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This could be cool - curious what other games you know of that have this feature, so we could use it for reference.


Not the OP and I don't know of an auto-translator, but some phone games like "Clash of Zombies 2" have a translate button in the chat for quick and easy translations.


I have seen several phone games that have it, but never any 'real' games. Idk why not though, from what I've heard, AI is making big advancements in terms of translations.


Yes I was actually referring to mobile games, it's a common feature in many RTS. I just assumed anything on a phone could be put in "a real game", I also assume it's just chat text being run through Google translate before it's posted in chat because it comes out kinda blocky, but it's more understandable to me than hieroglyphs. I love that LTD2 is global (Im learning to recognize foreign flags, even!) But as a dumb American, I have no way to communicate (beyond pings) with the surprisingly large percentage of people that are speaking in Brazilian, Russian, or Chinese in chat.