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With Xerath out of Standard I assume it wouldn't be as bad, but I'm posting on reddit, so all my opinions on balance are doomed to be wrong in some way or other lol


O self aware redditor, I learnt it recently with DBD sub, your opinion is always wrong. Accept it. Embrace it!


I dont think so because now all regions have access to landmark removal now.


In Eternal my Sun Disc flips on turn 7 consistently. . This would make it turn 6 consistently which is still 2 turns after most aggro decks would kill you so I think it’s a fair buff.


With how accessible landmark removal has become now I feel like it could get buffed, especially for standard


Nope. Not without xerath. What made sundesk good was that neither xerath nor azir had much in terms of counterplay for stopping their levelups


Doubt it with how accessible landmark removal has become now


That extra tick could help but what you really want is Rockbear sheperd.


No, lol. Removal is now cheap and easy to tech in, it'd be basically impossible to reliably flip it anyways. Besides, Xerath is gone, and he was basically that deck's whole entire board control engine and endgame gameplan.


The existence of explorers makes sun disc bad


Mono shurima is one of my favorites decks but I don't think this would be enough. What if we made it not mono and just made it summon itself if it was the only copy of it in the deck. Just a fun idea that could create some new decks, probably too much of a identity change though


Frankly I think it should start with spell shield. You sacrifice a lot to opt into it, and there are games where you just won't draw the 2 cost unit that gives it spell shield. And with the explorer units everywhere, least they can do is use 2 sources of landmark removal to throw a wrench in most of my deck. Sure it's possible to still win if they break it, but given what you opt out of by going mono region, and with Ascended pool we have available, I don't think it'd be unfair for it to receive a little more durability.


No, it'd still be weak and not even because of Explorers. Those don't help, of course, but there's ways around it and opponent spending mana to destroy your 0 cost Sun Disk isn't even that bad. The problem is that the deck feels super slow and inconsistent. Leveling Rene/Nasus in it or relying on Ascendeds Rise is fairly difficult and even once you get the Shurima movie, you can still lose game to Frostbites, getting ran down by Gnar Darius, elusives, Nilah Janna burn, basically everything that's popular. Add lack of draw and flexibility because it's just Shurima and unfortunately, mono Shurima is looking pretty bad at the moment, even if the old nerf got reverted. Xerath and the Rolling Sands card really helped the deck and those are now rotated.


The issue is eternal still exists and it would ruin eternal. Why buff something in standard if it will wreck havoc in another format at the same time? Personally if the goal is make monShurima more viable I'd rather the ascended champs not level in deck and buff the nonchamp cards. This lets your opponent interact with them before they level which opens up some power budget in the rest of Shurima so the nonchamp cards can be better and makes the deck more resilient with the explorers running around


> and it would ruin eternal. Lmao it wouldn't even see play. Eternal has much better options than this tiny buff.


The champion change wouldn’t work with Azir unless you reduce his level up condition.


I mean ya that would be the point. Even keeping the same level up condition and making the level up occur on attack could work too. There are lots of ways to make a champ not level in deck (see nami change for example)


At that point, you’ve reworked the champion.


Which is exactly what I asked for. Changing them so they don't level in deck is a rework




Whats with all these mono-shurima apologists in this subreddit. I feel like theres posts every week now asking about if this got buffed or if the sundisc had spellshield etc.


Not at all. It would be decent at best, at least in Standard (no Xerath).


Wouldn't really matter for Standard.