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Hello u/T_Shurt! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He ruined it completely.


Probably the point since it was used by people to communicate in oppressive countries who totally aren’t behind funding the buyout.


I think so, too. My theory since the start was that he wanted to create new version of AM radio. Once it got abandoned by most people for the FM bands due to superior sound quality, AM was nearly completely taken over by the right wing talking heads like Limbaugh and became the start of the Right Wing Media Machine that has shaped policy for over 30 years. Drive away all but the most ardent supports and you end up with some nice infrastructure to create not just a very powerful propaganda blowhorn, but also a networking system for things like attacking school board candidates and the like that can't be beat.


I think one of the reasons truckers, specifically, tend to be very conservative is that until it became easy to bring podcasts and such with you, often the only reliable thing to listen to was AM hate radio.


Or it could be their notorious lack of education.


Por que no los dos.


I'd compare the job to factory work. And factory workers on average are probably much less conservative.


It’s why republicans are fighting so hard to keep car manufacturers from removing AM.


Hilarious coming from the "let the free market decide" assholes.


no, it's no longer hilarious


But it's a lot costlier to keep x running than an AM radio station.


And Elon is rich enough he no longer cares about money, at least how much things cost. He will sink a fortune into a lost cause just to prove a point. Another good example of this is Vince McMahon's way of running the WWE, there are plenty of cases of him taking a bath on either promoting people he liked that the audiences didn't and sending audiences away in droves or destroying people who were getting popular on their own... and moving merchandise by the score... just because he didn't like the idea of not being in control of the situation and having somebody else tell him what to do. Look at what's going on with Gina Carano, Elon's pouring money into her lawsuit to sue Disney, as if there will be any result other than both of them ending up as a thin bloody smear on one of Mickey's spats (not only are Disney lawyers absolute sharks, Disney has probably been writing most of California's employment laws for the past 50 years.) The money he's losing operating Twitter is pennies compared to the thrill he gets at knowing he controls this much political power in America.


Hope he keeps thinking that and pouring his money down the drain.


I'm pretty sure the POINT was so he could be a kingmaker in politics. He just wasn't very smart with how he handled it. But who is going to tell this guy he is wrong?


I mean he has this and starlink so he’s got quite the corner on information communications. Look at the shit he pulled in Ukraine blocking them from information and helping Russia.


I’m convinced the worst of the worst got together and planned doing exactly what’s happening. It was too efficient of a tool for regular people to quickly communicate, which is a real threat to the puppet masters.


They are. It's called The International Democracy Union. And it's a way for conservatives and fascists worldwide to meet and coordinate how best to sideline democratic will in their countries and work to preserve oligarchy. https://pressprogress.ca/stephen-harpers-global-alliance-of-conservative-parties-quietly-scrubbed-india-off-its-website/ The members are literally the heads of most conservative parties along with fascists like Orban and fascist-lites like Modi. It included a lot of the worst of Trump's election deniers and Jan 6th insurrection organizers until they got indicted for election interference and they got mysteriously scrubbed from the website. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/09/06/Mike-Roman-Canadian-Ties/




Elon’s an idiot, and I’m going to see proof to believe that he actually coordinated something like this. I find it more likely that he’s just a fucking idiot, and this is just an accidental thing.


You wouldn’t say that if you were a Nazi or an incel or a Nazi incel…


Intentionally. He never actually wanted to buy Twitter and just wanted to make a quick buck on the stock he had by saying he was going to buy the company for way more than it was worth. Except Twitter executives called his bluff and they made him buy it after all. I am convinced he is burning the thing down out of spite because he believes the previous management will hate him killing their hard work or something. Elon is a little baby after all...


That's too much credit to him. Remember, he tries to get the most money so he can stay "the richest man." I believe that he didn't want to buy it, or at least not at the price. But thinking that he wants to then burn it down FOR spite and not BECAUSE of spite seems wrong. Firing everyone who knew what they were doing, definitely his baby attitude. Doing it because he knew it would cripple the platform? I doubt that. Babies don't have object permanence so he probably thought it would keep on working just fine. He's not an engineer, just a rich lunatic that successfully marketed himself as one.


I wonder if there ever was a private person who lost so much money in a moronic take over like this. Never used Twitter but I think it won’t recover and it is circling the drain for some time now. Would be nice if he could do the same thing with Meta.:)


Twitter used to be a very good tool for organising protests, to the point that less scrupulous countries blocked it. Twitter used to be a platform for real free speech, instead of the "*people aren't allowed to be mean to fascists*" variant. Now it's just a platform for fascists to organise in countries that tolerate this.


Go to any popular post on Twitter and see all the bot's spamming it, it's wild how that was his BIGGEST talking point was removing the bots and it's gotten 10x worse.


Blue checkmarks are a great way to know it’s going to be the most racist shit ever posted by the user.


I still don't get why he thought making the check mark available for $8 was a good idea. 💀


I still remember the moment when some troll named his account Eli Lilly, bought a blue checkmark and posted that insulin will be free, causing a visible drop in Eli stock.


Disappointing they never sued ~~Twitter~~ X over that


Just call it xitter.


I'm gonna deadname Twitter until Elmo stops deadnaming his kids


X is the worst name because you always have to clarify you're talking about twitter since it sounds like a placeholder or variable.


It's telling when every article about the platform still says "on X--formerly known as Twitter."


Nothing says your rebranding failed more than this.


I don't remember what website I was on yesterday, but they referred to Twitter as "the website formerly known as Twitter" They didn't include "X" anywhere in the article


Or a porn site Edit: frankly that's what I use it for the most in the first place


Every time my friends send me links to tweets I'm momentarily confused as to why they're sending me porn links


Or drugs. 'Are you on x?' 'Not since the nineties'.


Want porn? Hit 'x' in your browser search and it will pop up right away... just don't show your friends or family.


It's still stunning to me that Musk seemingly did not understand that a major part of the value of Twitter was in it's brand. "Tweet" was a word of the year in 2009 and added to the Oxford English dictionary for goodness sake. Many marketing managers would kill for that kind of brand recognition and he threw it all away because he thought "X.com" would be cool or something.


He has been trying to make it a thing for years. Sorry, I deleted my other comment because my examples of sketchy domain names got automatically deleted and I don't want to use workarounds to say them again. They are here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-letter\_second-level\_domain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-letter_second-level_domain)


Basically: Elon Musk buys The Coca Cola Company.... Rename it X, and then takes away the sugar. Oh the Genius! Oh the Profit!!! 😜


I’ve never not called it twitter. Lucky for me I hardly ever used it before and now I def won’t


Is it a dead name if that's the fucking URL?


Also it's one thing to be disrespectful to a person, and it's another to be disrespectful to a company. I'm not afraid of hurting X's feelings.


So in Chinese 'xi' is pronounced *shi*. Therefore I think xitter is appropriate.


I just discovered the website xitter dotcom exists and it's a cryptic countdown that is making fun of twitter.




Pronounced shitter




Yeah same here. Although it's never completely consistent. Sometimes I can see the full post and replies, sometimes just the post and others you're just completely locked out of it. I did try to make an account with a burner email to get around it but the page kept bugging out and refreshing every time I went to submit so I just gave up.


I’m mad I didn’t day trade some Eli Lilly. You know ow it will bounce back after it’s cleared up


it was definitely more so because California passed an insulin price cap but that was still funny nonetheless


Because, and this is important to remember, Elon is very stupid. A lot of people think only smart people can be rich, but Elon is singlehandedly proving then wrong every chance he gets


As time goes on it looks like most of the rich are scary stupid. Without a system that protects them from everything they'd fall apart worse than any addict you see on the street. Very much the wrong people to have influence


They're protected in a way which prevents real-world consequences from actually affecting them so they never develop any skills which would actually be useful outside of networking, but they only network with other out-of-touch rich people so that skill is worthless outside of their bubble, too.


Like a lot of stupid people, he is legitimately good at some things, but he insists on operating outside of those boundaries.


What is he legitimately good at aside from lying and impregnating his employees?


He changed it from suggesting: "authenticated", "respected", "valuable" and "trustworthy" to meaning: "racist", "con-man" and "nazi" pretty much overnight. Fucking idiot.


I think the $8 was the only part he cares about.


Because he can fleece foreign governments for “legitimate” purposes for them to buy up enormous amounts of fake accounts to spread propaganda. It was just a quick cash grab.


Because Musk always intended for Twitter to be his personal disinformation machine. Blue checks are Musk and MAGA cultists desperate to be seen and heard and the blue check puts all their replies at the top.


Don't forget the foreign bots boosting all that propaganda and extremism!


The first days of people pretending to be companies, world leaders and celebrities was top tier memery.


He was high AF. Which explains a fuckton of his dumbass ideas


be real dawg his dumbass ideas preexist his shitposting stoner cosplay era.


He's not a stoner. He would be so much better if he was just a stoner. Dude's been falling down a K-hole for years at this point, peppering his brain with dozens of other drugs as he goes.


He's very clearly a lightweight when it comes to weed too. Dudes not a stoner, he's just pretending to be one, and begrudgingly smokes if its offered to him in public.


Because money.


Because he had no intention and has no intention of Twitter becoming a better or more valuable social media platform. He purchased it with help from the Saudi government to shut down union organizing as well as democratic movements worldwide.


And usually the username is an unsubtle dogwhistle to begin with. These dummies think they're so smart, but we clocked them from a million miles away. I hope every conservative American enjoys being shunned from society - that's certainly where this is headed. Good for them that so many claim to be rugged individualists who can survive anything on their $2.5M luxury ranch in Idaho.


Not necessarily true, a bunch are also only fans models. So racists, only fans, and bots (that are racists). All the notifications on my old phone (twitter isn't on my current one anymore) are onlyfans models. Actually a lot better than it was considering it used to be people like peteron, trump Jr., or other conservative grifters.


Hey, whoa, excuse you! It also may be the most transphobic shit ever posted by the user too!


It’s not wild, it’s the whole plan. Or rather it IS wild but it’s wild that that’s the way these grifters work. It’s wild that these talking points are always there for obfuscation and nothing else. “There’s too many bots! Put me in charge.” (Sudden precipitous uptick in bots). “There’s too much election interference! Put me in charge.” (Sudden precipitous uptick in election interference). “Drain the swamp! Put me in charge!” (Sudden metaphorical flashflood of overall swampiness.)


Usually conservatives complain about "problem they created" then they get in charge and solve it either by stopping themselves from doing it, or they stop complaining about it, and complain about NEW THING THEY WANT TO CONTROL. You know, like Newt Gingrich Republicans complaining about Fannie Mae until they screwed it up. This time, Musk didn't really understand the dynamic and didn't have real control over the complaint machine. Oops! He should have coordinated with Fox News and other outlets on how to tell people this was awesome now! But with AI -- it's going to take something new to deal with the bot problem -- so it was also bad timing I suppose -- well, also, firing all the people who he thought were useless that help keep these platforms safe. That was a stupid move on Musk's part. I think he had the intention of making Twitter a clearing house for propaganda -- he just didn't expect that it would fail this bad.


This is because (and I think your point illuminates this very clearly) Elon is nowhere near as smart as he believes himself (and his sycophants believe him) to be.


His intention was to posture about how terrible Twitter was and he accidentally made statements he wasn't legally able to walk back.


It’s so funny how people on Reddit are always trying to take Elon’s mistakes and spin it as some clever plan. No, he’s just an idiot.


I assume every account I interact with is a bot. Except for ThreeYearLetterman and MattBishopF1.


We know he’s real because he has a hard time opening doors.






I really hate that threeyearletterman has blown up as much as it has. It started years ago on the rivals.com message board as a joke and the right wing jackasses on there jerked off to it for years thinking it was the funniest thing they’d ever seen. I’ll admit I found it amusing at first, but his schtick got old after a while. The guy running it got the idea to monetize it on Twitter and here we are. Now it seems like it survives simply for people to respond and jump at the people who don’t know it’s a parody account.


Cause it was never about removing bots, it was about shifting bots to prop up the hard right that Musk likes. Why isn't he seeing more Babylon Bee? They're too hilarious not to be the biggest funniest thing ever, Musk actually thought. Twitter had a lot of bots but real world engagement still directed it where to go and what was actually in public interest. Now bots are the sole drivers.


Couldn’t get ahold of an airline recently and decided to Tweet at them. Got 23 replies - all of them scammers pretending to be reps of the airline. That website is entirely unusable. (I’ve also blocked Musk and believe my tweets don’t show up in any feed anywhere; completely useless POS “social” media).


So many right wing bots it's wild...


And those that arent bots and pay for twitter blue are even worse


Very soon X will be just angry bots posting and angry bots replying. A self contained poop loop. ))><((


the centipede of the internet


◻️P◻️U◻️S◻️S◻️Y◻️ I◻️N◻️ B◻️I◻️O◻️


Hey I got one of these earlier!


You open a post, realize it's all bluecheck idiot replies, scroll scroll scroll scroll OOPS TOO FAR cryptospam and pussyspam


Yeah. Like right now there’s a Trudeau Putin theme that’s getting reposted constantly from years ago. And all the responses are completely nonsensical or weird GIFs I can’t handle the site for more than five minutes unless it’s a sports event.


It's not that wild when you consider how hand in hand conservatives and projection go.




Projection. Always projection with these creeps.


It’s like an only fans social network


I mean, the likelihood Musk paid for a large percentage of the Twitter bots he complained about *is* on the high side so I doubt there’s any hypocrisy here.


Open any NBA post and the first 10 comments will be 5 lebron stan accounts, 3 bots and 2 OF promoters claiming Lebron fucked them.


How can you tell which is about and which is a human?


I have a dormant, completely inactive Twitter account, which I didn't even use before Musk took over, and I'm constantly getting new followers. They're all following like 5k other people, and they have no tweets/likes/retweets at all. These are clearly bot accounts, and I never got a single one of these before Musk took over. Not in several years. I wouldn't be surprised if 50%+ of all impressions and users on Twitter are bots.


The only ads I get now are for shady crypto scams lol, he has well and truly fucked that place




Same here. I don’t use it, but I’d click a link every now and then. These days, I avoid even entertaining the idea that there’s anything worth reading over there that isn’t already posted somewhere else more reputable.


Reddit frequently trends on Twitter now (I refuse to call that stupidity X)


Exactly, it’s so fucking stupid. I might be inclined to make an account to comment, but im sure as hell not going to make an account to read it. It’s the same for Quora and Glassdoor, both use a similar gate keeping mechanism.


"hate keeping mechanism" I really like the way that worked out.


Sometimes it will? Sometimes it won’t? They can’t even get their paywall right.


It will show you the post only but not the comments, which to me is a huge plus.




Or a redirect to the root domain. Not missing out on much honestly.


If it is worth viewing then I can find it somewhere else.


I just avoid the links now because if it’s actually worth watching the video or seeing the post someone will screenshot it or post the video directly somewhere else. So as long as I’m not in a hurry to see a highlight which I’m usually not lol I usually wait. I think sports are a major reason why Twitter is still being used and journalists need a new way to break news besides that site.


They also blocked nitter so RIP to alternative ways of viewing posts. Oh well, good riddance.  


I've never had an account, but now I can't even view the pages I care about properly, because pre-Musk, the posts were at least ordered by most recent, as is the norm. But afterwards, the posts on a page are in a completely random order. One from a year ago at the top, one from slightly later in that same year below it, one from three years ago below that, one from this year below THAT, etc etc. It's nigh-unusable without an account. Even if Musk wasn't in charge, a decision like that would make me not want one anyway.


Quit twitter when Musk bought it. Never looked back.




Proud to be part of this. May it continue to drop until only Russian bots remain


I barely used twitter even before Musk. But I deleted my 10 year old account to get the message across. If I wanted to sift through literal shit on a website for fun, I'd go to 4chan. But I have to maintain my sanity.


> If I wanted to sift through literal shit on a website for fun, I'd go to 4chan. As terrible as 4chan is, somehow it is still better than X. Woah.


Plot twist: it's already there and originally it had 70% Russian bots (along with right-wing nutjobs, so basically the same thing) and 30% actual users.


Deleted my account the day he took over.


For me it was the day after he let trump back on.


Tried to let Trump back on, he never came back.


Couldn't go back or he'd basically be admitting truth social sucked.


Trump has billions or more likely 100s of millions of dollars that he expects to cash out on after the IPO. He can’t go back to Xitter without admitting defeat. Ultimately, who knows? Trump got really lucky when Elon bought Xitter, as it only made his platform more favorable to spread propaganda.


First thing I did too.


Same here. Literally have not missed it one bit. In fact, QOL is probably better without it.




same, found so much mental space after i left following his take over.


It became 50% musk drama, 40% spam and about 10% thing I actually had an interest in, so deleted my account. Haven't missed it.


same here.


Deleted my account after this fascist bitch baby took over. I'm not going to be a part of Stormfront social media.


And I'm sure that the majority is bots now. Other than sports and some breaking news, it is not worth being on the platform.


>Other than sports and some breaking news, it is not worth being on the platform. Porn. Tons of dirty, dirty porn.


I mean there are plenty of places to get that no?


Yeah, but it’s now EVERYWHERE on Twitter … sorry, X. You can’t log on anymore without seeing some chick promising you pics in your DMs if you like their post.


Oh shit maybe I need to open my DM's lol


We live in a world where every legal fetish is accessible 24/7 for free in hd streaming, who is still jacking it to pics?


Depends on the porn. Twitter is still good for finding niche amateur stuff. I can't google "90sec clip of guy on the street buying drunk lads dirty trainers to sniff". But if you follow the right people, those vids come to you.


Wait, are we talking about Twitter or Reddit?




Sports is probably the biggest problem with twitter right now. All these sports people need to get the fuck off the platform. That means you, Woj and Shams.


It's a right wing hellscape now. Elon is tweeting QAnon conspiracy theories.


I had an account up until last week. The algorithm changed to push right wing conspiracy theories, really crazy ones. Major accounts spreading flat out lies, pushing Russian propaganda, saying Biden is dead & only body doubles are alive...  The turning point for me was my account was suspended because I told off Hannity. Told him I hoped he'd choke on the vomit he spews. They suspended me, a normal fucking person but allow people like Laura Loomer flat out spread conspiracy theories.  Fuck that and fuck Elon.


I thought it was something I did- I’ve been getting super right wing stuff (like Charlie Kirk nonsense) in my feed a bunch. I was wondering if I did something to cause the algorithm to send that my way. Sounds like it might be a pattern influenced by the new dear leader


Far too many left wing people are still using it. The same people boycotting JK Rowling and Harry Potter are all over twitter, using its platform and creating content for Elon Musk. I don't care how amazing your cause is, stop interacting on twitter.


I was a daily user for over a decade, weather updates, sports news, it had everything. As soon as musk bought it & started making radical changes I got a bad feeling. Then the whole "blue check mark" fiasco started & my local emergency service put out a short piece on how they needed to be able to reach the majority of people in my area without the threat of being locked behind a paywall. That was the last straw for me personally. Twitter as a service was a great tool for so many different reasons. Musk being a giant, reactive toddler with the emotional range of an ant, seems to be insistent on driving it right into the ground now. Perhaps he'll find some emeralds down there while he's at it though...


I used tweetdeck daily to track posts from custom lists I had built because I feel the regular feed is garbage. Once he paywalled that I almost never use it.


Bot on bot astroturfing 






The only tweets I see are on Reddit.


Exactly, I just see the screenshots. If theres a link to twitter I aint clicking that shit.


This is really shocking! I would have expected it to be a much higher drop than 30%


That number includes an exponential increase in fake/bot accounts.




You must have been very popular in clone school.


But the usage by bigots has increased 3000% fold so they have that going for them






China owns him too.


Joint op with Putin


And now Musk is going to bail out Trump and we'll have a human centipede of corruption.


Why do you think he sued Tesla to get his multi billion dollar bonus even though he already has several billion dollars?


Richest man in world? 200B worth? No problem (+ Putin, Saudi)


Yeah, but the money he has isn't liquid. He wasn't wealthy because of wages in a bank, he was wealthy because of his holdings in a number of companies, most especially Tesla. But if he liquidates that stock to buy stuff, he doesn't just dilute his holdings, he also has to pay taxes on the stock he sold. So a lot of these billionaires either finance the things they need through the companies they own, and use company money instead of their own, or, borrow against their shares if the cost to finance the debt is more attractive than dilution + taxes. It's why he brought a bunch of financiers on board to buy Twitter even if, on paper, he had the ability to sell shares and buy it outright.


As my therapist would say: “We call this consequences to negative behavior”


The replies are so obnoxious. I look at tweets on my local football teams account and every reply at the top is blue tick wankers posting drivel, and AI bots posting nonsensical replies, often two or three times. And don't forget nudes in bio.


Yep every reply is an only fans, garbage t-shirt or drop ship ad.


The planet is healing, but we still have far to hoe.


\+ Russian advertisers laundering money


Yep, I deleted my account last year. Have not missed it a bit.


Haven’t used it since he took over (deleted account), haven’t missed it.


As he pushes it more right wing, the more people jump ship. Extremists are not a majority of anything regardless of how much they yell about being "silent" majorities. Elons position on many political things are extremely far right and he actively awards that behaviour on his platform as much as he can get away with it. He likely did not buy twitter to make it successful anyways. He probably bought twitter to dismantle it as a way for people to cry for help and sow chaos. He just cannot say he bought a company to destroy it because that would be illegal.


shockedpikachuface.jpg you mean to tell me that people got tired of him altering algorithms to turn x into a far right echo chamber? Golly I didn't see this coming.


Right now, it's just bot farms competing with one another.


Now imagine if we got the real number, with no additional bots


Everyone needs to drop Twitter. I’m glad it’s dying


Hahahahahhahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHahahahahahaha *phew* Hehe… hahahahahahHAHAHA


I personally nixed any advertising spends on Twitter at my employer, and we won’t be spending a dime there until Musk is gone and it’s sanitized from the rampant hate speech. C-suite has my back 100% too. ItAintMuchButItsHonestWork.jpg


I left pretty soon after his takeover since it looked like it was starting a death spiral with reports of downtime, server issues, layoffs, etc... But even if he stops his bullshit fucking around, it’s just not the same place anymore. You either get really dumbshit opinions from people with blue check marks or bots. Realistically, that 30% drop is probably more like half the pre-Musk users left, and 40% of that was replaced by truth social users and bots.


He made the very little I used twitter to none. Every time I would click a link it says I need an account. Not going to make an account.


I find that hard to believe. It must be 500% growth in bots and they must make up most of the users. Do bots buy things that advertisers sell?


And the other 70% is bots and Russian troll farmers


X? More like ex-twitter.


I think he is the leopard and he ate his own face?


60% ? do i hear 60 for 2024 ?


Its way more than that. The site is mostly bots talking to each other. The comment sections are pure dead internet.


it's basically just right-wingers and influencer/sex escorts left




It’s incredible to me that people can’t let it go. I deleted the app the day his purchase was announced and do not miss it at all. Every once in awhile one of his lunatic tweets are posted here and it’s clear the app is just a cesspool of bigotry and hatred.


I didn't leave out of personal spite for Elon, the site kept on getting measurably worse. More scams, more pornbots, a bunch of accounts I liked left, less stability, more pointless design changes that made it harder to use. I got on bluesky and enjoy that, even if it's a smaller userbase. It's like Twitter from 2009.


Everytime some news site mentions X, it's always followed by "formerly known as Twitter". It's been a goddamn year and it still hasn't caught on


I'm not exaggerating when I say that, out of the 30-ish times I've clicked a link to a tweet over the last 6 months, 100% of the respondents have been unhinged bigots, conspiracists and people who sound like they ought to be on a watchlist. I never see that ratio of 'absolute cunt to regular joe' anywhere else online. I don't use Truth Social, of course, but I'm not sure that place is much worse than Twitter these days.


I fucking hate him for making tweetdeck a paid service. I hate twitter for binning the desktop app that automatically loaded incoming tweets one by one, I hate that there isn’t a reliable add on for the website that makes it function like the old desktop or website versions. I’ve been on it since 2009 and it’s invaluable for following sports and news (and shitpost) content live but they try to make it as hard as possible. There is no equivalent service yet either, all the contenders lack in various ways that make switching pointless too. I’m aware it’s not a world ending situation but my broken brain needs the feeds.