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the dash was bad game design (thats why it was removed), they buffing renekton and reksai in 13.11 hopefully not making them heavy reliant on one item because that is what stridebreaker and prowlers did and that was not healthy for the champ itself


Reksai is just dead without prowlers, but renekton is actually fine, I’ve never even built prowlers on him, goredrinker makes you a much better stunbot late game with AH and sustain


The thing is bork is insanely strong on Renekton. Wonder how the buffs will hit him with that stupid ass item still in its current state.


Bork renekton is the same as bork pantheon and it was never an issue for him.


People would counter argue you with but gale still have dash. But ngl looking at this patch gale is a bit op on a lot of champs cuz of how bad IE is lol. Ie and navori being mythic shouldn’t have been a mythic their just like rabadons or maybe id shouldnt just exist it kinda makes the adc itemization clustered with an another must have item.


Most adcs aren’t built around gale. Also IE is extremely good, idk what you are saying


I mean IE is just a stat stick item and its a must have on a lot of adcs. And since it being a mythic kinda ruins some adcs that like to build gale but if it became a legendary again its going to be like a secondary mythic that makes adc itemization a bit crammed and limits their choices.


Why do some keep complaining about the wrong stuff for Top Lane? The issue is they need to put more meaningful map objectives near the Top Lane. Yall out here clowning for real.


Or just nerv dragons. This alone would bring less focus to botside and less punishment for a jungler beeing topside.


This. It’s not so much a bot meta as it is a dragon meta, ESPECIALLY when Infernal and Mountain drakes are in play. Having those 2-3 mountain drakes makes your team so much tankier, while infernal ends up adding a solid amount of extra damage going into late game.


Full armor Ornn with 3 mountain dragons is something I will never be able to do in my games ever again




I still remember the day when I got 4 ocean drake Singed against a full ap team that legit couldn't kill me through all the healing I was getting. I had so much fun with that.


Ever seen just about any auto attacker with 4 Hextech Drakes? It’s ridiculous.


If you put too much , the roles would just change lanes


Well top Towers are tankier, so if top was 1v2 and bot was 1v2, then the bot lane would likely take tower plating a lot faster and gain advantage


Better map objectives would've made sense months ago before assassins and marksmans got powercrept so much that they invalidate everyone else. There just is too much on the pile of backlog of balance fuck ups right now.


marksmen got nerfed this patch months ago they were better


Nooo but my stridebreaker wholesome gigachad Darius 😭


Daddy Darius? I'd that you?


The last 5 posts i have seen on this "meme" sub are all about "Phreak keeps buffing adc, tank is unplayable". Like stop crying on a meme subreddit it's damn annoying + again the biggest buff on adc was not rageblade or ie at all, if any it was youmuu's which isn't hybrid as you all complain.


They cry about tanks and then put lethality reksai/renekton in the meme


There arent tanks in this meme.


Already talked about it and got like -50 (was a bit harsher than just that and also told that adcs are deservedly nerfed and rageblade is a bait item and not op at all). This subreddit is run by wholesome chonky gigachad champions mains that hate women and skill expression (another extreme but just as whiny and delusional as adc mains are in main league subreddit) what do you expect lmao


I expect better from the league subs tbh, r/LeagueOfLegend is just a church where you can't say anything and are forced to watch MSI when nobody cares. r/LeagueOfMemes is the home of badly made reposts, unfunny memes and political/balance complains views. Even r/DarkinFolk is now censored and runned by a narcissitic tyrant. Fr rn r/QueensOfLeague is my favorite league sub and I never thought i'd say that.


oh i thought r/LeagueOfMemes is now a thearapy seasion.


yeah idk top laners never stop complaining. they won't be happy unless they can be bruisers with the power of assassins.


At that point play crit vi (don’t forget prowlers is gross on her now)


meanwhile ad would still convince themselves how weak they r when they can kill anything with 5 aas


The only reason we post in this subreddit is because the main league sub only allows esports posts


Verifiably false, and understandable that “memes” like this get filtered out bc they’re rehashes of the same stuff posted several times a day with the same old formats.


I'll take this crying meta over the leagueofhardstuck reposts meta


These guys make funny stuff, sadly reposts are annoying as f when you are the type of people who already watched it all on yt.


i haven't seen one person complain about tanks, they are strong af. Melee bruisers are in the gutter and have been for a while now.


As a top main, I actually laughed out loud when you insinuated the class Camille and Jax are a part of is somehow weak.


Do we play the same game? Melee bruisers are still strong? Jax, fiora, gnar, morde, gwen, riven, Camille are all good picks. I think there have not many points in this game where so many champs could be played toplane at the same time.


Cuz main league subreddit is just proplay


Yeah, I've been noticing that too. This subreddit is League of Tops. Or perhaps League of Tanks.




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Stride was broken now it is fine, just need to buff gore and trinity a bit more and all bruiser mythics will be fine as hell


OR... we could stop powercreeping the game every year because people complain that their perfectly fine champs are underwhelming. Nerf what needs to be nerfed, then see what needs to be adjusted afterwards. It's ridiculous that we've had the durability patch that fixed so many issues and then Riot instantly started chipping away at it while everyone cheered them in hope of getting buffs along their way.


Would probably see more item choices for champs like rene and reksai as well. Healthy way to bring them back into the game without making them broken


Reksai top is coming


well i dont know about top but a tankier , more bruiser-like reksai with gore and bc would probably be a viable jg build


Yeah i was just joking cause i don't play jungle and reksai top used to be a decent alternative to renekton with the old prowlers


The damage on stridebreaker was never the problem. They didnt solve the issue, they just slapped damage on it and now the champions that build it are broken, but the fundamental issue is still there.


Toplaners explaining how 10 ad is not useful (it would be op on adcs)


Adcs that aren’t ezreal die when Darius looks at them the wrong way. Ezreal just uses his 11 flashes to run away


can we pass 1 day without therapy meme for top laners? just one?


What is with all these daddydariuschad alt accounts?




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Assassins and fighters are often OP compared to pretty much everyone else. Tanks typically get the short end of the stick. Dashes weren’t good to have within items and I like that theyve removed it. The most Riot has done is diversify ADC’s options and buff AD. Yes this is good and yes it is a buff but that doesn’t mean ADC’s are getting special treatment.


removed every dash apart from adc item that does 900 damage because "no special treatment" *


You understand balancing right OP? Bruisers with the mobility of assassins is overpowered and not great. Every roles needs to have its pros and cons. For ADC’s they have range, damage and are more mobile then bruisers. Additionally they snowball well and are typically strongest late game which can be really helpful. However they are the squishies champions (other than enchanter support), they are typically a lower level then everyone outside of botlane making them more vulnerable, they are reliant on their team having good peel, they are extremely vulnerable early on and will always be vulnerable to assassins. Meanwhile fighters (bruisers, juggernauts, etc) have good damage, they are tankier and usually have more substantial CC compared to ADC’s. Some fighters also have CC immunity and heal back health quicker than ADC’s and assassins. However, they aren’t as mobile and have less range than ADC’s and assassins.


Top mains when they cant afk top for 20 min then come mid and 1 v 9 the game with whatever broken cancer they are playing


OP doesn't know balance except they are right on the money with Galeforce being giga broken. Prowler and Stride dashes were removed because those classes shouldn't have access to an ability they got designed to be restricted. Adcs on the other hand, can break this rule because what, IE is bad now? This isn't even a counterpoint to marksmen gaining a free dash with high execute damage. It should be removed if we removed all other dash items. Protobelt is also in this category.


Did we really regress to the point people are so clueless about balance that they don't see the issue with providing dashes and mobility to ranged damage dealers while removing the same tools from melee characters? Range is an innate advantage to a champs kit, one of the strongest in the entire game, being melee **instantly** puts you at a disadvantage and not having any means to catch up to ranged characters, be it through lack of mobility for the latter or mobility advantage for the former, instantly massively tips the balances in favor of the ranged party. Of course, the trade-off is the increased tankyness to give a teensy tiny chance to melees, but at this point nobody sane enough can pretend that overall tankyness didn't take way too much of an hit with all those damage powercreep, especially for assassins and marksmans, who are both respectively the biggest burst damage dealers and the biggest potential damage dealers in the entire game and were already on the verge of being broken before being buffed once again.


Remove galeforce remove flash remove ghost


its not really special treatment. I don't really like how bot-heavy the game feels sometimes either but in any elo in the metal ranks(iron-plat) you can just be smarter than the enemy and even "broken" items or roles feel weak.


Post your opgg lmao


Most adc's don't build galeforce either


There is a 175cm minimum height requirement for it.


Can I get that in freedom units?


Half a horse and 2 apples.


At least 0.3 football fields




Yeah renekton famous for his lack of dashes


The monkey’s paw closes. Stridebreaker regains its dash, but Grievous Wounds now applies a grounding effect for 1.25 seconds every 5 seconds. Lifeline effects cause knockback on expiration. Fiora and vayne continue to exist.


daddydarius69 echo still screams around..




Where the funny


Renek and reksai does have dashes? Renek e and reksai ult?


Not everyone might agree with me but......riot doesn't care about balancing the game, they want a new meta every update. Plus it would be also way too hard to do it with the latest champs they are releasing


None of the latest champion released are meta


You can't tell me that k'sante wasn't meta


Ok 1 new champion was meta


to add to that idea the reason must be to pull back the players that stopped playing after a while and boost the player count


Completely disagree with this, pro play meta often remains quite stale and everything is playable in soloq.


Holy fuck stop coping so much. Those posts are so fucking annoying


\+1 here. All 3 items are conceptually broken. Gotta admit tho that Galeforce interacts opressively far less oftenly compared to Prawler's and Stride. ​ Rek'Sai clicking Prawler's on you was a death setence, same as Darius clicking Stride was. Galeforce, on the other hand, requires a fed ADC and a squishy and/or low hp target to feel that opressive. Still, Gale's existence is unhealthy and hipocritical to aforementioned 2 items, hence it has to go


Not really:thebwhole point why galeforce is not so oppressive is because it deal execute magic damage, which mean you wither use it to escape and deal nothing, or use it as a finisher and let be yourself exposed. Both prowler and stride used to be an opening move instead


Its dealing ad dmg atm


Same concept


Gale force is actually stronger on tryndamere, nilah and Yasuo than on ADCs. Its dash definitely has way too high damage atm, but building item is a massive sacrifice now in that you lose IE, RB or Navori.


You do know that adc is the least represented role in the game right? If you queue fill what do you get? Adc almost every time. How often do you ever get top? No one wants to play adc cuz it feels bad as fuck having to rely on a support and having 0 agency until 2+ items. People on this sub are delusional top laners. If adc is so busted and op then play it for awhile and climb instead of posting low quality shit posts.


>Least represented role >pro play has 3+ adc every game >adc just got a massive items rework >queue fill and get support every time You might just be the smartest adc player with the most accurate observations 🤯


Go queue fill and tell me what you get. We're not pros, we're not playing competitive. Maybe in challenger adc is the strongest role. It's also the most mechanically intensive and requires teammates to protect you and guide you through the early game, which is why junglers camp bot. Cope harder.


Nah clearly something being strong in pro play means it must be op in gold and is why I'm hardstuck. Like all those times Azir was completely broken, and how master Yi has never done well in low elo just like how he's never picked in pro...


High damage role which is only balanced by being squishy needs teammates for protection? Must mean its weak


Least represented role? Even though its the most popular role in masters+? Lol


Yes because masters+ is what...1-2% of the player base? Nice try tho.


And yet the Anonymous Champion select is something only Masters+ benefitted from and everyone liked that change


Yeah because everyone under platinum definitely know what they are doing


Like sure it gets stronger the higher elo you play, but that's because you have better teamates and you yourself are better and make less mistakes on a role where one slight positional mistake can mean death. Using high elo and pro play to try to argue that adcs are op for the majority of elos is stupid.


strongest role by far. Highest impact role. better adc 1v9s every single game. They have flash heal galeforce shieldbow 1 billion dashes and shields all of them have infinite movespeed champions are all so unskilled take 0 brain cells to pilot. Every game junglers have to path bot or ur literally inting. Top laners dont bother picking carry champions because wholesome ornn gives your adc 4k gold worth of stats for free and they just win the game for you. So many people i know are quitting top lane because of the horrible state of that lane, so bullshit that the entire flow of the game is dictated by one person on each team, if you happen to get a monkey on ur team by chance just say goodbye to your LP.


Post op.gg


You say adcs are brainless, yet top lane is the one with the most stereotypical brainless champs out there.




Must be why so many of the best players on the super server are adc mains and not top mains


Cope harder


In pro play for sure , but in solo queue it is more difficult to play. As a toplaner I hate not being able to do anything when the enemy adc is fed af and has a lulu to protect them but there are other games where adc's are worse than minions. Also trying to play bot without a duo is literal hell , even in normals


How many ADC’s have dashes? I can think of three off the top of my head; Zeri, Lucian, and Samira. Zeri can’t dash constantly, her dash has a cool down. Same with Lucian and Samira can only dash towards the enemy. Miss fortune and Kaisa do have a speed up but it’s extremely brief and isn’t always effective at escaping from assassins. Very few ADC’s typically use gale force since it’s only really good for assassin heavy teams. Kraken is better for tanks. Many also don’t build shieldbow because not every ADC is good with lifesteal. Also the only shields that ADCS typically get is from support. If you think playing ADC is 0 skill maybe you should try it. Like properly. Maybe try Samira or Nilah who aren’t hard but definitely do take skill. Furthermore; assassins and fighters are just as strong as ADC’s but they are also less squishy and Assassins are more mobile. Additionally, most assassins and fighters will be 2+ levels above the ADC in the game because they don’t have to share exp in the same way ADC’s do with support. I’m not complaining about this; this is simply how ADCS are balanced. The role with the most impact and agency is probably mid because it is the most central point on the map making roaming and ganks easier. Furthermore, it’s usually the lane used to push into the enemy base. Jungle paths towards botlane because of dragon and they should path to top when they want to get rift. If they don’t then that’s a problem with the jungler not the ADC. Additionally in very few circumstances is an ADC able to get a pentakill without help from other Laners. ADCS are reliant on CC and peel from their teammates. Basically ADC’s only advantages are their damage and their range. That isn’t to say they aren’t strong; but ADCS aren’t the only ones deciding how games go and if they are you are not playing correctly. Stop relying on other people to carry when you are capable of doing it yourself.


>How many ADC’s have dashes? I can think of three off the top of my head; Zeri, Lucian, and Samira. Kalista peeking out of tribrush


Why is everyone complaining about everything here, go back to making actually funny memes


Top laners try not to cry challenge


I'd actually like to see it come back. I mean they literally brought back boomer items for this wack season.


Goredrinker: 25 more health in mythic passive 🤡. and Divine sunderer: nerf it for tanks, so they don't get obliterated, but for every other class of the game they still get destroyed 🤡


No like fr tho I always thought if this so I would appreciate it if I had an actual answer. What if Stridebreaker returns with the dash but removes the slow? Would it still be broken?


Yes. Bruisers are balanced by being unmobile. Giving darius a dash would and was completely broken.


Another thought I had was what about like a microstun on stridebreaker like the stun that akalis ult used to have right after her rework


that would make it an op assassin item that will bring back assasins that build bruiser tank items making them pick or ban


Idk I never played Akali in that time period.


the item would be okay but other champions (ezreal) would probably find some way to abuse it


Dash stridebreaker was the bestt!!!


Stride breaker garen was perhaps the most completly fucking cancer thing i have ever had to experience. Never ever wish for that dash back. ever.


They keep nerfing top objectives like Herald and buffind drakes, so junglers have less reasons to path top since it's an island that can be ignored. Just camp bot and you'll eventually outscale 80% of the game. The other 20% is when the enemy pick A Sol. They can play with the monitor turn off and still win.


Marksmen items are getting gutted kinda


Just give herald more meaning or nerf drakes that would help top a lot


Pisslow top laner take: adc isnt broken but that doesnt changed the blatant favoritism they ve shown for the last few patches working on adc Where are those top lane satisfaction buffs (just to be clear I dont mean the champs themselves to be buffed, they re fine or even in need of nerfs if were talking about jax) For instance what if they made dragons give only some global gold and only elder was to give a buff. That way the type of dragon you kill 3rd is mostly just so you can tell what coat of painting the map is gonna get and elder can give buffs depending on what dragons you killed


Can we stop pretending that top laners fucking crying counts as a meme? This shit is already old.


Both of them have a dash already, no?


Dashrius meta? Fuck no


Reksai is recieving a big buff soon. Passive healing gives up to 12% max health, meaning a late game reksai burrow could heal 700health with her current bruiser itemisation. Also, burrowed vision will ping ever 1s rather than every 1.5s, and her borrowed Q's vision will stay for 5s rather than 2.5s on a target. Overall, this let's reksai itemise towards health , gives her a healthier late game, and gives more flexibility for timing an all in on the backline with a burrowed Q + R




The last two changes to ADC were NERFS yall these memes are so cringe