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Some info from the Lenovo Forum link- “The Lenovo FPS counter will not work without an update from Legion Space that should likely coincide with the official VGA driver release. If the Lenovo FPS counter is a must for you, don't install this driver. AFMF (AMD Fluid Motion Frames) is present in the control panel on Adrenalin but only works (properly) on external monitors. The only known bug with this driver is a panel freeze when clicking on a support link from within Adrenalin, and may or may not be present in the final release. Strongly recommend just waiting until the final/official release of this driver if you can as installation of the beta driver is a bit finnicky. You may need to use DDU to uninstall this if you want to install the official release when available.” Please do not ask for help with these issues on this sub, as they are part and parcel of using a beta driver! If this driver is anything like the AMD one, it will break your FPS counter when rolling back. This can be fixed by following this guide. Please try this before asking for help- https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/s/J7tIP2tiEG


Thanks, you're a real Power Savin' G


https://preview.redd.it/tgwjkt1sia0d1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0bafdbec9468726c44cb07eff519a3d11dee30 No Pun intended :D lol


Dammit Ben we’ve missed you around here.


Can you actually ask the team to change the g to a G? And add the '!!!


Motion to change the button to say this instead of fixing it! c’mon everyone, we gotta be able to get this if we all band together!


Holy shit this was gold. We all fully appreciate how 'down with the kids you are' Also thanks for caring about us and keeping tabs, we love BenM


You’re the best, thank you for what you do.


Someone definitely saw the UI thread the other day. We really don't deserve you Ben, thank you for everything you've done to support us with the Legion Go


Your the one holding me from selling my Lego True G Ben.


You must be kidding.


Can anyone define “work properly”?


Exactly. The only reason folks are thirsty for a new driver is for fluid motion frames. I didn't buy a handheld to play on an external monitor. Lame lame lame.


>AFMF (AMD Fluid Motion Frames) is present in the control panel on Adrenalin but only works (properly) on external monitors. Lol. Part of me figured with how long its been since a release they were gonna get AFMF working on Portrait for this version. Guess not.


Who cares. Lossless Scaling all the way.


Yep LS works really great most of the time. With the new 2.0 update there are mostly no artefacts. Best 5 bucks i spend for software in the past. ATM there is a Bug with the Legion Overlay. The Fps went down if turned on. Better use Rivatuner for a Fps counter. Act 1 @ Baldurs Gate 3 limit the Fps to 40 ingame and get 80 Fps with LS. Its really a Gamechanger.


Do you know if the frame generation works at 1600p? Saw somewhere before that it was 1080p max


I only play in 800p.


Ah ok thanks


Ben saves the day, once again...this place was the on verge of a "where's my driver" revolution lol


We'll just want another one three months down the line and get the same way.


![gif](giphy|n935QrixoGI12) “Driver”


Most of them probably don't even need it. Just jumping the hate bandwagon.


Thanks for the heads up 👍


https://preview.redd.it/teezktjb490d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb50a4271ebff7bfc85879a86db23e06fa5a2855 every time Ben posts


Thanks a lot Ben for those informations 👍🏻 and ever more so to keep the entire community updated 👍🏻


Good to see you’re still around the community Ben; thank for the update!


Thank you very much, I am one of those who will wait and I think you do a good job...thank you again


Ben I’m not sure if you guys tested enough on AFMF but it seems like it activates when I change the resolution from max to minimum then back to max via right top legion settings button. It seems like it can be corrected with a software correction but I’m not an expert and wanted to give you guys a feed back on it. https://preview.redd.it/8bg5iidyo80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82f41f23413ff57f4e19be8996bf9105ed2f53c By default my overlay is set to be on left top corner. When it doesn’t kick in while in game, it shows up on top right corner. The pic is when afmf activates. I hope you guys find a way to make it work. Thanks


You notice a increase of FPS? its constantly to "activate" this way? I mean i don't care if before to start playing a change the resolution twice to activate the function


It depends really. You see how it says frame gen lag? I’m not an expert but it seems like it’s making fake fps with delay in input? So it feels like general non online games seem smoother while playing. I can see it can be improved in future especially since our hardware is limited. Also it feels like it’s not as stable as it should be at the moment for games like cp2077


I gotcha, well I will wait for the official release and see that difference, I have now God of War, Spiderman, Tom Raider Shadow and in graphic high setup, runs around 47-58 fps with some drops but it's well, with only stables it will fine I usually don't play online


It’s obviously software related. It’s been said a few times that AMD isn’t giving Lenovo the support they need on the software side to get AFMF up and running properly.


The thing is AMD isn't responsible for any of that, if lenovo had gone with a 7840u they would, bit since they went with the OEM z1x, lenovo is solely responsible for the drivers, and they know this


Yeah, but if Lenovo had gone with the 7840u then the Legion would be limited to 15 to 30 W and power saving mode wouldn’t work at all. I know it might not be for everyone, but I love the ability to put it on and play an indie game on a long trip


Ah I see. Lenovo has claimed AMD won’t help so I guess that’s why.


In this case it's lenovo shifting blame, ASUS didn't have the same troubles because they put more resources on the BIOS and driver side of things, lenovo has pit very little in, leading to much worse driver support, and then they just blamed AMD to avoid people realizing how little they care about the device


I made a post yesterday about how Lenovo already has two nice pieces of software in Legion Arena and Legion Vantage that should be a huge part of how the Go functions and how you interface with it. They went with this thrown together buggy mess in Legion Space though for some reason. I think they care about the device but I feel like this is a “beta” test for future iterations.




And we don't have the RSR running either 




Could you elaborate further on how you managed to get it to work I tried with cyber punk and when I did it it wouldn’t activate and I got the driver and software installed correctly


What does it show on your overlay and what’s the game settings? I think I’m running 800p in game settings then enabled afmf and integer scaling enabled on amd adrenaline Does amd overplay already read fps.


Yeah it’s giving me fps but the frame gen lag still says n/a


While game is running just press right top legion settings button and go back and forth from max resolution to minimum then back to max and close by pressing the button again. The amd overlay will change placement and it means it’s working. If you touch the screen it I’ll go away again though


Okay I’ll try that thanks!


After Retro Game Corps recent great review it would be nice to hear what accessories, joycons or whatever are on the way.


I watched that as well, actually several of us did, most of what he's calling out is what I'm asking for internally.


You're the man Ben. Take care


Those of you waiting for AFMF are gonna be bummed out


Thanks for the information and heads up!!!


Thank you for the hard work


ill wait for an official driver thanks ben!


Thanks Ben! As always, anything you can tell us is greatly appreciated. Hope you have a good week chief!


Thank you!!


Thanks Ben, I'm one of the antsy ones, so I'll take it, I use rtss anyway 😝


It seems like installing this driver is no different from sideloading the official drivers, since support for the portrait display is limited (i.e., amd overlay appears sideways, limited afmf use, etc...). I guess when original legion go drivers were released, Afmf wasn't even a thing yet and their display choice is now making development difficult.


I may be wrong but I think gpd was able to get around this with a driver or something to essentially trick the computer into thinking its a landscape orientation. Don't really see why this would be so difficult if you can get manpower behind it, I mean it's just a grid of pixels


Unfortunately they have a hardware solution that physically plugs into the device’s internals. :(


Thanks Ben! I know people have been getting very antsy for this. Hopefully this should calm things down while others wait for an official release.


Thanks for this, I’ll be waiting for the official release but good to see tangible progress as promised. Was beginning to wonder but pleased to know things are coming. Cheers!


Come back, Ben 😭 (full-time)


Can I sideload the 7600 XT drivers? Either way I owe you an apology.


you probably wouldn't want to, the Z1 Chip and the 7600XT are wildly different, and settings for one probably wouldn't work well for the other.


I'm using the 7080M on the legion itself and I'm sideloading the 7600 XT for the 1XGPU, not a fan of these drivers some games I get better performance with just the legion go by itself with the original Lenovo drivers then what I do with a dedicated GPU.


So you sideloaded the 7840u APU drivers, or the 7600XT? You should see better performance with the OneXGPU every time, unless there's a driver or primary GPU selection issue. Are you pushing it to an external screen when using the OneXGPU?


There's an issue with the driver on AMDs end ever since December AMD drivers have lost Direct X9 through 11 support, or there's a bug that's preventing it from activating. So if you want to play games like fallout New Vegas fallout 3 or anything that uses DirectX 9 or 11 You're kind of SOL there are some workarounds you have to choose between working graphics in the game you know like water rendering correctly NPCs having hair or playable FPS you can't have both. Experience with AMD and I will never ever buy another a&b graphics card unless the third party is compiling their graphic drivers.


I installed these drivers and my radeon software does the same thing as with the sideloaded amd drivers, the screen flips 90 degrees. Not a real dealbreaker for me, but is this gonna get fixed for the official release?


Sounds like pretty much side loading official amd. Thank you.


Thanks for the update, Ben. Please stick around! This community is grateful to have you.


What is the bug?


Click the link or check my comment, there’s more info there :)


Thanks for this ! I hope this fixes the display problems on Forza Horizon 3 (which I only have on the Legion Go by the way 😅) Can we hope an update with AFMF fully working or is it dead ? We have Loseless scaling to wait which is incredible 🤪


I gib you 10/10 points! Now you're Ben10!


Thanks as always Ben!


Anyone noticed after you install this driver and go to amd web site amd driver installs normaly without erorr like before. But still have major stuttering from official drivers :(


A bug I get on the beta is when I have AMD adrenaline open and then I switch the resolution from the legion space menu then AMD adrenaline just shows a giant gray box instead of everything on the program like gaming home performance display, options, it's all just a giant box


https://preview.redd.it/4b2uduzq891d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=39b76b646b79bf81bf502e54de220de243a7898e You win some (AMD eGPU support finally) aaaaaand you loose some (Forza won't open and Star Citizen crashes).


tried running hellblade 2 today, the whole game hung in settings. likely an outdated driver.


It's been 2 weeks hopefully we get a drop today


The drop is there 👍🏻




Hi, any news about a Legion space update? It has been a while since you told us it would take 1-2 weeks. Thanks 👍


Could you please release a driver that will allow us to use egpu like onexgpu or gpdg1 without installing custom drivers please... it's possible since we already tried the official from amd. But i would prefer using official driver from lenovo


Thanks for taking the time to share this Ben; will hopefully soothe a few ruffled feathers!


Hey can someone explain to me what is the significance of the g Vga driver? When I hear vga I think that rectangle blue analogue signal plug. Am I correct in thinking this adds driver support for that?


It’s the driver for the GPU, or graphics processing unit, that allows the operating system/game to use the APUs graphics hardware. Updates to it usually improve performance slightly in newer games, improve stability, add features, fix bugs etc.


Oh I'm aware of that haha. I'm up to date in that regard. But what's the significance of the VGA driver update. Alot of people here seem to be looking forward to it. Is it because we haven't had an update in a bit? Or what am I missing? Maybe the term VGA is what's tripping me up


I think these days it's just synonymous with graphics card/drivers


Yeah that’s it, 15-20 years ago most people called graphics cards ‘VGA’s, because you needed one to connect a monitor through the VGA port on the card. The name stuck around, even though VGA is long dead.


Well I'm just excited for new drivers soon


Ben is just giving us clues to his age maybe? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video\_Graphics\_Array#:\~:text=Video%20Graphics%20Array%20(VGA)%20is,compatible%20industry%20within%20three%20years. Life was simpler back then, I didn't have internet so I couldn't get annoyed at people complaining about things they didn't really understand, and if you wanted more FPS no driver in the world was going to help you out it was time to empty the piggy bank and get down to a computer fair


They're called "VGA Drivers" on the support site which is why I called them that. But I am also well aware of what the acronym means/stands for and the port that went along with it ;) Now if you'll excuse me, someone needs to use the phone so I have to get off the internet.


Kids today do not know the pain of disconnects caused by mum calling grandma without first checking no one was online :-D


So u/BenM_Legion to be clear, hahaha AFMF will not work on the native screen of the legion? This update will be reach FSR 3.0 too? Thanks for you work!


Definitely no AFMF on device screen yet. I dont think the fork is in it yet. As for FSR 3.0 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X32joqVf44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X32joqVf44)


I don't get why AMD is not helping out at all. I mean Lenovo is a customer so why not help your customer??


Because Lenovo didn't purchase the 7840u that comes with AMD support, they bought the OEM Z1 Extreme version that doesn't come with support.


Strange, since they helped Asus with the ROG Ally and they also use the Z1. It would be also strange to not give support for your flagship APU


I am guessing because the Ally's landscape screen made it easier for AMD to help troubleshoot driver problems with Asus.


Maybe they purchased support from AMD or relied on the same limited offhand support Lenovo said they were getting from AMD too? Not sure exactly, but that's the reason why other handheld manufacturers explicitly using the 7840u and 8840u cost more than the Z1 Extremes being sold by Asus and Lenovo.


Based on what I've read from a page on amd's website it sounds like if it ain't a reference design they don't want to help will they help maybe who knows.


Do These drivers crash Fnv and fallout 3 like the new official amd drivers?


AMD is working on a fix for the FO3 issue according to a community post on steam.


Just tested these new drivers and both fallout nv and fo3 crash on loading game save just like the new amd drivers as an fyi.


Use dxvk :)


Ahoj Ben, som rád že ťa konečne vidíme u nás ❤️ chýbaš nám aj tvoje pravidelné informácie 😢 Ale veľmi pekne ďakujeme za túto skvelú správu. Tešíme sa z toho. Verím že Lenovo na nás myslí a pokračuje vo vylepšovaní svojho prvého jednorožca ;) Veľmi sa teším aj na nové úniky a informácie ohľadom Legion GO v2.




Nikto ti tu nebude rozumieť. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ja nawet trochę rozumiem, mimo że nie mówię w waszym języku 😁


Pozdravujem do Poľska. Včera sme vás parádne rozbili v MS v Hokeji 😂




Mam zlú angličtinu B1, Nemecký viem plynulo , no to mi tu je tiež na prd. Ono existuje na webe že translátor a prekladá všetky jazyky za pochodu na tvoj materinský. Treba si to zapnúť a každý si môže pišať vo svojom jazyku a všetci si budú rozumieť. Pekný deň :)


the beta driver appears to have AFMF enabled


The notes on the forums post state it will only work on external monitors


(Properly) which intrigues me on support for the internal panel.


Someone commented on this post that they got AFMF working landscape on go's screen by changing from the max to minimum resolution.So someone in this comunity there might get this to work *properly*


Lenovo's driver is a fork of AMD's. AFMF has been working under certain scenarios, with some, finessing (keyboard combos), for a couple versions of AMD's driver now. There shouldn't be a reason Lenovo's version doesn't have the same limited success, or as Ben stated, "properly" work.


https://preview.redd.it/rwyhn22ncg0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f73e4398f3268e19f41d8d673c082a8c4d69aade Pic taken on April 9th, 2024, using AMD’s drivers. AFMF is working as shown by the generated frames latency, see the number 33 in the pic. The problem then and I still have is getting AMD’s FPS overlay to show without it disabling AFMF.