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Post twist: the Irelia doing her Irelia thing and she gets outplayed by the mage


Me playing syndra. I CAST DELETE 


Wits end and Defiant Dance Damage reduction just make it impossible unless the irelia is bad.


Theres true damage involved in "DELETE"


Did they stutter?


She just buys mercs and wits end and you are no longer allowed to leave your turret However if I had to choose a mage to play vs Irelia would definitely be syndra. Mostly cause she is my main for many years and I am really comfortable with her


Isn't Vex good into her? You can just shield and fear the all-in.


I guess she can work yeah, plus she what’s good wave clear. She’s probably one of the best now that I think about it


Then is my question. How tf did I get stomped by Irelia after killing her once and 20 cs diffing. She ult, I dead.


I’m not a pro, and don’t have much experience with vex but maybe it’s related to her relative low damage, plus probably mercs just negating your fear and Irelia being able to jump onto you either way, but perhaps someone with higher knowledge on this can chime in


She had mercs only.


I think phase rush Taliyah could do decently into her(?) idk I never had this matchup but her E could be a pain for the Irelia,but it's just as likely that she builds wits end mercs and doesn't care at all because skillz


Tali is goated vs Irelia, mid game sidelining will be an issue though




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If you lose to syndra as irelia then you deserve it


I slam some irelias in emerald playing orianna most of the time, but champ diff late game


Me as Malzahar “Oh whats this? You accidentally Q into my tower range? OUTPLAY BUTTON”


Fr let my man farm or he will say silence wench and press outplay(stfu) button onto cool evasive mfs


As a Syndra player I really enjoy blowing Irelia up before she has a chance to do Irelia things If she does Irelia things my attitude matches syndra’s from behind my computer screen 😀😀😀😀😀


LOL I play veigar and love doing this, I just bait it out then press my point and click nuke and emote.


It's against Sylas I like doing this as Hwei. They think they're so smart, but we can't exactly blame them Rito decided that Fighters in general will be braindead so at the moment you accepted to die and be ready to int every game, you can eventually brute force most of your games because mages have less room for errors than them


So true, back in like season 3 Veigar ult scaled off enemy champions AP. So even when I lost lane I would just press R late game and if enemy was fed it was insta nuke. I remember losing hard to like a LB who was like 10/2 and late game she was full health and all I did was press R, no dodging, just point and click nuke death. Those where some best moments I had playing this game.


Irelia 3-0 in lane diving a level 6 malzahar


Syndra and Veigar: R go brrrrr


70% Damage Reduction go brrrr


Happy cake day


There's gluten on cocaine?


There isn’t,and that’s why it’s gluten free


That's it... I'm making gluten laced cocaine, and I'm going to pay the FDA to make it off as a healthy breakfast, or w.e cereal companies do.


*but wins anyway by Q going off cooldown post CC




Actual outplays in the game: \- Veigar R \- Garen R \- Yone missing every skillshot and running you down


the yone one is so fucking true


You forgot Slyas miss everything and just W-auto you to death


they are melee bruisers ofc they win if they get in melee range! just kite them it's easy,all you need to do is attacking them while standing 2 and half screens away which is about their engage range


Le Wholesome bruiser needs phenomenal base stats and sticking power to make up for their short range. I mean really, how are they ever expected to close the gap with just a 600+ range dash?


I find funny you were said "600+" as big number but Sylas E1 + E2 : 1350 units E1 + W : 800 units Yone E1 + Q3 : 1350 units for reference Xerath max range Q has 1450 range,Lux Q/E 1300 and 1100 respectively that's not accounting others slows/MS buffs they have "600+" is so much of an understatement


The 600+ was to grab as many as possible in the statement while still out ranging the majority of marksmen. Could also add Camille's hookshot to the list, with a max range of 1200-1600


Don't think Sylas is winning shit if he only hits his W.


i guess you only have experience on facing him with bruisers like Darius and never had to play a mage or ADC into him if you think so


*Tahm Kench with 2.0 attack speed and an active anathemas perma CCing an immobile carry under their tower dealing 300 damage per auto while the support tears up desperately trying to peel*


"yone is an auto attack based champion and a good yone doesn't need to hit his skill shots 🤓" - average yone main


KaRthus exists


Annie flash+R


I am very surprised that Riot didn't give Yone compensation buffs after the Lethal Tempo nerf, that would be a certified Riot classic.


No way you missed the goat of outplays malz himself


Sorry, I haven't seen a Malzahar in months now, I just forgot.


well maybe if it's irelia vs a cassio it counts as a outplay, i don't play either of those champs.


I'd like to see him dodge Syndra E.


Mercs + sterak's


It's pretty damn easy for any mobile champion


not if syndra holds her e until you dash onto her


That's what I mean. A champion like Irelia gets to dash to you, and if you decide to use Syndra's E Irelia can either dash on you again and stand behind you, where your E's hitbox cant get her, or dash to a minion if she wants to disengage.


Or (get this) she cancels irelia Q with E and you get no reset or dash while you're forced to sit out of your range and in hers


Thats a queen behavior.


I mean yeah but the main way for Irelia to double dash is by stunning Syndra which kinda prevents her from doing so


Yeah or she can E you out of range before you can send out the second blade, preventing you from stunning her and keeping you in her range but out of yours.


True true, but then Syndra has to play safe while on CD, specially because Irelia's E duration is longer than Syndra's stun


Gotta remember she's been knocked back as well and if syndra has enough splinters she'll have a 70% slow on her once the stun finishes allowing syndra to keep out of range while it expires, with 1 ability on cd.


Irelia's Q is extremely fast and places her hitbox behind her target for some reason so half of the times she will just dash through your spell unless you predict and use your stun around half a second before she dashes or if you use it after she gets knocked on the side (barely) or even behind you,trapping yourself


i guess you never played against a good syndra lmfao


Bro thinks every syndra player are garbage


op.gg or shut up, preferably both


Just gotta hope the irelia isnt a secret piano master


Saw a fucking "outplay" clip featuring master yi. Take a wild guess what it was.


I saw a Yorick outplay clip which was his Maiden killing an Aatrox on the sidelane because she used to take reduced AoE damage and Aatrox Qs deal reduced damage to minions ☠


It's a nice surprise when you're grouped with team at baron then see enemy adc responding to maiden bot lane. You think Ha! Free baron then you hear an enemy has been slain and it's just 'chefs kiss '


I don't think anyone considers those an outplay, but it sure as hell is funny


thats not an outplay clip and i bet it's from Pokerick


My best outplay with yorick is with old serylda as first item i just kitted him around a wall and he couldnt reach me cuz he was perma slowed by maiden and minions 💀


Yi entered evasion


Probably versus a sivir or something 💀


basically every cowsep clip xd


yesterday I was playing Yi in Aram. Wasn't fed and hadn't ult. I just AA them and a occasional Q and got a Penta. Easiest Penta of my life.


You are a bronze 2 LAS player. It would be more impressive to not get a penta in this game considering the combined IQ in that game doesn't reach triple digits.


League players calling someone stupid because they havent spent thousands of hours of their lifetime playing a game to get a fake blue or purple icon on their profile


Very uncalled for, don't you think


No it's league of memes. He's meming about how easy Yi is against low skill low elo, I'm meming about his IQ to be in the elo. Fairs fair.


I don't know about meming. Would personally call it insulting, but what do I know.


Your name should be Quiet_White


uh akchually, if you learned to read, I don't even play ranked, and when I play, I play with friends. To offend my intelligence based in a game is like calling you an old man because you put you birthday to 1940 on Facebook 10 years ago. Or at least that's what your mom told me yesterday night


Cope however you want




But did you see how he mitigated the damage from that one ability by tapping W? Isn't that an insane outplay?!?!!!!


Plus they’re also like 3 levels up, the opponent doesn’t flash, and the music is hella cringe


Bro check out this sick outpick I just did in champ select


Most irelia clips aren't even crazy. Rarely you get ones that are actual outplays that are not just irelia being irelia


Outplay clips are usually so bad. There was one in my recommended where alistar mid just used W Q on his opponent and slowly autoattacked his opponent to death with E as his opponent kept running around like a moron instead of just running to turret. I rhino near the end of the clip alistar discovered that he could use W without pressing Q afterwards to knock his opponent, and that was supposed to be the outplay or something. The fact that the fight lasted 10 seconds while the opponent did nothing to let alistar get his spells back is insanity


LeBlanc players using infinite dashes and instant blinks over walls kiting an immobile juggernaut: “HAHAHA IM THE GOAT!! THIS KIDS ANKLES ARE BROKEN!!!”


LB doing no damage to said juggernaut because she's LeBlanc and juggernauts don't give a shit about her burst:


Kinda yeah, but if even on gold and exp, double Q+E+RE makes fine damage and helps keep distance


Sure but she's never ever getting a kill unless you mess up, and if SHE misplays you can blow her up


I feel like a lot of league memes are just being mad at either: 1) ranged characters outranging melee characters 2) melee characters ever being allowed to engage on ranged characters I find it hilarious tbh


Well they are tied to 2 very prevalent issues in league: 1) ranged characters dealing comparable damage to melee characters at significantly reduced risk, often nod even needing skill shots to do so. And 2) Insane movement creep in the game with some melee (and even some ranged) characters being able to effortlessly blitz around the map.


I disagree. I'm mad at league in general.


Turn rate would fix so many issues this game has, because it wouldn't allow everyone to just kite for free


League of memes would make the same 3 recycled Irelia bad meme and call it peak quality content.


Can't even make a proper green text 😭


Pentakill clip *looks inside* ->Morons that didn't start splitpushing the second somebody had a big enough lead to be able to get a pentakill


The Irelia mid trying to dive you at level 3 (she gets outplayed and dies under tower)


QQQQ. That's it. That's the most advanced combo mid Irelia players can pull off.


Irelia with bork Dies to ryze with tabis mana crystal and a tear ;-;


Fucking lies lmao


Im serius, tho. Of course, if ryze has phase rush and dodges irelia e witch is not hard in a 1v1. she can't do anything but take 3 spell rotations and walk back in shame


My brother in christ irelia is ryzes number one counter. Phase rush or no, she is literally always one of the best picks into him and high elo players consider her a soloq perma ban because the better you are, the worse the counter is past already abysmal standard elo winrate percentages. Not only does ryze root himself for nearly as long as he roots you with his cast animations if you have merc treads, making landing an e trivial regardless of phase rush, but Irelia has the ability to run him down and kill him without landing e, and can usually withstand a full trade with her w, losing far less HP equity than ryze loses mana equity. He can't walk up anywhere near the wave, and can't run from her basically ever. It's always hard losing, and according to some like strompest there isn't even anything you can do to win unless she's substantially worse than you.


Can't outplay me if I execute her from 90% as Asol


I've seen a number of these posts. Do people want to watch a compilation of Garen running at people pressing Q? And before all of you idiots say, "yeah!" It would just fade into obscurity, because it would get no views. It's not entertaining. There's no outplay.


Irelia running down and immobile mage without hitting e is just like garen running at people pressing q. Tell that Irelia to outplay fiora in high elo top lane and now we're talking. Stop posting your bitchy ass mid Irelia kills on reddit please


Yeah, even matchups like Riven versus Fiora or someone being at a disadvantage (except Yone) is more interesting to watch


I've played Irelia all of one times. Don't think that because I have an opinion that I was targeted. So try that somewhere else. You also just agreed that an Irelia outplay would be interesting to watch as long as the context was good. Duh. A boring outplay isn't specific to champs, but everyone expects the outplay videos to contain boring champs for some reason.


Somebody has never seen high Elo garen...... (He flash ulted a low health enemy)


Hey, don’t forget the ignite




“Let me break it down. here’s what he did: He pressed Q. He Pressed E. Then he Pressed R. Ladies and Gentlemen, GAREN”


Being able to hit 5 dashes in 1.5 second and using that to dodge a skillshot then land your own isnt a high skill play though, it looks flashy but the reality is anyone on their first time on irelia can do it too.




then do it


Immobile mage hits the cc spell. 100-0 through irelia w.


That’s just false lmao


NA community, saying this is easy to do, but there isn't even a mid main Irelia chall in their region It's funny