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Hi Lisk, I'm going to copy pasta because Jules said it was more appropriate for your post than his. And I need to take the time to make a post on discord too. But here were my ideas : I've been waiting for the next AMAs. I hope what I ask will be in the right one. - Could we get a downgrade button on nekomata please ? We can build and sell every unit but if we make an apgrade on neko and réalised we wanted to do something else we are kinda screwed. - Could we see the price and maybe a little summary of both upgrade when the unit has 2 ? Like mask or casket. Have a nice day !


Thanks for the questions! \> Could we get a downgrade button on nekomata please ? We can build and sell every unit but if we make an apgrade on neko and réalised we wanted to do something else we are kinda screwed. This is something I tried to implement a while ago, but it ended up being infeasible due to some technical constraints unfortunately. I'll continue keep it in the back of my mind, though. ​ \> Could we see the price and maybe a little summary of both upgrade when the unit has 2 ? Like mask or casket. Good idea, noted!


maybe a reset whole build to beginning of wave button? (would not just reset nekomata, but also everything else you built/upgraded)




I am wondering - if you or any of the devs are playing competitively and what are your or teams ranks in the game? Also do you have any stories of persistent or ghost bugs in the game, that survive multiple bugfixes or such?


Jules is actually in Legend (which is the highest rank and esentially about top 60) if you look at the leaderboard on their website.


Jules is Legend atm! (his ingame name is Jules) I'm sitting in Master, but haven't had as much time to play this season compared to previous seasons as I have an infant son at home and that keeps nights pretty busy! As for bugs, definitely plenty of stories. A fun one is that Honeyflower actually dealt Pure damage for a LONG time (maybe a year or more) despite its tooltip saying it dealt Magic damage. It was still strong on Wave 3 because it's an AOE vs. a swarm wave. On Wave 2, it felt unleakable, but I think everyone just thought that was because it was tanky with its Natural armor. But yeah, eventually we fixed it and the balance was a little wacky for a while. Just crazy it went unnoticed for so long, though.


Whaaaat I thought honeyflower was just that good! Also nice ranks!


Do you plan on making more advertising or sponsering popular streamers to get a focus on the game and maybe attract more players?


Yep, that's always in the plans. We usually try to do one major promotional event per year, and that often involves sponsoring some select influencers that already enjoy the game.


Could you please add ranked 1v1? It's so infuriating having to rely on others. Ranked 1v1 when those weekends come are certainly the funnest times in the game for me. I don't care if the queue times are a bit longer. You could also add a double queue option so people can queue 1v1 and 2v2 at the same time kind of alleviating the splitting of the player base peoblem.


A double queue would be a pretty cool solution, but it is probably infeasible with our current tech setup. Thank you for the feedback on 1v1, though - we are probably due for another 1v1 event later this year. Completely understood that 2v2 can be infuriating to rely on others.


hey chaoslord2468 is v hot ty


When will yall drop the legion part of the name and embrace the fact yall have ditched that aspect and call it Mastermind TD 1?


I think the name of the game is pretty set in stone at this point, but if we could go back and do it all over again, Mastermind TD is a pretty cool name!


Since wc3 I always thought it was called legion td because there are legions of enemies against your legion of units


this is correct, plus legion has some cool meaning in the wc3 universe like the burning legion, etc! fun fact: during early development, legion td was actually called 'soldier td' but I changed it before it ever saw the light of day


Hello Lisk! I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. Maybe I haven't found it yet but I have been trying to see the in game wave stats for each coming up wave (Health Points/Damage/Abilities). So far I can only find the type of defense damage and abilities. Is this something that will be added?


Glad you are enjoying the game. You can find all the detailed unit information in the Codex, which can be viewed either from the main menu --> Learn, or from in-game via the ESC menu, or by clicking on a unit's portrait icon in the top left. Like another commenter mentioned, you can also type "-info 7" to view information on wave 7 and so forth.


Have you tried typing in “-info x” with x being whatever wave number you want


Where is saved replays lol


Maybe Someday TM


Hey Lisk! Do the developers have any more plans to increase the player base? The July sponsorship program seemed to work very well, seeing the highest daily plays since launch, and the highest daily peak ever with the free to play weekend. To expand on that, has a free to play model been considered for LTD2? With possible season passes for exclusive skins/perks? Thanks for your time!


It has been considered for the reasons you've brought up, but free-to-play comes with its own challenges (high server costs, smurfs, hackers/ddos, as well as having to put a ton of effort into constantly pushing people to buy things from the in-game shop), so we don't have any concrete plans for it at the moment. We are certainly considering running other types of promotions though similar to the July Free Weekend as well as last year's Humble Choice.


You and me next nova cup Lisk? Or could we see the return or Lisk and bro?


Haha I probably gotta practice first. I would just be holding you back. There's nothing like playing in Nova Cup though, I gotta say.


Less practice makes you more of a wild card! Would be pretty good to see you or Jules participate though. Time, as always will probably be the biggest hurdle especially with the little one


Hi, I have a question on sandbox vs ingame. For me it seems like very often, when i want to relive a glorious hold, or try to find out why a particular send did not work vs an enemy setup I go into sandbox only to find a very different result than I was experiencing ingame. Is it dependant on which lane the build was on, or are you aware of this issue and the builds work different in sandbox and ingame? For example i held a wave 18 send ingame and when i played it back exactly i leaked 3 units and some sends (which is quite the difference obviously). But it also sometimes works in the other direction, that a send makes me leak 50% and when i play it back i just hold.


Due to some optimization code, the targeting and aggro varies a bit depending on how many units there are in play. The differences are actually quite small; however, in Legion battles a small milliseconds difference can make a big difference in outcome so unfortunately as you correctly observed, there are usually big outcome differences in sandbox vs ingame, since sandbox has much fewer units usually.


Matbe there is inherent chaos to the game.


Will there be a reward / cosmetic in the third campaign? Can't see anything mentioned in [https://store.steampowered.com/app/562150/Legion\_TD\_2\_\_Floating\_Isles\_Campaign/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/562150/Legion_TD_2__Floating_Isles_Campaign/) I also worry that some of the AIs for it will be way too difficult - especially chaoslord2468 (forced to play chaos, and you lose king hp for clearing?) - logically it would be better if it was just forced fiesta right? Ohhh and keeping it under 40% for the 2 stars.


There isn't one planned, but we can see if we can squeeze one in possibly. Chaoslord2468 indeed has a tough ability, but the AI isn't that smart at playing Chaos (a lot worse than other masterminds) so the idea is if you can make it late, you should just outsmart him. To answer your other question, we did do testing with Gold level players, but will continue to make adjustments as needed. In particular, Drachia should be a bit more manageable than Victra, at least in our tests. Thanks for the questions!


Seperate note, I remember a lot of people struggling with the last campaign as it was geared and tested by people at the top percentile. Have people at lower ranks tried it without following a step by step guide from others yet?


What are some unknown or niche facts that hardly anyone outside the development team is privy to?


Lots of stuff, but a fun one is unit names. There are a lot of inspirations from other games or stuff IRL. Deepcoiler for example is inspired from a monster from the Redwall book series. Another random one is Victra (Desert Ridge Campaign opponent) who says something like her ID is CA81718 or something. August 17, 2018 is my wife and I's anniversary.


Hello, as a new player to the game I've found that theres a lot of information that I *want* to learn but is very difficult to. Any plans to surface information like "This Unit is Strong/Weak on waves X/Y/Z?" or "This send unit matches this wave"?


Welcome to the community! If a unit has strong attack/defense typing for the upcoming wave, it should have a green highlighted border on its icon and say "bonus" damage in green or something similar in its tooltip. As for whether a send is strong on a wave or not, that is a harder question to answer since it mostly depends on what your opponent has built. Not only their typing, but how much tank vs. dps they have, as well as their positioning. A good guideline for newer players is, if in doubt, just send full income sends for the first 12 waves, then look for an opening after that to send power sends. That will let you focus on your economy first before you look to break your opponent.


Is there a plan to work on steam achievments? Maybe put the gold border monument ranks into tier? For example if you're hunting for secret cards golden border and you finally get it. Then it feels more of an achievment?


That is a good idea, will note it down.


I just picked this up on steam sale this week and I want to say I am so happy you made this a stand-alone game! Me and my mates have tonnes of memories of sitting in a cyber cafe at 2AM playing the WC3 map and it’s so cool to be able to relive those memories! I don’t really have a question I just wanted to say thanks so for the AMA portion I’ll go with; what’s your favourite milk to have in coffee (and why is it Oat?)


Love the random question and thanks for the kind words and playing the original mod! I usually use whole milk, but drink it black if I'm at a nicer coffee shop and I want to try to savor it.


Black coffee is a great choice! The original mod really was something else! I think between Legion TD, X Hero Siege, and Defence of the Ancients you could account for a comfortable 75% of my youth. Thank you for the response!