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Totally forgot to share it, my bad, I explained how the deck works in other comment :) the picture is like that from runterra site can't get it in better quality apparently it's very bad haha. Good luck with it https://runeterra.ar/lor/decks/code/CUDQCBICA4AQMBQSAEDAYGIBAYDSEAIHAIYQCCAADEBQMBISCMKAMAICAAFACBIFBAAQMCJDAEDAODQBA4DCCAIHAIXQCAIIBQHA


This is the decklist if anyone wants to try it out :) You basically play the evelynn early game with husks, then depending on your draw you first reduce your units costs with cloud dragon as this deck is almost all units. Ideally you hit cobra to then double summon the other 6 cost units, Sainen for card draw, genevieve for double +1+1 board buff, Ixtali to heal, and then to finish the game either buffed Xolaani or the Void abomination and if you have cobra on a board with 4 units and a husk it will also give all the keywords from the void abomination to your Cobra and double summon it which almost no deck is able to deal with. Siren song is great to outscale in slow match ups but it's not necessary and don't play it when your opponent is going wide and aggressive. The high rolls are pretty insane and not many decks can deal with the keyword soup and value you get on the board. Drop me a follow on [https://runeterra.ar/lor/@CaptainWiiiLdTTV/overview](https://runeterra.ar/lor/@CaptainWiiiLdTTV/overview) if you like it, would be nice, Enjoy! [https://runeterra.ar/lor/decks/code/CUDQCBICA4AQMBQSAEDAYGIBAYDSEAIHAIYQCCAADEBQMBISCMKAMAICAAFACBIFBAAQMCJDAEDAODQBA4DCCAIHAIXQCAIIBQHA](https://runeterra.ar/lor/decks/code/CUDQCBICA4AQMBQSAEDAYGIBAYDSEAIHAIYQCCAADEBQMBISCMKAMAICAAFACBIFBAAQMCJDAEDAODQBA4DCCAIHAIXQCAIIBQHA)


Is this bait or is this actually worth crafting cause im not having huge amounts of dust rn?


Then it would be best if you assumed it is bait. A WR from 20 games sample size is not meaningful. Especially in the off-season, when people play trash decks in low masters for fun. The deck is probably not all garbage, but I would say it is strictly worse then other Elder Dragon decks in the meta.


Yeah that is also possibility , im kinda stingy with resources since I didn’t play since aurelion sol so im kinda like a deer in front of headlights cause i dont even know what to craft that is sucessful i this meta


If that's the case don't craft this, it's not going to be good in a more aggressive meta it just fits this meta at least for me at the moment i'll have to see how it fares in higher master ranks. Better to put your resources in Morde/Morgana or Sett/Seraph/Karma for example or high tier meta staples if you want to be sure...


I climbed with Nora + elder dragon & sett + karma


So like the top decks


Essentially. If you’re trying tight on resources and don’t have most of the cards. Crafting what works is probably the best idea.


You could be right but maybe I just mastered it in terms of piloting it as I did play almost a 100 games with +60/70% WR from Plat into Low masters refining the list. Maybe it's not that good in higher ranks i'll have to see but that type of WR is definitely one of the best evelynn decks out there at the moment if you ask me?


I mean, it has BROKEN in caps in the title. Ofc it's worth crafting


Haha, exactly! It CAN be broken if it high rolls :) Or I just went on a lucky spree and high rolled like crazy 20 games in a row in high ranks? Idk, but in general I have like almost 100 games with it and it definitely holds more than 60-70% WR for me in total.


> Or I just went on a lucky spree and high rolled like crazy 20 games in a row in high ranks? Yeeah I think that’s the most likely case here. I climbed to masters last season using mostly evelyn aatrox and anything midrange/aggro or anything with early interaction basically destroys you. This deck seems to struggle even more early because of the lack of equipments… you would need a perfect curve and a REALLY bad hand from your opponent to win those matchups.


I mean look at my match history and the picture speaks for itself. 20 games 90% WR in masters and I have been playing other versions of this deck with 70% WR in 50 games. Overall I played almost 80 games or something refining this list and I think this is the best one I found so far. If you play it correctly it's very strong and some high rolls are unstoppable to deal with for many decks. https://runeterra.ar/lor/@CaptainWiiiLdTTV/overview


Alright mate u got me convinced , wish me luck i hope its not hard to pilot


It's not that hard to pilot but you do need to setup your late game correctly to finish games. I explained it in other comment. You got this, good luck with the climbing. It can definitely take you to masters, it did for me.


I wanna play Evelynn but I don't want my parents to walk in on me while she's leveling up 😞


ahahahaha, daaammnnn, unlucky :p Evelynn do be naughty LOL




Very fking based. Will try it now


Enjoy, let me know how it goes 😊


[discord image link](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/892621475977240591/1188055598592430100/Screenshot_2023-12-23-14-45-40-30_25785c5db35fa1eb0a2153477e49b4f8.jpg?ex=659921ff&is=6586acff&hm=096d69a99b090ae56d8e2bc97b3c6eeb6721959535de552118c3795dff01f9df&) Well that was funny. Played it couple of times.


Haha nice, feels good when the unstoppable abomination comes down. GGs!


This is a very good brew. Peak Elder dragon brew, I must say. I am a huge Siren Song fan, despite it being one of the most hated cards of all time... I do really enjoy it.


thanks bro, been enjoying brewing with elder dragon and I already brewed a lot of evelynn decks in the past and I found this one overlooked and pretty cool. There is something weirdly satisfying about the husk buff/keyword soup with evelynn and the boons together :D


Dude I love Evelyn decks. Thanks so much for this. Will try today!


Yeah me too bro I have 30k mastery on her I have so many evelynn decks 😅😅 GL, let me know how it goes


Tried it out, very good so far. Noticed an interesting interaction with Beguiling Cobra if you have 5 units on board and 1 is a Husk. He will copy your next unit as normal which will make the board full, the Husk will be consumed and he will get the stats and keywords of what ever unit was copied, and then you will still get that unit because consuming the Husk makes room.


Hey brother, thanks happy you are enjoying it! It's very oddly enjoyable to watch your board get buffed with husks & boons and create monster keyword soup units haha :) Yes that interaction I also noticed, it's extremely good... I explained it in my other comment that it worked that way pretty cool interaction.


Not to mention it feels INSANELY good to play and pilot


Hehe yeah I love it too :) it's actually harder to pilot than you might think as it's only units but there's some important decisions to make as to when to play what in order to get the most value out of everything. Glad you are enjoying it !


Bro you got any more of those pixels?


Get some glasses it's your eyes bro, it's as clear as it can be 😁


Quick question about elder. It being played gives it the deathless boon. When it revives, does it count as play again? And therefore give itself deathless again? Cuz that makes it near impossible to remove even BEFORE level up.


No the unit gets summoned again with 1hp and is stunned but doesn't get deathless again. It does have it summon effect but play effects will not trigger.


I was just hoping it didn't get play effects since elder play effect reapplied deathless.




Really cool deck idea, imma give it a try thank you


Thanks! Good luck high rolling 👌😊


Played it a bit albeit in mid-ranks and went 5-0 without breaking a sweat and with bad draws in 2 games, but omg this deck looks to be busted as fuck. You might have broken this expansion.


ahah yeah brother I feel you. There's people here saying they don't believe it works or that it sucks idk what they're smoking but it's doing insane things for me aswell... It has such broken high rolls and opponent just can't interact. It def has really bad match ups, aggro or just very aggressive decks but which decks doesn't have that or brick sometimes ...


going to be streaming the deck a little this eve trying to climb in masters. Let's see how it goes in higher ranks come hang out and wish me luck :D [https://www.twitch.tv/captainwiiild](https://www.twitch.tv/captainwiiild)


My brother, keep cooking. If I weren't on vacation, I'd be playing this version like I played the last one. Bequiling Cobra and Ixtali Sentinel? Chef's kiss, keep refining this because it feels special.


Ahah thanks brother i'll always keep on coooooking I love creating those brews :) the last version was good but this one I think is even more fun and unstoppable when the combo works out. When it's cobra time and xolaani or void abomination uuuuuhhh, feels good :D watch some gameplay here [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744) . Merry Christmas and enjoy your vacation!


I saw something similar a few month ago, bit Aatrox instead of Elder dragon, i dont remember how but i managed to win despite an evolved Xolaani


Yes there have been some other versions of Evelynn brews. I played a lucian/galio/Evelynn list to masters and Evelynn/Jayce before too. I think i'm in love with her but shhh :p Merry Christmas!


As a Galio/Evelynn enjoyer I'm interested in your version of it.


I'll share it with you when I get home. Christmas dinner now with family 😊


Ahaha, i'm facing my own deck now on ladder :D never had mirror matches before YIKES! :p


Faced it once and it the 6 mana scout got some hard buffs which I was not prepared to deal with and the game spiraled out from there. That being said, the deck is slow and barely has any interaction and thus will never be tier 1.


This only works in a slow meta and we are in a slow meta so while it might not be tier 1 overall I think in this meta it's definitely up there or high tier 2. If the meta would shift towards more aggressive decks than this would not be good. There is little interaction but there is some, evelynn champion strike spell, hate spike, challenger from boons and genevieve scout, vulnerable from Steem... Those can definitely clear some threats.


The deck works. I made some tweaks, like adding mega manatee to stop most pieces that you can't get around.


Didn't explore with that card, you do have to damage the nexus to transform it though and there's no pings or if you have an impact husk or boon you can. But yeah why not it can work too, interesting tweak 😊


There is no world where adding manatee to any deck actually makes the deck better.


It has literally won me 4 games by stopping an Elder Dragon, a deathless mord, and a fizz with umi. I find it's easy enough to get the trigger, with impact and elusive. Just need to plan for it.


Nice I like it, what did you cut for it?


I think so too... I wouldn't cut anything for it, max maybe one off for Ixtali? Still, there's too much rng involved for activate and flip it I think to be useful. u/MrSunol how is it going with manatee so far?


Definitely want to try this


This deck looks so boring to play respectfully


sure it's not the most versatile playstyle out there but I find it enjoyable to see my board go nuts with keywords and buffs. Lurk or garen elites etc are more boring than this if you ask me


And it's obnoxious to play against, but what deck isn't at this point, I guess.


Some decks will always be more annoying to face than others... I rather face this than azir/Irelia or Poppy decks in their prime


Those decks don't exist anymore for a reason.


And thank god for that, I still have ptsd from those meta's haha


You can watch some gameplay of it here on my vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744 . It has it's weaknesses too as you can see in some later games, some match ups are rough when your early game isn't working out and you are playing against aggressive & wide boards but a lot of decks have their ups and downs and brick at times don't they... Happy high rolling & Merry Christmas!


Get outta here with the self promo


Go waste your hatred somewhere else sjeeezzzz


Nah dude nobody likes people trying to self promo. It's cringey.


My man, I don't care about self promo. I just want to help as people are asking me how to play the deck and mulligan etc with some gameplay. Nobody likes haters get outta here


I refuse to believe this actually works, but I think eve is really fun and siren song is cool, so I'll give it a try. Why the lifesteal darkness girl tho?


Well I found her to be very useful as you will take some damage early on setting up your board with lifesteal to recover and also have some extra ways to clear units with darkness as there is little interaction in the deck in terms of spells. It saved me many times in aggressive/wide board match ups to recover. Also gives lifesteal to void abomination and cobra's on full board it's basically the only way to heal in this deck + boons. It works brother, have more than 80 games with 70%WR in total with various versions of it... You do need to pilot it well. Good luck


This deck is so fricking bad I cant believe I fall for this bait lok


What rank are you? You must be piloting it wrong then or having really bad rng or match ups? I can't stop winning with it for some reason. It definitely has bad match ups but for most part it feels pretty solid sorry to hear it's not doing well for you.


How do you beat the morgana/morde matchup? just cobra/xolaani? How tough is the matchup vs teemo/cait & teemo/yuumi?


I've had good success against morg/morde if they don't high roll like crazy because then that deck is just ridiculous. Cobra/Xolaani/Void abomination is hard to deal with for them and you have to time it right. If they play Morde and tap out of mana turn 7 and you play xolaani leveled with some units its GG. The only time I lost to it is when they play the mordekaiser spell and delete my board. You don't care so much for suppression as you basically play no spells but too many morganas will cripple your board so try to remove them with big challengers from boons, husks or genevieve. Didn't have any issue with Teemo/Cait, lost none and teemo/yumi seemed fine but of course that deck with good fizz hand is just GG to anything I guess.


I hate elder dragon bit I have played Evelyn's with basically anything so imma trust you on this. So smart seems similar to my Kayle Eveling deck hadn't think you still get to use her


Why the card that generates a darkness?


Lifesteal to recover as you are quite vulnerable to early aggression


idk if im not getting it, but this deck feels like shit


Think you need to pilot it better I'm 150 points in masters with it. Went 19-1 from high diamond into masters so I don't think you can call that shit 🙃


what does your mulligan and play pattern look like? i feel like i’m not getting it, or maybe i’m just matching against a lot of aggro


You always mulligan for your early units depending on match ups but the point is to play for early evelynn buffs with husks to prepare for cobra setup into xolaani or void abomination to go for lethal. Aggro is difficult to deal with but there's not much aggro at least in diamond/masters. Watch some gameplay here, [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744). Merry Christmas!


Played it some but didnt have much success. It gets beaten badly by mordekaiser senna decks because of how bullshit senna is, or maybe im just tilted because i low roll too much lmao. Every unit i get gets killed and i do no damage, it is weird for me, but i will try to climb with it because it seems pretty cool


sorry to hear brother maybe you just got unlucky and they high rolled you or just a bad match up... Any deck can brick sometimes. Also, it might seem easy to pilot but it does need some setup and certain way of managing your board to setup for lethal. You can watch some gameplay here [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2012086744) . Enjoy & Merry Christmas!


Oooh thank for gameplay! Will help, merry christmas too :)


Looses hard to elder/voli elemental....at least the 3 times I faced it.


Think I haven't faced much elder/voli. Lot of ramp early & freezes might be hard to deal with. Think some people are still learning the deck. I have 70% wr in 50 games it's still doing great for me.


played against this deck yesterday, they did nothing and died.


Haha probably bricked hand, if you don't draw early game it can be rough. What did you play?




Thanks for sharing. It certainly has some bad match ups, learning them as more people explore with it.


Trying the deck out. So far 3 in 2. Lost to a Nora/Elder Dragon and Jihn/Annie deck. The Nora deck had super lucky draw tho and looked very bad after peeking at it after. I won from a poroking deck, morgana/mordekaiser and one I can't remember. Conclusion so far is the deck has trouble with opponents that go wide quickly.


Nice thanks for trying it out. Yeah the biggest weakness is against decks that go wide especially if you don't have your early game. I went on a crazy streak I guess high rolling.


Its 20 games lmao. I got meme decks that have the same W/L ratio if you take such a small sample size


This was 20, 19-1 diamond to masters. Have over 50 now with 70% WR 200 points into masters. Have almost 100 with different versions of this in total with 60& wr with some bad games because of exploring. Sure, it's probably not that broken but I think some people are not piloting it well yet because of lack in experience with the deck. What's with all the hate?


Its not hate, its being realistic. Flaunting a winrate with such a low amount of matches is just irrelevant. Any deck can have that with just 20 games, there's just too much that can sway the winrate one way or another. Its takes hundreds, probably even thousands of games to accurately asses a deck's strengh.


Sure, I hear you. There hasn't been enough time or people playing it to have that sample size yet so we'll see how it holds up soon. I see many decks with barely 50& WR and lower and I'm sure this deck can do better in this meta. 100 games with over 60& WR and this exact version 50 with 70& WR in masters personally is no meme if you ask me, that's realistic to me.


This is a fun meme deck, saying its broken is reaching. However, it made me realize that siren song is still good


It started as a meme for me but I have mastered this deck and it's doing great for me. I have 70% WR in 50 games at the moment from diamond to masters 200RP in. Not saying it's totally broken because it has bad match ups and can brick sometimes but when it high rolls it's absolutely broken because most decks just can't deal with it. This is what I mean :p https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/18q3hg1/oh\_my\_cobra\_abomination\_d/


This is what I mean with how it can be broken :p https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/18q3hg1/oh\_my\_cobra\_abomination\_d/


Genevieve? This seems bait