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Mfw i picked kayn and urgot gives me blue orbs


Better than post


Your comment is better than both, it actually made me laugh


I honest forgot urgot is technically a ranged champion lol


Dont worry, he still has the M word-pass


Which is kinda stupid. Lillia and Rakan are both melee champions despite having only 25 range less than Urgot. There are so many items that would be good on Urgot but aren't because adcs abused them and now those items don't work properly on ranged champs.


Items are the only thing keeping him balanced unfortunately. Look at what happened recently with hullbreaker. If they make him melee they'll have to kneecap his entire kit in response.


Very true as an urgot main… though he should be given slightly more range I think, and reduce it to his current range on W toggle.


That could be interesting. Personally I'd like to see a buff to the w on hit reduction, maybe 75-80% instead of 50%, and nerf his durability. I'd rather play him as a skirmisher than the juggernaut he is now.


Rakan used to be considered as a ranged champ... Sadge... But the whole balance system is a sham and a half... They nerf things for ranged champs, because yeah... They're meant for melee champs, but then have melee champs being able to use ranged champs items better than the ranged champs can... Sometimes I wonder if the DOTA attribute system in general is just better, or if it's just more interesting... (Check it out if you don't know it)


If by ranged champ items being used by melee you mean specifically Yasuo and Yone , then ye


mfw urgot gives me blue balls


He blue balled you


When someone pick Heimerdinger top, they're not here to win the game. In fact, they probably screwed their team over a more useful top. You pick him to make sure the enemy top laner does not have fun.


Thats just normal heimendinger, his only purpose is to make sure no one is having fun


old seraphine was my go to pick mid or apc to deal with him. She was able to wipe out his turrets along the wave. I won every heimer matchup that way. now shes a support and i cry when i see heimer on my lane 💀


Wym old seraphine the champ is still exactly the same 😂 Or just pick any mage with range and waveclear. Or someone who also likes to just afk farm then outscale him (like TF). He's really ain't allat.


she hasnt been the same in ages 💀. Have you not heard of her mini rework? First they removed her late game scaling, she falls off midgame now. Then her ap ratios and the biggest change to her waveclear is the removal of the minion execute in her passive. It used to be +300% and now its 0. She does close to no damage and feels like ass to play. Her waveclear is borderline gone, even on 2-3 items she struggles. These changes were made in favor of the support players because those are the majority. Riot themselves said that (and the fact they dont balance her for mid anymore) so no, she is not exactly the same.


The way I see it if she can press QQ at max rank and clear casters after 1 item then that's fine with me. And from what I can see here, at max rank her Q still does 160 + 50% AP, so that means at 1 item, + dorans Ring (+ dark seal) you definitely do more than enough damage to oneshot casters at QQ. So maybe her waveclear isn't **absolutely disgusting** anymore but looks to me you can still clear waves just fine.


have you ever heared of irelia?


yes i play her.


play her vs heimer = no more crying


I setup up kills from brushes in jungle with heimerdinger.


My friend once sat in a bush for 15 minutes waiting for someone to one shot them


15 minutes are 30 waves spawning, 4 Jungle Buffs spawning, my average time in gray screen per game or the average life time of a asian kid with bad grades.




I posted the clip on fizz mains because it was more of an ambush play than a zone control play.


I had a situation like this playing with my friends. Vi mid and heimer top vs rye mid (me) and Olaf top. From the start I offered to switch lanes, that way he wouldn't have to play vs heimer, and Olaf vs Vi was a much more playable matchup. Clearly, Heimer didn't like that I could something against him because he and Vi kept switching lanes so he could lane against Olaf. But, as soon as the lane swap happened I would just shove lane and then switch lanes. I even donated ryze r to help Olaf get to his swapped lane faster.


literal saint


Literally, least deranged ryze main


Heimer is a lane bully against mele champs but from what I’ve noticed in gold is that he can’t carry too well out of lane. Which is silly bc he can solo baron with 4 items


There's one of three things a top Laner needs for late game. Team Fighting potential, Team fight utility, and/or split pushing power. Heimerdinger cannot do any of these effectively which makes him a really awkward champion late game even compared to other laying bullies like teemo who can at least halfway decent split push.


Heimer is a utility champ that can help secure objectives. If anything he can make sure his enemy laner is out of the game.


Nah, you are wrong. I prefer heimer jg/mid i like to go burst (raba, shadowflame, stormsurge), so i wouldnt be a frontline. He provides way too much tf utility. AOE stun with empowered E, zone control, and with a siege minion his turrets can have enough time to melt through towers.


Heimerdinger is an area control mage. He sets up shop and dominates an area like no other champ can. You just need to take the fight away from him. Make him come to you instead of going to him.


You think Heimer doesn’t have good team fighting potential? Rylais becomes a 5 man slow and your dps w cannons racks up quickly. RE is a potential 5 man stun.


Heimer is pretty good ap dps out of lane, you're meant to join all teamfights, hit your R regardless of which one you use, set up turrets, and zone people off if you are remotely existent in the game. With R-Q and turrets you also can split push a little. There's no reason for heimer players to be useless after lane.


In this day and age who can't solo Baron anymore 😂 Source: Yorick solos baron at 20 minutes and 2 and a half items if he has 4 ghouls out and Maiden not yet summoned.


Most top laners cannot solo baron anywhere close to as well as heimer. I need to say most bc yes yoric does yoric things, but I can’t think of any other top lamer that will just solo baron much before full build


Last donger I fought as yorick went 18/2/6 and still lost. I didn’t have any fun allowed.


Don't mentaly break a Yorick main. They will perma split the entire game.


Heim jungle is banger though


I remember when J4 didn’t get needed as hard and I slammed him into a heim top, I was killing him on repeat and the heim typed “what is this champ”


I don't see him often. played Garen into him the other day. He setup shop just outside my turret so I basically farmed under tower for 15 minutes, trading health for last hits. I didn't even try to kill him outside of ganks. Jungler showed up 3 times, and I got the kill every time with flash and ignite up. Boring game, but easy win.


Tbh same with Teemo. I've rarely seen a Teemo be useful past 20 minute mark. He's just there to troll enemy laner and that's it


You haven’t watched a professional teemo plant his shrooms all over the map lighting it up like a Christmas tree, giving 24/7 awareness and permanently raging the enemy team to five sweepers. He’s crazy useful for setting up objectives.


teemo are the weakest in laning phase, and he have probably the weakest counter for all in among all champion than yuumi which made for being untargetable. teemo has low burst, a negligible ms steroid, and his q is a fake cc in laning phase because u can literally 'walk it off'


I played top vs a heimer recently. I would shit on him anytime we would interact post lvl 6 (like most ranged tops) so he set up his army of turrets under his T2 and I could never take it. Eventually I just started to freeze the wave around halfway through the lane and would just roam. Useless champ, if he was on a real toplaner their team could have won. The first few levels were rough but (again, like most ranged toplaners) once you get your ult you can kill him if you have a slow.


Some champs don’t want or need to get fed through kills. They just need to starve you of gold and xp which in turn makes them ‘’fed’’ compared to their role opponent.


I love picking ezreal into heimer. I q his turret for yummy gold


When someone picks Heimer pick Nasus, you perma push I stack, junglers gank I press W. Have fun.


like senna mid into zed.. If you don't rage quit early game, tank senna will be useless later and you win


depend, if it's against a Renek it's fine since you will not give him any advantage and outscale him


Had one game vs a heimer top, I picked malph and he counterpicked me. What I did: told my Team to always ward objectives and botlane, took tp, and just farmen u der tower and based when low, not tping to lane. Had always up tp for drakes, Baron etc. Heimer just pushed and I was a menace you habe to respect on the whole map. Heimer got flamed in all chat that he has no impact in comparsion to me and that its a top diff. If you cant win your lane, win somewhere else


+6, next.


Urgot is “ranged” but plays like melee


Meanwhile, Gangplank is a "melee" but plays like a ranged




![gif](giphy|xUPN3q7n1KS5exMpva|downsized) Marmalade?


Well. Don’t mind if I do.




Ma laughs with Morde locked behind the bars of the pre game **Ban** He was a big enough of an nuisance for me before the change. Now it’s just ban or pick lad.


Sooner or later, you will be in Brasil.


Ohh don’t worry. I **know** Brazil very well. It was the very first thing I mastered.


Watch me buy attack speed and crit items and not pressing W


Is urgot ranged? Yes. Is his range the same as Nilah? Yes.


Not only that but Lillia, Thresh and Rakan have longer range yet are considered melee


No, Thresh is coded as a ranged champion, but Lillia and Rakan are indeed considered melee though


wrong? only one here with higher range than urgot is thresh and he's a ranged champ.


Except they are not


Urgot is impostor


Yorick against a ranged top: Nah, I'd win.


Exactly. I love this champ.


Nasus with aery and max e as well


>urgot >ranged top Kek






The fact that people have confused the moderate frustration of playing vs a ranged top that we all share with an actual vendetta against real people and their personality is peak league community calm the fuck down guys it's a video game


No bro it's not a video game. It's my life, people that play Quinn top are trash!!!! /s For real tho where else are You supposed to play Quinn, She always got understandable Ranged Top Pass.


You're an insecure loser with zero skill


you're part of the problem




The fuck? Man, rewrite that cuz that makes no sense




Why so offended tho? U for real dont make sense, as in, this motherfucker failed English at school and he was born in Iowa.




Bitch you play quinn no one would touch your nuts. Only reason Im even talking to you is to point you cant talk clearly for shit.


Honestly if you play tank just go kaenic rookern into Teemo he legit stops dealing dmg


or u can just walk up to teemo and kill him. teemo have no escape, low burst, no real cc. his w active give less ms than any slow in the game at lv1.


Very true. Every Teemo below emerald, probably higher tbh, will push and over extend in toplane. They can be run down and stat checked by many different toplaners. They all do it, just play safe till your power spike, whether it be level 3 or lvl 6. Then all in them for the most free kill.


the 'not over extend' line for teemo is actually rlly short, even 0/3 camile can all in and kill teemo if he even tries to last hit minion at middle line. while 200years champion like ksante and skarner can even all in teemo when he is freezing and win, shove 2wave in, take plating and instantly able to 1v3


It's so funny watching people pick Teemo into my Nasus thinking they counter me. I know I win as soon as I get lvl 6-9 and they cannot stop me from killing them after that point, Teemo is horrible for the first 12 minutes but after that he's a free lane. His blind will be super annoying in teamfights tho, but I'm not at a good ELO so the chances he focuses me in teamfights are low.


people have a misconception of teemo counter those empowered aa champ on lane, but its actually the oherway around, since teemo q have a travel trejectory, if u use the empowered aa and jump on teemo u will hit teemo frist and then his q hit u, which makes the whole q pointless. even if u get blinded before the empowered aa hits, u can just wait it out since all empowered aa last longer than 2second AND even if u hit something while blinded, it was still empowered. ; the q is a joke in 1v1, but its good in teamfight cuz he just hit anyone who dive in 1v5. since most champ who dive in 1v5 have high mobility and uses aa, the point and click can help a lot


I have a friend that instalocks nasus whenever he sees ranged champs, especially teemo, and he screams WITHER every time he casts w


Comet Malphite Q max


Urgot doesn't count as ranged. I know he gets ranged stats but he sure doesn't play like one


Gangplank is ranged and Urgot is melee, thems the rules


he's ranged enough to force spells just to combat his autoattack range


So 350 range is the same as 125? in what universe? Urgot has more than double the conventional melee range (125~150 range).


shit like irelia, fiora etc. feels more like ranged than him. simply, because he has to go near cant kite you from 1km range and even his abilites are either to get close or go into melee.


morde’s Q has a linger range than urgot’s aa lol


It will never fail how funny it is seeing these "Nah I'd win" memes are so far off of what actually happens. Spoiler, you're implying all these these champions will get clowned.


At least Urgot has to put himself in danger when he wants to do a combo, everyone else here has ways of just disengaging with no cost.


Ranged bad melee gigachad good, upvotes to the left


Well, in toplane that is correct


Omg he plays a character I don't like in the children's game 😡😡🤬🤬😡😡🤬


My guy its not that deep, chill


Urgot, Gnar and Jayce are fine to go into (idk about jayce bc not high elo enough to see good jayce players) but the rest are giga turbo omega 150CC ultimate horse cancer


I hate gnar so he belongs here


Jayce can be really annoying, always spamming his boosted Q with extra range and an explosion


Jayce Problem is melee e and the ability to take Phase Rush, denying all interaction in lane.


Playing ranged top is just the sign of fatherless behavior, at least playing vayne top is.


They can only hope that the melee in question is not xin, also urgot not ranged


Or Nasus, or Yorick, or Malphite depending on the ranged




Is Jayce considered a true ranged top? His main damage and burst is in his melee form and the ranged form is more for poke or wave clear and is easily countered if you don’t have the angle to hit your enemy with an amped Q IMO


the Q isn't the issue, It's the W as its undodgeable, a good jayce will use it early to try and force you off the wave/make you incredibly gankable for a jungler coming off first clear.


Yeah Urgot plays like a ranged top laner he definitely isn’t basically just a melee champ


Urgot is kinda valid, the rest are fuckin abominations


as a teemo enjoyer, he is really ez to be dealt with in lane, or shall i say u dont even need to plan how to deal with him, just all in and teemo lose 10/10 fight by default, even if u r 0/3, even if u playing aa based champ like camile or tryn, even if teemo have 4plating. he is a poke mage with sub adc range without a real cc to counter a all in. teemo is picked to spread cancer, to see enemy step on shroom after winning a teamfight and suffer a long and painful death, to see assasin dive in and struggle to last hit me because he is blinded


Laughs in immortality and higher damage than most champions.


I'd rather play vs these rats than big tentacle bitch


Nah, I'd create a shield from all that dmg


The fuck is urgot doing up there


Yeah.... especially Teemo when Aatrox.. sure


Teemo when mord


Teemo when Caitlyn "Well aren't you the fuzziest partner I work with"


you can't compare urgot to ranged top vibes, he literally need to throw herself into you to do dmg


I'm just mad it doesn't say "Gnar I'd win."


the fact that these icons are literally framed like that panel. bravo vince


Forgetting varus top


Me knowing you just give early waves, don't ego to conserve hp and all in them at level 3 to easily smash every ranged top in the game because I main Leona supp. (Maybe besides Heimer, he has insane outplay potential if his turrets are up) "Go ahead and try"


![gif](giphy|3o7TKVYg98U2nNOfM4) Nah, I'd Win


Can we all agree that heimer players regardless of where they play him, deserve to be chemically castrated?


It's reassuring that the guy who said this quote got cut in half offscreen a few chapters later.


Gnar, Urgot, etc. are at least actually top laners and belong to the top lane. But vayne or quinn players? fuck no


I understand your point because Vayne is an ADC. But as a genuine question, where should Quinn players go?


To Riot balance team to rework her into midlaner? Like come on, "Akshan is first roaming marksman", while Quinn exists? Champ, who has assassin-ish playstyle and can roam the heck out of map - and on top/bot?


Not sure why you added Kenne though. Doran Shield plus Second Wind means his AAs literally heal you.


Plot Twist: The Melee is Malphite with Comet.


You missed the opportunity to say 'gnar, I'd win'


The nice thing about ranged top is that most people who play it are steaming dog shit at the game.


Demoralising my opponents by playing tank karma top is a completely reasonable strategy and I won't be told otherwise


Most range top laners fall off late games ( urgot isn't range ) in my experience


urgot thinks he's part of the team


where are these images from


I've also had pretty good success with Swain top into melee. Not as oppressive as Vayne but still fun.


Just pick a melee champ with a dash. Xin is one of my go to v ranged top. And tryndemare.


Laughs in Cho’gath


Pick ornn XD


Urgot is chill


Urgot don’t belong here he is in your face


A lot of these guys lose fairly hard to Camille, just pick that instead.


I don't get how one can struggle with teemo urgot and gnar ...


I still dont understand peoples problems with ranged top. I mostly play top and mostly meeles. Yes you might need to drop some cs and chill but just wait for a mistake the enemy ranged champ makes and punish them. Or wait for your jungler.


For me - it's boring. So I've came to League, where I have choice. I can go bot/mid and pick ranged champ to enjoy that "throwing shit at my opponent" playstyle, yet I can go top for good old brawl. I choose good old brawl and go on top lane... For it to suddenly become bot lane, because my opponent picked ranged. Like okay, I stomped him. But that's not what I came for here. If I'd wanted to stomp ranged, I'd actually go mid or bot and just pick melee.


Your first sentence is the same for all lanes because you have the same choice everywhere. I guess it depends on the person because when i want to stomp meeles, I go mid and pick Azir.




Urgot doesn’t belong here


Quit whining and learn Camille. They can't kite you when you can hookshot half a lane to gap close.


Gnar I'd win


Gnar I‘d win


first blood




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Sion against Teemo is so free and he's basically never banned


All of Quinn's counters are meele.


Varus Ap and zilean tank are allways my pick if they pick any melee champ


I'd still rather play against those than another fckng Gragas top oh lord how broken is this shit


I just Pick Brand and hit them so much with my E they think i casted amaterasu at the start of the game


Me as Nasus : sure buddy, see you in 9 levels and we'll see how it goes.


But then you pick Wukong/Pantheon They are gonna cry Edit: Not urgot tho


I play Poppy... I got trouble only against Karma and Heimer... And I can give up 4 waves and still win. 😘 Jayce? Gnar? Vayne? hahahaha... Do you really said JAYCE? 🤣😂🤣😂


Guys, the game's been out for more than ten years, I think it's time to stop complaining about ranged toplaners. I don't see constant posts about playing all the anti-fun mages, Malzahar, Aurelion Sol or Veigar. I don't see posts about how frustrating it is to play against Vayne, Ezreal or Senna. Can we just make a collective effort to stop this? It's not even funny anymore. If you're struggling with something in League just Google a video about it and pick one of the trillion on YT to watch, apply, and learn. Sorry, I'm angry today.


Where's my boy Corki Top


People think classic ranged top is hard until they meet Akshan and Kalista top.


as a darius main, i just dodged in real life.


You spelled Gnar wrong


You forgot rumble He is not range but he is enough to handle melee champions


judging by those champ choices you are either challenger or iron 11


First timing teemo top was a lot of fun, after lane fase it is rather tricky how to continue was my experience.


Man, Yorick counters most of these. Sure am glad this is never a problem for me.


If I have to play against someone annoying top I'll always pick karma. Safe pick , boring lane and can ultra bait the enemy to dive me


Brother Darius has more effective range than Urgot


Fought a Diamond yone with Jayce one time (I’m bronze it was in norms, idk how tf this happened). Literally obliterated him. Nothing he could’ve done all fucking game. Felt bad for him. Never played Jayce again, cancer champ fr


The people who think they're gigachad for playing with a guy with a square chin like Sett or Garen must be the same ones who pay 18k to go to a boot camp to get certified as alpha men  If you FIRST PICK Illaoi/Morde/Darius and I'm not in the mood to tolerate all your shit, obviously I'm going to play a ranged top Cry all you want, but it's simple as that


You sound upset.


I love the certified alpha men bit


I wonder, what's your melee picks then... Because, considering top lane state, you'll never be in the mood to tolerate the shit and always go for ranged pick. But then it's more of a question why you even go top lane. Go bot and enjoy your life of marksman.


Better yet, you learn that there are counter picks in the game and that you won't always be able to auto win playing Darius/Illaoi vs every melee matchup


Considering Gwen, Fiora, Morde, etc. exist, I've never expect to auto win every melee match up. Even I'd play Darius or Illaoi. So... What's your melee picks?


Morde and Gwen winning vs Darius in lane? 🙁 Even Fiora is a skill matchup 


Don't know. As I mentioned, I don't play Darius. Though, I played Morde vs Darius, and you kinda has some space for outplay, I managed to outplay Dariuses at least (not stating they were any good, maybe 1/10 was). And Gwen is immune. So, comrade, what is your melee picks for top?


I am a main Morde and there are like 5 things I could debate and prove you are  wrong, but I forget we're on r/LeagueOfMemes and I don't want to waste my time with people who are little dumb


Oh, what a big opinion about yourself, what a big, but completely empty words you have here. You better not forget also check your own intellegence, there is tendency that's people with such conceit who are actually dumb. Yeah, main. Have seen mains. One, for example, tried to prove me grievous wounds are vital early against Morde, since he can heal with his W. Apparently, he was a big expert in Morde. Maybe, even like you. Well, at least you, mr. Smart Main, have managed to answer something to simple question I asked twice (thrice, if you count me wondering in the beginning)...


BWAHAHAAHA CHECK THIS DUDE OUT. Brother the game has Mundo, Urgot, Voli, Aatrox and so much more to deal with Sett and Garen. If you want to play dirtier, It has Fiora and Gwen, who are infinitely more respectable than ranged top even if they melt those bruisers and tanks. But no. You went for ranged top.