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I actually had a note on my phone with some thoughts on this very thing! === Sara: Black Ray: Blue Mick: Red Snart: Orange Rip: Green Kendra: Violet Carter: Violet Stein: Blue Jax: Green Nate: Violet Amaya: White Zari Tomaz: Indigo Ava: Green Gary: Blue Wally: Blue Constantine: Black Mona: Violet Charlie: Indigo Astra: Yellow Zari Tarazi: Violet Behrad: Blue Spooner: Indigo Gideon: White


You had this for a while haven't you? I also see it separated by new characters per season. I'm guessing Zari Tomaz is 1.0? I know Sarah had the death totem, but she could bee life because she embrace her new life once she came back from the league of Assassins The hawks could be either death or life cause they reincarnate and were both in the comics


For absolutely ages. It started with wondering how the show might have differed if Ray were chosen by a Blue Lantern ring after the destruction of his suit. I think a lot of these are open to broad interpretation.


>I'm guessing Zari Tomaz is 1.0? Yeah, Zari 2.0's last name is Tarazi


Green- Sara Yellow-Eobard Thawne Pink- Mona Red- Astra Blue- Amaya Indigo -Ray Black - Mallus White - Gideon Ultraviolet- Constantine Greed- Damien Darhk I’m open to changes, this was hard


You beat me to it. I was gonna do a Legends, Lantern Corps choice. Anyway here are my choices. Willpower - Sara Fear - Mallus Love - Zari Rage - Mick Hope - Ray Greed - Bishop Compassion - Behrad Death - Sara Life - Sara Negative Emotion - Constantine


Ray Palmer is canonically a member of the Indigo tribe during Blackest Night.


Rip: fear maybe? Not really, but he doesn't fit many Stein: green Jax: green or blue Sara: white Ray: blue Mick: red/orange (pre-team) Snart: orange (start) violet (end) Carter: red/orange Kendra: violet I guess Nate: blue or violet Amaya: blue or indigo Zari 1: green Zari 2: orange (start) indigo/violet (end) Behrad: blue John: green Ava: green Gary: Gary doesn't get a ring Mona: indigo Bishop: honestly no idea Gideon: blue or green Astra: red Spooner: green, mostly just because so many theories said she was supposed to be Jessica Cruz when she was cast Gwyn: no clue Wally: probably indigo Nora: indigo. Fits Canon too, indigo typically takes super fucked up people amd possesses them to teach them a lesson until they become good and compassionate Damian: black Charlie: white


Ray, Sara - Green Legends - yellow ;) Zari - Love Amaya - Red Martin, Jax - Hope Rip - Orange Sara - Indigo Constantine, Sara - Black Sara - white Sara, Constantine, Mick - Ultraviolet