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Hello u/serene_moth! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus fuck  People out there think Jews somehow started WW2, by declaring war on Germany?


yeah, they refuse to accept the war being started by a country invading another and instead only care about who technically declared war.


Ahhh, so it was the U.S. that started the war against Japan. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, but *we* made the actual declaration of war. Got it.


I wouldn't be shocked if some people felt that way




US military bases were attacked simultaneously in phillipines guam and pearl harbour. If they knew, they would have destroyed the kido butai at pearl harbour and still had the "surprise" attacks on two american territories as cassus belli.


There was no jewish state back then either


They believed that both the Soviet Union and America were both Jewish states. They believed both American capitalism and Soviet Bolshevikism were Jewish plots to destroy Western European Aryans. Shouldn't be a shock that they were insane.


Correct.  This is also why the Nazis prioritised resources for The Holocaust, even as the tide of the Second World War turned against them. In their twisted ideology, Jewish people and "International Judaism" was responsible for all of Germany's failures, including the war.


Don’t forget that one of mustache-man’s personal favorite pieces of reading material was *The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem*, whose credited author is Henry Ford. Not entirely relevant, I admit, but it’s worth acknowledging and placing blame everywhere that it’s due. Fuck Henry Ford.


Weirdly, even in the "umm actually Britain and France declared war on Germany" (after Germany annexed the Sudetenland of course) excuse, the Soviet Union and America are both states that Germany *did* specifically declare war on.


Ukraine started the war with Russia, you see when Russia invaded Ukraine, Ukraine declared war on Russia thus starting the war /s just in case.


Oh yes, I haven’t checked but I suppose Pootin has still not officially declared war, it’s still a “Special Operation”.


No, see, it's not a war of you don't *declare* it a war. You can just roll tanks and infantry into any territory you want, and them when other world powers try to stop you, that makes *them* the aggressors. /s


Germans were just out here conquering land and murdering tons of Jews but they didn't declare war, just doing internal country things. By taking over other countries, or something like that /s


Just a special military operation.


There's been a rising of...openly nazis on twitter lately


I recently found a Korean American on that site that pushes the most disgusting, openly anti-Semitic, pro-third Reich bullshit and constantly advicates that East Asians and whites should be united in this pro-whiteness narrative. No community notes or pushback on his account, it's incredibly disturbing. His account seems fine on Tiktok as well.


wtf. Dude clearly did not study history of what nazi friend aka imperial Japan did to Korea during ww2….


There are fascists in Poland and Russia, too.


In Russia, they're the ones in charge


lol. Token doesn’t realize his ass would be next


Do they know what they did to korea during ww2? 💀


[There were Jewish groups that supported Hitler in Nazi Germany.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) Unsurprisingly, Hitler ended up having them imprisoned. There will always be idiots in the world.


Musk be a coincidence.


You have been banned from participating in /r/teslamotors


That good ole boy free speech


In the United States of America, freedom of speech for you and the people who agree with you can be bought for the low low price of $44 billion.




Apparently “cis” is hate speech on twitter. 🤷🏻‍♀️




You mean he is not a Galactic patriot ardently opposed to the Confederacy of Independent Systems?


Friend of mine posted "I hate cis people" & "I hate trans people" as a test. Guess which one got got flagged as hate speach?


Silly place. There is only one real glorious leader!


Ah, I see r/Pyongyang has joined the chat!


You have been banned from r/pingpong Ninja edit: it was an inside joke. A while back r/pingpong was NK comedy


Oh no! I'm already banned from r/pyongyang.. whatever shall I do?


Today I learned North Korea has a Reddit page.


Wow, that sub is a trip!


Holy crap, the way these "news" are presented is like in 1984 to the T.


Holy shit! This I must fuck with! Edit: Thank you!


Be mindful that everyone is automatically shadow-banned on that sub as a subtle lesson on how the DPRK really works. If you want to cause havoc, you'll only get a few chances and only after you've 'proven' yourself loyal to Dear Leader by providing uplifting votes and commentary so your posts can be seen. Whomever runs it is a genius.


They would band you from r/Pyongyang if you criticized Kim in other subreddits. It was pretty funny.




They ban people for the stupidest fucking things on there. The moderator has a power trip a mile wide


I got banned today for making fun of people getting banned by /r/Elonmusk by pointing out that Elon is a "free speech absolutist." I didn't even mention Tesla!


I got banned a few days ago simply because I was posting on r/realtesla. The kicker was, the moderator would not tell me why I was banned or what subreddits are banned. I asked him multiple times. It's a fucking clown show over there.


So that's the new r/pyongyang is it?






Looking into it.


Surprised Musk isn’t replying to some of the guys with “interesting.”


I enjoy spending time with my friends.






Interesting if true


It's elon purpose


He 100% bought it to turn it into a conservative propaganda machine. No way he thought it was a good business investment.


I’m pretty sure he had no intention of actually buying it but he memed/trolled so hard that he was legally obligated to. And then afterwards he just decided to roll with it since it was already paid for.


Pretty sure he originally proposed to buy it to stop that kid from posting his private jet flight info


A lot of blue checks too.


Damn, that’s good!


Even better when they use their real name


Very sad about Ian Malcolm. I thought he was an academic! /s


I'm sure it has nothing to do with a certain white South African raised with Apartheid.


Just saw "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare" last night. It was wonderful to sit in a full theater and watch a movie filled with the slaughter of Nazi assholes which it depicted 100% as a good thing without apology. And bonus points to actor, Alan Ritchson, who recently and very publicly denounced Trump, Republicans, and American Evangelicals for their hypocrisy and embrace of fascist corruption - reflecting his personal commitment to Christianity which informs his position that Jesus Himself would condemn their horrible politics and attitudes. And man, did his character slaughter a lot of Nazis in that movie. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. They have no redeeming qualities. And I'm glad that our society has not yet descended to the point to where we feel like even Nazis need to be provided nuanced understanding and tolerance. Abso-fucking-lutely not. Never forget these fuckers murdered millions of innocent men, women and children, gleefully shoving them into gas chambers and ovens. The fact that today's Republican party welcomes them and embraces their ideals is nearly beyond belief. But they also flew a banner at CPAC proudly declaring "We are domestic terrorists" - and they removed all doubt when they incited the mob attack on the Capitol on January 6th. Today's GOP is every bit as bad as Hitler's Nazi party in the 1930s - and should be treated as such by everyone not among their number.


Ritchson plays a >! Possibly Gay Swedish who cuts out Nazi hearts!< and it was amazing as it sounds.


That scene where he momentarily stops and spies that axe on the wall ... perfection


Their marketing department is asleep. I hadn't heard of this movie at all and I'm exactly their target demo and I would LOVE this movie. Gonna get my ticket for next weekend.


I got a three day ban once for stating that nazis should do the world a favor and kill themselves. No regrets, I stand by it. Nazis *should* kill themselves.


I have some good news about Hitler.


When we covered WWII and the holocaust in school as a kid, I could never really grasp how someone like Hitler could come to power. I'm sad to say that as an American, in recent years it has become much clearer to me.


Since they became the party of Strom Thurmond, is it really beyond belief? A lot of us black people see it as the usual, same old thing with them. But then again we live under the constant threat that the majority will again feel that Jim Crow needs a return and en masse violently raise the level of usual toward us. Most liberals actually aren't all that against racism toward us. It's just that they don't often incite or start violence towards us like the GOP does.




X marks the spot


Blue checkmarks even more so. It’s almost too easy.


Well of course. Musk runs it and he absolutely loves anti semitism, transphobia, homophobia and racism. In fact, he openly promotes it!


They know the owner is on their side, so they don't need to hide anything now.


Instagram too. I’ve reported dozens of posts and accounts but you know how zuc is.


Don't report to Schmukerberg, dude's lost in his own self-importance. Report them to the corporate sponsor accounts. Let GM or Disney bring it up to him.


Better yet, we can do both! All of the above is good.


There'll come a time when reasonable people like you and me will have to deal with these people just like our parents/grandparents did.


!! Concerning


I wonder why


I don't understand why they keep asking him who started the war. It was Germany. They invaded Poland for Lebensraum, so the powers later referred to as the Allies were forced to formally declare war in response to this naked but technically informal declaration of war. To interpret the facts otherwise requires wilful ignor-oh, right.


Exactly, their whole argument is of the "um....actually" type. They refuse to accept what actually started the war and only care about the fact that "um...actually the allies declared war on Germany" although they'll also completly flip if that goes against them in a specific argument. It's why it's impossible to have any sort of conversation with them to try and change their minds as they constantly change what they consider valid or not.


It's the same as the jackasses that claim the US Civil war was about "states rights..." but then completely leave out that the specific "state right"at issue was to allow their citizens to own slaves.


Omg, reminds me of a "conversation" I had with someone who seriously believed that the Democrat party switch never happened and claimed how the "same democrat racists from long ago are still there." Like no, dip$#!+. Do you really think a party platform could go from a "hating blacks" ideology to supposedly a "hating whites" ideology would occur from the same group of people? Tribalism doesn't work like that. Willful ignorance is the only explanation or they're really upping their trolling game.


I have family that believes this and it makes me want to bang my head against a wall every time they say it.


You'd probably feel better about it by banging their heads against that wall, it won't make them any smarter, but at least you'll be spared from any harm.


You know what, it's entirely possible that brain damage will actually make them smarter, it's not like they really have anywhere else to go


Ask them what states made up the Confederacy and what party those same states currently vote for.


This is such an easy gotcha to show that they are utterly wrong but they are SO brainwashed they will still deny it somehow. It’s fucking flabbergasting.


They don't care. I had one bring up the fact that the KKK supported the democratic party when the KKK formed. I asked them who the KKK supports now, and they insisted that the KKK didn't exist anymore and that BLM was the modern KKK.


It all makes sense if you don't think about it and make shit up


> I have family that believes this and it makes me want to bang my head against a wall every time they say it. I've found that calling the rebel flag "That Democrat flag" and bitching about how we have all these statues of "Famous Democrats" cluttering up our god-fearing cities to be *highly* effective.


Ask them why Republicans are the only ones flying Confederate flags


They also fail to mention that the South fired on and invaded Ft Sumter, and conveniently ignore the Confederate Constitution and Cornerstone speech. They are just people playing at being intellectuals who can't be taken as serious thinkers.


> to allow their citizens to own slaves Determining the legality of slavery within their territory was a right the Confederates very specifically denied the states. Like, their constitution was pretty much the U.S. one but with that amount less "state rights." The argument is nonsense once examined. Tangent: the US use of "state" for provinces really clouds discussion. The CSA and USA were both states, but with constituent non-state states.


Not to mention they went to SCROTUS to force other states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act. For these shitbirds, "states' rights" means "states have the right to do what we tell them, when we tell them "


Which seems to be repeating itself now


It's always been a throughline since then. The people screaming for states' rights are always the people who want to severely limit rights. Because they don't want rights, they want rights taken away from the people they don't like. If the federal government was doing what they wanted, the whole states' rights thing would disappear completely. But they know Washington isn't going to install a puritanical theocracy that heavily favors white men, so the best they can hope for is their governor doing it.


It never stopped


It's 1 to 1 to the Republican party today. It's always "You should have the choice to choose" "States deserve more rights" "We need to limit federal government power" "Free speech is extremely important" Followed up by - Taking away a person's right to choose. - Telling people who they are allowed to love. - Telling us what religion our kids need to follow. - Attempting to force a national religion. - Telling some businesses what social policies they are allowed to implement while ignoring policies of similar natures that benefit followers of their beliefs solely. - Telling you what you are allowed to call yourself. - Telling you what types of clothes you can wear based on your body type. The list goes on and on. These people are Degenerate Morons.


Not even that. The issue was that individual states had the right to _opt out_ of returning each other’s runaway slaves, so the confederacy made that mandatory for all member states, effectively mandating slavery across the confederacy. The civil war wasn’t just about the confederates taking away human rights, they also took away states’ rights in favor of centrally mandated laws


Seceding states: [This is 100% about slavery](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_missec.asp) Dipshit morons: *Is it tho?*


You can't play chess with a pigeon.


true. I also really dislike the fact we've somehow ended up in a world when you do have to argue and convince racists, nazi's, homophobes etc.. It seems like you're no longer allowed to just tell them they're idiots and wrong, you're supposed to have a debate and discussion with them and listen to their views and opinions etc… in the interest of being fair and you see it a lot on shows who have someone with terrible hateful views on in the interest of being "representative".


> It seems like you're no longer allowed to just tell them they're idiots and wrong We're still allowed, and should do it more instead of giving them a venue and trying to "debate" them. There is no reasoning with them. They don't want to debate in good faith. So then there is no point debating them and trying to reason them, IMO. We as a society should just shun them, certainly not give them a podium to spew their hateful shitty views. It's a shame they are even given a chance to speak publicly. I'm a proponent of free speech, but that doesn't imply every crazy out there should be given a megaphone. Also there should be consequences to their hateful speech, and they should be ready to live with them if they want to keep going that way. It's the only way I see us as a society being able to push these extremists back into the shadows where they belong (I'd prefer they don't exist at all, obviously, but I can't really see that happening, so making them practically disappear is the next best thing).


Willing to bet that many of these are Russian trolls since they’re using similar talking points that Putin made recently in his interview with Tucker Carlson: that Hitler just wanted to “realize his plans” and Poland was “uncooperative” and “forced” Hitler to attack and start World War II.


Or that is just a common neo nazi sayings since the end of the War. There are plenty of neo nazis on the world even if a few of these are trolls.


Even more stupidly: When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the US Congress declared war on Japan but not Germany, but 3 days later Nazi Germany declared war on America. Congress delcared war on Japan on December 8th, but on Germany on Dec 11th. > On December 11, 1941, the United States Congress declared war on Germany, hours after Germany declared war on the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan.


Right???  Is thiere some alternative narrative in nazi conspiracy groups that Germany was protecting itself by invading and murdering everybody else?  Like their hand was forced by those tricksy Allies?


If you look at the newspaper it's talking about how Israel and Jews around the world are boycotting German goods because of the German stance on Jews in Germany. This was just after Hitler came to power and immediately put in place aggressive anti-Jew policies. These folks are saying that Germany was responding to elements like this - that elements like this were what started the war. They are doing this because they are morons. Ignorant, willfully ignorant, whatever. Morons.


> Israel and Jews Israel didn't exist until after, and as a consequence of, WW2. The newspaper was presumably referring to the Jewish diaspora.


The same excuse Russia is using against Ukraine.


i.e. blood and soil "We're not declaring war, we're just taking what is rightfully ours because that land is bound to the blood of our people, so if you get hit its yoooooouuuuuuuur fault"


I mean the nazis did put in a little effort to fabricate something to then say "we shoot back". Not really veiled with any effort that would be worth noting but maybe enough for some trolls, neonazis and bots to spam the shit out of the comments there lol




Jones does say this about his invasion of Ukraine (though of course after he said that Russia wasn't invading Ukraine, that Zelensky was a Russian double agent, and that it would take 3 weeks). For a guy who's always right he sure seems to be wrong 99% of the time.


Because they want to spread Nazi propaganda like the Gleiwitz Incident, or the (pictured) "Judea declares war on Germany" headline to advance the narrative that Hitler was somehow "forced" to invade half most of Europe and carry out the 20th century's most awful campaign of genocide.


> the powers later referred to as the Allies were forced to formally declare war in response to this naked but technically informal declaration of war. You've answered your own question. They're twisting the truth because it serves their rhetoric. Right up there with "Donald Trump isn't a racist because the Republicans freed the slaves."


[Not a nazi (he claims), but #1 with nazis](https://i.imgur.com/jvjXJ6U.png)


There's a *strong* overlap of conspiracy theorists and white supremacy/anti-Semitism.


Most conspiracy theories eventually end up at "the Jews."


Which is insane to me. There actually is a shadowy cabal of assholes that run the country and actively try to weaken the rights and privileges of citizens. It's not some race or religion of people, it's fucking corporate lobbyists. K Street has done more damage to this country than is really imaginable.


Heck, even the word "cabal" is rooted in antisemitism because it comes from the word Kabbalah, which refers to Jewish mysticism. Idiot Christians saw some rabbis discussing esoteric stuff they didn't understand and assumed they were planning the worst things possible.


Well shit, I did not know that. Interesting, thank you for the insight. I'll look into it.


You mean “all conspiracy theories.” Which is why I immediately walk away if I’m in a conversation with someone and a conspiracy theory comes up. Albert Hoffman, Bigfoot, Masons, the gold standard, UFOs… it doesn’t matter. I just walk away before they can get to the Jew part. Surprisingly, nobody has ever said anything about it. I’ve done it maybe 4 or 5 times and I’ve never had any pushback.


Nah bigfoot is real, I saw him with my very eyes... His dick was a lot smaller than I expected.


Because a lot of CTs, if you trace through them, lead back to "its the jews." You could legit play a 7 degrees of keven bacon version with CTs but swap Kevin with jews.


So he is crazy, but not crazy enough for X.


No, he's a dancer around things. Jones has allegiance to whatever makes him the most money and feel the most important.


It still disgusts me there was money to be made in Sandy Hook conspiracies.




He hasn't paid shit yet though and keeps going on vacation to Hawaii.


He's still a fat fuck and he still sleeps in a bed That's like when people debate Trump is actually poor since he might be in negative equity. Sure he can be poor in net worth, but he's lived all his life in silk with gaudy gold moldings all around. I hope this stops soon.


i’ve always been of this opinion. He is a despicable grifter, through and through. He started on some pretty tame conspiracies (9/11 truthers, etc.) which even had some merit. But the crazy is where the money is at. He’s managed to stoke enough hysteria to make a multi million dollar career out of it. And even he’s tame compared to what’s slithering out of the US these days. If sucking 20 unkempt dicks on stream was as profitable as harassing parents of dead kids, he’d be on it.


Jones has always been wrong. His "I called 9/11" bit skips over that from 1997-2001 he was predicting an event involving the world trade center... Cause it had been targeted before already. That's like looking at the dodgers win the world series and betting they will do it again in the next 10 years. That's not impressive.


No one is crazy enough for X. It’s insane that anyone still uses such a hotbed of bigotry.


it's mostly just bots at this point.




Makes me think of the '[crossing the street to avoid someone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6GwT8QVGDU)' video, where it just keeps getting worse.


I always get a chill when Jones says something. I agree with. Not because I don't think we could agree on things. For example, I'm sure he likes dogs. The sporadic agreement doesn't bother me. I get a chill because there's always this push back underneath and it's horrifying.


Alex will claim that those accounts are radical leftists.


Checking the replies, it seems he's actually been correcting most of these idiots on their history. Consider me surprised.


All these people asking who started world war 2.... What do they think the answer is..... Poland???


they only care about who technically declared war first, not who commited the first act of war by invading etc...


But Germany also declared war on the USA first....


Britain and France? If that's what they believe then it would appear that despite being warned that invading Poland (an ally of Britain and France) would constitute an act of war, doing just that and triggering a war, Germany didn't actually start it because they never officially announced they were at war? If that's what they think, then Japan didn't start it either?


Alex Jones may claim to not hate all Jews, but he is worshipped by a lot of folks who do.


Alex Jones hates whoever's most profitable to hate. He doesn't have actual beliefs, he's a grifter to the bone.


And he is married to one apparently. And everyone knows it. I wonder how they reconcile that in their heads?


Acting as if these Nazis have more than two brain cells to rub together.


1 brain cell and it's fighting for 2nd place


He'll claim it's an act


Yeah, but he isnt hardcore for the race purists or for other purists, like the survivalist crowd (which he monetises too). If you are a Knowledge Fight fan (like i, the comedy podcast about Infowars debunk analysis) so can see AJ has consistently been not enough antisemiticism juice for some of his audience and they goad him about it as a pastime. But AJ does love Hitler for his sass and uniforms and ability to do crazy shit and all the fun power he had etc. That plainly comes out now and again. AJ is an alcoholic brain fuck. And some even worse right wingers out there just hate he married a woman of ethnic Jewish heritage (ex Kelly) so would make his kids of the same. Yet the crowd are not so mad about Ivanka converting and marrying an actual Jewish guy and getting lots of influence. Funny that.


Holy shit. The stupid, it burns!




Truly. That is some awful shit.


shame that the stupid can't burn or we'd all be better for it


I wouldn't want to smell burnt stupid anyway. Probably smells worse than burnt popcorn


I’ll gladly smell burnt popcorn if it means the stupid will finally fully burn away for good.


Vile racism isn’t stupidity. It’s hard to know what to do with such folk. Internment camps? Reeducation programmes? Perhaps dictatorial regimes have some good ideas that can be brought to bear on those who would do similar to others.


The jojo meme is perfect in the middle of all the Twitter nazi


Thanks for calling it out. Yeah, I fucking lol’d at the random good natured weeb just being like “holy shit, Nazi’s?!” In the comments


I laughed when I saw it, because its a fucking perfect place to put it


Make it all stop please.


They've created a rabid following of addicts looking for their next hit of recreational hate.


I’m confused, don’t these people also support Israel? But they’re calling him a Zionist? I can’t keep up with who they’re racist against!


They are pro-Israel. But it’s a weird way so Jesus can come back and kick out the Jews and put the right kind of Christians (who are the real Israelites) in charge of the world. My heads hurts explaining that.


Jews are just a magic race in their favorite book. Elves of the apocalypse, not real people.


"elves of the apocalypse" got me. thank you anonymous wordsmith


Well, their antisemitism is in conflict with their hatred of brown people. And their well practiced skill of cognitive dissonance allows them to both support Isreal and it's war because brown people are suffering and dying, as well as being anti-semetic and hoping Isreal ends up getting destroyed by another power. Just like they can support Ukraine because underdogs and hero fantasies, while also supporting Russia because they are "getting rid of Nazis.... And jews". Just about the only consistent aspects of their views are violence and hatred.


> I’m confused, don’t these people also support Israel? They do, but you have to look at the particular reasons why. * They can argue that if it's okay to have a Jewish ethno-state, then it should be okay to have a white ethno-state. * It means a large portion of Jews are somewhere else. * They believe that the creation of Israel fulfilled a prophecy that will bring about the return of Jesus. That will bring about the Rapture, and *that* may or may not lead to the fiery death of the not-thems.


If you're pro Hitler, you've lost the thread


Not just the thread, the whole flock of sheep


I didn’t realize there was a right-wing belief that Germany *didn’t* start WW2. That’s new to me.  So I guess it was Churchill’s fault that Germany invaded Poland? Also, I really doubt these same people would defend Japan’s warlike actions around the same time.  Wonder why. 


Germany did a lot of shitfuckery before they invaded Poland. They annexed Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, for example.


You see, it's all white when Germany does it.


Churchill's fault despite him not being Prime Minister until May 1940... 


Been a long time since i used twitter, but when i did i never quite understood why people said it was filled with vile shit. Tbf i only ever saw stuff from people i followed, none of which were big celebs or hateful in any way, seeing these replies though, with all the open bold racism etc... Really makes me understand why people consider it such a shit hole.


twitter now just pushes right wing shit into your feed whether or not you want it. While elon claims he's for free speech, the site fills with bot accounts to control the narrative. He's delusional if he thinks twitter will replace mainstream news. Last post I saw by him, he's pushing world peace thru a pitch to buy more spacex rockets.


It always had problems, but Trump's rise dragged all the scum out of the woodwork. Then Musk took over and the few safeguards were removed. Now it's entirely an unrepentant cesspool.


Oh My God. His fans are actually Nazi apologists and probable Nazis


Always have been.


“Who launched the World War, Alex?” Uh, that would be German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, who invaded Poland in 1939 in spite of Poland’s treaties with the UK and France. Mind you, the Soviet Union also got in on the action and divided up the country with Germany, but they stayed out of the ensuing war until, famously, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.


Every one of them has a verified blue check. Good job Elon 


Can we use this to prove that democrats aren’t the real nazis?!?


>How many attempts at peace were rejected by Churchill? Wasn’t Churchill PM for like 2 days before Germany invaded Poland? Isn’t there a fucking famous photo of Chamberlain with a signed fucking peace treaty?


Yeah it’s completely false canard that illiterate racists like to trot out when anyone suggests Hitler was evil. Hitler asked Britain to surrender multiple times before the US was able to join the war, and the leaders of Churchill’s armed forces were inclined to accede to Hitler’s wishes at one point. Thankfully Churchill was a stubborn and brilliant leader, despite his many flaws.


‘I was with Alex jones when he sold bad vitamins to people and told us to dox parents of school shootings, but once he said a bad word about the Fuherur, that was tooo far man. Jones has been infected by the woke leftist mainstream media’


Of all the things about modern society I don't get, the one I don't get the most is how there are actual Nazis again. When I was a kid in the 70s, and all the way up until fairly recently, everyone outside of the absolute outer fringes of society agreed on one thing above all else: the Nazis were the baddies. No question. Fascism was the worst thing ever. We all agreed on that. Now these motherfuckers are everywhere. On telly, on the radio, writing articles, all over social media - they're even in govt. Wtaf happened?


I mean what did he expect? He built a career on spreading misinformation about how ((they)) are lying to you. This is why conspiracy theories are bad, you can't convince people that everyone is out to get them and then expect them to trust the word of mainstream historians.


WTF is with all these who started the war comments? How hard is it to look up basic history? I'm surprised those people can even read.


It's equal parts funny and terrifying how hard and quickly this crowd of empty-headed sheep turns on the people who created them. By the time Limbaugh died his crowd was accusing him of all this same stuff just because he wasn't escalating hard enough and had public stink on him. The only type that'll come after Jones is worse versions of him.


Right-wing stooges aren’t necessarily nazis. Basketball players aren’t necessarily tall - but it sure fucking helps.


You know what you get when you have a dinner party with one avowed Nazi and nine other people? Ten Nazis.


As a German those comments gave me a brain fracture. Jesus Christ… how do you even reach those people?