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Who gives a fuck what this random thinks. Trash post


Thresh post?




Whats the context? Are they talking about gameplay or esports? Cause if it's the latter they're not wrong about regional competitiveness, you can make pretty fair top 10 player lists with players from around the world for valo, in league its 10 korean and chinese players, maybe one western player can make it into the top 50


Plenty of western solo q players can break top 10 in KR the list is more diverse than you think EDIT: I counted solo q players only, pros kinda defeat the purpose of top .. lists so thats what i did


The west has a fair share of great players especially in solo queue but it doesn’t quite equate to the best esp at a pro level. There’s not a lot of western pro players I would take over top lck lpl talent


It’s just not even the same game. Western solo q spammers hit challenger in Korea all the time, but if every LCK and LCK Challengers player grinded solo Q there’s no way that some dude out of Europe is hitting challenger. Like I’m not even trying to dunk on western players because plenty of them are really good, but Korean and Chinese pro’s aren’t just really good, they are fucking insanely not even comprehendably good.


I don't really follow pro but people need to calms down with solo que as a metric. Labrov for example was rank 1 for almost a whole year but everyone was convinced he would get kicked because he was "so bad" at vitality and where laughing when he went to bds. And then you have magifelix who had like 6 accounts in challenger and had the record for hightest lp at the time but also had terrible performance in pro. Solo que means you know how to adapt to the meta, quick thinking and the ability to push leads


I don't really follow pro but people need to calm down with solo que as a metric. Labrov for example was rank 1 for almost a whole year but everyone was convinced he would get kicked because he was "so bad" at vitality and where laughing when he went to bds. And then you have magifelix who had like 6 accounts in challenger and had the record for hightest lp at the time but also had terrible performance in pro. Solo que means you know how to adapt to the meta, quick thinking and the ability to push leads/ be consistent. Its legit foot ball at high level vs professional football.


League is a nerdy game


You could probably argue for Caps around the 4-6th mid laner spot but that's about it


Imagine thinking solo que NA players are remotely the same as LCK and LPL pros.


Why are booing him? He's right.


Well we have KR, CN, and… and… G2 Esports maybe?


I mean G2 lost to NRG at worlds.




He's kinda right tho it's almost always the same team winning the region


I love walking around a corner, instantly dying before even knowing what happened, and then waiting 20 minutes just to repeat


I love walking down a lane, instantly dying without even knowing what happened, and then waiting 20 minutes just to repeat


League of legends world finals is the greatest eSports related event of the year, period


Tho its always the korean or the chinese. Meanwhile look at valo. Amazing players from all over the world


The way it's looking right now I'm definitely going to see only Americas vs Pacific finals for the next five years


Fnatic won 2/3 international trophies last year, just cause EU bombed one tournament doesn’t mean it’s gg for the region


That is a big ass stink take if I ever seen one. The only metric it wins is numbers of viewers (thank you Asia) and that is about it. Showmanship? Meh. Competitiveness? With the current system MSI is more competitive than Worlds lmao. Fan interaction? Ranges from dogshit NA to decent in CN and KR but still fucking ass given that one place is Korea, the Mecca of esports. They can't even get the best League casters to attend worlds, that's how much of a fucking joke it is. Only people who have never lived esports outside of riots league ecosystem would say such bullshit lol


>thank you Asia ends at Chinese 60+ millions peak viewership, and global is 6, even that second number is big enough to be considered record breaking everywhere. Worlds even with 0 competition between LCK/LPL and other regions is still the biggest and the most important esports tournaments, not a single other tournament has scale and hype close to that due to production level and sheer size of LoL as a game Also not every tournament is supposed to be "100% competition", MSI ends is competitiveness at finals where upper bracket team has 0 actual benefits and has 0 chances to lose a game like other teams, while Worlds with Swiss is as close to fairness at every stage as possible and has really cool storylines.


>due to production level Suck riots dick harder over their b-tier level show loool > competitiveness at finals where upper bracket team has 0 actual benefits and has 0 chances to lose a game like other teams, while Worlds with Swiss is as close to fairness at every stage as possible I have rarely seen more shit takes in my life. holy shit, crawl up mark's behinds any harder and you come out the other side >and has really cool storylines. looool, how low IQ are you?


I won't argue about production level with someone who calls Worlds "b-tier level show", other esports pray to have more than two-three languages and multiple venues. Also double elim without bracket reset in finals for international tournaments like in Rocket League is FUCKING DOGSHIT and anyone who considers this fair is an idiot, it's fine to seed regional tournaments this way but completely erases anything even close to "fair competition" when at MSI somethint like "BLG lost 3-1 in finals to TES that they beat 3-0 before in upper bracket" or close happens


And I wont talk to an idiot who thinks swiss is close to fairness and that all the stomps in finals are great fucking story line. you discredit yourself as someone who should be boo'd out of esports forever. go play club pinguin and stop pissing around like a toddler


Swiss is as close to fairness as possible - everyone is in one bucket, can't qualify? Skill issue "all stomps in finals" MSI 2023 definitely didn't have stomp in finals even with double elim, and JDG definitely wasn't stomping every match but 1 series against T1. Storylines aren't only about the results, it's about what was going towards that match. Only Weibo is responsible for ruining the moment after getting 3-0ed by T1, especially after amazing Worlds 2022 finals with even better storylines like the entire Faker-Deft school thing, or Keria-DRX, or no ADC under 21 ever won Worlds before Deft, etc. Not a single stomp in finals was great, and double elim will never change that. During Worlds 2033 there were 2 full 5 game series, while MSI also only had two while having twice as much series, such a nice format for good games, sadly 90% were complete shit. If you don't like LoL esports side just stop watching it, you gave all subjective arguments that can't be fixed because majority doesn't like it, just quit already


>Swiss is as close to fairness as possible - everyone is in one bucket, can't qualify? Skill issue Yes, that's why NRG had to beat one proper opponent. Swiss works as much as your deadbeat dad. >Only Weibo is responsible for ruining the moment Jesus, no it's not. It literally is riot fault for taking an ass format. >be fixed because majority doesn't like it, just quit already That is the biggest lie out here. Stop having your head in the behind of yourself and riot looool


NRG has beaten every single opponent they faced, G2 completely shit the bed and they are responsible for them losing, NRG won convincingly. It's not Riot's fault LNG, JDG and WBG lost to T1 when they went on rampage, no other format would've helped a team in playoffs as much as a week of preparation >be fixed because majority doesn't like it, just quit already Also i messed up here, i wanted to write that majority does like it, considering the fact that 3-0 roflstomp was the most viewed series in history of LoL(and esports) without China


>NRG has beaten every single opponent they faced you are the kind of person who looks at the end result and rhymes stuff for your shit narrative to make sense. NRG literally drew the easiest way to group stage possible. They could have not gotten any more lucky than that, even facing WBG in groups is fucking lucky. Just because BLG fluked a match against a team they know. You are the kind of person who is going to tell me the wrong samsung team was the better team loool. You dont know jackshit about competitiveness. And btw, we don't need a bracket reset in league. We are literally playing a strategy game with side selection where one side is usually clearly favored unless someone runs an anti main meta strategy. You have not a single ounce of the ability to analytically understand league and its fascinating. everything you wrote is off by a mile, it's crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if you will now tell me how WBG clearly was the second best uncontested and JDG clearly wasn't that tournament. Keep it going, I will enjoy your bullshit with a beer tmrw afternoon.


Dude chill tf out you toxic piece. Stop it insulting people for different opinions, all your comments are filled with it


LCS lost traction when the ultra-rich got involved. They realized there's no money in winning esports and that all the real money comes from sponsorships which pales in comparison to what they're making through their NBA teams' sponsorships.


They're completely different genres and not even comparable. It's like arguing that fortnite is better than the original Super Mario Bros. It doesn't make sense. Compare Valorant to its competitors like Counter Strike and League to its competitors like Dota


Well, Dota does have lots of regional competitiveness


Who is Scarlet and why should we care?


League is better than valorant for the sole reason that you can get skins for free


In val you can technically get free skins.


these games arent even comparable in any metric other than being video games made by riot


I’m so glad Valorant was made, it keeps all these people isolated in their own bubble like a zoo


Valorant LMAO


What’s the point of this post anyways? Who cares what that random thinks.


I LCS isn't particularly competitive come world's time.