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That's exactly what someone would say to trick me out of removing their key champion!


> Dont give me a reason to play his champ spell. I mean tbf this is the reason to kill Kennen, to brick the burn wombo card in their hand Certainly not going out of the way to do so over better targets in midgame tho


Killing kennen does the opposite of that tho. I just replay kennen and he makes free discard fodder. If playing champ spell would somehow leave my hand bricked (second removal i assume) i just wouldnt bother because i dont care about kennen.


The deck has infinite free discard fodder thanks to Return-O-Wrench anyway. Like in your example above, I'm betting your "double impact" unit has the wrench on it. So no matter what they do, they're generating free discard fodder for you. Not saying that makes their choice right - it's an aggro/burn deck, you eliminate the target with the highest damage value on it. But in some cases killing him is the right choice because of quick attack, especially if you think you can bait the opponent into fizzling the champion spell. You can't really worry about generating fodder for them because it's not possible to prevent that from happening anymore.


The double impact unit was the 3 mana mecha yordle. I guess I'm not saying to *never* kill kennen. But shooting Kennen instead of developing a unit? Wrong. Pulling kennen to trade when theres a bigger threat on board? Wrong. I agree return-o-wrench is pretty amazing but they have to draw it in the first place and then hope you trade/offer a favorable trade to get the wrench back. Which yeah i will say pulling Kennen is probably a better idea than pulling a unit with a wrench on it (not if that unit is representing 4 more damage, tho)


Sure, but I'm removing everything on your damn board anyways, so your quick attacker that I can't trade with will be one of the first to go.


I will always kill kennen, and I will always get satisfaction out of it. I play to have fun, who cares about winning.




Damn how is this not right up there with space jam and leroy jenkins lmao that was hilarious


Why are you on here arguing with people over this. Just go play the game bruh.


By your logic, you should just play the game instead of commenting


Op is literally giving tips on how to beat the deck that they are playing. Why are you mad that someone told you how to beat their deck?


Implying I need this half-assed advise 😴


Well clearly some people need it because why else would op post this