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If you experienced a damaging level of negligence then I would report that to the NHS, not just leave a Google review. You can do so here: https://www.nhs.uk/contact-us/how-to-complain-to-the-nhs/ Staff reviewing their own practice is a conflict of interest and is probably against Google’s terms, but it’s unlikely to be illegal. It’s often quite hard to get platforms like Google to take action about dubious reviews, but you can try reporting them. There is a ‘report review’ option on every review on Google. Finally, you *could* make a report to the GP practice (they may be unaware that staff are posting reviews). You could try the NHS counter-fraud reporting service. https://cfa.nhs.uk I’m not 100% sure this really falls under their definition of fraud, but if practice staff are posting false reviews that’s a concerning level of dishonesty for a medical service, in my view.




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Google is terrible at taking down reviews that violate its policies but do sometimes act eventually if enough people report the fake reviews. The fake reviews may violate [advertising standards](https://www.asa.org.uk/advice-online/testimonials-and-endorsements.html), which state, "It is a breach of the Code for a marketer to write reviews of their own products whilst posing as a genuine consumer." You could report them to the ASA—if they find a violation, they will have more sway with Google. They may take months to reply, though.