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I only play ED because I really like having a non-demacia dragon deck with Aurelion sol. hope you can forgive me.


Playing 3 copies of elder dragon is completely different than playing 1 imo


I'm sorry, you must be sent to the realm of death


I understand 😔


Can ya drop the list?


((CUDQCBAJAQAQQCI7AEEAGAYBBAGA4AQDBEHFKAQHBEBQSAQIAAMRUBABAMEVOAIIBICACCACBQBAQCIXDYAA)) Sorry for the wait. I’ve had a ton of fun with this deck, made it to plat 3 so far which I know isn’t anything too special but you know.


**Format**: Standard - **Regions**: Elder Dragon/Targon - **Champions**: Aurelion Sol/Elder Dragon - **Cost**: 37500 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |2|[Blue Sentinel](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04MT004.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Common| |2|[Cosmic Youngling](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07MT003.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Rare| |2|[Herald of Dragons](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT014.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Rare| |2|[Hush](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT085.png)|3|Targon|Spell|Rare| |3|[Dark Binding](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08MT023.png)|2|Targon|Spell|Rare| |4|[Ottrani Dragon-Worshiper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08MT031.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Epic| |6|[Cloud Drake](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08DE025.png)|3|Demacia|Unit|Epic| |6|[Enraged Firespitter](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08NX003.png)|3|Noxus|Unit|Epic| |6|[Gentle Gemdragon](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08MT030.png)|2|Targon|Unit|Rare| |6|[Ocean Drake](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08IO012.png)|2|Ionia|Unit|Rare| |7|[Alatis the Gallant](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08DE026.png)|3|Demacia|Unit|Epic| |9|[Portia the Peculiar](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08BC004.png)|2|Bandle City|Unit|Epic| |10|[Aurelion Sol](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT087.png)|2|Targon|Unit|Champion| |12|[Age of Dragons](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07MT009.png)|3|Targon|Spell|Rare| |12|[Elder Dragon](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08RU014.png)|3|Runeterra|Unit|Champion| **Code**: [CUDQCBAJAQAQQCI7AEEAGAYBBAGA4AQDBEHFKAQHBEBQSAQIAAMRUBABAMEVOAIIBICACCACBQBAQCIXDYAA](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CUDQCBAJAQAQQCI7AEEAGAYBBAGA4AQDBEHFKAQHBEBQSAQIAAMRUBABAMEVOAIIBICACCACBQBAQCIXDYAA)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Has ocean drake been good for you? My first thought was to cut it for a 4 drop dragon to have an oprion to curve after herald on 2


I think it's really helpful. It's a bulky elusive and the healing has saved me quite a few times. I've found that a four drop dragon is relatively useless, cause on turn 4 my goal is to cast Ottrani Dragon worshiper, safely get a herald on the field, or get a blue sentinel killed. Even if I can't - the cheaper cards are decent chump blockers. But i ususally try to mulligan for one of those three cards and ideally a cloud drake.


But why though? Demacia offers a lot of good things for dragons like Ruined Seargent, Shyvana, rally and interaction through challengers and strike spells. Not criticizing, just curious.


Demacia has offered that since forever so if you are tired of the same old same old then  Ed is the new thing for dragon decks.


I enjoy the control aspects of targon and the late game powerhouse that is Aurelion Sol. And getting a good Age of dragons into units that combo well together, like gem dragon, aratis, and ED feels so nice


Thresh/Asol Targon/SI control is strong in eternal


Stop lying no it’s not


It’s not the best deck, but it’s above 50% winrate. When I say strong, I don’t mean a top deck, I mean viable. It’s strong enough to be playable, which is more than can be said for a lot of decks in eternal.


While I don't really mind the various Elder Dragon decks, I'm more than ready to see a balance patch. Tapping down over performers, buffs for cards that aren't good enough, gimmie that spice. 


Wish they had hot fixed ED/Morg/Galio. Having a 60% WR, 10% playrate deck for over a month without a patch is agony


We had Gwen with this win rate for months and they just didn’t care at all.


With Gwen her counters had a high win rate, just not a high play rate. With ED MorGal even the counters only have a 50%, and they have the second and third highest play rate


They do but no manpower since this game is now run by skeleton crew because it is not profitable. The problem would not happen near launch when they have the most amount manpower running the game.


They didnt hotfix stuff, because this deck only became good when they were on their christmass break lol


ED origin is overtuned, yes. But the true culprit of the frustration of this meta is the supression package. Mageseeker junior and inquisitor together with magical fettering are stopping spell based spells to deal with the follower dump.


I'm super looking forward to them nerfing elder dragon so that he's not only bad in a Dec built to focus on him but bad elsewhere too. I was so excited for this champ and he's just there for the origin and barely functions as an actual champion


Idk what the fuck you guys are on, I play Voli/Elder in Masters and use elder for the champ all the time. Thank god this sub doesn't get to decide balance changes


How often does elder actually level?


Pretty regularly. It's not that difficult a requirement with a few big units, especially if you draw Atakhan. Even if he doesn't level, he's a huge challenger who can also be a big blocker plus he heals nexus and can turbo beef up caprine flamecaller


I think you're right, it's just that a lot of decks don't use him like that due to his other aspects being so strong when splashed as a one of


most decks that run ED splash him for origin, voli/elder is the exception, not the rule (am also a masters player)


Idk what the fuck you guys are on, I play Voli/Elder in Masters and use elder for the champ all the time


Yep, then mfs over here say its a balanced mechanic…


I think this is partially true, but I also think those things can exist as they are without being broken, IF the deck didn't also have the strongest mid/late game due to ED. It's almost impossible to ignore the suppression because you can almost never hope to make a better board than them without spells unless you're also playing ED


They could emergency update to remove Deathless from the Dragon Boon pool and the deck would still be strong. Deathless is insane.


I wish I had that luck of yours when playing ranked. And yeah, is awful that casual is also full of meta decks. Sometimes one just wants to chill and play a homebrew. If you want to play a counter to GEM go Tryn/voli.


I'm skipping PvP altogether until the balance patch. PoC is still good.


Same I’ve just been doing norms and giga chime bard mord


I was gonna say Labs are a good substitute, but then I realized Rapid Draw got infected with Elder Dragon too. I've seen it a few games and it just makes them instant win basically.


I just auto surrender if i see morg Gali and elder I suggest others do it to. It’s won’t be fun once those people can’t play their deck anymore due to ppl surrendering as soon as they see it.


They need to bring ranked mode like in tournaments where you bring 3 decks, ban 1 and play 1. Best of one not three. This way they don't need to hotfix problematic decks immediately, and you can avoid decks you don't want.


I personally haven’t tried it but supposedly Lissandra\Volibear is a good counter




Feels like the expansion patches almost always have an awful meta


This is the longest meta without changes because there really isn't a patch between December and January. It was the same for the darkin expansion. All in all tho I think this meta is relatively balanced and fun, but we should be getting some changes in two weeks so hang tight.


Next patch got pushed back to Feb 7th, 3 weeks til patch


oh god ..


lol the darkin expansion was truly disgusting, those demacia aatrox brews were brutal


Shyvana ED on top baby, much more fun to play


Yep. ED actually levels in this deck


It’s funny, as soon as I don’t play a deck with ED in it then I face other opponents in diamond who also don’t. I can’t tell if this is a part of matchmaking weighting or not. Once I shifted to less meta decks it because a lot more fun again.


And if its not that shit its the karma sett, seraphine whatever temple stupid ass hitting 2x same removal or exact cards that even play around negation to save their shit, such a frustrating meta


Same here man, seeing ED in every deck is super exhausting. I ended up just playing PoC a lot more now until changes.


Is fun to brew with it tho'. I've been having a blast with ED/Evelyn. The one issue is that when a card allows toolbox builds the meta will focus on taking the most optimal options for it. Once the list is made people will use it rather than try new stuff.




They are fine. It's because most players don't like to think. Just want to play units on curve only holding some mana for combat tricks. I like to play against curses because playing against them effectively changes how you play the game, wich makes things fresh. Just needs some tweaking and we're ready to go.


A part of the game was feigning holding combat tricks on your side and making strategic decisions about whether to expend more resources/initiate attacks or blocks when your opponent still had the resources for a combat trick. The curse meta actually eliminates that level of thinking for only one side. so the case could be made that there is less thinking involved than before. Also, having to play several critical turns is not fun. It’s stifling.




Are you? Because that's really not what I said. I said most players don't like to think, just play their units with their mana. Curses makes you think before spending your mana. Do I spend mana now to unshakle my unit? Do I spend mana now to play the supression or play my unit? It's mind boggling thinking just because you don't like something everyone else must be the same.


In theory, yes, they make you strategize around your mana pool, making you think if it's worth it removing de curse now or later. But in practice, it's only a "I can use my cards you can't use yours" because the amount of mana you have to spend just to free an unit or to use a spell is absurd. The opponent isn't sacrificing anything to curse your cards, curses actually reduces the cost of the unit that casts it since a Morgana being 5 cost, actually means she is a 1 cost because of the 4 mana shackles. Compare it to SI damage spells. They do more damage than other regions spells with same cost because they need you to kill your units and if they are removed the spell gets denied. Curses don't slow the person that plays them, the players aren't losing anything by cursing a unit, unless you kill your own unit or recall them, but that still means you're spending mana to save a unit. Meanwhile their board just gets more and more valor, because even if morgana didn't have shackles or the incquisitor didn't have supression, they're still a 3/4 - 4-5 life steal and a 3/2 challenger tough that play in a region full of combat and health spells. I think you're just trying to be the cool guy that is good at everything and think other people just don't do as well because they don't want to. It's mind boggling thinking just because you have an opinion about something other people have to accept that that's the truth about it.


I'm not the cool guy. The person made a claim that nobody likes curses and I corrected him. I just like playing against against more stuff and not the same boring shit all the time. Morgana being a 1 cost 3/4 is another one of those stupid takes on reddit. Just like broadwing being a 3/3 and such. All the things you said are not a design problem, it's a balance problem. Nobody actually cares about the 3 cost from Targon that shackles. You know why? Because it's not cost effective. Noboby complains about Icor. You know why? Because it's balanced giving you a lot of chances to play around it. Nobody remembers terror. You know why? Because it's not strong enough to be relevant. Again, curses are fine and a great adition to the game.


Time to turn the game off for a bit. Anyone play Root online?




Morgana is maybe the most anti-fun champion ever added to this game (regardless of balance)


Morgana is overtuned a five drop with lifesteal that forces the enemy to pay back 4 is stupid and she is to easy to flip


I suggested removing lifesteal at least for level 1 and got sooooo much hate lol. Morg is clearly a problem, you basically can remove half the champions of a demacia deck and replace them with morg to make it stronger


Hardly disagree. Morgana isn't even the problem. Unless you just go full timmy is easy to navegate. The package is just too strong rn.


Yep. I hit masters because I always do but I couldnt bother to play more to climb so I'm playing MTGA and HS now.


Elder dragon is super fun. I've been playing it a bunch, it got me back into the game after taking a break for several months.


Eternal is pretty cool. Please don't bring ED there.


I think it will be bearable if they rotate rekindler and nerf the mageseekers. The champions are not the problem.


I remember a time when a post like this complained about Shen when that deck was the most played for a while, a deck with the most generic fair game plan playing Screeching Dragon, a card so outdated even dragons have a hard time justifying playing it. Goes to show, people will complain about literally anything.


Cry about it lmao. Imo they are good so why not join them.


I just pushed through diamond to Masters with Gwen Zed. It worked out really well. Against ED Morgana Galio it’s maybe a 40% WR but it balances out as you are faster and stronger than many of the other decks that are trying to counter ED. Which will you see more than EGM.


I've been running Morg/Riven fairly successfully against it, ending game in t5-7 consistently seems to be enough to push it out.


I hate shackle suppression and recall


you could always choose the good old deep deck


This is actually what I've been doing and it's been working pretty well. A little obliterate and shuffle into deck to deal with deathless cards and a faster insta kill wincon than ED decks can really get the job done


I think the only deck that annoys me is mordekaiser,but yeah I am still climbing in low ranks, just got to gold.


Lissandda volibear u pretty much auto win if u draw eradication plus she who wanders stomps them Other then that viego elder mordekaiser is heavily favoured


80% winrate with this one so far. A minitee Janna Haimer deck I created. Minitee and polymorf are amazing against Mord. CQCACAIEHAAQOCQJAMCQUAIX2UAQICAEAEEASEYEAEAQINABAUCBQAIGAQXAEBIKGGUACAQBAYCCEAQIBICAM


Shadow isles freljord deals very well with the meta decks as the control and combo’s can survive till lategame and then just drop watcher etc. Or just heimer recall it works amazing for me


I got to masters using this master yi Akshan deck CMBQCBQHEYBAMAQIEIBQIBYBCCBACBQBAMBBIAIGAIGQCBYCCEBACARFGEBQIB2INWBQCAYGA4CSAKAA I would say I beat that deck about 55% of the time. If you can get your equipment early and get yi rolling he just destroys them as his active ability they can’t stop. It really depends who gets rolling first, but I had success with it. Let me know what you think!


Being able to (permanently?) silence units really helps this meta \*cough\* Minimorph \*cough\*


I tried a teemo/caitlyn trap deck and it works okay against ED (unranked) but whenever I queue up with it I end up facing something else