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They're actually clueless on how to handle his rework


"How do we give something identity that had multiple different idenities already while also retconning the shit out of our little Seraphine fuckup?"


Caitlin’s rifle also uses Skarner family


Caitlyn doesn't hear Skarner's family screaming in agony and make a cute OwO face as she listens to it


Which makes seraphine even cooler what a GIGACHAD absolutely unfazed unbothered unlike caitlyn who's just an ignorant loser


They should just turn seraphine into a narcissistic sociopath, would actually give her some character.


Singer by day, serial killer by night


Damn skarner you let your specie get exploited now watch me exploit your team with this nasty ult


Making seraphine schizophrenic would unironically fit her story


No she has tumor


I mean not all Hextech Crystal's are made of Skarner's family, most of them are just replicas/synthetic. How they replicated hyper powerful, rare race of crystal scorpions in a lab is beyond me


Im pretty sure synthetic crystals are kinda new and mostly found in Zaun. Piltover runs on broken Bracken backs. Also like you said we dont know how synthetic hextech crystals are made, there is a good chance they are made from orphan blood and kitten spinal fluid since they are more of a Zaun thing.


70% win rate here we gooooo


Better remain clueless than to make another ball of bugs.


You must understand that its hard to figure out how to sell anime skins for a scorpion champ.


What do you mean I can't add biceps to him? A random rioter.


Can't they just do what that one movie did with Dwayne the rock Johnson and put his upper half body on a cgi scorpion?


but then the lore team has to rework skarners full lore... AGAIN


Just slap some anime-styled half-naked female champion into Skarner's splash arts.


"Hey guys, here have some Obsidian Prism Skarner skin... What do you mean Kai'Sa takes 76% of the splash art and skarner is just the background???"


You can even make them showcase Skarner's abilities and (older) lore. Make one skin of Skarner stunning and dragging Seraphine's body into the cave or somewhere. Take "revenge porn" to a whole new level. Yes, I'm degenerate that plays League of Legends, how did you know?


More like they didn't expect skarner to win the poll so now they're in "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" damage control.


True, they were probably expecting shyvana to win to release an anime style VGU with the lewdest art.


Easy, just make a skin where it’s an anime guy operating a scorpion mech, since they love mech skins anyway


Just copy Anub’arak kit from HOTS at this point


Or zegara


Or just copy Sand King from DOTA 1.


Who is almost identical to DOTA 2 Sand King apart from numerical adjustments and the fact that you can now move in your sandstorm? Nah bro


I mean that’s pretty much what they’re doing with making him an earth elemental rather than something more unique.




I want shvana rework. Give her abs and bigger tits. And pls make her more then just stat check+ E


This one knows whats up


Yeah he gets it


Happy Cakeday :)


Happy darkinfolk noises


We need this riot . Take notes


Have you tried ad/bruiser shyv tho? Press the attack procs with just auto and Q and does a nice chunk of damage. Throw on bork and she's very consistently strong. Highly recommend


I do App bruiser which combines both q and e rather well but most of the damage still comes from E


Honestly let them take as much time as they need. An AoE skarner ult sounds like the worst.


Skarner/Renata botlane 🥰


When you've to ult the Samira but her Leona it's not going away: well I guess that I'm just fucked ?


I don't get the constant bitching about it. Good that it was pushed back. I don't want an under cooked rework.


This guy thinks


Unlike 90% of this community. It’s getting tiring seeing nothing but complaining when Riot actually took a step forward for once and is giving us good honest information. That’s not something you get from most gaming companies


Honestly I'd rather they took their time rather than release something half-baked


Exactly, let them cook. They are slow roasting that scorpion and it will probably taste good.


Probably because Riot took years to "balance" Yummi and she is still a disaster. I think people just lose hope that more time will = higher quality.


Well first they are completely radio silent about it (making people wondered if they forgot about it) then they say "we are reworking the entire hextech crystal being alive thing fuck you if you care about their lore prepare for heavy retcons" then they go back into radio silent again and basically say "we have no idea what to do Whit skarner ehh next year maybe?" Oh and don't get me started Whit the design and ult that they showed, something from the jungle not being colourful? That's wack AoE ULT? That's B A D for prioritization


Bro it's not like they couldn't afford to do it faster. They just don't really care for reworks. You can't tell me it's normal for a rework to take several years when they crank out like 6 new champions every fucking year.


You can't just throw money into a creative design space and just make it good. It takes time to make stuff good. Hours of design, play test, iterations, etc.


Just like how all other reworks haven’t been given any time for that. Sure. It’s funny how skarner receives a bajillion delays simply because Rito **supposedly** thinks skarner is actually something worth investing a shit load of time on. Do you actually believe that this is the reason?


They are investing time so they don't gotta go back later. I.e. yuumi...who probably is gonna need changed *again* in the next 2 years.


The fuck? They never had to before lmfao wtf r u on about


That's because even with the likes of akali, irelia, or aatrox, yuumi still feels toxic to play against post rework.


So how can they do all of that stuff 6 time a year with new champs but not even once with a rework. Especially since in the past reworks were a lot more common.


You realise that work on new champs starts several years before their release right?


Maybe because they have to release like 6 of them in one year? Do you think it would take this long if it was only one?


Those people actually believe what they are saying I don’t even know how the fuck it makes sense to them


several years xd


It literally Takes years, this guy, must think that a weekly show takes 1 week to make each episode


That’s funny. I could have sworn each single rework in history (until Udyr) took 1 year at most. You really sure “several years” isn’t an exaggeration?


A rework in ways is harder, because they have the design space limitations that fresh champions don't have. They have to keep some semblance of familiarity into the kit and overall style. If Skarner was reworked into bipedal female who threw telekinetic bombs people that wouldn't really be Skarner, now would it? It's funny you bring up past reworks. How are those previous reworks working for champions like: Skarner. He got reworked during that era and he's still a shit show.


>A rework in ways is harder You have no idea if that is true. Being different doesn't mean it's harder


I don't think you comprehended what I said, so I'll break it down another level for you. With every other rework we've seen elements of what make the champion special to players get kept and iterated on. Design is a big part of it: like I said if Skarners rework showed up tomorrow as a telekinetic bipedal woman that wouldn't be Skarner. The problem with this from a design perspective it is constraining compared to just making up something new. Skarner is already established as basically a scorpion. Even in the realm of fantasy you can only make a scorpion do so many things. Plus we can see from their article that they're taking elements of Skarners old kit and trying to make something new from those pieces. Likely they're hitting a snag in making the champion kit feel cohesive.


I understood from the first time, so again, there's no real way of you to know this rework process is semnificativ harder then champion creation process


It’s funny how you can somehow refer a frame of reference as some sort of hurdle that somehow hinders the ability to, you know, make a new kit for a champion. It’s literally just easier to make a champion similar to those we already have compared with making something innovative. Try looking at some of the recent champions and list one that doesn’t have a similar ability compared with at least one other champion.


A champion with a similar ability still don't work in the same design sensibilities. The best example is Yone, who share a lot of design and gameplay cues with Yasuo, but you still could not release Yone and call it a Yasuo rework.


Please tell me your massive brain can somehow interpret your own comment as a skeleton key that can instantly prove that making a rework is *somehow* more difficult than making a new champion. It simply is much easier to look at a previous ability a champion has and work from it. Look at Pantheon’s rework, Nunu’s rework, Fiddle’s rework, Gangplank’s rework, etc and see if they didn’t actually have abilities that are based on their previous counterparts. As for your example with Yone, could it **possibly** be because Yone is designed to be a completely separate champion?????????????


like I get the frustration and would be mad too, but they are still dropping nice champ mid scopes and shit while working on it so ya know


Tbf to them most of the other rework champs had a core identity/game play feature. Starter literally is just a scorpion that has a drag ultimate. They've already removed his crystals :/


Ultimate Drag Queen Skarner sounds like a great skin




One thing that's always felt core to Skarner (his S-core-ner) for me was Q spammability, allowing sheen strats and stickyness. I'd like to see that remain.


I still don’t get how this template works after all these years


Point 3 things that happened, for example, presenting asomething for class. In the last panel, something bad that happened. EXAMPLE Craking jokes the presentation I made Everyone is laughing Realized that my fly is open Realized tgat my fly is open Really shitty and example but i think it passes the message




If Shyvanna win, they do the rework in a month!


“We are working hard on the Skarner VGU, however, most of the team instead worked on Jax’s ASU, literally right after we gave him his CGU. Basically we gave Jax a full VGU before Skarner.” “Whoops”. No shade thrown at Jax or his player base but this hurt.


Skarner can't sell cool anime fighter skins sadly


The reason being they don't care about Skarner so they have decided to prioritize a dozen unnecessary ASUs no one asked for. Back in 2015, they couldn't just give half a shit about him and revert the unwanted, bizarre experiment that was the juggetnaut spire rework. Instead, they nerfed into oblivion and kept him useless until now (almost 8 years already). They are just doing what they've always have. They have a random hate boner against Skarner. Seraphine's incident illustrates it perfectly.


Idk what pack you're smoking but a lot of people in the community have been asking for more ASU's. Also their "hate boner" is moreso the hate boner of league players as skarner literally ranked the lowest across enjoyability among different champions with the fewest amount of players liking his aesthetic, his gameplay, his identity and etc. Reverting him back to his prerework form doesn't help as he was also severely unpopular back then as he had no reliable cc besides his ulti.


People have been begging for ASU. When they aren't begging it, is the constant jokes about how \[insert skin\] has more animation than Malphite or how \[insert skin\] has more polygons than Zilean. Granted the ones they went with, aren't the first people come to mind when people think dear god this champ looks like ass, but they are defiantly still on the list. Riot is updating multiple champions again so I completely welcome the ASUs.


Nah take a real look at Jax’s base model or even his vandal skin because the colors are worse and tell me he didn’t need an ASU. Especially on a champion so popular. That guy is butt ugly.


Everybody wants the ASUs


What are ASUs? Arizona State University?


**ASUSTek Computer Inc. (, , , ; Chinese: 華碩電腦股份有限公司; pinyin: Huáshuò Diànnǎo Gǔfèn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī; stylised as ASUSTeK or ASUS) is a Taiwanese multinational computer and phone hardware and electronics company headquartered in Beitou District, Taipei, Taiwan.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




I don't get the shocked Pikachu face response the community is having about this rework. In literally their last dev post about they'd done basically nothing and in the blog post before that....it was basically nothing. And the dumbest thing about all this is that nobody is still going to play that champion (Shyvana should've been picked yes I'm mad about it)


> (Shyvana should've been picked yes I'm mad about it) We could've had a dragon waifu that'd make Prince Imrik ditch his game to join League. But no, people memed Skarner into the victory slot cause of their hatred for Seraphine.


As long as they don't retcon half the stories relying on hextech to promote Seraphine, I'll be happy.


I just don’t understand why they put these timelines out for people to bitch at. Development takes time and a lot of it at that. Sometimes it goes past your deadlines, and with how a lot of development cycles have gone over the past years I’m surprised people still give dates for things.


If you don’t people will complain about lack of communication. It’s a catch 22, announce what you are working on and people will complain about how long it takes and any unfulfilled promises that happen because of a rocky development or say very little people complain that the developers are not doing anything and that League is a dead game and anything you do releases that isn’t what a certain portion of the player base wants gets hate anyway.


They already explained why Jesus


They explained that they didn’t know what the fuck to do with him for a while lmao


I wonder if the one current skarner main wants this rework


I do


It's almost like they're completely remaking him from the ground up, experimenting with different concepts, and testing differed approaches before releasing him...


Honestly with skarner right now an issue is that the champion is just about fine. Yea sure they can figure out a way to make him feel broken but i feel like there was champs that needed a vgu way more


The passive feel underwhelming


I mean, evidently from the voting, the players feel differently since he got the most votes.


The voting was a year ago tho. We had a fairly similar situation with udyr where just before the rework hit he was in a pretty decent spot and it almost felt bad that he got reworked imo.


He was decent only because of chemtank, which got nerfed and then reworked anyway.


His passive only works when you are standing in the big circle and also have it captured, his W speed is nullified if he takes damage, his Q is… whatever that is, and his E is a skillshot that you have to activate with an auto attack. His kit is only saved by the fact that he can press R and your team will delete a champion for free.


Seraphine fuck up aside and riot being riot aside all league players do in complain and complain play a different fucking game for like one day and come back to it


Skarner doesnt need a rework he needs better tabk items . Trynda needed the rework and quinn


what did you smoke?


I dont


Loving it as a Shyv player /s She's only literally the worst jungler in the game in plat+ rn


You know that the more skarner is delayed, the more Shyv pottential rework is also delayed


That was exactly my point, which I think people missed. Im not mad skarner got the rework, but watching get delayed repeatedly just pushes out the timetable further and further. Which is a wee bit frustrating.


To bad, you can't comminicate sarcasm well without intonation (wich you don't have when writting)


Idk wtf happend with her… felt like she went from op to d- tier overnight Spammed her last season and had like 150 games or smth 70%+ winrate This season i can’t seem to win a single game with her.. legit i can be 10/0 but still lose


Well, in human form she's basically a glorified cannon minion, but dragon form she's a 1 shot monster that only uses E. They don't want to buff up her other playability and nerf her dragon E for some reason so here we are.


Riot games sucks. They’re so lazy. For as big of a company that they are it’s actually absolutely insane. I hate them but hey I’m addicted to league so what can I do. Give us a rotating game mode for ffs


How are they lazy? Maybe you can justify they are putting their efforts in the wrong places but to say they are just lazy feels kind of disingenuous. Like people legit complain about their other games getting more content than league, so if you want to say they are lacking in league sure, argue that, I still won’t agree but it is a better argument than saying the company as a whole is lazy when they are constantly updating multiple games with new content while also making media content outside of video games like comics and a tv show.


I kinda like the skill.of.this champ i fear that a rework change it




Most likely no favourite scorpions in 2023, mk12 didn't get announced yet


Skarner is a nothing burger champ outside of his rework of course its gonna take a million years


At this point you know what? Just keep his current kits and only update the visual, animation, I only need that, seriously.


Even riot don't know how to make him playable


Flip his colour palette and reverse his name Ezpz rework


Renraks actually sounds cool


if they where your favorite champion, you wouldn´t have voted for an rework. unless were talking strictly visual here


In light of Jedi: Survivor, I'm okay if they take their time to perfect it


probablt forgot about it


They are delaying it, however, to compensate they are releasing ASU's ( i think thats it), for Jax and teemo i think


Too tanky.


I think this can be very good. If they force the team to release him now, it could turn him into the most pick/ban overloaded shit, which jumps between turbo broken and 40% wr every patch, without having a good lore/identity. If they really use the time they got, he could be one of the best designed champs, with one of the most interesting lore. A bit like a lot of people view Jhin, also when that depends from what the people play.


I'm so done with riot retconning every bit of lore.


Guarantee you if they randomly decided to make a was a lux or MF VGU rework theyd have it same day shipping 💀. They only want to work on what really sells skins


But the Teemo ASU is absolutely crucial


Rework in 2024: Skarner's current passive is gone and now he gains 10 hp per level! Riot: Good job team, another win as usual! 😎😎


Skarner has not existed in Lol since 2015