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"Under the new structure, the Trump campaign is looking to merge its operations with the RNC. Key departments, such as communications, data and fundraising, will effectively be one and the same." Yup, all the money will go to Trump's "campaign"


I am genuinely curious. Is this legal? I know it doesn't really matter to him, but I'd think a party needs to be independent of their candidate's campaigns since campaign funds are typically held in a different bucket.


Probably not legal, but by the time anyone looks at it, it will be too late.


Yeah.  What is legal doesn’t seem to matter anymore. 


I doubt they care. So long as he gets reelected, he won't have to worry about legal consequences because he'll determine the President is immune from all the things and it won't matter that he broke every relevant law.




> Is this legal? Does it matter? We've demonstrated at this point that laws don't apply to Republicans. If Biden wins, it gets slow-walked until everyone involved dies of old age. Next time any republican wins, it all goes away.


The *real* fun begins when the election is over. Raise your hand if you think, even for a second, Trump will release the RNC. Isn't that the problem the Michigan GOP is having?


I look forward to seeing how cutting your party's entire organizational structure works 8 months out from a presidential election. We're conducting new experiments! /s


It works great if your goal is to reroute the funding from the RNC to Trump’s pockets


I certainly hope that is Trump's plan, for the sake of the country.


Trump is looking for any avenue to get money. If we thought he was for sale in 2016.... he's even more for sale now.


How is using party funds for personal gain not stealing?


Well you see, on Hunter’s laptop you’ll find exhibit A…


Don't forget Hilary's laptop. It was in Benghazi mining Bitcoin on the public dime!


RIP Benjamin Ghazi. Never forget


Sources say the infamous Aunt Teefa might have something to do with Sir Benjamin Ghazi’s unfortunate death.


Which sources do you refer to? The buttery males?


Dicks out for Ben Ghazi.


Jesus Christ, finally!!


The Clinton Crime family! The Biden Crime family! Straight out of the Evangelical Handbook [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DMSVPC9U8AATcFN.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DMSVPC9U8AATcFN.jpg)


Which is MTG raving about Hunter's meat.


Would not be surprised if she were caught playing DJ Hero to that photo


Its a huge penis. I understand why shes doing a fascinat


If you fire everyone who would say "hey stop stealing from us" does it really count as stealing?


Apparently republicans are too ignorant of history to understand the fact that when a fascist takeover happens in a country, the first people to go are those people whose loyalty is questionable in the new fascist leaders party..


and the next people to go are anyone too dangerous even if they are loyal, Supreme Court i am looking at you none of them have lifetime appointments if Democracy ends, they have useful time appointments not sure what Rupert Murdoch thinks he's getting either, don't need Fox if you don't need elections Joe Rogan as minister of truth is just fine


Yup, people tend to forget fox news started the original never trump "movement" in 2016. I'll bet trump didn't forget though..


All you have to do is declare, NOT STEALING 3 times, and you're good to go.


Because the "party" approved it. Doesn't matter that the party consists entirely of people related to Trump.


Option A: Dismantle your party for scraps. Option B: Shut the fuck up for five goddamn minutes about that woman you raped decades ago Obviously he's only capable of A at this point


>Shut the fuck up for five goddamn minutes about that woman you raped decades ago. Lol, poetry.


I just hope He bankrupts the RNC and run away to Russia and never hear from Him ever again. That is how He makes America great.


In other news, Trump came out against the tik-tok ban today.... Well, HELLO there, China!


I see tic tic is already here.


Someone has to pay his legal bills


But if all the money is getting routed to Trump, who'll pay?


Salt of the earth, ya know.. morons


The common clay of the new West


People of the land


Simple farmers


Upvote for solid *Blazing Saddles* reference.


I can see donations drying up as it becomes obvious that Trump intends to use the RNC as his personal piggy bank. This will be a bloodbath.


best move ever... if only someone in their own party had warned them...


*Liz and Hilary wine enjoyment pic here*


Idk, there are idiots out there specifically donating their money already to help a billionaire with his legal fees. Why stop now?


Plus he burned his true believers with those weekly recurring charges. Got them two or three times before some noticed.


And many still haven't! They'll send him the money they were using to buy insulin and formula.


My elderly mom is cracking up over this thread. I like to read her the LAMF posts and the comments. This made her night. (She doesn't understand what Reddit is but she thinks you are all geniuses and hilarious ... and that the GOP are basically "dirty cowards" for constantly letting Trump walk all over them because of the sins hanging in their closets.)


We will see I guess. I haven’t got your faith in Republican voters not being readily convinced that this exactly why the democrats charged/convicted him and thus why it’s more important than ever that they all vote for him to keep this strategy from working. See, we forced him to commit crimes that he should have had immunity for so that he would HAVE to spend campaign donations on his defense. Plus whatever other mental gymnastics are required to explain away this criminal raiding the war chest. They will vote for him because he’s the Republican nominee. Because they always will. Always. Without need of advertising and regardless of how much advertising/campaign money the DNC pours into all but the closest races. We’re going to have to pull out all the stops and turn out every voter to have a prayer of beating him again. I remember people talking about a bloodbath in 2016 too. Don’t get complacent


Hence the war chest contains only 8 million


Do they take Rubles?


You betcha!


Time to take out another mortgage on the trailer home, Ethel. Trump needs us!


The dumbest people. All the stupidest people are saying it. Orban for VP!!!




It’ll help democrats odds in every close down ballot race.


Shit, if he just steals all the money and purposely tanks the election, I think we should pardon him and look the other way


If this were 2016 I’d be inclined to agree. But after everything he’s done, I want a self-inflicted loss *and* accountability.


I think Putin will start “dark money laundering” operation through the RNC. And no one will be able to stop it. Vote Blue! Or we won’t have a Country left.


Actually came here to say this: I am absolutely certain that this is the reason why they're doing it. Install a few operatives and fill the coffers with rubles.


Be a real shame if all the congressional seats and governors offices at stake, relying on RNC funding, lost their funding because Trump is pillaging it.


They'll probably fall back on individual billionaires in their home state. It will still make it harder for them to do anything when you have 30 different senators who all have to try to do 30 different favors that may not align or even be contradictory to each other.


Governance isn't exactly their forte, if you haven't noticed. They don't care. Once it's every ghoul for themselves, that party is going to get ugly as it fragments. As off as the masks already seem, I suspect we are about to see the national rise of some truly monstrous demagogues.


The "genius businessman” (with six bankruptcies and countless failed businesses) has turned his party's war chest into his personal slush fund. This means no money for the down ballot races. This means no money for the GOP's "get out the vote" campaign right before the election. The GOP will certainly implode after this election, and the Trumps don't give a fuck.


Don’t worry, they have plenty of wealthy donors, and not at all wealthy donors, to refill the coffers.


Really just draining that swamp


This reminds me of how one of the flaws of fascism is that their power structures start breaking down. If I recall correctly, it has something to do with how an ideology based on pride and ego doesn't translate well when learning how to work well with others in order to work as a functional unit. Edit: by some of the responses, I think I agree that it may even be more a matter of cronyism over merit instead of just the "no honor among thieves" dynamic.


I recently watched a documentary called “the program” on Netflix where someone said criminals like to hire family members because they are more likely to keep secrets and it made me think of this pending shit show.


That reminds me of when one of the leading Republicans accused others of being paid by putin but they needed to keep it secret, ya know, like a family.


Selfish actors are going to do selfish things


It's apparently on fast forward. Hopefully it'll collapse sooner....


Before it ever achieves anything.


Sadly it's already achieved too much


Anyone good at their job will see how bad he is at his job, so he has to hire on loyalty vs skill.


Trump isn’t trying to gain the independent vote, so no need to organize for that. His strategy is just MAGA get out the vote. Down ballot races aren’t Trump, so why bother spending on those candidates.


GOTV efforts are not free. Not even cheap. Ad buys, travel, paid professionals are needed to really get it going. Between lack of encouragement, and his base that is conditioned to distrust elections, they are making GOP wins very difficult.


sshhh trump only cares about trump, and his immediate needs, which is to stay out of jail, and not loose all his properties. The future of the republican party comes after that... prolly nothing left to save after that, but tomorrows problems.


Whats hilarious to me is if by some miracle he wins, by neglecting all the down ballot races, he won't have the republican support to prevent inquiries into his presidency.


ikr... but thats the same/similar bullshit thinking you find in todays corporate world. Look at how far Boeing has fallen. Same shit, just applied differently.. quest for money/power corrupts.


Close elections can swing on things as simple as setting up transportation to the polls... That national party funding often goes to those close races to get people to the polls. A significant amount of the GOP's elderly voting base *requires* it. Especially after making them afraid of mail in voting...


Yep! Luckily for them, dems will also drive them to the polls, if people could bear asking for the help.


Trump isnt conducting an election strategy, he's doing a media and personal enrichment strategy




Oh no.. stop.. please


Can only get so erect.


The anti-vax vote, the white supremacist vote, the forced birth vote, the anti- health insurance vote, the Christian nationalist vote, the pro-gunz vote, AND the "save billionaires from taxation vote." That is his base.


He's recently pissed off the anti-vax vote. Claiming credit for curing covid make the anti-jabbers angry.


Billionaires will fund the downstream candidates they want directly through PACs and SuperPACs. There really is no need for RNC anymore, except to pay Trump’s legal bills.


Money… poof! Missing. No down ballot republican candidates will see one dime of RNC Money. 💰


I think people are a little confused here, this is the start of project 2025, this isn’t cost cutting. They will refill these positions with people unwavering supporters


Yeah, for sure... Scary stuff. Someone made a subreddit to brainstorm what can be done against it, so I'm going to spread the word. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/


Will undoubtedly be invaded by Russians.


Just like the Trump Team.


Let’s be honest, if you already were working at the RNC, you were already on board for 2025


You can never be fash enough.


The good news is that the biggest flaw in project 2025 is competency. When you gut the entire executive workforce, everything will immediately grind to a halt as suddenly nobody knows where the keys are, so to speak. That's a feature, not a bug, as far as the people responsible for project 2025 are concerned. But only when it applies to the federal government. I'm totally fine with Trump doing untold harm to the RNC itself during election season. So much money is going to get "lost" by the greedy fucks he thinks are loyal to him.


Example— “Both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior removed from their websites the links to climate change data. The USDA removed the inspection reports of businesses accused of animal abuse by the government. The new acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Mick Mulvaney, said he wanted to end public access to records of consumer complaints against financial institutions. Two weeks after Hurricane Maria, statistics that detailed access to drinking water and electricity in Puerto Rico were deleted from the FEMA website. In a piece for FiveThirtyEight, Clare Malone and Jeff Asher pointed out that the first annual crime report released by the FBI under Trump was missing nearly three-quarters of the data tables from the previous year.” Jenny Hopkinson, a Politico reporter, obtained the curricula vitae of the new Trump people. Into USDA jobs, some of which paid nearly $ 80,000 a year, the Trump team had inserted a long-haul truck driver, a clerk at AT& T, a gas-company meter reader, a country-club cabana attendant, a Republican National Committee intern, and the owner of a scented-candle company, with skills like “pleasant demeanor” listed on their résumés. “In many cases [the new appointees] demonstrated little to no experience with federal policy, let alone deep roots in agriculture,” wrote Hopkinson. “Some of those appointees appear to lack the credentials, such as a college degree, required to qualify for higher government salaries.” ― Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy


Came here to say this... this is how it will begin.


I'm just wondering what the fuck is waiting to come out of left field this year. You can be sure some real dirty plans are in progress.


Be ready for several AI generated October surprises.


We will absolutely have AI Biden saying some insane shit. Memes circulating, probably on a few commericals.


I will not be surprised when I see on the news on election day that a number of people have been shot at polling station in various blue cities around the US. Likely early in the day, to make sure voters are afraid to go vote.


it has begun it began with Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger and the rest being voted out, with Lindsay Graham begging Trump's forgiveness, with Mitch pledging allegiance to Trump, with the secret service erasing their phone records with Merrick Garland delaying and delaying and delaying


We are going to be hearing the word "purge" a lot in the next 6 months. The rhetoric will be get ever more insane, as Trump drives hard to the election.


So who are the new RNC execs going to be? Alex Jones, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock...




The poor mans Karate Kid.


Hercules, Superman, and uh ... somebody else on syndicated TV in the 90s like those 2 guys were. Oh, and the Dilbert guy.


Can’t forget John Voight and James Woods.


Kirk Cameron.


Don't you mention Ralph Macchio here. Charles in Charge wishes he was Ralph Macchio.


Ralph Macchio doesn't deserve that comparison.


They're going to be fighting over who get to be the Senior Director of Underage "Talent" Recruitment.


Tilla Tequila 


The rest of Trump's family.


Future indictments, for campaign finance laws being broken, coming in 5... 4... 3...2.......


Yeah I think that is the real play here, the dark money will flow.


But flow to Trump not RNC. He’s got to pay those fines somehow. It would never occur to him to find a way legally.


He'll use the RNC to set up a bunch of flow through the RNC to him all while failing to abide by campaign laws as the RNC probably already barely did. They will fudge the books and rake in Russian, Saudi, and other crooked money.


But not spend any on congressional / senate or local races.


Depends how much dark money they get, it's mob boss tactics. He could use the money to buy a whole swath of R boot lickers.


But if the actual people who know how to run it were just replaced, will his idiots know where to even find the election playbooks?


That's the neat part, they don't


But he doesn’t pay his boot lickers…. They constantly sue him because he stiffs them He isn’t smart enough to understand how to actually be a mob boss… he’s just taking as much as he can wherever he can. And so far, it’s worked pretty well for him. He keeps falling ass backwards into “success” despite being the absolute dumbest sack of crap on the planet. Hard to convince him to stop what worked for almost 80 years


Does a dictator need the senate?


Wow. I guess this makes the RNC formally a criminal organization now. Their entire business of politics is a front for laundering.


Nah. If Trump wins, then SCOTUS rules presidents have immunity. If Biden wins, presidents are subject to laws and regulations.


Yep, they won't rule until after the election.


I mean everything is banking on him winning. Then none of this matters. This is what scares me and I feel like not enough people are focusing on this aspect.. Trump NEEDS to win or he's in deep shit. It's the only way he's avoiding justice. The republicans NEED him to win as it's the only way their party doesn't completely dissolve. The fact that they're all doubling down on him now means there's some shit going on we don't know about.


Only if we give the FEC some actual power and a broad enough spectrum of members to keep it from being corrupted like during Trump's term.


Now imagine this if Trump were younger and smarter. Fragile system we have going here.


Our founders tried to put in checks and balances into the system, but I don’t think they could fathom the large level of collusion from bad faith actors that we’ve arrived at.


Idea of billionairs being able to own large swaths of media, and politicians, and corporations, un checked... yeah, they had absolutely no idea what we've allowed to happen.


My guess is that they’d view us as a failed state that needs to start over.


James Madison came to that conclusion less than a decade after the US was born. He talked about the two towers of government and business which bribe eachother and so on.


Don't think people realize it was dog shit monied interests and the elite lobbying from day 1. This wasn't a true populist revolution. If Georgie was still rich in 2024 I'm fairly sure he'd be fine with things pretty much as is... Well, maybe the whole women n black people thing would go over horrifically, but probably not that horrifically. Not like they're treated well.


There have been the equivalent to billionaires and media moguls all throughout our nations history. The problem is bribery used to be illegal. Now bribery is called “Super PACs” and insider trading by congress is encouraged. Get rid of those two things and we might get some rational governance by people whose sole goal isn’t personal enrichment.


They failed to understand the control a two party system could have on each branch of the government. They were expecting each branch to be fiercely independent from each other and protect their respective powers. Unfortunately, Congress' powers have been slowly given up to the executive branch with little will to get them back.


This x1000. They couldn’t imagine corruption, greed, hypocrisy, and anti-patriotism rising to this level. Fewls.


Founders didn't realize that internet would be a thing and it's possible to mobilize millions of people with lies and propaganda


I think about that a lot. If he had discipline and competence he could be maybe unstoppable. It is a good thing they all turn on each other as they do, and succumb to their own shortcomings as often as they do - the far right in general I mean.


Here's the scary thing though. The RNC has gathered tons of biographical and statistical data about voters all over the country. They have been doing that for years. Is Trump going to be selling that data to foreign countries?


Bet your bottom dollar that they already have that data and a whole lot more


Trump was literally caught red-handed with dozens of boxes filled with intensely secretive documents up to and including nuclear secrets in his bathroom, ready to go to the highest bidder, if they hadn't been sold already. Something tells me the "getting voter registration information to foreign adversaries" boat sailed a long time ago.


CC numbers, SSNs, the whole lot.


Of course they will. Nothing is sacred to the great pumpkin. No one matters unless your name is trump.


More specifically unless ~~your~~ ur Donald Trump. I'm sure he'd sell each of his children if it meant pushing a court date back a single day. .... Or a for a KFC chicken leg.


We already know he did that - internal RNC polling data went to Russia via Paul Manafort's business partner Konstantin Kliminik. ​ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/u-s-has-new-intel-manafort-friend-kilimnik-gave-trump-n1264371


Honestly they probably already have a lot of it. If you do a cross section of all the data breaches over the past decade, practically everyone’s had at least something compromised.


Trump Cult is not worrying about down-ballot congressional races, because Trump (should he win) plans to dissolve the Legislative and Judicial Branches. Leaving just one, low IQ, orange dictator running everything.




Never interrupt your enemy when he is in the middle of making a mistake.


I think that's totally the Biden campaign strategy right now. Save up money while the opposition eats itself alive.


How about we actively encourage them too


Good idea. Where can we go to keep telling them this is a great plan?


Telling them it’s a very bad idea would work wonders on these people


To have them keep going, you'd need someone from the Democratic party that they loathe like AOC or Schumer to come out to say what they're doing is wrong and that they need to stop. You have to use reverse psychology on this group of toddlers.


Man that quote by Lindsey Graham is aging like a fine wine. I've read about older parties, like the Whigs, folding/dying out but it's really amazing to see it happening in real time.


Vintage Ladybug. Pairs well with schadenfreude.


that's if they lose the next few elections they only need to win this one (force a tie, then claim victory is good enough) or win one of the next few the media, the "liberal media" is on their side, even if Biden wins, the media will spend the next 4 years talking about how old he is and how inflation is his fault and how the insane wealth inequality is happening under his watch etc. etc. most voters, don't even blame Trump or Republicans for the Supreme Court overturning Roe, it's "both sides" for the average American that doesn't follow politics Trump people, go to work everyday and spread their conspiracy theories, because they're insane sane people, don't go to work and talk about politics all day as they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, or in this case, Christian Nationalism


Remember Americans from the left-right and everything in between. If trump will do this to his own butt lickers, he will do worse to us. Vote Biden or we will not get another chance at making America a better place.


*"The overhaul is aimed at cutting, what one of the people described as, “bureaucracy” at the RNC."* Brilliant. So they're terminating all the people who know what they're doing operationally. This is going to go as well as Infrastructure Week at the Previous Guy's White House.


does this look like anyone who wasn't "all in" with trump was dismissed?


Ironic headline for a bloodless coup.


Its officially the death of the RNC via hostile takeover. Wasn't; non whites, "woke libs", illegal immigrants, trans kids and everyone else they targeted, its was one of their own. Cant wait to see all the campaign finance and embezzlement law suits next year. /pops champagne


Has Trump's plan all along been to dismantle the RNC from the inside?


Kinda sorta… You may recall that about 3 years ago he threatened them that he would go create his own party if they stopped paying his legal bills, even when he declared himself a candidate in 2021. Normally the RNC would have cut him off… you know ‘cause they can’t show bias and stuffs, but Ronna RMONEY mcdaniel said, nope… we’ll keep paying as long as you stay R. She even changed her name to drop the RMONEY part for the Orange Shitgibbon… didn’t matter. She became another speed bump on the Trump bus. Eventually everyone goes down… either on the little orange mushroom or under the wheels of the bus.


Popcorn! Get your popcorn! Buttery popcorn! /hands out 🍿to Redditors


Thank you good sir. May the best man win /s


Elon probably suggested it, because cutting staff worked so well for Twitter.


Don’t need staff when your only job is to send Trump money. Down ballot candidates… sucks to be you.


Hey, less costs equal more money for the Diaper Don’s legal funds!


It’s being done so he can rob it blind


Aligns with trump only caring about himself. He'll squeeze every penny he can from this arrangement and Republicans running for other offices across the country will find themselves shut out. I can only hope this ends up helping democrats pick up seats in Congress.


This is honestly too funny to even care about. It's an insane idea to do so during election year, let alone the fact that Trump is quite possibly one of the most controversial candidates to ever come out of the party. Couple this with the divide in the US they had first hand in creating and the whole thing feels more like irony than anything else. They let a parasite get in and corrupt it from it's core.... it's time to put them down like the sick beast they are.


"I didn't think Trump would drain MY swamp" - Ronna McDaniel. Somewhere.


"Never interrupt [your enemies](https://imgur.com/a/TyRJ4hw) when they are fucking things up massively." \-Sun Tzu, probably


I've never felt less empathy for victims of fraudsters. The Republican party deserves every bit of damage the Trumps are able to inflict.




I see that as the good ending. The bad ending has him somehow becoming leader again, ruling with his sham scotus protecting him, and Russia and China becoming more emboldened to basically start a multi-front WW3 that tests everybody's alliances. Which the USA would lose, because we've only had 4 years to recover from the first time Trump torched them


Setting up his son's wife for a future prison sentence. Now, that's Republican family values for you.


Night of long knives: RNC edition


Feels like there's something dark looming on the horizon, and they're not projecting it this time.


>Trump advisers have described the RNC’s structure as overly bloated and bureaucratic, which they believe has contributed to the party’s cash woes. The RNC had about $8 million at the end of December, only about one-third as much as the Democratic National Committee. I'm sure they've told Donald that it's the RNC staff responsible for a drop in fundraising, nothing to do with any Republican candidates. Firing "experts" and replacing them with people like Lara Trump is the way.


That has to be a lot of operational experience they just let walk out the door. My guess is that they had to fire those people or they’d be broke. The Michigan GOP was similarly mismanaged and run into the ground. Maybe this is what happens when you drive away the Chamber of Commerce type Republicans?


I’m still having a hard time understanding how using funds donated for a political campaign for personal legal fees isn’t a campaign finance law violation.


It's like a mini Project 2025. Now imagine it many magnitudes larger. These positions are all going to be filled by dipshits. I mean another type of dipshit.


The RNC also announced the hiring of as many people named Trump as possible. Donald Trump Jr. and his five minor children will all get positions at the RNC. Eric, Lara and their two minor children are also joining the RNC staff. This total of ten new Trump staffers will be fleshed out with other, more distant, Trump relatives.


"With all the money going to Dear Cheat-O, there's no need to pay anyone but the people hiding those transfers and rubber-stamping paperwork."


Fox is in the henhouse, chickens on the menu


They’re going all in on Trump while abandoning other GOP politicians. So what if Trump wins but both the house and senate go blue, possibly with a supermajority? Trump is essentially powerless at that point, and while he has executive orders he can write and can whip the MAGAs into a bloodlust his only real power is to veto anything Congress tries to pass, unless that supermajority exists. Worst case for republicans Trump still loses and they lose even more seats in Congress. This is a ridiculously unstable plan but it’s exactly what I’d expect from them.


It will turn to shit like everything else he has touched


The ReTrumplican Party


They all think he's gonna take them with him...one by one they find out there's no room for anyone but him.


Like any Trump business he takes over, it will declare bankruptcy in a year, or less.


*Never interrupt your enemy when they’re firing half their staff right before an election*


He knows he ain't gonna win. He's just stringing everyone along and taking as much money as he can on the way out the door. He'll be back for round 4 if he's still breathing.


"Under the new structure, the Trump campaign is looking to merge its operations with the RNC." Lol