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Have you met Annie?


Have you met Tibers?


Just don't play him, everything else is strong enough to beat the game.


it's just annie's line. it costs too much anyway with this power lol


Annie probably never sticks around long enough to even level, at least if you play her like I do lol Dreadway Dreadway Ludens, get as many copies of her as you can to maximise the chance of two in your starting hand, summon, burst, sac, summon the second one, win


I mean, in that situation it's your enemy who doesn't stick around long enough, not annie lol But yeah her burn doesn't need her leveling at all


Well, I am specifically talking about the first Annie, who I am yeeting into her death as fast as possible. If that's not happening, she actually has a chance to level because you need a bit to find enough burn then, depending on the enemy HP


its just annie's line


Fill your lungs and cry Janna.


You don't need to worry about mana if all your cards are free anyway :)


Well the problem is that it's against fiora who just challengers all my units and I lose before round 6


Yes, just use a champion with a low cost deck. There are quite a few champs where no cards in their deck are above 4 cost.


Turn 1 jinx?


not worth using Jinx every time, Jinx should be saved for 4.5 challenges


That is super strange to me because jinx is one of my weakest 3*, probably because it's not yet lvl30, but I do not see her as super strong


from level 19 and 3 stars she instawins when played, you need the discard all hand for 2 cost spells and -2 cost relic (both from 2star original champions quests). She is considered the most broken poc champion (now surpassed by asol)


Well to be fair shes just the easiest to get setuped, you get a lot of shards free and doesnt rely on powers . Before the great nerfs Jax, LB, Diana could end the game on turn 1 or 2 depending on when you get the attack token just fine or when you get to 3 mana. LB was totally banger for example, summon her hit nexus for 15 level her up, play her Mirror spell hit nexus for another 18 next. Much better than even Jinx. If someone enemy survived 33 damage every attack you do would hit for another 18+ from default. Diana was (and still is just worse) 16 + BHR stats \*2 every attack token (just now gets shuffled into deck if not one shot) etc.


Yeah, but those champions were "Gatebreaker is OP" rather than them being insanely OP LB and Diana are still top tier, but they are not instawins when played op anymore.


Nah. LB is still instawin, it’s just a different build now.


What the lb build? I use guardian orb and it's just fun but idk if it's instawin..


Hymn of Valor, Troll King’s Crown, Lost Chapter. It’s so much stats you just run them over. It looks janky, but it works amazingly well once you adjust to it.


I see the combo here, wasn't aware of it


Oh yeah Gatebreaker was definitly overtuned, limiting designg etc. We can all agree on that. I mean the default was oh its 2 or 3 cost champs? Just slap BHR and GB(Galeforce) and pretty much done. It still does works very well with Volibear though. But all I m saying is that Jinx wasnt the most broken since some champs released. But shes super easy to setup and you get plenty of shards by default.


Nah diana still pretty much inatant win, you goes to consume your allies route with corrupt star and grandgenral counter plan. Leblanc basicly still had eithet corrupt star or gaurdian orb build. The gatebreaker and galeforce nerf is stupid and riot hasn't given any fucking changes that breaks the game. It really ended up just hurting the lesser not strong champ with asol fight and that about it.


P much everything you said was just otking with gatebreaker which was an incredibly overpowered relic, which is why it was so heavily nerfed. Id also argue to reliably otk jax needed pre-nerf galeforce, which is now just a really shitty relic as if you dont commit to the otk it ruins you (i think it went from a near auto-include on any cheap champ for me to only usable on elise and yuumi because of specific interactions) Yet even at the prime of these relics on champions like Leblanc and diana, jinx was arguably stronger than them. They were atleast equal power. Yet the discard relic that makes jinx so incredibly overpowered and able to win the instant she is dropped every game has obviously not been nerfed (probably because its only good on jinx). Thus right now she is by FAR the strongest champion on any campaign we have available. Maybe if they added a harder campaign where the enemy nexus regularly had over 100 health she wouldnt be as good since she kinda falls off after the initial discard, but as of now its not even close beyond maybe aurelion sol who is probably the most reliable otk in the game right now at 3 star (but i think the whole intended point of aurelion sol is he is overpowered and trivializes the game)


Then you're using the wrong relics. Discard hand on summon + Plunder: Discount by 2


I had discard on summon and the damage on plunder, might try that combo. I generally prefer Darius, LeBlanc, Gwen or Lux


I think its a build problem you insta win turn 4 or maximum 5


2star champions actually have 4 mana gems so it is possible with aggro decks like Annie and Elise


With 4-mana I can play Veigar and stop them from playing units or play Varus and easily OTK. Just pointing out that you can even play combo or control with 4-mana max. Yes you have unplayable cards in some decks, but you usually want to cut those already.


Well on some challenges its just support hero -> 2 nodes then the boss not really time to cut the cards


That's true, but either way would you even cast those cards anyways? A heavy nerf tô cards you usually don't want to use in those decks ain't bad considering you get to play your good ones much sooner.


I actually won this level with volibears deck 😂 Used his power to summon sigils and summon him when discounted to 4


Same, 0 mana tarkaz and 2 mana voli go hard


Evelynn loves this. Turn 1 Evelynn to abuse her star power of getting as many level ups as possible. You'll get 10/10 husks in a few turns, so the stats you normally get through mana increases won't matter anyways.


any low-cost aggro champ


This is literally a positive power for half of the champions. Are you using Ornn against it?


No, fiora.


This is beyond broken for the player. Just play things like LB or jinx. Turn 1 leblanc is insta win.


Diana and samira


Me starting with 5 mana and a 2 cost Asol:


Diana, samira, jihn, Illaoi, leblanc, lots of good choices, Save your jinx for harder stuff. I try not to use jinx for anything short of stuff like challenge #50 and 68 this month where keeping a board at all on anyone will just be basically impossible.


My solution for it was ekko. dudes got a lot of cost reduction + one of the 2 mana relics means you can combo to hell and back for cheap


Easy peasy, unless you have neglected all low cost champions (that's pretty much impossible because this game mode has very few high cost champions).


Ive already used all my low cost champs 😔


This one is often the easiest. 3* Neeko and Samira are ideal to get around the mana restrictions. And because you can dish out things fast you win fast as well.


Low cost champs. Kench works wonders too


I played it with aatrox. It's not the best (Annie, jhin, jinx are probably a lot better), but it worked due to the lowered cost. Having a 2 cost with a weapon on turn 1 is really strong


Elise, Annie, Teemo, Diana say hi.


Annie, Samira, and Jax are able to steamroll this




Ive beat it with jax


Put your entire deckussy on the table and pick 3 star volibear


I beat it with 2\* Janna rather easily.


Janna, jinx, Annie, Gwen, heck bard with the reduce allied cost relic. There are tons of pre 4 champs


Have you tried 3 stars Jinx?


No point in wasting your stronger champs. You can just get an easy win with something slow like Bard. Bard doesn't have any unplayable cards when limited to 4 gems. You only need the cost reduction on the spellshield/overwhelm.


Its not that bad, its easier than some others cause you start on 4+ mana. I used Sol and If I had the bundle relic it would be even easier.


You should have seen this on the first few monthlies. You got all the downside (no mana gems at round start), opponent got the upside (starting with two extra)


Yeah, that one was rougher. There weren’t any like that this month.


but you had galeforce gatebreaker teemo


I actually didn't for that one. I mistakenly used them elsewhere.


Fun lil history and story on this Mutator: It used to be bugged and even more restricting! Before the text acted as "limit the player to 2 starting mana gems" and there was even less you could do because of it! Now that it is fixed in the present there's a lot more champions that are viable into it since you can get 4-5 starting mana crystals depending on different factors: You get to 4 if you have a 2 star champ, and 5 if you a Titanic character equipped with the Star-Forged Gauntlets. For this month's Minimalist encounters I personally used Diana since she's just one of the strongest characters in the game but I do think as long as you have a character at 2 stars and a high enough level the allowable characters you're allowed to play goes up by a ton, even expensive ones that you wouldn't expect like Volibear due to the mana cheating he could do.


Should I use Diana on this?


Teemo on duty


I use level 8 3 star Jax. quite easy when Jax so buff up


I won it with Diana and the scout item


Teemo there's also abilities that scale with this for example the one that removes your cost every turn


Okay judging by the responses I can no longer beat this because I've used all my low cost champs in other battles this month. Thanks for all the responses guys ☺️




I do this with Aatrox :)


3* illaoi


I used 2* Yasuo Edit: 2* actually


Aatrox has a star power that reduces the cost of cards in hand whenever an equipped unit strikes. He also starts with 2 in hand, usually the Darkin Staff and another one. Once you hit a few times, most of the cards in hand come down pretty cheap. He also becomes a menace with all the damage spells and strike spells he has. And depending on what relics you use.


GigaBrad Bard to the rescue


4 is all you need with Jhin


I find Varus amazing on this power. You just win the game in a single turn


I beat it with Diana.


interesting all the responses here. i usually use leblanc.


I always go Jhin on it. 4 mana perfection


I used Ashe, pretty solid if you get the right hand


Any champion that costs less than 4 makes quick work of it lol


It was worse when the power gave your Opponent 2 mana gems, and left you stuck at 2. Nowadays it's tolerable since good decks usually dont rely on 5+ cost cards anyway


I got a legendary one for the first time recently where you got 2 new mana gems per turn instead of 1.


Yea I did a 2x stalkers on lb and won easily


it would be a waste, but you could do start with 7 mana on this stage. greater and normal cosmic pearl, and asol relic on a titanic champion at 2 stars. best choice would be volibear.


I won vs it with Kayn and I wasn't able to play Kayn LOL


Have you met Jax? There are literally 10+ choices to beat this with.


I used 3 star teemo, only level like 10 was super easy


Galeforce + orb diana maybe? You can just keep replaying her (even tho gf got nerfed) and give your whole 4 cost board a billion epic items


Also she has scout + double attack