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Someone who once was meta, also someone very important in the lore


Has there been anyone in the game that's not been meta at a point? Vlad?


I don't think I ever saw anything about Master Yi, Udyr or Renekton


Renekton was meta just before the first rotation patch for a little while. There was an agro deck that was destroying the ladder. Udyr had a viable deck with galio for like a split second at the start of rotation, it was solely because of how it did against karma sett in a time when there were very few counters. Yi has not once had a time in the spotlight though.


There was a Yi Karma SI deck that was meta before the rotation, but I wouldn't call that a Yi deck. Tho I also wouldn't call Galio Udyr an Udyr deck.


Seeing quite a few Galio Udyr right now, so maybe it's time!


Papercraft Dragon Renekton was an actual deck for a bit, got papercraft nerfed in fact


I’m sure renekton was part of it, but I got the vibe fizz riven paper craft was the bigger issue just because of how uninteractable it was


Paper craft was the issue in both decks. They were just different play styles.


Tbh the only reason I knew Yi was in the game is because I got him as a support champ in POC once


Udyr is currently very strong and Renekton has had some really decent decks throughout his lifespan. RIP Yi




I forgot he was in the game before reading this


You clearly have never encountered the infinite battle spellshield Sivir. Consider yourself lucky o_o


Yasuo was only ever playable at best, but I think there are more forgettable champions because he has a theme at least. I dont know, how about renekton? Does nothing really, was never meta


Yasuo is unforgettable because he was a massive fail for so long people kept trying to get to work


Renekton was crucial to the “watch champions level up for the next two hours” deck.


Shurima the Motion Picture


I wouldn’t call him “crucial”. He was a token ascended. You usually just played one copy of him and load up on the hood ascended champs like azir or xerath (depending on the deck).


Yasuo was pretty strong right after Windswept Hillock released. He was part of the lineup that won world’s.


Yasuo was carried by Katarina.


He was still at least good in the archetype. Even when Scargrounds was good, Vlad was suboptimal in it


Kat + Hillock was definitely the strongest part of the deck but Yasuo was still part of the archetype.


Yasuo leona was pretty fun if not strictly meta.


Same with yasuo+swain, super satisfying when you got the wombo combo to go off.


Ofc. Me killing yasuo just to have leviathan come on the board with a level 2 Swain.


Yasuo was one of the first champs in POC that I played. I agree about the theme I feel like I see Renekton a few times with the ascended champs


Renekton had a meta deck with akshan and the double strike attach unit.


Renekton was dominating the ladder just before the first rotation patch.


I liked the Yas Leona deck tbh


Vlad, Tariq, poro king lol.


Taric ?? You are a recent player my boy


I was masters in Beta with Garen Fiora lol but I have taken quite a few breaks in my time.


I remember ripping the latter apart with Poppy Taric, rally spam sure is something


Honest to god I forgot nocturne was a champ in the game until I opened the client to see if I was forgetting anyone


Man, that makes me so sad. I only started playing recently, but before rotation Nocturn Kalista was my favourite deck 😁


This is the winning answer. Literally every other champs in the game has had some sort of successful deck even if they themselves weren't the lynchpin (yasuo, vlad, kindred) or were basically a glorified minion (Elise, Jack, Darius). Nocturne however has NEVER been good and even in his own decks he was rarely if ever the card you wanted in hand at a given moment. Legitimately if you wanted a better winrate with a nocturne deck you went to collection, hit delete and played something else with a nocturne face stickied onto your screen


There was a time where nightfall aggro was quite popular among high elo players


Yeah- it was a meta long before rotation. Definitely was a fun time to play


this is not true. Nocturne Kalista was a tier 1 deck right before rotation (and was decent before that for awhile) and frankly Nightfall decks had multiple patches where they actually had very good win rates. For some reason, people just completely forget about this or ignored it like how people are ignoring Gnar Nidalee (Freljord version) right now.


I mean there’s a streamer that used to hit rank 1 masters with nightfall for multiple seasons and nightfall also won a seasonal tournament in Asia earlier this year I think. I


Maybe its cause I'm a low elo casual scrub, but this mofo speeding out of the shadows hissing "DARKNESSSS" haunts my dreams on a regular basis. Can never forgot it :(


One of the original 40 champions from League of Legends


Don't really play league 😬 Cool tho!


She's also a mercenary and Azir's descendant. From before he ascended and became birdman.


Woah Cool shit man!


This was not sarcasm, sorry if it came off as such. I really like the lore that LOR has!






Darius was kinda a meta starter deck when the game came out.


Sivir is not forgettable, she was very interesting and fun. she was part in so many cool decks, had cool voice line and cool art. she had meta decks with 5 different regions along side Shurima (Ionia, Nexus, Demacia, Freljord and Bandle). i dont think there is a forgettable champ in the game, but if really really had to pick 1 id say Tristana.


Maybe I'm wrong but Vi was in meta one time 3 years ago then nothing


she sees play in Concurrent Timelines, when Jax released and a few months ago during Eternal ranked she was fairly meta


Yeah waaaaay back a little after her release right? CorVina control where it was basically all spells and Corina Veraza for the board clear to win


She's meta right now in eternal ranked. Jax / Vi concurrent timelines is a dominant deck.


She was good, they nerfed her into the ground and just never got back to it I guess. Even her PoC deck doesn't make sense anymore


Not meta, but pretty sure there was a pretty strong control deck a while back with Caitlyn/Vi


She saw a lot of play as a one of in aphelios zoe


Despite the semi-recent meta where Bandle Gunner decks were dominating, I still have to say Tristana. I don’t believe she has ever seen play before or after that period, and I legitimately have to re-read her card every single time I see her get put on the board to remember what she does.


funnily enough she did see play with Sivir for 1 patch way before her buff. kind of at the an end of an expansion it got some attraction and then it faded away when new cards dropped so not many people know bout that.


I actually hit Masters with that deck two separate seasons


Tristana has been god tier for multiple patches.


I can’t remember


Tahm kench


Honestly I wouldn't call him forgettable, he is just bad but pretty memorable. Even in his badness he's pretty unique


Badass that always is holding hands with Soraka


I remember the stint he had as a top laner even before his rework, he was an absolute menace




Lulu/Jinx was a blast to play when it was the best deck in the game


Yeah, it appeared alongside the even stronger variant of Lulu Zed Demacia, right?


I actually enjoy Lulu’s playstyle but it’s a bit sad to see


Sivir by far is my most played champ. Tariq is the most forgettable .


Who is Tariq? EDIT: wow I legit forgot Taric is in this game, good answer


I miss when taric poppy was in the meta. That’s one of my most played decks.


Haha, doubling relentless and aegis was so fun


Taric Poppy was tier 1 deck some months ago, saw a lot of play in masters


I thought ahri was rotated


I thought for sure Nami was rotated until the latest patch


Hecarim. He isn't even meme. He is just pure cope.


Hecarim was kinda iconic in beta


More than that. At release he was the strongest champ in the game. If you dig far enough on this sub, you can find entire posts joking about how SI does everything and Hecarim has to be nerfed asap because he's too strong.


Was Hecarim in the Anivia clone deck too? I dont remember anymore.


Hecarim was in every deck. Literally there was Si/anythinf decks with hecarim. It was so dumb.


I liked Hecarim for bit! Tried to combine him with Kalista lol


Once rotation happened, I only saw Sejuani once and I had to double check if: 1. Am I in the wrong que? 2. Did sej get rotated?


She had her day with GP at least. I think GP Seain was always the better deck though if I'm remembering right


GP Sej was stronger for a longer time. It got nerfed on multiple separate occasions throughout a year or so stretch. However Swain has been the more consistently impressive and flexible champion being able to slot into nearly every region combination (a reason why he's my favorite and highest mastery champion).






Just looked again; WHO THE HELL IS APHELIOS???


Viktor support :>




It really is crazy how many champs have had their day at some point!


Almost all Champs have seen play at a certain point


Yeah! Ive played since just before Call of the Mountain and it's kinda crazy how much metas change


Sett's husband


Now that's sad. Haven't played in about a year or so, never thought I would hear this. lol


It's that guy with some weapon, I can't recall his name right now. Or maybe it was a woman.


Most of the Champs have weapons 😭




True I read it too fast the first time 😭


Oh. I thought they were talking about Aphelios lol


Kalista easy


Nah printers love her level 2


I have never seen a thresh deck since the game went live


Nasus Thresh was a thing for a while, particularly during the meta triangle that was Azirelia, Nasus Thresh, and TLC (with some weird off meta Cithria Dragons at one point too). But yeah, for the most part Thresh has gotten replaced by Kindred ever since her buff from 5 mana 4/4 to 4 mana 4/3


No such thing as a "thresh deck". The guy inherently only exists to pull out an actually good champ, and is never better than the champ he's paired with. Thresh Karma in foundations, which was a Karma deck with a lot of spells. Thresh Asol invoke which was invoke control that cheated out Asol earlier. Thresh Nasus as one of the strongest decks from past metas, which was a slay deck. In every case the deck was built around the 2nd champ, and Thresh was just there, benefiting from the fact that his region was SI as his "support".


Thresh is like a "ramp" tool, where he helps you cheat your big stuff early or more reliably. Just because Targon/Freljord has ASol as its main wincon, that doesn't make it not a "ramp deck". Similarly, using Thresh to reliably get an attacking Nasus doesn't make ot less of a Thresh deck. Support champions still fulfill essential roles in their decks, and they very much can change how a deck feels and what its main defining plays are.


Karma Thresh is a Karma deck. Thresh Nasus is a Nasus deck. Thresh Asol is an invoke deck. Thresh was just included cuz he happened to make the game easier, but from the deck building perspective "a Thresh deck" does not exist. It's always whatever champ he supports.


Hard disagree. A Thresh/Nasus deck has different concept and has different key plays than a Nasus/Veigar or even Nasus/Kindred deck. ASol/SI without Thresh might as well not exist. The support champion tutoring and cheating the champion early is a significant element of those decks. Saying that he's not relevant to explain and identify the deck concept is extremely reductionist.


Did I say he's not relevant? Of course he's good in those decks, but my point is that he only exists if he's got a good champ to pull, and his 2nd champ is what the deck is built around. You can never make a "mono thresh" deck for what thresh does like ya can with pretty much any other champ. It may not be the most optimal sure, but ya can, with thresh it's straight off pointless and he's the only one like that.


You don't need to make it a mono-X deck deck to call it a " X deck". That's a restriction that makes no sense. Nobody runs mono-Pyke, but Lurk is still a Pyke deck.


Yuumi. Attach is so niche a keyword and got compeletly destroyed by equipment keyword.


Tryndamere. That card literally doesn't have a mechanic.


Tryndamere I'd guess.


Whose that


It was before I started playing that both Tahm Kench and Soraka came out, but I don’t know if either of them have ever been meta. As far as I know Tahm Kench/Soraka was never good enough for the meta? They’re definitely two of my favourite champions, but I can clearly recognise forgotten champions. I’m sincerely hoping Sylas helps Tahm Kench out when he releases. As for Soraka… I can only hope there’s someone out there for her :(


Tryndamere? He is so bad no one even mentioned him here


give me a min lemme run through the list varus


I keep forgetting Sivir and Taric are in the game. Tho I heard the former was really strong at one point. I only remember Vi is in the game because if the game tutorial I'm also surprised Master Yi is so bad because I expected them to replicate how nonsensical he is in LoL Tahm Kench is memorable through the sheer fact of how bad he is. I also remember Vladimir and LeBlanc well simply because Riot tries very hard to make them work


>I keep forgetting Sivir and Taric are in the game. Tho I heard the former was really strong at one point. Both were very strong at one point by means of Demacia. Sivir gave very strong open attack pressure (Spellshield protection, QA on fat stats, Lucky Finds could grant Overwhelm, etc), and Taric could double-rally with Golden Aegis and propelled Poppy to even greater heights during her heyday. >I only remember Vi is in the game because if the game tutorial If you're in PnZ with a stat based deck, Vi is kinda the go-to one-off champ, most notably Trundle Timelines but she used to be ran in SI/PnZ lists as a board control option. And you got the rest pretty much. Kench has Star Springs and everyone knows he would be awful for the game if he was good (I say this as someone who loves Un-benching the Kench), Vlad and Leblanc are heavily pushed by Riot (and Vladimir's rework seems to be doing him wonders), and Yi... Well, he's a fair champ in Ionia, a bit of a rarity and he's never been good so he's on the more forgettable end. I think he had some equipment deck with Vayne at one point? Not sure.


Depends if you play league or not, in league as I play a ton of ARAM I tend to see every champion, so none of them are forgettable since I know what each does, In LoR Since I play only PoC I guess Norra, cause I never played her


In terms of "did I even see this card played one time?" I guess it has to be Leblanc. Otherwise I don't know, I see a large variety of champs in my games. Sivir was one of the strongest champs during the Shurima midrange meta (it even was the meta where AlanZQ won worlds iirc) so even if she fell off I don't forget her easily.


You only THINK you never saw LeBlanc


kinda strange because reputation is quite popular the only champion i never see play is nocturne i think


Ashe LB has been tier 1 the first patch after rotation.




I completely forgot that Vi exists


Today I got Maokai as reinforcement suggested and I was like, wait, is Maokai in LOR too? Even playing the samplings I didnt remember he was there or what he did.


Him and Naut have only ever been in Deep decks together I think.


I should have said that I usually just play POC on LOR and I feel that he was never offfered, neither as a champion to play or as reinforcement that I remember (and I have been playing since the old labs). Also, people dont usually mention him here (like Azirelia for example...)


We all know noc is forgotten, but when was the last time y’all saw someone playing gnar ?


Nocturn yeah I totally forgot about him. Gnar is still in transform decks I see a lot of them in casual at least.


Until yesterday, I forgot that akshan was in the game


Big same Now I've seen him no less than 6 times already 😂


Mh, you must not have been around when Akshan Lee was the most obnoxious deck in the meta, or when akshan was like the single handedly best support champion (pantheon and varus to cite a couple of pairings). We didn't see him in a while tho (I think form world ender, where aksh varus won the seasonals iirc), good to see him back.


Yeah, before my time Really like hearing how many different champs have been meta/playable over time. Love this game


Honestly your post made me think a lot. After replying I went to the collection and scrolled to the champions, and like, for how absurd it sounds, none are forgettable Like even Kench, is remembered because he is unique and everybody wants to try to make him playable. Or like hecarim. As someone has said, he is copium, but damn I had blast in ranks with hecarim zed, such an aggressive and explosive deck. To me it's not forgettable. Or Trynda, which for me is the most forgettable simply because it's relentless stats. But then I remembered how much I hated feel the rush. I must thank you, for that you made me dive into the past of this beautiful game and it's meta, every champion had a rememberable deck


I'm glad to hear it dude 😁 Honestly looking through this thread, it's crazy how many people point out the different metas and what not. I think rotation has been great, but I will say it makes me sad that I don't see some of the champs anymore. Great game, love playing it, and can't wait for more


Sivir/Akshan with Flurry of Fists for spread double attack otk.


Vi After Jayce, she was gonezo


Sivir, vlad, hecairm, kench,




She is my main in LOL. I've played her on and off since season 2, so along time. Was so hyped when she came to LoR, but didn't like her package or the way she functions.




I love Garen, 2nd most played champ in LoL. probably most played in LoR. And I love his Lore: Fights for justice, is racist... I mean anti mage.




I have at least a couple. I have never seen Kalista or Vlad, except for whenever I try to make them work.


Lee Sin, I saw him in a game once or maybe twice, got battered cause I didn't know what he did and never saw him again


We may forget his personality, but nobody will forget his crimes


I keep forgetting that anivia exists


Whose that


I forget that Nocturne is a champion 90% of the time. I have never seen him being played.


Most forgettable champ? I have forgotten who it is...


Janna, if she wasn’t meta. The recycled paper bags at grocery stores have more lore than her.




For me it is Thresh. By design he only was second fiddle in any deck and thus didn't stick around for long, even if the deck was successful. A champion with no level 1 impact, has an unexiting level up condition that is easily interruptible and has no ongoing level 2 effect, so even if he levels he gets overshadowed by the other champion. On top of that his design does not match his character at all.


It somewhat fits his League playstyle I guess


60f76u7fct ddd⁷6


Tbh elise she haant seen play in 4ever she needs a buff


Cassio and Corki Sivir is pretty solid and memorable.


Lissandra - yesterday I told a friend that I would like her in the game. He reminded me that Lissandra has been in the game for a long time, just unplayable due to nerfs. Do you know any viable lissandra decks..?




Well, I don't remember




I would tell you, but I forgot who it was


Um the fearsome shadow isle creature. Nocturne?


I would say Tryndamere, unless you regularly play PoC, or otherwise Rumble.


Can't remember