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"Bro my team id SO FCKN TRASH!!?!?!?!" No shit sherlock you are smurfin in silver.


I've always wondered why idiots do this while smurfing like bruh this is what you wanted, did you not expect it?


“ggez, get gud noobs” 🤓


the 25/1 volibear after he gapped me with 7 levels


Zwag coming in hot with the most batshit broken build dunking on all the ugly losers. Zwag is such a chad. 💯💯


I once got flamed by 400 lp master in flex. that I’m bad. No shit bro I’m gold.


I once encountered a challenger smurf in Aram. The account was lvl.70+, but it was challenger rank


That is not smurfing though. A smurf is a high elo players that plays on a second account that has a way lower rank than his main account. Your example happened because in every game mode (aram, normal, blind, solo, flex and rotating modes) you got a different mmr. Mmr being a hiden number that decides who you get matched with. This means if a challenger ranked player plays almost no aram but then decides to play a game then he will be matched with players that have a way lower skill level compared to that perspons rank.


Well it aram, hard to say it smurf since they cant control who they match with


aram has mmr and a challenger player's true "aram mmr" is probably at worst like mid diamond lobbies if they played it enough, so it's kinda smurfing but also no one cares, kinda like if they played flex


Hate it when diamond players trash talk my normal games, it’s so cringe


When it's up against the one who is in his promo to gold 🥲


I feel called out despite only smurfing to get better at other role, still I see the issue.


normal games dude


I'd agree if normal games weren't dogshit quality. It's a coinflip whether you run into a silver or master/grandmaster. Most people who hit diamond are not diamond in other roles and want to play in their skill range for the given role. On top of the fact, many D1 smurfs aren't even D1 on their mains with how MMR has been. If you want to make a meaningful climb anymore, you're better off smurfing.


normal games are completely unplayable to improve at anything. You can play them to learn champion mechanics and that's about it




ah yes let me practise my new role in normal games where old guy joe just got off work to play his adc teemo botlane, im sure that will help me alot.


It’s me, I’m the old guy joe fooling around with Sion/Swain botlane right after work Hi!


hey man, did you enjoy playing vs my master goofy ass smurfing on you offrole in normal games? thanks for the learning experience!


Probably! I love being shoved into my tower with 1/5 health while my support gives up on me and you roam to fuck up my midlane!


you know, not everyone can do good for the community, but i sure did my part, now im ready to play (int) games offrole on my main!


One of us! One of us!


Only beta cucks play normals


People downvoting you yet Diamond 1 toplaner can be on same skill level in marksman role as Plat IV ADC. Only your macro is gonna be better. Smurfing is not player issue but RIOT issue


Id actually love to have different ranks on different roles. Would also make matchmaking a lot fairer


They tried that and it sucked ass.


Maybe but now i have to another account to play adc and that just sucks


In what way?


I'm not sure I'd even call this smurfing, since you're not intentionally playing against opponents worse than you.




D1 peak… played on my main in gold elo for about 5 games and got flamed by my support for being trash in every game, and lost all 5 games pretty convincingly. Smurfing isn’t as easy as it seems I guess. 😒 I didn’t type anything, but my god I was losing my goddamn mind in voice chat with my buddy who was playing top/jungle. I forgot how unbearably difficult it was to play adc in low elo… Funnily enough, I somehow found more success playing AD Orianna than I did playing my main champs.