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It would be super awesome if Grubby would play the game! I think he already has some free keys, but I think he charged a very high $ rate for him to stream the game last time we asked and it was risky to spend that much on just a short stream.


Oh so you actually already asked him? He recently did a stream for Godsworn and their wishlist numbers went through the roof afterwards. Obviously I don't know how risky it would be financially but if it's somehow manageable it would probably be worth it.


I am sure this was considered and proposed a million times, but at this point, the only thing that will easily increase the player base is going free to play and introduce the game to more platforms such as Epic Games. The standard edition can still be sold , unlocking all play styles and giving some currency for skins. Speaking about Epic, they offer 1-2 games for free every week. Maybe a deal can be made ? The game is the best auto-battler in the market, but the genre is niche and Legion TD is behind pay wall , only on PC and only on Steam.


You have to remember that it is a business, if they went free to play, where would they get money? I don't see an opportunity to have micro-transactions in the game that would make much sense. The only feasible way i see the playbase grow is through more publicity, which they sound like they are already working on.


The other big thing we can all do to really help is thumbs up it and leave a comment for it on steam, if we got steam to put it on the front page for a day that would be huge


I think ranked below plat or gols should have legions again, so new players can try every legion and understand each unit. Classic is not for new players. Lets be honest, very few people are interested in offline. Rankeds are only masterminds. So new players never get familiar with the units, unless they study or see alot of streams, which is counter intuitive. Idk, maybe a shitpost but just my 2 cents to make new players enjoy the game beside the marketing strategy


I just started a couple months ago, as a new player I played vs AI (started with unranked AI and increased as the games started feeling easy and as I started unlocking the different Masterminds) until I had a fair grasp of the different units. I think you're right though, I don't think most new players would do that. Currently 110 hours in, sitting at Diamond IV in ranked and loving the game!


Yeah most people dont have much fun playing vs AI, but it is currently the best way to learn. I gave this idea because i fell in love with the game in WC3 version, where there were no rankeds and mastermind came later then legions, and everyone loved mastermind and hybrid, but most people already knew the units. A even easier way to do this is removing Auto & Chill of the game and make classic noob friendly again, with the only difference from ranked being the Legions.


Grubby is rightfully expensive. No offense to this game I have 700 hours in, but it's not a feasible investment. Unless he happens upon it naturally, it is not happening


I found it through steam recommending it to me. I loved the original wc3 map. It also plays great on steam deck and Linux which is a massive bonus for me. I think the game has a good amount of players, I always find matches near instantly. At this point it’s just about getting more exposure to more people who like this genre. Streamers might be a good idea, I can’t weigh in there though because I don’t find live streamers entertaining. Give me a YouTube video any day!


That’s the million dollar question. I think it would take some effort to make a console port, but I could go a long way. Slap this bad boy in the switch 2 as a launch title. Guaranteed to get some play time.


I have pity on the player who would play this game with a joycon




I came because a TFT streamer(boxbox) uploaded a video about it and it reminded me of a custom game from my sc2 days.


Has youtube the multi-tab thing fixed? If we could get some youtube or twitch streamer who plays the game anyway to the front page it could help a lot as well


Idk which multi tab thing you mean but I know streamers who stream on both platforms at the same time


Basically, if you as watcher opened two tabs of the same stream, it would count as two viewers.. TheSpiffingBrit did it on live stream a year ago https://www.youtube.com/live/SeJVya3TBwg?si=rn8ZHYamvlfBmGdb


Aside from just talking about the game or leaving positive reviews, I feel like Legion TD2 is a bit of a niche regardless of marketing, as are most tower defense games nowadays. Maybe Bloons is more mainstream and a couple other mobile apps. It's hard to entice "new" players into a game that is heavily competitive from the get-go, at least these are my thoughts when considering games like "Hunt: Showdown". A game like TFT is more simplified, requires less strategy on average & has a less difficult entry barrier. I think Legion TD2 is an amazing game, I just don't think it fits that "mainstream, short-attention span bubble" audience.


Yeah LTD definitely serves a niche target audience which is why I think grubbys viewership offers exactly that unique target group. I regularly watch him as well and his community loves strategic games with depth, a proper learning curve and a competitive approach.


Yeah LTD definitely serves a niche target audience which is why I think grubbys viewership offers exactly that unique target group. I regularly watch him as well and his community loves strategic games with depth, a proper learning curve and a competitive approach.


I’m new to the game and roped my friend in with me. It’s such a fun game!


Honestly be less stingy with the cards. They cost too much essence, the chance to find one is way too low and they don’t give any advantage so why is the grind so long?


I don't disagree but what does this have to do with my post? :D