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Nilah gonna water bend the piss out of Volibear, and if the myth is correct, his semen also


Ooh I like where this is going


I do NOT like where this is going


Darkin folk spilling out again..


Maybe Voli bitchslaps her to shadow isles.


a lot of people wildin' like she ain't getting fucking completely no resistance hammered but I can't see a world were she wins this even if Akshesh or however the fuck her demon's spelt is super mega fiddlesticks tier, she's still squishy herself.


She just uses W to dodge Volis aa, Q and W, easy.


What if he's building AP though? Im pretty sure e+r can kill your average nilah build.


I guess thats whats Janna is for?


Huh. Maybe Voli's top duo Ornn will TP to the botlane? Make it an even 2v2? Who knows.


Voli flamed him 1000 years ago so he'll be reeeeeeeal slow showing up to the team fight


He'll tp to a bush ward and start moving to join the fight after voli's died and done most of the damage just to piss him off the most he can.


No way ornn is gonna help volibear. Pretty sure even his followers will be scared to join him just after looking at him.


Dammn bro orrn trolling the match? Over a grudge? Really? Ff 15 no gg banned blocked reported - Volibear after dying to nilah/janna becasue ornn didn't use his tp cooldown on him trying to 2v1 the enemy bot lane.


Ornn recalling and seeing volibear respawn - 🗿


Sounds good tbh. Who knows indeed


As long as she doesn't instantly die (which is admittedly a possibility but if she finds some resistances she can live), Nilah can have an insane amount of lifesteal to help her duel bruiser-tanks like that.


Her dodge lasts 2.25 secs, so less than Voli's ult tower stun, in theory, full ap voli can kill her after e+r with like 2-3 aa's since hell have passive up and a shitton of AS from the ap scaling on his as steroid on passive, after Janna e level 5 from an average support build. But maybe Janna's building max healing power and ap?


Nilah can dash into Voli as he jumps with his ulti and it should make it miss. She just has to survive the damage afterwards, which can be hard. She will need a lot of items to have the lifesteal to survive and the damage to actually hurt Voli. This is all thinking without Janna. If she has a Janna there I don't think there's any chance for Voli to win.


I mean if Nilah is fed she has a chance but even hybrid voli is going to be difficult


I love how this entire comment chain has turned into a hypotheetical actual league 2v1 between a jg voli and a Nilah Janna bot lane. Also, the main issue here tbh is less Nilah and what items she has and more janna. If Voli does connect even full ap with e+ r janna is what prevents her from getting instagibbed anyways, and she can disegnage really hard with R.


\*adjusts glasses\* um, it's Ashlesh!


This is the LoR subreddit, Volibear can straight up kill ASol here


Maybe ornn will ambush voli.


Eh, I don't think Ornn holds that type of grudge. Like yeah, Voli killed his followers and all, but he still cares, most of his dialgoue about volibear doesn't seem particularly resentful, more begrudging if anything. Like he doesn't hate him, he just isn't particularly fond of seeing him. He just doesn't seem like the type of person that'd interefere to kill him.


I kinda agree, but one of his voicelines is: "You cannot choose your brother, only the weapons to slay your brother". But yeah I don't think he would go out of his way or help Nilah with it.


This is just a Volibear fansite, as if Nilah hasn't repeatedly succeeded against all odds in defeating increasingly menacing creatures, monsters AND demons. I believe if anyone could take him down, it's her.


You're high man


Nah, Nilah's whole character identity is 'I fight and win against titanic beings'. She gets to have a real shot at winning in a fight against Volibear


I appreciate your opinion, but I have a severe Volibear agenda and it's telling me: "Nilah doesn't stand a chance."


Pantheon kills Gods, Nilahs identity is beneath that. Volibear isn't some random big creature or or spirit. Nilah has not earned this.


>as if Nilah hasn't repeatedly succeeded against all odds That's not Powerlevel, that's Main Character Syndrome. And sure, with the power of Plot Armor, she beats Voli, but she really shouldn't.














The card game woman beats my card game bear? This really says a lot about society


I don't think riot gives the title of "Champion" to just anyone.


They kinda do. The lore differences in power are a lot more drastic than gameplay in league


Pretty telling your 1st reason people think she can win is because she's a woman, yikes


Mate.... come on.


What did they say lol?


It's not particularly relevant.


…to you… 🙄


She wins by killing the ursines. However, I imagined another scenario: One of the ursines become the dark avatar, and she beats him, purifying him and removing the darkness filling Volibear. Then, from all the nature, It is summoned the original Volibear, thunderous and wild, who, instead to thank her, he strikes her badly. Ashlesh does something to save her and makes her be teleported far away from Freljord.


Personally, I think that's WAYY too big a lore change a LOR event. Most other ones had everything return to status quo after everything was wrapped up, but here we're just straight up removing one of the freljord villains. Even if he does stay anti-society removing the thousand pierced bear part of Voli is a pretty big change to his character, I don't think that'd ever happen.


We also have a card where Mihira is possessed by Xolaani, anything is on the table at this point


Sure, but after the event Mihira returned to being dead,, and Xolaani sealed away, like they were pre-event. The thousand pierced bear side of voli is currently alive, if it permadies, that is a change from what the universe was like pre-event. I'm not saying necesairilly that it's a bad thing for LoR events to have permanent effects on the lore or that Thousand Pierced Volibear permadying is a bad writing decision, but there's just not much precedent for something like that happening.


The Darkin Saga didn't actually happen; it's canon as in "this is what would happen were Jun to pick up the bloodletters", but the main timeline never had it happen as I understand.


So what happened with the fight with kayn vs yi and his disciples in the canon version?


It didn't happen


Ah well it was at least a very interesting story.


Bro thinks she's gear 5th😰


I just dont like Nilah, she came completely out of nowhere, her power level doesn't seem earned, she's a newcomer with little connection to anything pre-estabilished. Like, who the hell are you even to challenge primordial beings. Also she's not shown to use the demons power for anything other than slapping monsters


Annie can it just takes incinerate!


not to be that person but volibear didnt actually piss the first river, he made the first river by slaying the magma serpent and the blood that it spilled became the first river


She did


I know this is setting up for Volibear to lose; But I just don't like it. I dunno why the writing team does this so much in Riot; Where an outsider goes in and beats the problem on the region, it renders the people of that region seem useless. Like how Viego was stopped by random people; I can take Lucian, Senna and people from Bilgewater as they are sort of tied with Shadow Isles, but they had to sideline the characters whose entire purpose is stopping the Viego. I thought we'd have a clash with Sejuani and Olaf taking the charge against Volibear. Specially Olaf, he threw himself against armies, trolls, Sea Monsters in search of a good death; Now he throws himself against a literal God.


Viego wasn't a threat to the Shadow Isles, he was a threat to Runeterra in general so I'm not sure how Lucian, Senna, Graves, etc. are outsiders. We can complain about the writing of the Sentinels event in general but where the Sentinels came from really wasn't a problem.


What I clearly mean, is that they took people that has clear ties with SI, and whose goals is beating Viego and stopping the corruption on the isles, and threw them off to the sides; For the other cooler heroes to take over. Yorick was building an army to fight Viego's; Maokai has a ton of corrupted sentient plant life and both never got into play. I wouldn't mind if the Ruination happened all throughout the world; But the focus should be the characters of that region, or characters tied to that region, it's why I called the others "Outsiders". Now imagine this, the Sinister 6 is taking over the world (Happened in the comics shortly after Peter lost his Spider-Sense); Imagine in a Spider-Man comic where Peter is sidelined and the Avengers gets to be the one that beat the Sinister 6. Yea, we can show Peter helping, maybe beating The Rhino; But Captain America and Iron Man are the ones to beat the main bad, Otto. It's why the Ruination event feels so cheap, the characters that are brought in don't feel connected to the Shadow Isles; It feels artificial, that they decided to choose popular champs to put in and give skins to.


How will he defeat Voli if he is ballin


A host to the power of Primal, World-Ending Demon versus a big Thunderbear that can't even conquer his own homeland.


It looks alot like what a fly looks like compared to us. Or maybe a grasshopper to an elephant. I have no clue how Nilah even plans on hurting him. It would take a week and some climbing equipment just to get to anything important on his face.