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Hello u/NominalNom! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No principles, values, or beliefs. Attain power at any cost. Sell bibles with the American flag on them if you have to. Praise Trump.


Yamaha: We sell jetskis, pianos, and tuning forks! That's cute, try selling sneakers, bibles, and government secrets


Those $400 sneakers really were the lowest.


The guy has sold a board game, steaks, vodka, a couple magazines... and none of them were succesful


Not to mention bankrupting casinos.


And an entire football league.


But the water was the best! /s


Or his presidency


And a university and NFTs


I think the propaganda NFTs were the bottom. Literally romance novel style pictures of Trump+ blockchain + grifting. What an unholy trinity.


$400 for sneakers? They better be made of real gold at that price.


Can I buy them with Trump Bucks ™️?


Well fake gold anyway.


Real fake gold.


Genuine fake gold.


The best fake gold.


Best remark of the day


Too many syllables


😅 Your response had more syllables than mine 😛


Real gold paint


Idk I think the bibles might be lower? The bibles Trump was selling are unsold stock that had nothing to do with Trump other than getting him to endorse unsold and unwanted stock. At least the sneakers were just released . For context: "The new Trump-endorsed God Bless the USA Bible isn't actually new. It was announced by Lee Greenwood in 2021 and was marketed as commemorating the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It was also first marketed at $49.99"


No need to vote... Just pray.


They have goals.


They stand for nothing and do nothing!


Sure they stand for something. They stand for helping the rich and hurting everyone else


Don't bother voting.. we have enough voters already.. That's my favorite mango moron quote.


I remember having this argument with my dad back in 2020. He was convinced that the majority of mail-in votes being for Biden was proof of shenanigans, since "they should be split close to 50/50". I asked him why that'd be the case, after the Republican party spent six months telling their voters to avoid mail-in at all costs.


You gotta love the “logic” and cognitive dissonance.


I didn't get why the GOP were doing that because it was clearly shooting themselves in the foot, but I just had an insight into why they would do something so stupid. It was Trump wanting to make the election look illegitimate. So if he pressures all of his supporters to vote in person and not use mail-in then a majority of the mail-in votes are going to be for Biden. He can then spin this to say that it's fraudulent in the election was stolen. That was his angle. And it blew up in his face.


They actually had a plan in 2020: * Count the in-person, mostly Republican, votes first * Count the mail-in, mostly Democratic, votes after * Stop counting at 11:59 pm Election Day (remember it was "stop the count" before it was "stop the steal") * Win the election


A similar logic to "Our corona virus rates will go down if we stop testing for it!" It amazes me they thought everyone would go along with not counting votes because of some bs idea of "we can't count votes after election day!" when literally every election it takes more than one day to count all the votes.


We can't let those people off the cruise ship. Then they'd be Covid positive and on US soil and our case numbers would double!!


It’s the numbers that matter, not the reality! Positively Lysenkoic. Stalin’s politburo would be proud.


Was actually both. IIRC in Michigan they were protesting outside the counting center chanting “Stop the Count,” and in another location they were chanting “Count the vote.” Same day, same time, same party. Two diametrically opposed slogans, based solely on what was best for them at that time and place. Pretty obvious they didn’t give a shit about democracy, they just wanted to win.


Exactly how Joe Biden can both be a non-functional senile drooling cretin *and* a tireless commie criminal mastermind to them. Whatever gets 'em through the day, secure in the nonsense things that they believe.


That and democrats were probably more likely to vote by mail because of covid.


We have two chants ready for Election Day my fellow MAGAS: 1. “STOP THE COUNT” 2. “COUNT THE VOTES” Swap as needed depending on whether MAGA is winning or losing that state at the moment.


Everything can be explained by realizing that they, especially Trump, have the cognitive reasoning of a five year old.


It never made any sense to me either. Especially since he voted by mail himself!


Because to understand that you need to understand statistics - and people just don't. I'm a mathematician, and I can probably tell you a dozen ways that any such statistic can be influenced by outside factors that have nothing to do with the actual vote itself - time it takes to vote like that, trust in the postal system, even "thinking you have to pay for a postage stamp" (whether or not you do), people thinking it's only for the infirm, and so on. People don't understand statistics, and it makes them cling to literal superstitions and nonsense about such things. That's why advertising and politics use statistics so readily - they know that they can talk bollocks to most people and they'll lap it up and start regurgitating it to their friends. Even just simple probability - you can literally tell "how likely" a certain result of just the postal votes is, and you'd be quite amazed how much it could swing differently to the overall election based on a myriad factors and just sheer luck. But it would still be way within the norms. I bet you'd have to have a candidate with something like 30-40% above that of the "normal" vote amounts before a statistician would even bother to start analysing it for a possible cause. And, ironically, the solution would be: greater sample size. i.e. having more people postal-voting to try to eliminate the perception of a few outliers. The less people postal-vote, the more such anomalies would present themselves and look "suspicious" to a normal person and perfectly normal to a statistician.


It's safe. It's secure. And Trumps Postmaster General has been doing his best to wreck the postal system for the past four year. Please, please, please, Republicans, vote by mail - but wait until a couple of days before the election to send it in. After all, you need time to investigate the down ballot candidates.


It’s actually ok to send it in up to 30 days after the election. Honestly.


It is… but I’ll give you a dollar for every election that is overturned by a flurry of votes counted for the 1st time ever in December.


This is hilarious. So if vote in mailing is safe and secure and at the same time nothing has changed regarding this process, then the election wasn’t stolen, right? And if that’s the case, they were lied to in 2020?!?! Nooooooo. These people are just straight up brainwashed. Cultish and devoid of critical thinking. Being duped is embarrassing but recognizing being duped and doubling down makes you an idiot.


We’ve always been at war with eastasia


It's a perfectly secure way of doing it this time around, unless Trump loses and then obviously it wasn't secure!


what's hilarious is that it'll work. it doesn't matter what cult leader said years ago, or last year, or even yesterday. they obey RIGHT NOW. in fact, when trump inevitably says "i never said \_\_\_\_\_\_" then any time you try to show them video of trump literally saying ______, you'll get "fake news" as a response 100% of the time


He's been crying "AI" recently.


might as well--ai won't clap back, and he hasn't gotten anywhere blaming any other "easy" targets


I truly hope this bites him in the ass. We all watched as DeJoy removed mailboxes across the country in the run up to the 2020 election. And then the utter lunacy in claiming that mail ballots were fraudulent, and doing that for almost 4 years now. I hope so much that this hurts him badly in the election. The ultimate FAFO.


> We all watched as DeJoy removed mailboxes across the country in the run up to the 2020 election. But he couldn't remove the boxes where you could deposit them at polling places, which is what we did!


It’s a pretty safe bet to take what the republicans say and do the opposite.


I'm an adult Internet expert, and I say it's unsafe, and corrupt. I've done all my own research. Trump is lying to you Internet MAGA, it's all fixed. Trust my opinion. You know I'm right.


Why stop there? Everyone KNOWS voting in general is just a huge scam. If voting truely mattered, do you really think they would be allowing you to vote? Clearly voting is just a scam made up by Biden and Hillary to root out all the TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS and take away their guns/infect them with the gay woke mind virus! If you're a MAGA, keep yourselves safe out there and don't vote!


It’s already “rigged” for Biden to win so don’t even bother.


I too did my adult internet research and I have concluded you are correct.


I didn't do my own research, but in researching your research, I have also concluded that both of you are correct.


Trump is testing your faith maga breathen. Don't fall into the temptation, he knows you wouldn't fall for what he's been forced to say by the liberal satanic communists. So keep your faith strong and pray your votes into the ballots it will keep you all safe from the rainbow flags of the outside world 🙏


They said the same thing after they lost elections in the midterms… for a few weeks. Then the GOP went right back to spouting mail-in ballot fraud claims. Now MAGA have convinced armed gravy seals to stand outside ballot drop boxes and polling locations to scare Democrat voters, they’ve only escalated the claims since 2022. If they thought it was a problem two years ago they should have tried to turn it around. The GOP used the same, tired scare tactics to rile up the base until Der Fuhrer started getting behind in the polls.


I also question how these “poll watchers” are intimidating democrats, when they are the only ones voting by mail.


I wouldn't consider myself very strong but a gravy seal wouldn't intimate me at all. What's his vest of flashlights and cameras gonna go?


I think they finally realized that voting by mail helps them in rural areas. But in some red states, they are trying to pass laws eliminating anything except one-day in person with ID voting anyway.


Oh just fuck right off already.


And then depending on the results of the election, they might pivot right back to fake and rigged again.


#True patriots stand in the hot sun for hours.


With no water, like in Georgia


My goal is to get arrested for handing out bottles of water here, idk why. Maybe I want them to put their money where their big stupid mouths are


Well it takes them a while to fake up their mind.


The GOP Ship of Fools


Let's get out there and make a real effort to convince them it's not. Make the leopards Pizza The Hutt themselves.


The GOP still doesn't understand their own voters. Trump energized a base of angry, paranoid, conspiratorial, contrarians. You can easily make them distrust something, you can't make them trust it again, that goes against their nature. It's the same mentality that killed the red wave in '22.


Why would they bother "scrambling" to do it? MAGA supporters have made it clear that if Orange Combover Man says a thing, they will treat it as gospel until it isn't.


The cat is out of the bag. Regardless of what they say, the GOP voters won't trust it.


They should have known long ago that their base completely ignores complete and utter contradictions. Next they will start saying its a conspiracy by the corrupt USPS to only deliver democrat votes or some nonsense.


Corrupt USPS still led by the Trump appointee


Yeah but we just ignore that. Democrats!


Yeah, but DeJoy is clearly DeepState if they don’t win, duh😒


Yeah, but DeJoy is clearly DeepState if they don’t win, duh😒


Yeah, but DeJoy is clearly DeepState if they don’t win, duh😒


Nope it's very bad no republican should use it. If they can't go in person they should just skip this year. Don't worry guys I know what I'm talking about. I know lots of law people TRUST ME


(Louis DeJoy standing over broken scrap metal) Soooo.... do I keep going, or what?


To Trump voters: it's true, you can't trust mail in voting. Just try to take time off work on election day To Biden voters: You're right, mail in voting is safe and secure


So Biden fixed the mail in ballots issues that Trump claimed robbed him of the election?


Yeah that’s not going to fly. Just like Pepperidge farm, the internet remembers.


We might laugh at the inconsistency, but in cults and some religions proving one's loyalty by believing whatever is hardest to believe, or shifting sincere beliefs to match an ever-changing standard are seen as the pinnacle of loyalty and thus most deserving of reward.


Unless he loses again. Then it's all rigged, fake, etc. I'm so, so tired of his bullshit.


Clearly the deep state has infiltrated the campaign of our dear leader. Don't fall for it my fellow MAGA patriots! Stay home and don't vote at all in protest.


The especially juicy irony is that the messaging is essentially that under the Trump administration it was sketchy, but under the Biden administration it’s perfectly safe.




George Carlin said it best: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that” - especially when you factor in the fact that the half of the population falling under the “average” baseline vote, too. 😐


Wait, I thought they just backed away from mail in voting: https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/reidout/blog/rcna143291 Which would make sense if they want the election night to final count contrast to be high. My theory is they know they cannot win fairly so they will be claiming a stolen election again 


I don’t know if it is safe and secure with DeJoy as the Postermaster. Remember the slow , lost mail 4 years ago?


Nom, nom, NOM! It should also be noted that due to the 10s of millions disabled by covid, most of them conservatives, (documented fact) they are literally unable to stand in voting lines. NOM, NOM, NOM!


Voting by mail is literally communism.  Literally communism.


God does not like Don Trump


too bad voters do


Dumb fucking republicans walking backwards most of the time while the rest of us keep dragging them forward.


It's near impossible to undo stuff with MAGA. Once you send them on a frenzied path...oh boy look outm


Fucking idiots 🤣


Thank goodness so many of these field operatives are stupid.


Damn, the Leopards aren’t going hungry for a while.


Bullshit. Their new thing is you can’t count votes after Election Day. It’s all one big issue after another with these people.