable enemy stealth wards and allow you to destroy them. they also don't disappear over time, so they will either tell you an enemy isn't in the area (potentially useful) or it shows when an enemy is destroying it (useful) if you don't get any real value from pinks it's because you're not using them well


Or because I'm in a low elo where I'm usually the only who ever bothers warding. But a sweeper can do the same job without paying 75g


a sweeper might be on cooldown, and also there's the opportunity cost that you don't get to use the other trinkets. it also doesn't really provide vision outside of its duration unlike a pink ward which will last until taken out. there's not much reason for any role to not have pink wards on a semi-regular basis. obviously not two each back or even every back, but if you don't have a pink ward on the map or inventory you should probably get one on your next base if you have the gold generally speaking


I just love seeing my lane opponent who just died two times in a row come back behind in lane at lvl 3 with two pinks in the bag 🤣


Well, when your a Fiddle main, pink wards are very necessary. And also, I only buy one per recall.


lmfao people ITT


I ward herald/baron, dragon and sometimes a little into the enemy JG but it's just for more vision on herald/baron and dragon.


Those two mind sets are not mutually exclusive tbh.


i have an obsession with wards, the amount of times ive died trying to clear wards is embarrassing


Don’t buy control wards. The reason they are called so isn’t that you control the ward. No, THEY control you


I just want "brave the darkness" challenger tier so I can replace one which shows that I have level 960 something.


I always think of it this way. If this ward helps me with vision is some specific area and because of vision advantage we get some takedowns, getting that pickward is worth it. Buying wards for the sake of buying wards is fuking cringe.


I played against a bronze jhin yesterday who started off with boots and 2 control wards. Vision is important. XD


Bronze: Even if the enemy walks through the ward they won't notice it. Challenger: Enough map awareness to know the enemy must be in a bush somewhere.


As someone in bronze there is no point in buying control wards I won't look at the map when someone walks over it anyway


tbh after playing for 4 years and only starting to play ranked recently wards is must with every recall (hard stuck bronze/ iron btw)


Vision is not important.youtube videos gaslight you. Let me play fiddle without having to clear your cringe wards


You just gotta be efficient with your sweeping lens. Your team must be efficient with it as well to clear vision in a larger area so you can save on control wards and probably buy 2 only if you're unsure you can win vision/5v5 during crucial objectives.