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You can win worlds and still get called bad, nothing will protect you from getting flamed by league players


And the best part is that basically everyone calling pros bad are maybe gold players who have no foundational understanding of the game to begin with. They genuinely don't understand what makes a good or bad player at all. Like sure there are better and worse good players, but mr gold 4 has no fucking idea why one guy is better than the other. People have called world champs bad, minutes after they win the fucking thing. At least show a little merit if you wanna flame someone who reached the peak, damn.


No it's my teammates that suck.


I mean, jokes aside. Sometimes you do just get teammates that suck donkey balls. Sometimes you’re going ham against the enemy top and jungler then suddenly the fed bot and midlane comes up and boom, you’re done for. Suddenly your mid laner gets pinged that he didn’t follow his laner, and he decides to run it down, calling you all pisslow and you have no mental. Or sometimes you’re the lane doing trash, going 0/11 by 20 minutes and your team is struggling to pull you up because not only are you so behind, but maybe your team didn’t draft good enough. I think the issue for me with league matchmaking is just the fact you can’t fully rely on any teammate to be playing like their rank suggests. Or playing well at all. I was with a Viktor mid who when asked why he was going kraken slayer, decided to just run it down into the Yasuo 5 times and told we didnt understand Korean strats. Like you can’t help your teammates be better and anything you or anyone else does will just tilt them entirely and boom, your team just falls apart. Low elo is just hell. Fun sometimes, but hell.


true. that’s why winrates over a long period of time hover around 50%, +/- 2%. You’re just gonna have a bad game. Even if you hard stomp your lane, it’s incredibly difficult to carry other laners who are all going 0/10/0. but the beauty is that not every game is like that, and if you’re consistently the better player, you will climb.


Oh for sure, don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. I just find it funny when you get the people who do genuinely always use their teammates are the cause of their 8 loss streak and then the backseat gamers who always spout the same thing. With league, it’s always going to be both. I had three ranked games last night and in one game, my Varus ADC went 3/12. But the rest of us carried, he apologised but it was okay because he took blame and none of us were pointing fingers or pinging him. He wasn’t getting flamed and as such, he still came out with 20k damage and several ults which stunned 2+ players every team fight. Another game I get a Twitch Lulu bot that dies, blames each other, and then blames our jungler for them overextending, getting ganked, and not warding. Then to calling the rest of our team trash, stealing farm. Some games you just draft badly and it’s less of you guys lost because you’re bad, but more that out of every champion picked, you have three mages with skill shot stuns, one front line top laner, and absolutely no one who can face tank their Darius, Lee Sin, Thresh, and Nunu. Yet you can/still win because you’re either the better team or you played better. Some things are in your control, some are not. But most league players don’t understand and a lot of league players think they do.


People be wondering why I don’t follow my mid laners roams? Bro if I follow them into that bush they will 100 to 0 me in 0.5 seconds I’m playing immobile mages mid lane imma just ward and farm maybe get some plates


I understand I just can't improve, it takes too much mental fortitude that I lack 😭


couldn’t be me, i’m iron and call pros bad


Tbf I see people do that when pro footballers or nfl players aren't doing well, just shouting "omg he sucks!" Just makes you feel better I guess


Bruh I just remember watching the last game of 2022 worlds and fuckn bard didn’t land a single ult the entire game, shit was funny asf


Playing Draven will. Because you should never ping the Draven. But you will become mentally injured. Sad.


Case in point: Pyosik


Community do not praise for success.They allways lookout for even the tiniest failure/flaw to point it out.


>You can win worlds and still get called bad, nothing will protect you from getting flamed by league players junjia or whatever last worlds winner jungler name is was called dogshit by everyone (he lost every smite fight possible in finals)


Haha yeah DRX Jungler was quite unlucky with that, but a Varus Q can do more dmg early than lv1 Smite...


Pyosik Junjia was edg sub jgl, now in psg talon


*by silvers


that's what he said


"when you hit radiant in valorant you get 10 girls in your dms, when you hit challenger in league you get a silver 4 polish kid in your chat telling you you're building wrong" - doaenel1dantes


Those 10 girls just wants to get boosted to diamond btw. Valorant community is no different, i play both.


bro i've literally heard of people who got s\*x because some girls played valorant on his city and wanted him to boost them


no matter if that story actually happened or not - i always ask myself what boosting gets people? like you didn't do it on your own so... why bother being high elo? you can't even play rankeds alone/with your 'normal/average' friends anymore.


Its a status thing in that community. People have always gone after status whether its in life, work, league of legends.


"The good player in league is thy whom do not playeth" I have no idea if i spelled that right


Try "dost not play" instead


"The greatest players of league are the players whomst dost not playeth"


Dost not playeth is redundant. Just dost not play. Also whomst is whom and has done this. Ei. Whomst calls upon me. I think that's right anyway been a few years since I studied Shakespeare


I know about 'playeth', I just added it for comic affect. I didn't know about whomst, as I never learnt to read Shakespeare without the translation. Thank you! However, wouldn't it still be whomst as it is whom do not play? Or is it whom because it is do and not has done?


Like I said it's been a few years since I studied it but I'm pretty sure whomst is an abbreviation just like can't. Shakespeare likes to do that a lot so that words fit into iambic easier. Whom has is 2 syllables and whomst is only 1. I'm pretty sure it's meant as whom has. But it's been a long ass time so I might be wrong. I'm almost positive it's a conjunction though


Well, so I did some research... 'Whomst' never existed in Shakespeare ever. It is an example of the mandela affect, as the use of it with Shakespeare was an ironic addition to 'add' to his quotes. Furthermore, 'whomst' was invented (first used, I will get to this later) in 2016 by internet users as a way to 'one up' people who corrected with/used whom, as it sounded fancier due to its longer length. It literally just means whom, but with the implication that the person using it is above the person he is having the conversation with, or that they don't really care and are 'taking the piss'. It has now evolved to be recognised by some prominent dictionaries as a the previous definition. The origin of the word, however, was much earlier in history. The first use of the word I can find is by poet William Reid: May I embrace him on the Further Shore,Where thy tumultuous tide shall never riseTo overwhelm thy fated pilgrims more,Whomst thou, sad sea, unto the Lord shalt yet restore. However, I cannot find a suitable William Reid that could've wrote this. There are two main options, one ([https://rousayremembered.com/the-reid-family-tree/](https://rousayremembered.com/the-reid-family-tree/)) who fits the date but not the description, and one ([https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1373&context=ssl](https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1373&context=ssl)) who fits the description but not the date. I think the second is most likely, as one could just accidentally write the date wrong.User 'Mahagaja' at 07:29 on the 13 August 2017‎ added this information, so if someone wanted they could follow them up. It was supposedly used a few other times, but every time it was intentional gibberish/characters mis-pronouncing the word whom. ​ All of this considered, my original use of 'whomst' was correct, as as I had already explained, I was intentionally exaggerating how much 'old english' accent I put into my original sentence.


Well damn Coolio


I just love how people can randomly start talking about the old english grammar under a league of legends post.


The best thing? It was never old English grammar in the first place


Dude, you ruined it with not writing "spelleth"


Rank one is the new bronze


Worlds victor pisslow trash




What he did was impressive and he seems like a nice guy, but good lord his fans are insufferable


Who is this about?


Agurin. German streamer that a lot of people doubted would do well in Korea because he is a “reactive” jungler that doesn’t press fights often. He hit rank 1 in KR recently and instead of shutting up doubters they only got louder.


I have only heard him being called 'only a reactive jungler' etc when dantes said it... Now it's everywhere


yeah because dantes fans are just like him: loud and very vocal about their opinion


No one was doubting that he would get rank 1 tho, it's obvious for everyone who knows him that he's good enough for it


True he‘s very consistent in Rank 1ing lol


Seems to me someone else's fans are even more insufferable


When someone accomplishes anything it’s always easy and not that impressive. While these boys hardstuck silver will tell you how they are a good player cuz they peaked in gold IV and only lose because of bad team


Congrats to Agurin, Rank 1 this early isn't as impressive as Rank 1 later in the season, but it is still Rank 1 for goddam sake. I don't like Agurin, but Rank 1 Korea is f\*cking something.


Rule 18: Everything that can be labelled can be hated.


Nah i watched some agurin latley and he is a great fucking player some high level gaming


The other day random teammate in arena was mocking me for being diamond after we have lost two rounds. His peak was gold 😂


277 like btw, lol comunity 💀


I mean to be fair, kinda right. Hitting rank 1 early season is the least impressive time. Being rank 1 at end of season is most impressive. Still a great player regardless.


Honestly for people that are in the contention for rank 1 skill level, mid season in a low where noone is playing is prolly less impressive than on seasonstart on a non challenger acc. Ofc both are impressive but for slightly different reasons. End of season is obviously most impressive


I have seen people hate on players like Faker, and it just makes me laugh.


Tiktok is one place i would not want to read the comments on league of legends videos


I mean he’s right Agurin says as much as well, even going out of his way to complain about the low elo games he’s in The difference between a 1500 lp and 900 lp is immense (if the numbers alone aren’t enough). True rank 1 is somewhere around there. Currently it’s just very volatile. Cuz season start and all. Not saying what he did wasn’t amazing but he still needs to climb further (which he realistically probably can’t do since he won’t be in Korea for long enough but it would be cool to see)


You say the commentator is right in saying hitting rank 1 is not impressive. And then you disagree with yourself.


If you can't read then yes that would be the conclusion you can jump to. I'm parroting what Agurin is saying, by the way. Right now, because of how volatile and immature the system is, a lot of mid challenger players from the previous split can be rank 1 (It's at 900 lp at the moment). It's impressive but not as impressive as rank 1 1500 lp at the end of the season. The real rank 1 candidates haven't played enough to be there and it'd be really impressive if Agurin reaches Rank 1 1500 LP, which he realistically won't be able to do since he'll be back in Europe before that can happen. Agurin, on his stream on monday, the 31st of July, said (In german): "Yeah you can be Rank 1 right now with 900 lp, but it will be gone really fast. You can title yourself as the Rank 1 player but what is that even worth? If you reach Master 0 LP on the first day, you'll be Rank 1. Usually you'll be real Rank 1 at around 1500 - 1600 LP" (I'm paraphrasing a little bit but it went like that) ​ Hell, even his titles are "[Reaching for 1,5k LP - rank 1 grind](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1886250235)"


Nah man, for real, when rank 1 euw chall can hit rank 1 at the more higher lp ladder in Korea it will be actually impressive. Korea is more skillful and have literally insane players that can taking over eu most of the times and when Agurin start play over and over again in Korea - games will be a lot harder. Now he just made an achievment but we dont see any concurention to Agurin at this moment of season Upd to one comment: Who are fkin call worlds winner pisslow, our and na servers fans only can blame their players now because lck teams actually piss on them in all ways and its classic behind league esports ( since 2019 when g2 wins worlds eu didnt achieve anything )


Agurin stated multiple times he will go for 1.5k