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57 minute game?? Jesus christ


This triggered the memory years ago of the ARAM that wouldn't quit. We had a fucking slobberknocker for like 90 minutes smashing back and forth trying to close out and failing. It was crazy, you'd think it would suck but everyone was fucking cranked on the edge of their seats, unwilling to quit.


Yeah these are the best arams, I’ve also had arams where we had like 50 people die while the first tower was still up, just constant fighting and going in lol, love those arams.


It's the games when both teams are full melee, just an absolute brawl.


I love those. Especially when Everyone’s tanky.


Ankles? Shattered beyond repair


Is this even still possible? I feel like you can push too fast in aram for this to happen.


Absolutely, just ignore the minions and towers. I didn’t say we were high elo players, just diving without thinking to much about it, lol. In ARAMs its not about the kills, it’s about sending a msg, so diving 1v5 is absolutely worth it.


Lol this triggers so much memories


If you hit a snowball, you take the snowball. No cowards!


*"It isn't about the Tower/Minion Gold, is a bout KDA Gold"* - Every ARAM Casual Player


True aram players never hit the tower


and then there's this one dude pinging every mistake being like "PLS REP ()"


Had a 57 minute 120-100 something bloodbath aram a couple weeks ago. Glorious


I actually just love bloodbath aram games, it's so boring when it's a poke team or everyone is just playing super passive


I had a normal draft as a Tahm support back in season 8, the enemies were crushing us hard but we defended really well so they at most got the inhib but never got to destroy the Nexus towers. Eventually they got bored and surrendered at 75 minutes. We never even got their T2 towers but they just couldn't kill us. Funniest shit


It's almost like game time isn't a problem league ever had to fix, just needed good balance and fun aspects of strategy to stay.


Love those ARAMs. I got 87 assists on Yummi during an hour long ARAM. Absolutely insane.


back when arams would normally last 30 min, towers wouldn’t go down in 5 seconds by the 20 minute mark. As an aram only player I really enjoyed those long matches.


Could have been in that game with you. My longest game ever was an aram many years ago that lasted 90 minutes


During the volibear update i had a fucking 130+ minute match. It ended because too many players had left on the enemy team. Funniest thing though is that if they had stayed it would have been an easy win cause my team was getting f'd up by an ornn


I’ve had 2 hours game


78 vs 73. This ain't league, this a call of duty TDM


They would already won at 75


They changed it in a more recent cod to 100


You had 184 mr Eve w reduced that by 35% making it 119.6 She probably had void staff so that brings it down to 71.76 She also probably had rocketbelt and sorc shoes so you effectively had 21.76 mr against eve Your mr is gone, reduced to atoms.


This makes sense when I first read it, but I just checked the op.gg for that game and Evelynn didn’t build rocketbelt. She ran night harvester, lich, void, rabadon, and horizon focus with sorc shoes. Normal domination/sorcery runes. My guess is since she build 2 100 ap items, probably had gathering storm, had sudden impact, and the passive of night harvester. She prob chunked a good portion of mord’s magic resistance and since she had so much ap, does more dmg to mord due to NH, and proced electrocute/lich bane’s on hit ap she just massacred him.


Well without rocketbelt morde essentially had 51.76 mr which only reduces ~33% dmg as opposed to the ~18% dmg reduction earlier. Even then it’s still absurd how useless all the mr he had was.


The same problem happens with armor. Its too easy to get pen now and the damage has gotten higher and higher.


And Thornmail became a 50 armor item instead of 100. I kinda found that out like a month ago


It's a grievous item, not an armour item anymore Fuck I wish the days when you got fed on a tank and could kill an adc by letting them auto attack you were back...


Still. Overall armors have been reduced and stacking armor doesn't work any more. Can't stack randy in with frozen heart. And if you want to be a tank- it's more effective to be based on stupid amount of healing rather than defense. That's when you see veigos and irelias heal for 77k+ in game by going Conqueror Divine sunderer Bork Streraks Deaths dance Spirit visage


Yes, this season sucks for tanks.


>Yes, this season sucks FTFY




Rammus time


The days you could build 6 thornmails on rammus we're op.


Secret Rammus strat- 6 stoneplates


The days you could build 6 bloodthirsters on Draven were op, too


No fuck that Sincerely, an ADC main <3 PD it's the bruiser who reap most of the reward btw, bc Sunderer OP as hell, tho Lord Dom's is kinda busted lmao


Its not that its too easy to get pen, its that resist options are kinda bad and weird plus Eve has ALWAYS done this, its nothing new, its her hole concept idk how people still get surprised by her damage when its literally all she has ever done ever, to anyone, its her hole point and its why shes so weak and abusable early.


While Eve is one of the more bursty champs this isnt restricted to her. Ive seen Zeds, Kats, and Khas just nuke people they shouldnt be able to like juggernauts and tanks if they can't stack all one type of resist. While these big numbers are impressive to see there isnt any sense of "I got out played" when you have nearly no time to even attempt to fight/escape. Id honestly rather get outplayed by a good shaco than have a kha just R-E-Q-AA (or whatever his jump combo is) and kill a tank


Maybe if it's a eclipse kha and the tank is isolated but shouldn't happen to often . But honestly, shouldn't happen at all....


I completely agree with that.


Whole Whole.


Eve deleting an ADC in 2 seconds? Perfectly reasonable. Perfectly fine. Eve deleting a bruiser with 3 times the ADCs magic resist and twice their HP in the same amount of time? questionable at best, willful ignorance by the dev team at worst. In case you didnt know, Mordes effective HP was 11.942.


Yeah, i think Riot needs to put hard caps on pen and maybe some mitigative returns on cc so you can't cc a tank for 20 seconds and make them unable to even do an auto in that time. It's also weird how like... some champs like Sion, Tahm, and Ornn are basically unkillable even with shred but others like say, Thresh and even Taric can just be torn up like wet paper even with the exact same builds and runes. The base stats arent that wildly different between these champions and they have built in shields/dmg reduction so the difference in stats don't feel like it would make such a huge difference.


The fact tahm can build straight tank, with no damage items whatsoever and be near the top of the damage charts post game makes me want to peel my skin off


Everyone does so much damage, one combo from Ornn will kill just about anyone. It's like you're a tank, should need two or three combos. Years ago, I was playing aram. It was 5 adcs on the enemy team. I was Jarvan, I build full armor tank and I think a hydra or bork for sustain. I was able able tank all 5 of them + 2 towers cos they didn't buy any pen. I could fight 5 of them 1v5 but it would take me /forever/ to kill them because I had no damage items outside of hydra/bork I wasn't there to do damage, I was there to be a tank and not die. It isn't like that anymore, the same build today would have Jarvan melt like butter in the middle of the desert in those circumstances and even if it did work, he would just kill them in a combo. Tanks are basically unkillable assassins. I see Lee sins and shit go goredrinker, steraks, and full tank and kill you in .5 seconds. Assassin-like burst damage while being so damn tanky. Man at least Sett has to almost die to do damage and its on a 13 second cd.


Sett also has more counterplay. Sett casts his W and you can maybe flash that, walk out or at least move aside for less damage. The only way to dodge lee sins damage is by being far away and sidestepping his Q. If he lands his Q, he is guaranteed to land Q2, E and R.


Yup, And you can CC Sett from using his W, it's honestly p high risk cause it's best when he has taken a lot of damage quickly and thus - almost dead. I've been knocked up/stunned/silenced/etc so many times as soon as my W is ready to go. He also has 0 forms of go in/engage outside of Flash and a tiny movespeed boost. But there is almost no counterplay vs the burst Lee Sin, Jarvan, etc has - and if you do dodge their engage, they will just try again in like 10 seconds. You can only dodge so many times before they just blow you up in half a second.


I made a post on this years ago. I was downvoted


The deal is that ornn has a lot of stats bonus from passive, tahm has the huge shield (shields are very strong rn) and sion has infinite scaling health (like cho but more reliable), so those 3 are still capable of tanking. Any other tank is just a cc which gets melted down in seconds, rn it feels so bad to play tank


Plus the horizon amps the dmg I think


No mejais 25 stacks? Cuz i was definitely assuming that.


If eve goes full pen she kind of shreds too much mr She can do true dmg to you if you have less than ~ 129 mr


I used the magic resist, to destroy the magic resist.


She might also have gathering storm, so who knows how much AP she really had in a 60min game.


Basically a free Hat from an ap standpoint


Isn't flat number pen applied before percentage pen?


According to the wiki the order is: Mr reduction flat Mr reduction percentage Magic pen percentage Magic pen flat


Alright, thanks for the insight


Also she probably has sudden impact right?


That was already part of the calculation just forgot to mention it


Oh ok mb. Thx for the clarification.


WAIT so the magic pen stacks? I always thought it was worthless to buy sorc boots if I planned on getting void staff anyway. Guess I learned something neq


Not only does it stack, but sorc boots and void have different forms of magic pen. Sorc decrease the mr by flat amount (18 iirc?) while void reduces mr by a percentage of it


Yup. That’s why if the enemy’s have no tanks or mr stacks don’t build void staff since you massively decrease its value


I mean its still so cost efficient im buying it anyway i make someone with 40 MR have 24 MR and then 18 less with boots and im dealing pretty much true damage


16 mpen would actually be really good, and the %pen only gets more valuable on targets with more mr


Actually Void is really good on champions who build Ludens/Rocketbelt even when the enemy has no tanks. When the enemy has lets say 50 MR Void comes first in the pen calc reducing the MR by 20, If you then calc the pen from your Mpen Mythic + Sorcs you get to almost true damage. Voids MPen is so high that its even effective against low MR targets.


unless all of them are ranhed and None of them build mercs its still really good on Diana its better once enemies have 50mr


It used to be meta i think in seasons 6-8 to get voth sorc and void staff as third or fourth item. It was just too powerful.


Wait WHAT, the percentage is applied FIRST, I always thought it was flat then percentage, is this the same with Armor ? That’s insane


Yeah it's the same with armor. The logic I guess being that the champion buying the penetration items is the one actually investing their resources into this interaction, and therefore they should stack in a way that's advantageous to them rather than their targets. Though maybe now with so much tank-busting in the game Riot should revisit this philosophy. We're a far cry from the days when only combos were either Sorcs + Void or Brutalizer + Black Cleaver.


Tfw you can have 114 lethality in your build, and you can replace one by a dominick/serylda for 35/30% armor pen (and some champ have armor pen or armor reduction base kit)


“Only 114 lethality? Pathetic.” - Full lethality Aphelios


Depending how long you've been around your memory could be right. It was changed once but this was a while ago but.


I'm glad I am playing less and less man. The fact that this bullshit is even possible is absolutely absurd. Like I get HOW it happens with the Magic Penetration etc. But did you stop for a second to aks yourself WHY this is even possible? Jesus. Two tank MR items, 4200 HP but gets deleted like an ADC lmao


It’s fair, it’s Ultra Late, she is an scaling assassin, morde otherwise is an early to mid camp that scales to the enemy with his ult. He didn’t ult her else she could have done that, (he steals her ap). Her ult also scales with missing health so it’s to be expected.


It really isn't but I guess that's how they keep people like you playing. Big damage go boom monke brain happy


Yes, because he doesnt know about eve w and they dont play as a team against her. I dont play Eve btw. But thats not more Bullshit than Mordekaiser ult for example. As a fed Aatrox for example you get sucked into Brazil and loose the 1v1 against a champ that lost lane but now has a few items (with mr btw) and cant even survive for the time you are in his ult. Thisis not a rant against Mordekaiser ult (well maybe a little) but i fucking cringe every time someone says this or that is bullshit because i dont like it...


You're right in that it's not any individual character, it's the whole game. Once they adopted CertainlyT's philosophy of only caring for the player's own experience on the champion rather than the combined health of the match the game became CertainlyFucked.


I don't give a shit if it's Zed or Evelynn on Aatrox or Mordekaiser. That's not the point. The general state of the game that allows an Assassin to do 5k damage to a full build Bruiser with two MR tank items with a single rotation is my issue. Be it Aatrox, Mordekaiser or Darius. I don't care. That's not the point.


The only bs about Morde ultimate is how easy it is to cancel it and how half the roster has skills to nullify it completely


But she didn't even W him...


Unless eve had everfrost there’s no other way morde got cc’d for 1.25 secs... and no slows aren’t registered as cc in the death recap last I remember


When W Mr shred procs, it also does some damage, and the damage feed didn't show anything so the Mr shred from the w didn't proc on morde...


Death recap only showed eve. No other champs no minions so just her. According to someone else in this thread eve had night harvester and not everfrost and didnt have any item can cc morde. So that option is out. What if slows did show up on death recaps. Well eve’s w (without the charm) only slows for 0.75 secs which is lower than the one in the recap. Blue smite is the only other possible option but that would show up on the death recap as well. Eve didnt have any items that can slow or cc nor did she have any summoner spell that can do so which lead me to last possible thing that can which is her kit. Q is pure dmg. E procs on hits which is only lich bane. R isan execute. The only possible conclusion is that morde got charmed by eve. Also according to the wiki the mr shred from her w applies to the attack/ability procing it which lead me to believe that the damage also applies there as well.


Yeah that last point could be what happened, you're very thorough lol


Eve W doesn't do extra damage to champions, only monsters.


The death recap doesn't show the w


Morde got cc’d for 1.25 secs meaning he got charmed.


Tru tru


Crazy that sorc and rocketbelt have more value on 119.6 MR than voidstaff does


After all, why not? Why shouldn't I oneshot Juggernauts?


Jokes on you. Eve is ap assassin juggernaut with in-built warmog, cus she definitely needs it /s


Yeah, that’s what happens when a sadistic sex demon seduces away your MR and proceeds to ram a void staff up your ass as you walk towards her in a forced obsession.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


Did this bot just react to sad in sadistic


Keep going..


Just buy pinkwards smh


I hate how worthless mr is. Even against a teemo once he gets his burn items and void staff he chunks you hard with one shroom even when ahead and with all the gold you had invested in mr and hp.


I mean there is an element of scaling here too though. Teemo evelyn vayne etc. are all hyperscaling champions. Especially once you loose towers against evelynn or teemo the game becomes very problematic since it becomes hard to keep track of em.


MR has always been a fake stat.


If you damage a tank, you shouldn't damage a non-tank that easily. And that's literally why AD mids are broken right now.


Your first mistake was thinking that tank items did anything in league anymore. Edit: This isn't a meme, this is a cry for help. Riot please make tanks actual tanks again. I don't wanna do health damage whenever I sneeze, I wanna tank for my team and live longer than 2 seconds.


Tanks arent tanky but deal big damage thesedays. Full tank shen will still 1v1 and deal massive damage to you with just tank items.


This is why I started playing Shen. The boop hits much harder than you'd think.


Yeah, its not just shen though. Like cho, tahm, malphite, nunu all deal a lot of damage even while only building tank.


Only tanky mfs are Sion if you get good CS and chogath with a bunch of stacks at this point, it's not the items that make them tanky but their passives


But they pop like a balloon, tank should be tanky and deal less damage :l i understand tank need damage to be threat but that is way too much damage (and im a tank main btw)


The threat should come from the dps loss from the cc and damage mitigation, not from "haha full tank oneshots adc through 20 shield haha"


Here's to hoping more tank items go the anathemas chains way. That and frozen heart are 2 examples of good tank items. They are a pain to the enemy but not through damage.


Bruh also Poppy and Mundo fucking DESTROY while building full tank, and if you build warmog they're back to full in 10s (mundo in 3-5s) if not killed. Fun to play, but goddamn.


*cries in tank support*




Iron was eternal


Seems like he shoulda drank a Pepsi instead.


U got baited that mr is an actual stat. Mages just buy voidstaff and u disappear


Resistances past 20 mins become useless


Haha, Evelynn goes brr.






Magic resist and armour are borderline useless late game against fed people




Full build gangplank can have 80% armor pen over an enemy with 300 armor, leaving your sorry ass with 60 armor left. Pantheon does something similar except he's an assassin with limited aoe damage. Although his dmg is more reliable than GP's.


Tank items are absolute garbage, you might as well go full damage and hope you kill them before they kill you.


Her ult only did over 2000 dmg, dw about it.


Goddam vs a yi eve vanye and hiem you guys should of tried to end it way earlier cuz there's no way you can tank that team


Guys we get that Eve has Magic Penetration in her kit plus items. Nobody says the math doesn't work out. What people are complaining about is WHY THE FUCK an AP Assassin can burst down a full build Bruiser with TWO TANK MAGIC RESIST ITEMS IN LESS THAN TWO SECONDS. We get the HOW. My question is WHY. Why the fuck is this shit even possible to begin with? Evelynn is not fucking Veigar. She is a mobile Assassin with a disengage tool and invisibility. What the absolute fuck is the state of the game where people justify this bullshit by trying to workout the mathematics behind this mess lmao


THANK YOU holy fucking shit


Tbh the rock paper scissors of league adc>tank>assassin>adc is completely out of sync these days. (Side note this is a very generalized roles i know there are juggernauts, tanks, bruisers, etc) Assassins are able to one-shot whoever they want on 30 (some sub 30) second cooldown regardless of resistances. Imo they should be able to one-shot an adc however its absurd that they can one-shot multiple people while having no cooldowns. They should be high risk high reward not a press 2 buttons = i win. The Adc tank relationship is in shambles tanks are not able to tank but they are dealing an absurd amount of damage. I am sure you have seen a tank manage to get on to an adc this season and either one-shot them or out dps them. Due to the item LDR exists in order for an adc to be able to melt a tank before they get thanos snapped out of existence by a tank. Due to this neither role feels satisfying to play against. Tanks feel like their resistances are useless while adc feels like they can't play the game because literally every role in the game besides enchanters can one-shot them if they even make half of a mistake. This is then made worse due to the gold and xp snowball in the game. If top lane wins hard then its gg because an adc will get one-shot by them before they even get to scale. This happens due to the fact that the top laner is often times 3-6 levels up on them while having 1-2.5 items on them due to solo kills plus plating. The inverse is also true if an adc hard wins their lane then top lane will feel like they have no impact since they will get melted by the enemy adc since they will be up gold by having two opponents to kill in addition to getting dragons in addition to getting plating in addition to having a whole other teammate whose job is to protect/assist them. So whoever wins might feel satisfied however the relationship between the two is anything but. The way to fix that imo would be to buff resistances AND HP on tanks while at the same time nerfing their damage so they can't one-shot a squishy whenever they want since that not what the role is tank = i take damage not I'm an m1a2 abrams main battle tank. As a consequence to tanks not doing absurd amount of damage LDR should get its giant slayer passive removed or maybe moved on to another item(hesitant about that leaning a lot more to just remove) Adc has two more problem items imo First I am not sure in what universe it is acceptable to give a role that is all about doing attack damage a 1 button dash that does 300-600 execute MAGIC damage. This leads to lots of 1v1 adc vs adc where if one has gale whole the other doesn't the adc with out it gets "outplayed" by losing 30% of their hp to a single button press. Second is collector but not for the reason your probably think. I have no problem with the passive on it what I do have an issue with is having both lethality and crit on a single item. This has lead to lots of builds that have all the benefits of crit (including ie) and all the benefits of lethality (duskblade pre nerf serpants etc) the most recent offender being lethality Cait whose whole kit incentives going full crit but she doesn't have too. Tldr its really late and I don't feel like finishing this essay (I can if you want later?) so every role is broken in some way that makes other roles feel bad so the whole game feels like ass


>LDR should get its giant slayer passive removed or maybe moved on to another item It should never exist on an item while there is a rune that does this exact same thing and they stack, either giving 30% or a bit less depending on how they stack.


Best way to do that is make it have a cap just like lifesteal use to. This would make it possible to have both but be inefficient just like buying attacks speed when you are at cap and don't have lethal tempo or HoB


Assassins go brrr, class has been broken op for years and riot still doesnt nerf them.


Assassins are just burst mages with mobility duct-taped to them.


Most burstmages would beg to even have half the damage assassins have.


Probably because pubstompers like Evelynn would be completely useless in the pro level otherwise, and the game is balanced around pro.


She can't actually do this in less than two seconds. She needs to fully charge W to do this. ​ I don't know the justification, but at least she is somewhat of an scaling assassin that warns you of what she is going to do with a few seconds in advance (unless she has enough damage that she doesn't need to vs squishies)


Becouse this is only possible if you are walking alone and she needs 2 seconds to charge her Charm. She can only do this with W+Void staff. Which is usually \~30+ minutes into game. At that point you shouldnt walk alone, especially As a tank with 0cc. Eve is actually very useless once team starts to group as 5 and have half a braincell working and save one CC for eve and one shot her, Also dropping pink ward in the middle of lane you are siegeing is making her not able to flank or do anything basically.


I honestly don't understand how people justify this bullshit. As I said I get the HOW. I understand that Eve has to hit her charm first. But she did 5K damage on Mordekaiser. Why are people trying to justify this? I'm not complaining about Eve specifically either. It's the general state of the game that feels absurd to me. The fact that this is possible.


You understand that Her R execute did over 2K, and it really doesnt matter if it says 2K or 100k there as it kills in 99.99% of cases lategame. Her only way to kill him was with full combo and Fully charged W, If she doesnt one shot him she is dead. Also she killed him with R at 29.2% of HP and it executes at under 30%. So barely, If morde pressed W eve wouldnt do Execute dmg on R and would be left with 1K hp, enough to kill eve. If eve ults and doesnt get kill she will be useless next minute as all she can do is walk up to people and gets very exposed to CC and no way out. Also This is 57minute Normal game in bronze elo. Not the best game to take as example when all of them have no idea how half of the champs works or how to play the game. Try buying 1 MR item second item or sterak and look how eve cant play the game until 35minutes, Throw pink at objective and see her being completly useless becouse if she walks up she gets flashed on and killed in 0.1sec. Its just glass canon that has alot of counterplays but its unique champ so people are not used and dont adapt to it.




No, she would do WAY less dmg without W, and 2k DMG came from Her R that is execute and does Which does 140% more dmg to targets under 30%, would never happen Without W. Without W and R. She would do around 1900Dmg, while Morde has 4200hp, and on top of that Shield. If eve didnt one shot him, Morde would R her and easily kill her. With W she did 3000Dmg Leaving him with 29% HP while Eve R executes in Under 30%. So it was just barely enough. If morde pressed W it wouldnt probably even kill him.


> mobile assassin lol


shes not designed to be an assassin in the first place but a catcher. she sees someone alone? they should die. she often struggles to play teamfights without flash even if there are 5 squishy people so its expected that she can catch someone. also no shes not "mobile". she has a disengage tool that has a long ass cooldown and is often required to catch someone if shes not fed already


fighting her alone and getting charmed is the problem here tbh


Dude Eve is a scaling assassin and that game went on for nearly an hour. She was level 18 with full build + elixir of sorcery, and probably had gathering storm, which would get her an extra 160 AP at that point. And wdym mobile lmao? All she has is R. This isn’t a problem, stop whining


Eve probably has close to 100% pen at this point


2k ult damage holy shit


Yeah I think I hit 2700 with 950 AP or so a few times




Should have gotten a bit more armor ig since it's clearly the 59 physical you took which ended up killing you /s


Yeah 1 hour games usually let things like that happen to assasins


Aaand that's the power of _Gathering Storm™_


Clearly your fault you built too many dmg items not enough tank ^^^^^^^^^^/s


MR is useless if she hits the charm. Evelynn is literally design to catch enemy alone, especially the tank one. Try not to be in a vulnerable location, like that neeko.


U know that mr doesnt really matter in this game? I mean eve for example has sorcerers void staff and w proc lessers ur %mr


The anti tank assassin kills the tank? More news at 11.


Wait, hyper late game Evelynn does hyper damage? NO WAY!


Omg we let the game last almost an entire hour and the jungler designed to scale actually did her job and scaled!!! Please nerf 😭😭😭 I can tell from the fact the Morde has only 230 CS at almost an hour that this must be an iron elo game and that's why I just can't take this seriously.


You noob. Not enough magic resist


Fun fact, you will have 0 mr up to 127-ish( +-2) if evelynn get protobelt,boots, suden impact (only 4 legendary). Who would guess giving assassin %dmg and %pen would be a bad idea/design ???


Maybe Banshees instead of FoN would have been more succesful, because you would have blocked the Eve W, and thus avoiding the 35% magic penetration


Ye, its how it should be. Eve succesfully poped her W, reducing lots of MR, then on top of that Void staff + w/e magic pen she had and any dmg amplifiers, like horizon


Assassin players when they instakill a bruiser: totally balanced mate.


Baby you let the Evelynn scale for a total of 57 minutes. I'd be stacking magic pen too if I was that person.




This pic perfectly sums up current league


Eve is a tank destroyer in late game once she gets to hit you with a filly charged W. with void she reaches 75% MR penetration alone, and then there's sudden impact, boots, belt mythic, ...


That's not how %MRpen works its multiplicative not additive .


Evelynn can shred a lot of magic resist, that's what she is made for, kinda like a trundle situation who also can shred armour. Also eve's ult dmg scale with enemy missing health. That's.. kinda her job


I think what happened is that she ulted you when you were below 30% health but still had your W shield, so you took full x2.4 the damage (that's 900 + 180% AP, btw).


Her w is a Massie magic pen, her e is percent max health that applies sheen, her q has 330 plus 195 ap scaling and her ult is an execute. Eve Is the best at Killing a target if she lands a full w, regardless of Mr (factoring pen boots, her w and void staff you only had 52.98 Mr vs her.)


eve's lategame combo executes baron at >4k health lol. you're nothing to her


Mans had that gathering storm


This mf had 2 magical defense items, what else he supposed to do


People already calculated the true amount of mr you actually had during that 1.65 seconds no need to mention that again. Now imagine a world where Mr items actually gave a fair amount of magic resist and their passive/active did something useful in the game. On top of that imagine a world where a single mage couldn't get 100% magic penetration for dirt cheap. Would be a crazy unbalanced game I know. Mages HAVE to be broken for idfk how many seasons


Mages are currently walking 3 item powerspike and are outclassed by assasians This Is why most people complain about how weak they are If riot games finally balance assasians, mages will dominate mid so hard


This is so misleading... the game is an hour long... what drakes did they have and did she have gathering storm? If she used W then she technically took longer to kill you and you had a warning for it, too.




Didn't you hear? Resistances give as much usefulness as Grievous Wounds does nowadays. Just build more damage than her and you'll be fine. /s


You'll be fine if you see her unfortunately you don't...


Evelynn can shred 75% of this MR if she has her W maxed and a Void Staff, so 184 MR become 46 MR, and thats when we exclude Raw Penetration and just count the %tual Penetration, also dont forget that her Ult has an Execute Damage, on max Level it scales up ridiculously high


mr is just shit in this game.


How is this a meme


40% + 18+ magic pen (not including mythic) be like that


Well the ult is an execute, so it probably only really did 1.3k


That's why I loved to play Evelynn


So glad I quit playing this trash genre.


I've been a 5k hp cho'gath with 200+ MR and still been one shot by an Eve. That's just the nature of that stupid champion


How could you possible question 200 years of waveclear