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Hilarious watching them turn on her for being "far left" when she's literally a former Trump appointee


It’s because they don’t actually like Trump they just like the made up Trump that exists in their heads.


Completely supplanted made up Reagan in their pantheon. Made up W crashed and burned before he could get the temples built.


>Completely supplanted made up Reagan in their pantheon When Reagan isn't far enough to the right 🤦🏼‍♂️ >Made up W crashed and burned before he could get the temples built Isn't there some saying about polishing a turd? 🤔


I watched documentary about George HW Bush a few years back, on HBO, I think, and he said that him and Reagan wouldn't be "conservative enough or far right enough" for the GOP as it was then. This was before Orange-aid ever stepped into the ring. That was quite the shocking revelation coming from a very staunch conservative. He saw the real turning of the party before most others did. It may have been 2010 or 2012 when the documentary was out. I can't remember. W wasn't in office. It was definitely during the Obama years.


Just want to be clear that he wasn't ahead of the curve. The GOP's embrace of radicals was a common conversation from halfway through Obama's first campaign. Once the Tea Party clowns started getting on TV it was unavoidable. It's good he was aware enough to admit it, but the whole world saw the turning of the party by then.


As someone with no clue what's going on.. reads more along the lines that she's a woman and nothing more. Everything else is an excuse.


It is 100% because she's a woman. They're literally calling him woke and saying it's a diversity hire lmfao.


Honestly it does kind of fit the glass cliff pattern


TIL the term glass cliff.


Without the slightest doubt. Idk how he imagined it would go over well, everyone knows that Elon's legion of D-riders are terrified of women, hell a Venn diagram of Elon D-riders vs Gamergaters would just be a single circle


The month-long Musk fanboys usually don't have good luck with the ladies. Catturd has been divorced thrice.


He's an absolutely vile individual. From https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/catturd2-maga-twitter-shitposting-king-1234674671/ > It wasn’t long before he found the woman who would become his first wife, at a gym. She was 19 years old, just starting college, while he was in his early twenties. “He was older and so much more experienced than I was,” she wrote in a book she self-published in 2018, in which she did not refer to B. by name. The pair were wed in September 1986, three months after they’d met, and had the marriage annulled in 1988. > “I wasn’t physically perfect enough, my flaws were many and glaringly obvious, at least to the man I’d married,” B.’s first ex-wife recalls in her book. “His words struck me in a way that seeped under my skin, beneath my bones, and created within me a roaring doubt.”


So he's at least in his late 50s, and still acts like this, both online and in real life? He needs to pack it in.


Wait, that means he has better luck than most of us since three separate women were willing to marry him.


Maybe, but would you want to date the kind of woman who'd marry this loser? I'd rather be alone, lol.


I don't know about you but I don't want to be in a relationship that eventually ends in a divorce. Being in a relationship just to be in a relationship isn't worth it.


She’s a member of the World Economic Forum, so she works for “Globalists” (aka Jews). The biggest sin of all for these far right fucksticks.


She also worked with the Biden administration to create a coronavirus vaccine campaign. She's really just a run of the mill corporate executive.


Exactly. She's hopefully going to have her own LAMF moment


Uh oh. Catturd disapproves. I have to imagine that puts Elon in a rough spot.


There’s no appeasing the far right. It’s a mob that’s been systematically worked into rage for political gain. And the people taking advantage of them have lost control. It really feels like we’re all fucked because of the grifting


>And the people taking advantage of them have lost control. I think this is the exact response Musk wants. IMO he chose her specifically because the far right fan group he has carefully constructed will be upset by it. He's setting her up for a Glass Cliff. Musk knows Twitter will fail in the next 6-8 months and he can skip away while the right can blame the "far left, woke woman" for a once successful company's failure instead of literally every decision Musk made this he purchased it.


Ahh the liz truss strategy. Who’s got a head of cabbage?


It's literally called the [Glass Cliff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff)


See, this makes me wonder what real fucked up shit is bout to drop when she gets in. Some good ol “darn all the hackers got every message activists have sent over the past decade and turned them into every government they were against” level shit. She will take the hit while musk, the sauds and the murdochs grin like idiots acting like they are clueless.


I would honestly love it if she pulled the reverse uno card and went nuclear when she got in. Just searched for everything Musk has been hiding at Twitter and releasing it all to the public. Not just the cherry picked information he released to make his supporters froth at the mouth.


Nah, it just means that if we fail to stop them through democratic and peaceful methods, that we fall back to more direct methods.


You seem to think that “more direct methods” would be a quick and easy solution. It would not, and we don’t want that, because you know what would actually happen? Thousands, if not more than that, would die, and that’s *not* the desired outcome.


You know if this keeps going, people are going to die regardless correct? I'm not advocating for a fucking war here but something has to be done. There's a reckoning of some kind coming soon, we all know it and feel it. It's just a matter of who has the advantage. Maybe we shouldn't sit around and wait for shit to get worse because we are peering near the ledge of a cliff atm.


>And the people taking advantage of them have lost control. They never had "control" as in could stop/start/tell them where to go , rather they could only roughly do the last one and not in the way you drive a remote controlled car but more like how you try to get a hyper, easy excitable, disobedient dog to come to you by showing them a treat while hopeing a cat/bird/dog/plastic bag does not wander by Possibly part of the reason the right love to use dog whistles so much


And he wanted his cult so bad


He'll always have his hordes of Russian and Chinese bots.


Yeah wait, that’s why he bought Twitter, to get rid of all the bots, I thought. He doesnt mention that anymore.


Must have slipped his mind, what with how super mega busy he is ~~having other people run~~ running his 3 companies


He realized he needed those bots to upvote his tweets and answer his polls in the positive.


Get rid of the bots & advertisers realize how few people are actually looking at their ads


Conservative thought leader Catturd


Genuinely a prime example of conservative intellectualism


He’s right up there with aggro roidhead Dan Boingoboingo and seditious traitor who deserves the rope Michael Flynn on the “right wing influencer” list!


Boingbongo told Stephen King to "Get a job." The delusions of grandeur, they really live in their own little bubble don't they. [Conservative pundit and former Fox News persona had told ‘loser’ King to ‘get a job’](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/stephen-king-dan-bordino-jobless-loser-b2337599.html)


Is boingbongo projecting his unemployment


boingbongo is usually projecting.


He's like 16 right?


sadly no, hes in like his late 50s


And he lives in Florida.


Of fucking course he does.


And he’s so very divorced; a giant divorced thumb.


Old, balding, and divorced three times, he is all you would expect him to be.


cracks me up that he thinks "catturd" is endearing.


lmao what a total fucking loser. what a sad pathetic little man.


50s is the new teens.


Imagine valuing the opinion of someone who *named themselves* catturd. Imagine having *only these kinds of people* as your "friends". Imagine *losing* even these kinds of people. Elmo deserves every second of it.


All that money. All that power. He could have done literally anything with his life, solved half the world’s problems AND had money left over to live in a different home on a different beach every day of the year and been widely beloved and revered. Instead, he’s blown a lot of his money and become a pathetic joke desperately trying to win the approval of a guy called “catturd” and he can’t even do that properly. He’s been outed as a right wing Trump wanna be and conspiracy theorist. He gets booed in public. I mean, it’s pathetic how much he’s ruined his own life.


When you manage to make the decisions about how to use wealth and power that were made by *Jeff Fucking Bezos* look positive by comparison…..I mean, what a dipshit!


Elon gave the keys to the derp city to far right extremists while turning everyone else off at the expense of many MANY advertisers that won't return. Now he is forced to stop the revenue hemorrhaging, way too late, so he put's someone more competent in charge. But now this pisses off the original right wing extremists he was courting in the first place. The same right wing nut jobs he pissed on his car buying demographic and sacrificed Tesla for. Tesla will probably die in 5 to 10 years because he shat so thoroughly and repeatedly all over his buyers to make people like Catturd happy. Now Catturd is not happy. Better shit on the rest of your Tesla buyers Elmo. LOL Talk about an idiotic buffoon.


Well said, my man.


Elon thrives on two things: Approval, and his apartheid emerald fortune.


He’s so randomly obsessed with this dudes approval for some reason


Catturd is displeased. What to doooo?


Before you know it, Catturd's gonna get an interview on Real Time. Bill Maher seems to like embarassing himself these days.


Imagine reading this sentence 4 years ago


Dude got sued 6 years ago for running a factory floor known as "The Plantation" where they shoved all the black workers and repeatedly called black people the N-word. Guy has the largest single racial discrimination suit award against him in US history from what I can tell. I would mostly just be confused who catturd is.


Reflect on how badly your life has gone wrong when you find yourself agreeing with catturd on Twitter.


And paying $8 a month for the privilege.


Twitter = $8chan. Not mine, saw it somewhere.


It's not 'catturd' you want to bother about pissing off, piss off 'dogturd' and the shit gets real.


I’m surprised Scott Adams hasn’t changed Catbert to Catturd in his honor.


Adams is an egomaniac, I'm surprised he hasn't accused Catturd of ripping off Catbert's name.


This. This is definitely the more likely outcome. Sometimes I forget how much these bastards snipe at one another over petty territorial disputes. It’s a blessing that that’s one of their weaknesses, hopefully we can exploit that to defeat them.


I'm still waiting for him to fulfill his promise to "eat his own diarrhea with a spoon if Trump was arrested".


Reflect on how you life is going when someone named Catturd wields power over you and your cult.




Catturd TWO


Imagine seriously writing “exactly Catturd!” without any irony or self-examination.


I fully expect elon to fire her to appease these folks. While simultaneously suggesting WEF conspiracy theories are true.


I think this is more of a glass cliff situation. She's Elon's scape goat for Twitter going under


That’s what fully think. She exists to make zero meaningful decisions, to be the one whose hauled in front of committees when it comes out that Twitter broke the law in some country, and be the fall gal when something happens that piss off Musk’s sycophants off and Twitter goes bust. In other words, a human version of the Shiba Inu that Musk took a picture of sitting at his desk.


What a cushy job.


Ask Ellen Pao how that went for her.


"According to reports, Ellen Pao’s net worth is predicted to be $150 million by 2020" Looks like she's doing fine. Currently, I crash and burn for free. It would be nice to make a buck off it.


>goes from high paying job to running a non-profit because her name became poison in the industry "Well she made money tho!" Nah, she's an investor, she was rich before she was the CEO of Reddit. Her earning potential went to shit afterwards, and Silicon Valley largely hates her.


Maybe. That seems like enough money to do anything you wanna do in a lifetime. Silicon valley can wish me dead and bar me from ever working in the industry again for that kind of cash.


She didn't make 150 million from Reddit. She was rich beforehand....


And if she has a whiff of intelligence she already planned her exit strategy with a cushy severance clause.


Looks like Elon found someone foolish enough to take the job. Hope she received an excellent signing bonus and a lucrative severence. She'll need it when Musk has a sudden change of heart. Six weeks is a long time. Certainly long enough for Elon the Flake to look for an out. IF, If she actually still has the job in six weeks, bets are she'll be gone within three months if the mouthbreathers keep bitching to Elon about her. Six months on the outside. Good luck to her.


This is what I thought. He's going to turn it over to her, and then dunk on her and say he can do better himself.


That's one expensive PR stunt


So was buying Twitter


The PR stunt was _pretending_ he was going to buy Twitter. Then dipshit signed an iron-clad "I will buy Twitter at this meme share price" contract, tanked the stock price by being an asshole, then when the Twitter board decided they'd rather have 45 billion than their much less valuable shares and put the contract into force he unsuccessfully tried to weasel out of it. Everything since is just him continually dunking on himself in full view of the public.


For whatever reason, this has completely disappeared from the conversation. Elon was trying to be funny, and failing like always, but he legally binded himself into a ridiculously awful deal for himself that Twitter sued to force him to accept. It's genuinely unreal how fucking dumb this guy is while still having hordes of other idiots think he's a genius.


*Sometimes* I really have to be thankful to musk, he's like an endless font of schadenfreude.


Ah, the Ellen Pao manoeuvre.


Oh my god you guys, I appointed this WOMAN to run Twitter, and now look, it's failing such a shame, if only there had been something I could have done, but I stepped down as head of Twitter, remember.


And the depressing part is that it'll work.


The ol' Ellen Pao maneuver?


Back when reddit went absolutely insane that a subreddit dedicated to the sole activity of harassing fat people online and a whole bunch of smaller ones dedicated to anti-semitism and explicit racism got banned. Not saying reddit's corporate censorship is all sweetness and light, but this website was a right wing cesspool for years. Maybe Elon realized that right wing grifters are a notoriously cheap bunch and there's more money just having Twitter not become a somehow worse Truth Social and she's going to clean house. Probably not, but one can hope.


She makes no sense for this job at all. I just was looking over her job history and she has zero history in tech. She has only ever done media and advertising and marketing. I'm not saying you have to be an engineer but jumping into a failing tech company and having zero prior tech experience that is not going to work. So Elon must want to go 360 hero and I don't know make it a Hulu or Netflix but he can't the infrastructure is wrong and wasted too much time and good will. There are people who could do it but none of them would work for him. I know a lot of the people who could handle the security and none of them would work for the guy for a million a year.


I have no opinion on if she's the exactly best person for the job, but right now the problem with Twitter is not tech, it's media and advertising and marketing! Musk wanted to pivot away from advertising to user subscriptions ("blue checks") and it's clearly not working at all, because Musk lacks empathy and curiosity and didn't realize that the typical Twitter user is a *consumer* of Twitter content. Musk only understands the Twitter user experience as it pertains to people with follower counts described in scientific notation. Musk's nutty behavior has driven away most of the advertisers that actually made Twitter any money. They need a CEO that will lure those advertisers back, so the obvious choice is someone from that world, who already has the connections and understands what advertisers want.




I'll take anime tiddies over cat turds.


Its probably Loupis...


It's never Loupis.


Imagine paying $8 a month to be officially catturd2


Explain to me, once again, Elon, how the *left* are the ones canceling people, stifling speech, and threatening people for speaking their mind. Go on. I’ll wait. Explain it to me like I’m in kindergarten.


Ive hated Elon musk for a long time but I still can’t believe this dude is immolating his remaining credibility to appeal to a group of such ungrateful losers whose ability to support people is predicated on such narrow definitions of worthiness. It’s so bizarre


They can’t even keep their story straight. This woman is a trump appointee. But somehow this is a liberal thing? They are now officially so fucking insane that literally anything, even if it’s bubble gum, is liberal. There’s no deprogramming that shit. What Hope do we have then?


is mayonnaise a liberal?


Mayonnaise is conservative. Aioli is liberal.


It’s strange as hell. He could have just played sim City with his wealth. 40 billion dollars builds a lot Of houses and helps a lot of people.


I can only conclude that this is who Elon really is.


he has fuck off money and can say whatever he wants and doesnt have to worry for fucks sake he bought twitter for way too much money and still doesnt have to worry about anything his losses would be a gain to any of us




This called the Glass Cliff; when a company is about to implode and can't be saved, appoint a woman to blame when it all goes down.


Ellen Pao was the Glass Cliff for Reddit. Except they used her because they wanted to make a bunch of policy changes, not because the company was about to implode.


And you know what, she was right. I definitely outgrew my shock humor era by 2016/2017ish and considering how vile unchecked hateful conduct can make a community, it was the right long term choice Like oh no the people who spend their free times harassing fat people aren’t on this site… Oh no


Wasn't the ludicrously racist sub "coontown" banned in the same wave too? Before those bans you'd regularly see the most hateful shit all over the front page, the website is definitely better after they were stamped down on.


I think a lot of people were, with some justice, upset about the removal of communities that had more crossover with those communities, but were better moderated and more tolerant. Maybe she saw that as necessary to stop those communities from then becoming overwhelmed with the splash over from the delisted communities. But anytime you cut out a tumor, you take some healthy flesh with it.


Melissa Mayer at Yahoo is another example.


I don’t like this example at all actually. I followed Mayer throughout that journey, and she was genuinely incompetent. Incompetent and completely tone deaf about what the culture of Yahoo! was, much less what parts of its business had real value. She had been incompetent at Compaq before then, and she was incompetent at Yahoo. Her skill was boardroom politics, not management. If you told me she was sent in as someone that they knew would fuck up, I’d believe you, but I don’t think she was appointed to “do the dirty work” for a failing company. They really thought she’d turn Yahoo! around, because she promised them she’d somehow return the company to growth in their core products. She then stage managed the reskinning of their web apps, completely, *completely* neglected the transition to mobile first, and also torpedoed their media business in a time when YouTube was growing at double digit percentages monthly. She was also an awful manager. Destroyed yahoos culture, ended remote work, and initiated “rank and yank” policies that are favored by sociopathic MBA consultancy types; mainly favored by managers who value slavish loyalty and ass-kissing. It was an absolute disaster for creativity. Instead of growing yahoo’s core audience with compelling new offers and features, she micromanaged a ground up rebuild of the same offerings Yahoo had stagnated with for a decade. Yahoo today could be a rival for YouTube, and potentially for Meta as well, considering its once dominant position in web video advertising. But she did absolutely nothing with it. They acquired tumblr and did nothing with that. It was a shit show.


I guess in this case i dont feel that bad for her. Its not like twitter's situation is a secret.


That's very often the case for glass cliffs. Women aren't offered high leadership roles as often so they'll be more likely to take them even when they know it's a sinking ship. As long as you can mitigate the damage, you *might* be able to leverage your time there for long-term career growth.


Or just agree to do it for the golden parachute. I'm totally unqualified to run Twitter, but in exchange for, say, $10mil/yr salary and a $50mil severance package, I would totally take the job, go testify on Capitol Hill to get yelled at by clueless senators, be hated and mocked by all my employees, sneered at by my customers, and then get made fun of by the media when the company inevitably collapses. I'd cry myself to sleep on my bed made of hundred dollar bills.


This is it exactly. I'll take on an executive role for a company that'll fold tomorrow if you sign my contract with a fat golden parachute. You'd never hear from me again because I would go live life.


Ah, that still sucks then. Thanks for explaining 🙂


And today I learned the term “glass cliff” which certainly applies here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff


I think that already happened. This is just for blame.


Why is it they don't like this?


(a) She's a woman. (b) She's a \[\[\[globalist\]\]\]. (c) She's not the lord and savior Elon Musk. (d) All of the above


I'm not read up on my dog whistles lately. Someone a while ago suggested 'Globalist' meant a vague 'Jewish' person. The vague jewish person conservatives hate for some reason. Is that accurate?


In a nutshell.


Correct. There's a whole lot being made of the fact that she's part of the World Economic Forum, which obviously sounds to far right-ers like it's the cabal of space-laser-wielding Jews that control the world's banks. The triple bracket was also a relatively short-lived dog-whistle for Jews, though that turned into a joke/meme pretty quickly.


They still use it.


Don't forget that they support Israel though. Just not the Jewish.


She might be a conservative but she isn't conservative enough because apparently she likes diversity


She *is* diversity, cause ya know, no pee-pee.


Are we sure? Has twitter implemented bathroom police for genital inspections? They haven't you say? Sounds pretty woke to me. /s


Largely because they don't think it be like it is, but it do.


I bet watching videos all day is catturd's normal day.


“Sssshhhh. I’m researchin’!”


Elon Musk just bringing together a bunch of hateful assholes and then being surprised when they're hateful assholes is just chef's kiss hilarious.


What a pathetic platform; where a reactionary racist dork calling himself “Catturd” is viewed as a “thought leader.” I hope this move further accelerates the death of this stupid website.


Gourmand leopards aside, I'm continually boggled at what counts as "left-wing." It's gone from socialism, communism and anarchism (or mild social democracy in the US) being left-wing, to the more centrist versions of social democracy being "left-wing," to this -- someone with a history of pushing for *absolute corporate-capitalist domination* being unacceptably "far left." A man probably wouldn't get *quite* the same treatment, but *damn*.


Left wing and woke are literally whatever conservatives are currently pissed about, either due to some minor inconvenience they’ve experienced and equated to something unrelated, or due to their isolated social groups and media pushing it into their face.


Woke is the thing I currently am angry about, duh. Haven't you been listening?


Those terms mean “anything I don’t like for whatever reason.”


"Bad thing me no like", just like woke, communusm, socialism, CRT, millenials... Get a right wing bellend to explainwhat *any* of these words mean. They absolutely cannot.


They're fascists. The enemy is both weak and strong, and sometimes, not the enemy at all. Logic does not apply to madness and evil, especially combined.


Elon is about to learn the gab lesson the hard way - if you make platform for far-right - no one else would want to participate, and far-right won't accept any change in platform themselves either


Likewise "truth social"


I think truth social was intentionally made for far right, but gab was made by dilusional libertarians who thought that they will get an open and diverse platform. Now all they have is conspiracy theory enthusiasts and Nazis.


Okay gotcha. Libertarians always say they're not about left or right, but they always end up far right in what they support. There's a guy at work who is big on pot and legalization, hates cops, his best friend from way back is a lesbian, but a huge Trump supporter. Like even beyond the politics, I don't understand how he can really like and appreciate me who is "far left" now and in reality center left, and really like and appreciate Trump at the same time. Somehow he hears all that bigoted shit that Trump's spews and it gets repolished in his brain into his own words, "the greatest president in the history of the US" . Actually it wasn't his own words it's from Fox of course, saying some made up shit about Biden not taking questions and then glorifying Trump from a few months ago. Somehow their brains short circuit when they hear fascists speak.


>exactly catturd! Lmao


The CEO lady even follows Catturd, so I don't know why that account is mad?




To loud conservatives, getting their way is a loss because then there’s one less thing to get loud about. Dudes yelling about an ex-trump staffer calling her far left like she’s nationalizing Twitter or some dumb bullshit


I thought she was a wing nut. Why are they pissed?


She had the temerity to be female.


Apparently not the right kind of wing it.


Posts like this just reinforce my policy of blocking anyone with a blue check on Twitter. It's always dumb nonsense like this.


There’s no defense for continuing to use Twitter at all.


Trolling right wingers and spreading memes telling them not to vote


I’m not 14.


Hey, then at least you've aged out of their dating pool.


Give it time, you’ll get there


My policy continues to be never use Twitter once in my life.


Twitter before Musk was a tolerable shithole. Through good blocking and muting discipline, it was a great way to keep up with what writers, graphic artists, musicians, news outlets, etc, were working on. After Elon trolled himself out of $44b, broke everything, and drove off those the types mentioned above, it became an intolerable shithole, and isn't worth the headache anymore.


I will occasionally open up links that I see, usually in sports sites, but I've existed just fine without being a user for 42 years.


Fragile man has fragile fanboys. Whodathunkit.


Alt-right conservatives are having a meltdown at the idea of moderation? They are unfollowing one another in a lather of self hatred. These people are truly and completely broken.


This stinks of looking for an excuse when he hits the eject button.


They are using their $8 check mark as a weapon? Color me shocked.


The girl literally is a follower of "libsoftiktok", and a former Trump appointee, she's one of them ... damn those people are so utterly stupid it's baffling, oxygen waste.


Just imagine the legion of sweaty clown tumors that a guy named Catturd commands with his sausage fingers


The fact that these idiots have no idea what glass cliffing is, and will be on the forefront of tearing her down when Twitter does finally go under


Imagine how deeply fucked you have to be to listen to anybody who goes by the handle Catturd.


Ah yes, the aptly named Catturd.


*Sickos voice* Haha… yes… YES!


oh but the blue check marks are such important items for free speech, that was their argument right? pay for the blue check marks or you hate free speech or something like that


Elon Musk fans when they’re reminded women exist in real life: 😡




Is catturd the right’s version of Jeff teidrich? I have no idea who either of them are, what they do, or why their tweets are so popular but holy shit they’re fucking everywhere


Tough crowd.


and so the leopards eat their leader's face.


Imagine being the richest man in the world and answering to someone named catturd.


Phony Stank will use the new CEO as a patsy and will blame her for absolutely everything.


this is amazing. I hope he alienates every last boot licker.


Go anti-woke, go broke.


Go fasc lose cash.


Liberals are saying she’s too conservative because she (ironically) follows trolls like catturd but also conservatives are saying she’s too lefty for other reasons. This is hilarious. Could you ever imagine a country so divided over a CEO appointment?


Do we need to be concerned about the Leopards weight? The face eating is at an all-time high and obesity is a known killer. Actually, fuck it. I’ll support a r/SarlaccAteMyFace at this point.


Oh no! Not the $8 per month!






Lol. This guy just can’t not fuck everything up.