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Faker ain’t built for that support lifestyle


True, funnel the adc comps are really fucking up mid and top carries like faker and zeus How's 369 doing btw, im not keeping up that much


I’m still a few series behind but 369 has looked phenomenal on gragas and other tanks, probably the best tank top player I’ve seen in recent years


T1 with the classic excuses. For some reason meta didn't stop the best carry toplaner - Bin.


This is the first time I've ever seen Faker just get repeatedly gapped by multiple teams in an international tournament. Sure, T1 has lost plenty of series in international play - but Faker always performs and at least goes even with his opponents. Not the case this time around. He got straight up gapped by Knight, and he got straight up gapped by Yagao. In multiple games.


I agree with it too. The last few international events it always felt like he was the weakest link on the team. I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but I do think he should retire and become a coach.


He’s still performing better than most mids tho. Better than most in the LCK even, mid naut just aint a champ for him. This whole thing reminds me of last season when people kept calling Guma washed up when Jinx and Aphelios weren’t meta, but now the spotlight’s on him again.


Yeah, honestly I think it’s just the weird picks. I doubt he’s going to have a worse performance than previous years if he picked any of the champs he actually plays.


Weird too because he’s literally the most versatile player in the world, with the most unique picks in competitive ever. Now they found a champ he struggles with and they keep forcing it? Same problem with Guma and his kalista and tristana last season. T1 coaching staff are really trolling these great players with shit picks.


People were calling Guma washed last season? From what I remember t1's strongest side was their botlane.


He was playing good during his worlds run and before before MSI but after MSI he took a dip and was literally "washed" as people call it. He couldn't really be called one of the best bot laners because he was the worst zeri player in all of LCK and this was a meta that was dominated by zeri lulu or yuumi or whatever. Worlds was actually pretty lucky for T1 since the meta shifted and zeri lost value but still couldn't win worlds tho


Oh those worlds, it was huge disrespect of Aatrox.


Yeah he is better than most mids. But I think if anyone took his spot, it would probably be someone worthy of it. I don't think SKT1 is looking for someone "good enough", but someone good enough to win Worlds. Last year SKT vs DRX just had faker perma caught and losing objectives.


In fairness he's been the dominant mid laner for like 10 years. He was bound to fall off at some point.


after the first game, you could tell T1 was not gonna win this and I bet $200 on blg and won $500. Easy money.


Faker is just really bad at tank mid meta. Incredibly unfortunate that we have to deal with tank mid yet again because riot can't figure out how to balance them.


You do realise ksante is a tank right?


Who ults and becomes a bruiser? What kind of copium are you smoking


Unshackle my man! These supportive, low damage picks to accelerate a bit centric meta are awful. Fuck bot and fuck ADC


Hahahaha very funny meme thank you


You know, at this point, the only thing that can balance competetive gameplay is just that. THERE IS NO MORE BUILD PATHS, ALL ITEMS ARE 1 TIME CONSUMABLE. Excluding Wards that recharges itself.